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She Took My Heart and Went Crazy

Page 13

by A'zayler

  “You drunk, ain’t you?” He smiled at her.


  “Yeah, you are.” He nodded before closing the door.

  Killian walked around the front of his car and got in. East turned in her seat to face him as soon as he began to drive. He could feel her eyes as he drove but pretended he didn’t. In the back of his mind, he hoped she would forget to ask him about Sheena and their past, but that would have been just too much like right.

  “So, tell me about Sheena. Why does she hate you like that? Because once you get past the rude stuff that comes out of your mouth, you’re actually too nice not to like,” East babbled.

  “Sheena is just crazy as fuck.”

  “So are you, so tell me what’s up.” East kicked her heels off as she waited.

  “You want to talk about this right now? While you’re drunk?” He looked over at her for clarification.

  East tucked one of her feet beneath her butt and went back to looking at him. “Forget being drunk, I want to talk about this while I’m not in love with you. Niggas love to wait until you’re in too deep with their ass to get out to tell you some fucked up stuff.” East shook her head adamantly, even waving her hands in front of her face for emphasis. “Been there, done that. You won’t get me.”

  “Been there with who? Jesse?” Killian looked at her before turning on the street toward his place.

  “Don’t worry about me. We’re still on you.” East squinted at him and pointed her finger in his face. “Don’t try to distract me.”

  Killian chuckled at her drunken state. “I ain’t distracting you, I’m just asking you questions like you’re asking me.”

  “No, you’re stalling, but it’s okay. We’ve got all night. You’re going to tell me what I want to know, or I know something.”

  “What you know?” Killian teased.

  “Try me and see.”

  Killian was smiling at her as his eyes went from her pretty face down to her legs and how she had them crossed in her seat.

  “You told them in the club that you’re trying to be up under me tonight. Does that mean you spending the night with me again?”

  East shrugged and leaned her head to the side. “I guess.” She yawned and lay her head over the console then closed her eyes. “I’ll go wherever you go. I just want to be with you.”

  She was obviously drowsy, so her words were low, but Killian had heard her. The sound of what she’d spoken made him feel so indescribable on the inside that he could hardly contain himself. He wanted to be with her too. Any way that she would allow him to be, he would.

  “Are we almost to your house?”

  Killian’s large hand left the steering wheel and began to rub up and down her back as he drove. It felt so good to touch her. The simple contact from her skin to his fingertips soothed him, so he continued. He rubbed from her back down to her legs and back up to her hair before he stopped on her back and allowed his hand to rest there.

  East’s breathing had changed, and her body was more relaxed. She had fallen asleep. Although Killian had planned to stay up to hold her and share conversation, he’d be okay without doing so until tomorrow. Especially since that meant he didn’t have to tell her anything about Sheena. That was such a dumb topic anyway. She didn’t need to know anything about his past just yet. Old skeletons ruined new life. He’d learned that too many times before to walk in the same circles again.

  “East.” He rubbed her stomach. “Get up, we’re here.”

  She stirred a little before sitting completely up and looking around the parking lot. Killian watched her as she ran her hand over her hair and grabbed her shoes.

  “My head is spinning. I should have never drank that Hennessy.”

  “Trying to be grown.” Killian turned his car off and got out.

  When he opened her door, East stumbled to her feet and fell into him. She did her best to gain her footing, but it was clear that was about to be a task. She was way drunker than he’d thought, so versus letting her fall and mess up her pretty face, he grabbed her and held her to him.

  “Can you carry me?” she asked in a childlike manner.

  Her angelic face was blemish free and calming as she stared up at him. Killian wanted to kiss her again but stopped himself. He’d been kissing her all night.

  “Yeah, give me your shoes.”

  East extended her heels to him before raising her arms like she was a baby. Killian couldn’t stop smiling as she smiled at him in waiting. With no real effort, he picked her up, and she wrapped her long legs around his waist. Killian held East in his arms as he locked the car and headed for his door. Her body was wrapped around him snuggly as she lay her head on his shoulder.

  “The world is spinning.”

  “Close your eyes. It’s the liquor.”

  East exhaled before hugging his neck tighter. “No, it’s not. It’s because you’re near me.” She was back licking his neck. “You make my world spin, Kill.”

  “Fuck, baby... wait a minute.” Killian stopped at his door and maneuvered her in his arms, so he could press her back into the door. “I have to get me a kiss after that. You sounded too good spitting your li’l game.”

  East snickered as she tooted her lips up with her eyes still closed. Killian’s mouth was on hers as his hands rubbed around her butt. He was almost enjoying the feeling too much and forgot that he could just take her into his house and make all kinds of sweet love to her.

  “Let’s go in the house. I want you inside me,” East whispered against his mouth.

  “You trying to kill me, ain’t it?”

  East shook her head. “No, how would you be my boyfriend then?”

  Killian chuckled as he walked them into his house and locked the door behind them. “I’m your boyfriend?”

  “You need to be.”

  “You drunk as hell, girl.” He smiled as he walked them to his bedroom.

  With her still in his arms, he hit the lights and was about to lay her in his bed but got the surprise of his life. Reagan had her ass in the middle of his bed butt naked. The way the smile faded from her face was a clear sign of her surprise as well.

  “What the fuck you doing in my house?” Killian stood East to her feet.

  “Nigga, don’t scream at me. What the hell you doing with this fucking girl?” She stood to her feet and reached for the shirt that had been on the floor beside his bed.

  East turned in his arms so she could see what was going on. She looked at Reagan for a minute before turning and looking at Killian with a frown on her face.

  “It just don’t stop with you, does it?”

  “Nah, it ain’t like that. I don’t know why in the hell she up in my spot.”

  “Oh, you don’t?” Reagan sassed as she walked up to him and East. “I’m Reagan, Killian’s girlfriend.”

  “What the fuck?” Killian spoke indignantly. “This hoe ain’t my girlfriend.”

  Killian couldn’t believe what was going on in front of him. Out of all the nights Reagan wanted to come crawling her desperate ass back, it had to be that one.

  “Didn’t I tell your ass not to come back over here?” he fussed as East tried to walk out of his arms. “Un huh, where you going? Stop that shit.” He squeezed her right back to his chest and held onto her tightly. “You staying here with me.”

  “No, I’m not, Killian. I’m drunk, and I ain’t got time for all of this shit.” East tried to walk away again, but he stopped her just like he had before.

  “Stop, East. For real. This ain’t my damn girlfriend. I’m here with you. She’s about to get her ass out.”

  “No, the fuck I’m not.” Reagan crossed her arms over her chest.

  “She should have never been here.”

  Reagan’s eyes went to East after that statement. “No, sweetie, you shouldn’t be here. This nigga is in a whole relationship. We’ve been together for almost two years.”

  Killian’s blood boiled as he stood in the fucking twilight zone. How in the he
ll was this happening? There had been plenty of nights since he’d stopped dealing with Reagan that he’d damn near had blue balls, and she was nowhere to be found. In the back of his mind, he’d known that starting something with East would be too good to be true. Reagan being there right then reassured that for him.

  “Get out, Reagan. I won’t tell you again.”

  Reagan smirked and looked back at East. “You’ve been with Killian for how long?”

  “None of your business,” Killian answered for her.

  “Killian, I’m sleepy.” East’s head fell back against his chest as did the rest of her body.

  With his arms still holding her up, it was no pressure for Killian to squeeze her tighter. “You want to go to sleep?”

  When East’s head nodded, and she began to move away from him, it alarmed Killian. “East, what you doing?” He snatched her back toward him a little rougher than intended.

  She was smiling when she turned to face him. “I was about to grab something to put on, so I can take a shower. I mean, if that’s okay with you.”

  Killian’s head nodded. “Oh… oh yeah, that’s fine. Top drawer.”

  East turned away from him to head to the drawer, but Reagan sidestepped and cut her off. “I’m sorry, sweetie, but you have to go. Me and Killian have some things to sort out. We had a minor argument, but I’m never leaving him alone, so you might want to take that into consideration before you take your little shower.”

  Killian’s blood was about to boil over as he stood there watching Reagan try to pull East away from him.

  “Bitc—” Killian couldn’t even finish his sentence because East cut him off.

  “Girl, I’m way too drunk to care about anything you’re saying. I’m literally tore the fuck up right now, or else I would have been given you the fight you’re looking for.” East looked back at Killian and reached her arm out to him. He took her hand and held it. “I told you I wanted sex before I got here, and I’m going to get it. She can either stay here and watch me suck your dick, or you can put her out so I can get sloppy. The choice is yours.”

  Killian’s whole fucking mind was blown. He’d been fucking on East since the first time he’d ever met her, and she hadn’t topped him off yet, so for her to make that declaration so boldly was mind-boggling. Whether she was saying it for Reagan’s benefit or not was still to be determined, but he was with whatever she was with.

  “Say no more.” He stepped to East and whispered to her. “You better suck that shit right too.”

  “You just better put this bitch out.” East rolled her eyes at him and Reagan both before untying the shirt she was wearing.

  Killian snatched Reagan’s arm and began pulling her from the room.

  “Nigga, you better get your fucking hands off me. Don’t be trying to stunt because you got this li’l hoe with you.” Reagan snatched away from him and snatched her bag from the floor. “I should slap her just to piss your pathetic ass off.”

  “Shut up all that noise up. Don’t nobody want to hear that shit.” Killian nudged her toward the door. “And hurry the fuck up.”

  “I’m fucking going, but you better not try to come crawling back to me when she gets tired of your stupid ass.”

  “Girl, just go ahead and go. You’re embarrassing yourself.” East was now facing her with one of Killian’s tank tops thrown over her arm.

  “Bitch, you’re the one embarrassing yourself, walking around with this raggedy faced nigga.”

  East laughed. “Oh, you real mad, huh? I feel you. I would be mad too if Killian didn’t want me anymore.”

  Killian stepped between the two women, pushing Reagan out of the door with East still behind him. He was tired of hearing all that nonsense. Reagan was clearly bothered by East’s presence, so she would surely start tossing out her ignorant insults momentarily. He didn’t mind it when it was just him and her, but he didn’t want those type of thoughts put into East’s head.

  “I don’t give a damn about Killian not wanting me anymore.”

  East pushed past Reagan and Killian with a sly smirk on her face. “Your actions are showing otherwise. Killian, hurry up.”

  Killian watched East half walk, half stumble to the bathroom. “Don’t tell me to hurry up, you hurry up and take them clothes off.”

  East stuck her middle finger in the air without even turning around. Killian and Reagan stood awkwardly in the hallway until the bathroom door closed. Killian wasted no time pulling Reagan up the hallway toward the exit. She fought the whole way, but her fight didn’t match Killian’s. They were at his front door in no time.

  “Get your ass out of my house.” Killian shoved her toward the door.

  “Nigga, I’m going!” Reagan bent down to pick up her things as Killian waited.

  Being with East made him realize just how crazy he had been to even deal with a woman like Reagan. She was classless, inconsiderate, and spoiled. Although still very beautiful, she was such an ugly person. Killian was happy to have dodged that bullet.

  “I won’t be back.” She glared at him while snatching open his front door.

  “Good.” Killian slammed it behind her.

  When the door jolted some, he could tell it had hit her, so he laughed. Seconds later, he heard her outside the door yelling. He was in stitches as he made his way back to his bedroom. Versus going straight there, he detoured to the bathroom. The water was running, but the door was locked. Killian sucked his teeth but went on to his room anyway.

  East’s mood had been undeterminable while Reagan was there, so he wasn’t sure how she felt about him at that moment. Though he was hoping for the best, he had no other choice but to wait and see. Nearly ten minutes had passed before she reentered his room. The long, white tank top looked good on her, but nothing would have looked even better.

  “Why you lock the door?”

  East set her clothes on his dresser before sliding into his bed with her back turned. Killian was on her immediately.

  “You mad again?”

  East said nothing.

  Killian threw himself back onto his bed and huffed in annoyance. She was definitely mad.

  “I didn’t know she was here.”

  More silence.

  “So, you’re going to stay quiet all night?”

  When East ignored him again, Killian snatched the covers away from her. She sat up immediately and gave him a dirty look before snatching it out of his hand and lying back down.

  “I’m so tired of you and your women. If this is a glimpse of how being your girlfriend is going to be, then I’m good. You can keep right on being single. This is the type of mess I don’t have time for. Now, goodnight, and don’t say shit else to me.” East’s back remained to him.

  Killian wanted to plead his case, but she probably wouldn’t say shit back, so he didn’t even bother. Instead, he went to shower. When he came back, she was asleep. He occupied his doorway for a little longer than what would be deemed normal before walking to his side of the bed.

  Being able to watch her sleep was a good sign. It didn’t matter what her mouth said. She hadn’t left, so that meant she wasn’t too mad. Satisfied with that, Killian scooted in close behind her and prepared to join her in dreamland but couldn’t. He was too wound up to sleep, so he woke her up.

  “Nigga, what?” she yelled.

  “You can stop all that fuckin’ yelling. Sit up and talk.”

  East sucked her teeth. “Leave me alone, Killian.”

  “Nah, get up and tell me what’s on your mind.”

  When her body didn’t move, Killian snatched the blanket from her again. This time, he tossed it to the floor. East was livid. Clearly, full of rage and liquor, she turned around and slapped him hard across his face. Killian grabbed her hand quickly and pulled her to him so that her face was only inches from him.

  “You put your hand on me like that again, and I will fuck you up.”

  Her eyes squinted as she fought to gain control of her hand again. “Let me go.�

  “You heard what I said,” Killian warned before releasing her.

  The moment she was free, East was out of the bed snatching her clothing from the dresser. Killian watched her slide her pants back on and snatch her shoes from the floor. He already knew what was coming next, so he didn’t even wait for her to ask. He simply stood from his bed and pulled on a shirt. The two of them moved around the room avoiding each other until she walked into the living room.

  She was at the door typing away on her phone when he entered. “Tell that nigga he can come get you from here. He ain’t got to wait until you get home.”

  “For real, Killian, you better shut up talking to me.”

  “What you gon’ do?”

  East’s face frowned but instead of saying anything, she just shook her head. “Just take me home.”

  “You ain’t got no fucking home. You’re homeless, remember.”

  “You’re so fucking dumb.” East snatched the door open to walk out but ran into Gabrion instead. “Thank God you’re here. Can you take me to Jaylen’s house?”

  Gabrion looked from East to Killian with a comical smirk on his face. “What the hell happened here?”

  “Her dumb ass.”

  East spun around to face Killian. “Shut your ass up, Kill!”

  Killian laughed behind her. “I told you it was her.”

  “Gabrion, can you please take me away from your stupid friend?”

  “Hell nah, I’m finna take you. You either get in or stay here.” Killian brushed past her and dapped Gabrion up on his way out of the door.

  East followed close behind him, fussing the whole way. Her banter was the last thing he wanted to hear right then, but before he let her ride off with another nigga, he’d listen to it all night. The entire ride to Jaylen’s house she sat with her back to him. She stared out of the window not saying anything.

  “You need to check your fucking attitude.”

  “You’re the one to talk, Killian,” East spoke while gathering her things from the floor.

  “I don’t even know what you mad for. I told you I didn’t even know she would be there.”

  East looked over her shoulder at him. “It doesn’t matter whether you knew or not. She should have never been there.”


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