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Lost Star

Page 10

by Hawke, Morgan

  Seht smiled. “Yes, yes, I know.” He slid a hand up Aubrey’s ribs. “You are severely undernourished, and your body is still processing. You have yet to reach your full strength.” He slid his fingers into Aubrey’s overgrown hair and watched the strands slip through. “I simply enjoy touching you.” His brow lifted, and his gaze focused. “You should go back to sleep. We leave for my ship at sunset.”

  Aubrey groaned. “I don’t know if I can sleep.” He was dead tired, sure, but his thoughts were a snarled mess from all that had happened since he’d been pulled from the tank.

  “Aubrey…” Seht caught Aubrey’s chin and stared hard into his eyes. “Sleep.


  Blackness crashed over Aubrey’s mind.

  Interstellar Service & Discipline: Lost Star


  Chapter Twelve

  Aubrey tugged on his ship-suit, watching Seht shove everything back into his backpack. He zipped the suit closed. The baggy thing seemed to fit better. Had it shrunk in the rain? Must be really cheap material. He turned to look over at Seht and frowned. “Seht, did you make me sleep?”

  Seht turned around and shoved a squeeze bottle of protein drink into Aubrey’s hand. “Yes.”

  Yes? Aubrey set the bottle beside him and pulled on his boots. Seht just told him to sleep…and he slept? He rose to his feet and swallowed a mouthful of the protein drink.

  He didn’t know what to think about that.

  Seht shouldered his pack and the bolt rifle. “We need to move quickly. I do not know if Moribund is still searching for you.” He strode for the cave entrance.

  Aubrey sighed and followed. “Hopefully, they think I dropped dead.”

  Seht flashed a fanged smile over his shoulder. “One can hope.”

  Aubrey stepped out among the tall rocks and stared up at a puke green and rancid orange sky. “At least it’s not raining.”

  Seht looked at his wristband. “Not at the moment, but we should hurry if we wish to arrive dry.”

  The march out of the ravine was steep but not particularly difficult. Aubrey’s boots pinched his toes. At first it was merely an annoyance, but the farther they walked, the worse it got.

  Seht stopped in the middle of the brush-lined path. “Take off your boots.”

  Aubrey stopped and stared at Seht’s back. “Huh?”

  Seht turned around and scowled. “Your boots are hurting your feet. Take them off.”


  Morgan Hawke

  Aubrey frowned. How? Oh yeah, the damned telepathic collar. “You think going barefoot is going to be any easier?”

  “For you, yes.” Seht sighed. “Your feet will callus very quickly; you heal that fast.

  For the same reason, leaving your feet in those undersized boots could cause your bones to form improperly.”

  Aubrey frowned. “Cause my bones to form improperly?”

  Seht rolled his eyes. “You are developing under the influence of the injections. The nanites are still active in your body.”

  “Oh…” Aubrey sat on the path to pull off his boots.

  Seht folded his arms. “Haven’t you noticed? You have already gained in height.”

  Aubrey stilled. “I have?” He was taller? No, he hadn’t noticed.

  Seht snorted. “Quickly. I must get to my barque and return to the warship before Lord Syrhus sends out a search party.” He looked back up the path. “If he has not already.”

  Aubrey tossed his boots into the bushes and rose to his feet. He wriggled his toes.

  They felt better already. “Who’s this Lord Syrhus?”

  Seht turned away and continued up the near-invisible path. “Lord Syrhus is the captain of the warship, my cousin, and the husband of my exalted sister.”

  Aubrey frowned. His cousin had married his sister? “So that makes him, your…brother-in-law?” Or was he an uncle? Aubrey trotted after Seht. The ground wasn’t exactly comfortable to walk on, but at least his toes weren’t being pinched.

  Seht sighed. “My sister is Hedjhyt, the crown princess and heir to the throne.

  Syrhus is her Atehf, prince consort.” He looked back over his shoulder at Aubrey. “And someone you do not speak to or make eye contact with.” He looked forward. “In fact, if you are addressed by any Skeldhi, it would be best if you did not speak at all, merely bow to acknowledge their attention; it’s polite.”

  “Bow to be polite, I can do that.” Aubrey shook his head. “Wait a minute… Your sister is the crown princess? What does that make you?”

  Seht shoved a bush out of his way. “It makes me Deshryt, a blood-prince.”

  Aubrey tripped over nothing in particular. “You’re a… prince?”

  Seht shrugged. “It does not amount to much more than a small palace by the sea.

  The females rule our government and control commerce, so a male is only as good as the battles he can win and the daughters he can produce.”

  Aubrey frowned. “That sounds kind of…crappy.”

  Seht chuckled. “It is not so bad.” He adjusted the pack slung over his shoulders. “I am serving on my brother-in-law’s warship in preparation to become captain of my own.”

  “Oh…” Aubrey puzzled over what else Seht had mentioned. “And I’m not supposed to talk to Lord Syrhus or look him in the eye?”

  Interstellar Service & Discipline: Lost Star


  “Do not look any Skeldhis directly in the eye; they’ll take it as a direct challenge.

  Do not show your teeth for exactly the same reason, even in a smile.”

  Aubrey snorted. “What if I want to challenge them?”

  Seht turned sharply and snarled. “Do you want to end up in a muzzle?”

  Aubrey jerked to a startled halt. “A…what?”

  Seht’s gaze narrowed. “Rehkyt that bite are kept bound and in muzzles, in the same fashion as a canine that bites.”

  A chill raised the small hairs on the back of Aubrey’s neck. “You’re shitting me.”

  Seht’s jaw tightened. “No, I am not.”

  Crap! Aubrey swallowed. “Okay, all right… No biting.”

  Seht nodded. “Good.” He turned and started up the path. “Hands above the waist are also a sign of aggression, so keep your hands below your waist, unless ordered to do otherwise. Your place is one step back and only on my left side, so as not to interfere with my sword-draw.”

  Aubrey frowned. “You wear a sword?”

  Seht smiled briefly. “Normally, yes. I wished to travel light, so most of my weapons, and my armor, are still in my barque.”

  Aubrey blinked. Swords and armor? “Will I get to use a sword?”

  Seht shoved his way into a clump of spiny brush. “I can arrange for training. In fact, I probably should arrange for upuaht training, though you might not like it.”

  Aubrey followed him into the bushes. “Why not?”

  “Rehkyt training is done by nehkyx. The word means ‘whip.’ You would remain with them and be under their complete control until they decide you have mastered what they have to teach you. Normally that would be for several months, at the very least. Some training takes years to master.”

  Aubrey shrugged. “Sounds like any other school.”

  Seht turned and frowned at Aubrey. “Do you normally service your instructors?”

  “Service?” Aubrey blinked. “You mean have sex with them?” A sour smile curled his lip. “From what I hear, it’s not unusual for an Academy instructor to bend a student over their desk.”

  Seht’s brows lifted. “Is that so?”

  Aubrey shook his head. “It’s not something I ever had to deal with. I didn’t go to the military academy.” Dad wasn’t that rich. He’d had public school all the way.

  “I see…” Seht pursed his lips. “If I turn you over to a nehkyx, sexual service is not only expected, it is required.”

  “Required?” Aubrey tripped. He’d have to have sex with somebody other than Seht? He could barely deal with having sex with
Seht. He wasn’t sure he could deal with anybody else. He swallowed. “Seriously?”


  Morgan Hawke

  Seht shrugged. “A rehkyt’s mental and physical health depends on regular sexual release. The nehkyx is expected to handle those needs in place of the absent master.”

  Aubrey groaned. “Oh, come on, I can always just jerk off.”

  Seht snorted. “Not anymore. Your body will no longer achieve orgasm that way.”

  Aubrey froze in midstep. “Say what?” He stared at Seht.

  Seht shrugged. “You are rehkyt. You need more stimuli to achieve orgasm than that.”

  Aubrey frowned. That sounded like a load of crap if ever he’d heard one. “So what kind of…stimuli are we talking about here?”

  Seht smiled, showing fangs. “I will take great pleasure in showing you.”

  Aubrey snorted. “Now you’re just teasing me.”

  “Which reminds me…” Seht held up a finger. “No one touches you without my express permission. Not even Lord Syrhus.” He turned to look at Aubrey. “You are mine, and mine alone.”

  Aubrey lifted a brow. “Okay…” Was he supposed to be happy or scared?

  Seht shoved farther into the brush. “This means that if you prove troublesome to others, I will bear the brunt of your disgrace.” He turned and shot a narrow look at Aubrey. “After which I will take my ire out on your skin.”

  Aubrey couldn’t help but smile. “What are you going to do, beat me?”

  “Yes.” Seht smiled right back, showing his complete set of fangs. “I did not wear my whip, as I did not have a personal rehkyt, but I will be sure to introduce you to it at our first convenient moment.”

  Aubrey’s smile evaporated. “What, are you actually looking forward to beating me?”

  Seht’s evil smile widened. “I am quite sure that you will look spectacular dancing under my whip.” He frowned. “As soon as you gain a bit more muscle.”

  “Uh…” The hair on Aubrey’s neck rose, and yet a small curl of heat spilled downward. He frowned. If he didn’t know better, he’d think his body wanted to be whipped.

  Seht chuckled and moved up the path. “I assure you, you will enjoy it.”

  Aubrey jerked back. “Enjoy what? Being whipped?”

  Seht slid between two tall rocks. “Rehkyt are designed to need extreme stimuli as much as they need sex.”

  Aubrey followed after him frowning. Extreme stimuli and sex? “You’re saying I’m designed to be…kinky?”

  “Yes.” Seht turned sharply to scowl at Aubrey. “And obedient.”

  Aubrey jerked to an abrupt halt. “Yes, Syr!” He froze, shocked. That had come out of his mouth purely by reflex. Crap… He’s deeper in my head than I thought.

  Seht smiled sweetly and reached out to pat Aubrey on the head. “Good, pet.”

  Interstellar Service & Discipline: Lost Star


  Aubrey scowled and glared at Seht’s back. Fine, rub it in.

  Two steps ahead of him, Seht chuckled.

  Aubrey plucked a leaf from a nearby bush. “So what am I supposed to do, as your pet?” He tossed the leaf and scowled after it.

  Seht shoved a branch out of his way. “What is expected of you is very much like any pet you might have had.”

  “Oh, really?” Aubrey snorted and followed him. “Does this mean I have to stay off the furniture?”

  “Yes.” Seht didn’t even look back.

  Aubrey choked. “That was a joke!”

  “Actually, it is not. You are to kneel by my feet when I am seated.”

  What the hell…? Heat flashed at the back of Aubrey’s skull. He winced and rubbed just at his hairline. His fingers brushed the collar. Collars, muzzles, no sitting on the furniture… Just how far did the Skeldhi take this human pet…thing? “Do I have to wear a leash too?”

  “On occasion.” Seht didn’t even look back.

  Aubrey’s mind went utterly blank for three whole breaths. “Seht, I’m not an animal.”

  Seht continued to walk. “You are no longer human.”

  Aubrey trotted to catch up to him. “I know that, but I’m not some dangerous, insane beast either!”

  Seht shook his head. “That remains to be seen.”

  Aubrey curled his lip. “Give it a freaking break!”

  Seht laughed and lengthened his stride. “You are most definitely feeling better.”

  Aubrey followed Seht out of the ravine at full dark. At least, he was pretty sure it was full dark. He could see the occasional star twinkling between clouds, and there wasn’t a trace of sunlight. However, it didn’t seem exactly…dark. He had no problems seeing anything, even in deep shadow.

  Seht lifted his head and looked about. His snowy hair practically glowed. “It seems clear, but we should proceed with caution.” He pointed. “My barque is at the base of that rock formation.”

  Aubrey frowned at the tall, jagged rocks Seht seemed to be indicating. He saw stunted trees and some low shrubs, but that was all. “I don’t see a ship.”

  Seht leaned close. “If you look carefully, you’ll notice that the air seems…heavier just at the base of the tallest stone?”

  Aubrey frowned. The air did seem to be wavering a little. “It just looks like rising heat.”

  Seht nodded. “The barque is currently reflecting its surroundings as camouflage.”


  Morgan Hawke

  Aubrey’s brows lifted. “That’s an interesting trick.” He’d never seen a ship blend in with its surroundings so well. “What, is it mimetic or something?”

  “Yes, that also.” Seht eased down into the thinner scrub. “Keep your voice down.”

  Aubrey frowned and mentally thumbed through his internal files. Mimetic objects shape-changed, some on only a small scale, such as a live-steel sword that would always retain its edge, but some ships were capable of making themselves actually seamless and mirror smooth. He moved to Seht’s left side and pitched his voice to a low whisper. “You’re saying the ship’s entire hull is nano-enhanced?”

  “Actually the entire ship is mimetic, inside and out.” Seht smiled, flashing a long tooth. “Extremely difficult to steal.”

  Aubrey pursed his lips. “I could see how that would pose a problem to joyriders.”

  To get on board, he’d literally have to negotiate with the ship’s artificial intelligence. He was pretty sure he had a subroutine that might work…

  Seht frowned at him.

  Aubrey wiped his thoughts from his mind and pasted on the most innocent smile he could summon, while carefully concealing his teeth. “What?”

  Seht shook his head and sighed. “You are clearly going to be a handful.”

  Aubrey snorted. “Wouldn’t want you to get bored.”

  Seht shot a narrowed look Aubrey’s way. “You definitely need a beating.”

  Aubrey smiled. “You know, my dad used to say that a lot.” The scent of musty, sweaty cloth caught Aubrey’s attention. It smelled familiar. It smelled like…his ship-suit. He frowned. “Why do I smell…?”

  Seht jerked to a halt and lifted his nose. “Damn!” He turned and dived at Aubrey, arms wide.

  Aubrey didn’t have a chance to react. He was slammed onto the ground, landing hard on his back with Seht on top of him. The air woofed out of his lungs. He gasped in a breath.

  Seht shoved his hand over Aubrey’s mouth. “Do not speak aloud.” He looked to the side, peering through the undergrowth, and eased the bolt rifle from his shoulder. “It seems that Moribund has yet to give up on you.”

  Aubrey’s eyes opened wide. Seht’s words were crystal clear in his head, but he knew for a fact he hadn’t actually heard a thing. “Telepathy?”

  “Of course.” Seht glanced at Aubrey. “You have a good nose.” He smiled. “You caught scent of them before I did.”

  Rocks scattered loudly. “What?” The voice was breathy, masculine, and sounded close.

  Aubrey turned to look through the brush but did
n’t see anything.

  “I thought I saw something.” The other voice was just as breathy, as though they were attempting to whisper.

  Interstellar Service & Discipline: Lost Star


  About four body lengths away, the brush moved. A man wearing foot soldier battle armor stepped out from behind the brush. The visor on his helmet glowed green, indicating that his night-sight was active. The green light gleamed along the long barrel of his bolt rifle. “That kid has to be dead by now. There is no way he could have survived this atmosphere this long.”

  A smaller man followed him from the scrub, also in armor and wearing a night-sighted helmet. He looked about. The barrel of his rifle pointed where Seht and Aubrey lay concealed, then passed. “So we’re looking for a body, right?”

  Aubrey frowned. Their voices sounded a hell of a lot closer than they actually were.

  “A dark-haired and scrawny body.” The first guy moved farther into the open.

  “So if it’s moving and has white hair, shoot it.”

  “A body, huh?” The smaller man turned back on his companion and began walking backward, clearly covering for his partner. “And what are we supposed to do with this body, carry it all the way back?”

  The first guy turned and held up a black bag. “We only need the head, stupid.”

  “And if the kid is still alive?”

  The larger man shrugged and continued progressing through the brush, his boots making an incredible amount of crunching noises. “We bring the brat back with us.”

  The smaller man snorted. “It’d be easier to just bring the head back. Accidents can happen, you know.”

  The larger man shook his head. “I heard he plans to tap that brain. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t want that kid to have a memory of me shooting him.” He nodded significantly. “Not when he prefers that kid alive.” The two mercenaries stepped among the taller rocks and out of sight.


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