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She Took My Heart and Went Crazy

Page 15

by A'zayler

  “I thought you’d never ask,” East whispered as the pad of his thumb rubbed against her bottom lip.

  Killian said nothing. Instead, he leaned down and grabbed her mouth gently with his. Their lips meshed together continuously until parting to welcome each other’s tongues. Killian’s took the lead as he leaned further onto the bed resting one hand on the mattress.

  “Lay back.” Using his body to push her the rest of the way, Killian lay on top of East still somewhat standing before sliding his hand into the waistband of her tights. “You and this pussy been on my mind all day.”

  “Get you some then.”

  Killian pecked her lips, and down her neck, before pulling the Nike sports bra she was wearing over her head and tossing it to the floor. Next came her pants. Once she was naked, he stood back on his feet and looked down at her. The way he watched her made East feel like a temptress. His bright white eyes glowed against his skin as they warmed East’s entire body.

  His silence lit the room on fire as he pushed his pants down before removing his jacket and shirt as well. East felt like she would set herself ablaze at any given moment. Unable to calm the jitters in her stomach, East took a few deep breaths to hopefully put her at ease.

  After raising her knees up on the bed, she squeezed her legs together in efforts to save all her love for him. It would be sure to leak out at any given moment and flood her cousin’s house.

  “You’re so chocolatey, Killian.” She sat up when he leaned his head to the side and reached his hand out to her.

  Willingly, East took his hand and stood from the bed to meet him in the middle of the floor. Naked, passionate, and hungry for her, Killian’s hands explored the depths of East’s body as she moaned and damn near cried for the dick.


  He was too quiet, and she wanted so badly to hear him.

  “Tell me what you need.” Killian lifted her head by her chin and kissed her mouth while rubbing his hand through her hair. “Tell me.”

  East pondered his question for a moment because truly, she didn’t know what she needed. She knew what she wanted, but what she needed was something she wasn’t quite aware of.

  “Think about it and tell me later.” His lips caressed her skin as he slid them across her face without actually kissing her.


  Killian grabbed a handful of her bottom and pulled her roughly to him. “Because I’ma make sure you get it.”

  The urge to please him overwhelmed her in that moment. To hear him want to fulfill her needs made her mouth water, which was perfect for what she had in mind for him. When she tried to break free of his grasp so that she could squat down in front of him, Killian held her in place.

  “What you doing?” His thick eyebrows almost touched as he frowned at her.

  A bit embarrassed, East looked away from him but looked right back. Just the night before he’d been excited at the mention of her sucking him up, but now he looked offended, which unnerved her.


  Her eyebrows raised.

  “What you doing?”

  “I was going to umm…” She fiddled with the hair lying against his stomach. “I wanted to umm…” She couldn’t make herself say it.

  “You was about to top me off?”

  She nodded in a hurry.

  “Nah, baby.” He pecked her lips. “Don’t do that. Save that mouth for my kisses.” He grabbed her lips with his and tongued her down with no regrets. “We can do that shit another time.”

  Killian’s hands were all over her body, touching and squeezing on every free place he could find. When he picked her up, East’s legs circled his body immediately. With her arms around his neck and her lips entangled with his, her love was open and smearing all over his stomach. Since she could feel the juices he was evoking dripping from her body, she was certain he could as well.

  When he broke her kiss to tell her, “You wet like that because you belong to me.”

  East’s heart jumped from her body and landed right into his. She was sure it would no longer beat without him. There was no way possible. Killian’s spirit had slipped into her the last time they’d been together intimately and laced all of her insides together to only perform for him.

  “Killian, put it in.”

  “With nothing?” He made eye contact with her as he slid them to the floor in front of the bed.

  “Just you. Nothing else.”

  “Nobody else?”

  East quickly shook her head from side to side, far too anxious for the dick.

  “Nobody, ever.” East tried her best to slide him into her with no hands, but he pulled away.

  “Chill, my dick ain’t yours yet.”

  East’s eyes popped open. “The hell you say.” She stared at him with a small frown. “Yes, it is.”

  “How so?”

  “Because I said so.” East leaned forward and grabbed the lobe of his ear with her mouth. A few pulls at it before snaking her tongue inside of it quickly brought about a large shiver from his body. She smiled.

  “It’s mine ain’t it?” she boasted proudly.

  “Shit, yeah... the same goes for you. Keep this pussy for me.” His fingers slipped inside of her and played in her liquid love. “All for Killian,” he whispered softly into her ear.

  East sucked on his mouth versus using any verbiage to express her compliance. Killian hurried to sit on the floor with her on his lap. As soon as he was comfortable, she slid onto him and closed her eyes. The breath that left his body accompanied by the low moan made her feel alive. The thickness of him stretching the soft folds he’d deemed as his.

  When his mouth fell open, East’s head fell forward. Their bodies welcomed the other’s as if they knew they’d finally gotten home. He was hers most definitely.

  “That Audi.” East moaned just as Killian grabbed one of her nipples into his mouth. “I will smash it to… pieces.” Her eyes fluttered open before closing again.

  Killian’s arms circled around her as if he was trying to give her a hug. “Fuck it up if you have to, baby.”

  East slid up just as he was trying to pull her down, and her body traded on her. A sharp shudder of pleasure ripped from where they were connected to her chest, and for a second, she felt like she was floating.

  “I think my heart just came back.” With her releasing the hold she had on her neck, East leaned backward.

  His strong hands held her up as she slid the bottom half of her body up and down while he watched. His bottom lip buried tightly between his teeth, and eyes peering through her soul.

  “What that mean?”

  “My heart,” she whimpered as the tip of him continued hitting her spot. “Ahhhhhhh,” East gasped as she felt her orgasm shake her from the inside out.

  Her breaths were short as his sped up. With strong arms, Killian leaned up and lay her on her back before throwing one of her legs over his shoulder. His serious face directly in front of hers as their eyes and bodies connected.

  East felt so possessive over him as she watched the innocence and pleasure encompass him. To know the euphoria he was feeling came from her body made her feel powerful. Something like a goddess. His mouth was slightly balled up as he held on to the side of her stomach while sliding in and out of her.

  “Killian…” she called his name for no reason at all. Nothing other than the fact that she wanted him to look at her.

  When he did, his eyes said things his mouth didn’t. For him to be so mean all the time, there was a certain vulnerability that she only saw in moments like that one. He’d had the exact same feeling about himself the first night she’d given her body to him. This time was no different, other than the fact that this time there was something more. Not sure what it was, but it was more.


  He gave her a long, sensual kiss before making eye contact. “Talk to me.”

  East thought about all the things she could say but said none of them. Nothing in her mind equaled w
hat was in her heart. It felt so full with whatever it was that Killian was filling it with that she could barely keep her eyes from watering. What the fuck? Why in the world did she feel like she wanted to cry?

  “Baby, you good?” Killian’s deep voice coaxed her back to their moment. “You gon’ make me work this hard for nothing?”

  East was about to smile but couldn’t, it was too late. He was getting what he’d just been asking for. Her legs locked around him and held him in place as she climaxed for the second time. He arrived moments later with a loud grunt and all his weight toppling down on top of her.

  They lay together on the floor for a minute before East did her best to get back to her feet. She walked around in a frenzy with her hand on her forehead.

  “I can’t believe we just did that with them out there.”

  Killian, now on his feet, gave her a funny look. “You think they give a fuck?”

  “They should. It’s their house.”

  “Yeah, it might be, but we’re grown. Plus, you owe me. You were supposed to let me get that before you left last night.”

  East ran her hand through her hair and sat on the corner of the bed, grabbing her clothes in the process. Killian followed suit and began to get dressed. Once they were put back together, Killian grabbed her hand and pulled her to him.

  “You straight?”

  “I ain’t got no other choice but to be.”

  He smirked. “Cool. Well, I’m about to dip.”

  East’s face showed her disapproval of his upcoming actions. “You serious?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  East snatched her hand from him and walked toward the dresser with her arms folded across her stomach.

  “What’s your problem?”

  “You’re really going to stand there like you don’t know?”

  Killian’s arms came out into the air on both sides of him. “Know what?” he asked exasperatedly.

  “You know what, just don’t worry about it. Bye.” East grabbed a host of things before brushing past him and leaving the room. She could hear him calling her name as she walked into the bathroom before slamming the door.

  She was furious with his black ass. How dare he come have sex with her and then leave like she was some sort of hoe. If he thought he was about to keep doing that, then he had another thing coming.

  10.You Made it This Way

  The buzz of an array of conversations going on around him drowned out Killian’s thoughts as he sat at his desk reading over emails. It was the beginning of the work week, and he was already swamped with clients. Because he was extremely tired, it was hard to be grateful, but he’d quickly gotten himself together. New members meant new money and new blessings.

  “How was your weekend, Killian?” Jaya’s sexy southern voice crooned.

  Killian spun around in his chair to see his breathtaking trainer, Jaya, standing at his desk with a large smile on her face. The deep dimples in both of her cheeks, perfect to play in. Jaya was a looker, for real. An extremely beautiful woman who had no interest in him whatsoever. He’d entertained the thought of approaching her on more than one occasion but never found the nerve to do it for two reasons. Her husband and her beauty. Both too much for him to buck against.

  Even if entertaining married women wasn’t against his personal rules, trying his luck with someone that pretty was. He’d never been the one to adjust to rejection, so he did his best to stay away from it. Though Jaya was cool, she was still too conceited and occasionally got on his nerves with her obviously high standards. If he’d met her anywhere outside of work, she probably would have never even looked his way, which was why he not only downplayed his interest in her but kept his interactions with her at a minimum. Occasionally, being a bit short where conversation was concerned.

  “It was cool. You need something?” Killian raised his eyebrows at her.

  “Umm, no. I was just coming to let you know that I was about to go grab lunch. I could bring you something back if you wanted me to or you could just ride with me.”

  Her hazel eyes sparkled with uncertainty as she waited for him to respond.

  Killian’s eyes traveled from her face back to his computer screen before he grabbed his fitted cap, keys, and phone. He stood to his feet seconds later.

  “Yeah, I guess I can. I ain’t doing shit here. Where you eating at?”

  “The mall. I wanted some fried rice from the new wing place there.”

  “Oh, hell yeah.” Killian rubbed his hand across his stomach before stretching.

  His long body extended a little more, pushing his chest out toward Jaya. Being that she was in his personal space, when he lowered back to his feet, his chest touched hers. He looked down without moving and caught her eye. There was a small twinkle in them, but he brushed it off and turned to walk away. She followed quietly.

  “Your car or mine?” she asked once they made it to the parking lot.

  Killian looked at her before looking back toward his car. “I’ll drive myself.”

  “Cool, I’ll ride with you then.” She hit the locks to her little white jeep and walked toward him.

  It was on the tip of Killian’s tongue to tell her to drive her own whip and just meet him there, but it made absolutely no sense, so he kept his mouth shut. As soon as she got in, her perfume smelled up his car. The soft, fruity smell of whatever she was wearing found its way over to him and danced around his nostrils for a minute too long.

  Killian hit the radio as soon as he was in. His phone connected, and his music played through his car. With a slight lean in his body, he maneuvered his expensive car over the gravel of their parking lot. Once he was out of the lunchtime traffic and onto the small highway headed into the main city, he sped up.

  He loved to drive fast and listen to his music loud, so when Jaya turned his music down and asked him to slow down, he almost put her out.

  “Nah.” He shook his head once.

  “You’re horrible company.”

  Killian looked at her quickly while switching lanes. “How so?”

  “You’re being mean for one and because you’re not talking. Going to lunch with a person consists of talking, laughing, smiling, you know… Normal people stuff.”

  Killian’s eyes traveled in her direction for a second but were right back on the road. “I talk.”

  “Not to me.” Her smaller hand went to the top of his larger one as he shifted gears.

  “Ain’t shit to talk about. We be at work.”

  “You could still talk to me. Any time I come around, you treat me like I’m a pest.” She gave his hand a light squeeze. “You don’t want to be my friend?”

  Killian got off on the exit that led to the mall. “Nah, it ain’t like that. I can be your friend. I just be minding my own business.”

  “I feel that, but you could mind my business sometimes too. I’m a nice person.” She smiled brightly and shook his arm. “I’d make you a good friend.”

  Her wording piqued Killian’s interest because she almost sounded as if she was flirting with him, and he knew for a fact that couldn’t be happening. Girls like her never saw him, at least not in that way. She was fucking gorgeous, successful, a cool personality, and fucking gorgeous. Nothing like the mediocre ratchets he spent his time indulging in.

  “You think we could be friends?”

  Killian pulled his hand from her and rubbed his chin. “Yeah.” He gave her a lazy grin. “We could do that, but only if your husband approves. I don’t have time to be fighting nobody.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that.” Her hand somehow found its way back onto him. This time resting on his thigh. “He’s cool.”

  Now, Killian might have been a lot of shit, but a fool wasn’t one. This woman was clearly offering more than friendship, and if she kept up all that touching, he would most definitely deliver it to her. Husband or no husband, if she didn’t care, then neither did he.

  “You touch on all your friends like this?”

bsp; When he looked into her face, her smile was still there and just as bright as it had been. Only this time, her cheeks seemed to brighten a little.

  “I know like hell you ain’t blushing?”

  When she covered her face with one of her hands and shook her head, he had to smile. He couldn’t even fight it back anymore, she was too cute.

  “Stop all that smiling and get out,” Killian spoke through his own smile just as he parked his car.

  When she was out, he hit the locks, and they walked into the mall together. Him much taller than her. Unlike East, she didn’t have very much height on her. She came just above his elbow and actually looked pretty good next to him. East. Damn. Killian dropped his head. He was missing her something serious. She’d been cutting up on him for the last few days, and he was slowly starting to feel it.

  “What you over there thinking about?” Jaya looped her arm through his.

  “Nothing, for real.” Killian pulled his arm smoothly out of her grasp and used it to open the door for her.

  They were standing in line to order their food the next time she grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to her. He’d been trying to keep his distance, so it didn’t look like they were a couple, but clearly, she didn’t want that. Killian’s eyes went to hers before he took a few steps up and stood to her side.

  “Why you all the way back there?”

  Killian shrugged but didn’t say anything. Instead, he continued to look around the food court at all of the people ordering and eating food. For it to be the middle of the day, the mall was packed as hell.

  “Why you looking like that?” Jaya asked him.

  “Like what?”

  “Like you’re mad at somebody.”

  Killian released a half smile. “I’m just trying to figure out why it’s so many people in here. I guess ain’t nobody got no damn job.”

  Jaya looked around before her giggles serenaded the air around them. “I didn’t even think about that. You’re so mean.”


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