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She Took My Heart and Went Crazy

Page 18

by A'zayler

  “How much money did you spend on this trip?”

  “Enough, so enjoy yourself.”

  When her hand came up to his bottom lip, and her eyes followed it, Killian felt the familiar jumping in his chest that he felt anytime she was around.

  “I’m trying to enjoy you. This trip is cool too, though.” The pad of her thumb slid methodically across his lower lip. “You’re so chocolatey and cute. Can I have a kiss?”

  “Shid, this weekend, you can have whatever you like.”

  East’s lips landed on his with too much passion for him to contain, so he pushed her away after a few more pecks. Her eyes sparkled at him as she marveled over his features in anticipation of what was to come next.

  Killian pointed his finger at her. “You’re trouble.”

  “No.” East shook her head. “I’m just what your mean ass needs.”

  “Well, why I had to pull out all this extravagant shit to make you mine?”

  East turned her head and smiled at the flight attendant who’d just approached them. Killian, on the other hand, enjoyed the sight of her more. He sat back in his seat and allowed himself the small pleasure of observing the simple things about her. She was gorgeous as hell. What she wanted with him, he had no idea.

  “Can I get anything for you two?” the stewardess asked leaning a little too close to Killian, but he overlooked it and gave East his attention. “You want something?”

  “Hell nah, we’re good,” East answered her with plenty of attitude.

  Killian looked between the two women for a moment trying to figure out how the atmosphere had gotten that tense, that fast. One moment it had been calm, and the next, the tension was so thick he could reach out and touch it.

  “Girl, please.” The stewardess frowned before walking away. “You ain’t have to do all that.”

  “Girl, please, my ass.”

  Killian watched the girl turn her nose up and walk away while East sat back in her seat with her arms folded across her chest. His head swiveled between the two women another couple of times before he stopped on East and smiled.

  “Why you act like that with that girl?”

  “I know you saw how she was looking at you? How in the hell is she asking about drinks with her titties all in your face? That hoe tried me.” East sucked her teeth. “She better be glad I didn’t slap her ass.”

  “I ain’t see shit.”

  “Shut up, because you’re lying. I know you saw her looking at you. She’s been looking at you since we got on this plane. I ignored her at first, but that hoe has me fucked up if she thinks she’s about to get you.”

  Killian couldn’t even hold the smirk back from his face as he watched her fume from anger on his behalf. There had been plenty of times in the past where this type of behavior had occurred, but never for him.

  “That girl ain’t do shit to you.”

  “Like hell, she didn’t.” East sucked her teeth before shaking her head and exhaling. After a few more deep breaths, she’d noticeably calmed down. “Look, Kill… you’re mine.” She shrugged. “That’s it, you’re just mine.” She spoke lowly as if unsure of herself but wanting to get it out anyway.

  On everything he loved, Killian could hear that statement forever, and it would be alright with him. The way she sounded when she said it made the words that much sweeter.

  “I know we haven’t figured out exactly what we’re doing yet, but I don’t want nobody else to have you… at all to be honest, but they definitely can’t have you until I sort my feelings out where you’re concerned.”

  East turned in her seat to face him, and some way, somehow, all of her anger was gone and in its place was sincerity. Earnest feelings that she clearly harbored for him. Killian wished he was back home in his room with her when she’d said that. He would have made love to her until the sun went down. Every moan and every cry would have been his, undeniably.

  Whatever East needed, he would be that for her. No matter how hard it was for him to be nice and compromising, he’d make it happen… for her. It had been forever since something that like that had come his way, and even longer since it had been real. Because of Killian’s lack of genuine affection, he wasn’t sure how to respond, so instead of rendering something sweet and unforgettable, he made light of the situation.

  “Don’t nobody want me but your crazy ass.”

  “It don’t fucking matter. I’m enough.” East cleared her throat and grabbed his hand in hers. “This weekend, let’s just be us. No matter what it is, or what we’ve been trying to hide from the other, let’s just do what feels good and see what happens.”

  Killian stretched his legs out in front of him. “I’m with it if you’re with it.”

  It was as if all troubles were washed away with that one statement. East’s smile assured him of that. Not that he wanted to do anything else, but Killian could literally stare at East all day, so he did. The rest of their plane traveling went by rather quickly, and they were gambling and walking the beautifully lit strip before the night was over.

  “How long you plan on being here?” East squinted toward the front door of the small brick house.

  Killian killed the engine of his rental car and surveyed the approaching partiers. “Not long, just need to holla at my boy real quick.”

  “Aight, but don’t be too long. I want sex.” East poked her lip out and pouted.

  “Be a good girl, you gon’ get it.” Killian slid his hand up her skirt and rubbed his fingers through the welcoming warmth that was beginning to seep down her thigh. “All fucking night.”

  East sighed heavily.

  “Matter of fact, sit it up here real quick. Let me get a kiss.”

  “Do what?” East’s radiant smile surfaced along with a small twinkle that danced in her eyes.

  Killian looked around them once more before patting the armrest. “Sit right here and let me kiss it real quick. I need to let her know I’m on my way.”

  The tip of Killian’s dick tingled when East’s head fell back against the seat with fluttering eyes. The submissiveness that exuded from her body when he spoke or reacted was a fucking high. Killian momentarily wondered was that some soulmate type shit and were they really in sync like that.

  “Come on.” He patted the armrest once more, and she came.

  To help her get to him faster, Killian grabbed her hand and helped her steady herself on the armrest before parting her legs for him. Like he’d known it would, her mini dress allowed easy access to Killian’s advances. With one finger, Killian rubbed around in the slick moisture coating the insides of her thighs before licking his lips and dropping his head.

  “Open up some more for me.”

  East’s legs dropped open while her arms stretched out behind her to help prop herself up. Her glossy eyes were low and waiting as she stared down at him. To build her already heightening anticipation, Killian kissed the insides of both thighs before finally placing a long French kiss to her love. East’s back arched as he took her to new heights with a few strokes of his tongue.

  “I’ll be back li’l mama, just wait on me,” Killian whispered between her legs.

  “Fuck me!” East snapped loudly.

  Killian laughed at her dramatics as she sat up and closed her legs with an attitude.

  “I’m so fucking mad. I want it now.”

  “Later, baby.” Killian tapped the outside of her thigh as they prepared to get out of the car.

  After a few minutes, they’d gathered themselves and were headed inside.

  “Is your friend a boy or a girl?” East looked at Killian while readjusting the bottom of her expensive mini dress.

  Had it not been an overly encouraged, and downright forced gift from him, she never would have bought it. Although East loved nice things, clothes especially, there would never come a day where she’d drop two hundred dollars on one dress.

  Killian had lost his whole mind, but after practically getting into an argument in the middle of the store, East just wen
t along with it. It was his money. If he wanted to blow it carelessly, then who was she to stop him? Even with it looking like it was made for her long legs and glowing brown skin, she still wasn’t feeling the price tag.

  “Stop pulling it down.” Killian stepped in front of her and watched her with a small frown on his face.

  “It’s so short. It keeps rising up my thighs.”

  “So? It looks sexy as fuck like that. Let your legs show.”

  East watched as his eyes roamed appreciatively over her body appreciatively. They were drooping low, compliments of the shots they’d taken together at the casino, and dark as the night’s sky. Mesmerizing and tempting in their own too good to be true kind of way. East ran her hand through her freshly curled tresses and ran her hands over the front of her skin-tight fabric choice of the night.

  She needed to breathe… yeah, that was it, she needed to breathe. Maybe a couple of deep breaths would calm her racing heart and detangle the knots in her stomach. Something needed to be done, and it needed to be done in a hurry before she kidnapped Killian and rode his dick all the way back to their hotel.

  The dominance in his posture subtly intertwining with the already blazing confidence in the overpowering gaze he had directed on her was killing East slowly and reviving her just to do it all again. There was no way she’d triumph over her body when it came to this man. He was in complete and utter control of every nerve ending and womanly part she possessed. All by just being himself.

  “You straight?” Killian raised an eyebrow at her before grabbing her neck so that he could see her face better.

  “I’m good. Just trying to handle being with you.”

  Oh, how she wished she was the sexy bottom lip he’d just tucked into his mouth. There to mix and mingle with his tongue for nothing more than a few moments of pleasure.

  “You know what?” Killian released her neck and pulled her to him by her hips. “You’re really fucking with me right now, but I’ma let you get away with it because it feels good to my heart.” His forehead touched hers. “Don’t break my shit.”

  East’s spirit that he’d taken and claimed as his own on so many moons ago awakened and welcomed itself back into her body. She knew this because of the rapid way her own heart had begun to beat at the mention of the “shit” he’d deemed as his.

  “I ain’t fucking with you… I’m fucking you. There’s a difference.” East smiled, and he did as well.

  A smile came, then light-hearted laughter. Quick, soft pecks to her lips followed.

  “Let’s get in this party so we can dip. You got me ready to get back to that room.”

  East hurried in front of him, taking sexy strides toward the door. “Stop moving so slow.”

  When she looked over her shoulder at him, he was smiling but not at her. His stare was on her long, toned legs, taking her in with not an inkling of shame. He even shook his head and pulled at both sides of his fitted cap as if it could get any lower on his head.

  The moment they walked into the crowded house, Killian’s hand was on the bottom of her back, guiding her further into the great room of the massive sized house. Drunken partiers were everywhere, either still drinking or dancing and grinding on others. Food and liquor bottles littered every free table and countertop, while empty red cups and small spills decorated the floor.

  “Be careful right there.” Killian’s hand led her away from the small puddle of brown liquid she’d been seconds away from stepping in.

  Now a bit uneasy, East shrank back into his hand some. He sensed her discomfort immediately and wrapped his arm around her stomach, stopping her in place. Lips to ear.

  “I got you.”

  Where the fuck are the defibrillators and coroner? I’m about to pass out and die in this bitch. East almost closed her eyes but had to remember where she was. He’d just taken so much of her nerve just then that she couldn’t think of anything logical to do next.

  Majority of her immediate reactions involved either sucking, licking, bending over, or pulling her dress up… all inappropriate notions for their current atmosphere.

  “Your li’l ass ain’t scared, you just want to be up under me.”

  East shrugged. “Facts.”

  His laughter warmed the back of her neck as they continued to the back of the house. East’s eyes circulated around the room watching everything that surrounded her while Killian stood close behind speaking loudly on his phone. He’d just yelled something about being near the kitchen when loud jeering caught her attention.

  There was a tall, light skinned man with bright, pink lips heading toward her. His arms were outstretched, and his grin spread from one end of his face to the other. Hazel irises sparkled with excitement as his pace picked up. Before East could think another thought, he was on her. Like, really on her. His long limbs were everywhere, in her hair, on her neck, and along her arms.

  “Aye, what the fuck?” She moved so that she was out of his reach.

  “My muthafucking Killer. I missed your country ass, nigga.” His boisterous voice carried over the music.

  By the way he and Killian stood embracing each other in a manly hug, it was obvious he was the friend Killian had been telling her about all night. Once she was able to get over the initial attack derived from his unwarranted eagerness, East smiled. They were truly happy to see each other. The smile he brought to Killian’s face was one for the books.

  “Nigga, your wild ass almost knocked my li’l homie over.” Killian reached for East, and she came.

  The homie tag he’d placed on her wasn’t her favorite, but she plastered an award-winning smile anyway.


  The man looked at her hand before taking it and kissing the back of it. “Yeshi.”

  Now that he was no longer hollering, East could hear him better. His dialect was sexy. “It’s nice to finally put a face with a name, or should I say stories? Killian hasn’t stopped talking about you since we landed.”

  Yeshi grinned at her before slapping Killian’s shoulder way too hard for it not to have started a fight. “I hope it was good shit, and I hope it included this nigga. He loves to act like he never did shit.”

  “I didn’t. That was your womanizing ass.” Killian’s smile was bright, evoking one from East as well.

  “Well, what can I say? Can’t fight the ladies.” Yeshi’s jovial expression was nothing short of comical.

  Killian shook his head while pointing at Yeshi with his thumb. “This light skin ass nigga.”

  “Y’all are too much.” East finally chimed in on their banter.

  “Excuse my manners, Miss. Can I get you something? I made sure it was plenty of everything.”

  East shook her head. Still, a bit buzzed from her prior drinks.


  Killian and Yeshi both frowned at her.

  “I’m not drinking another thing until I know I’m headed back to my room. I don’t trust liquor and these heels together.”

  The men’s eyes went straight to the six inches too high heels wrapped sexily around East’s feet. Yeshi looked right back at her while Killian’s eyes lingered a little longer like she’d known they would. He’d continuously expressed his appreciation for the shoes while they were in the mall, which urged East to get them even more. They were hot, and she’d already had plans to get them, but after seeing the effect they had on Killian, she was sold.

  He’d watched her walk around the store a million times with the same hungry look in his eyes. “Fuck yeah… them bad as fuck… your legs so long and sexy… wear them tonight… the whole night… let me fuck you in those.” All expressions of Killian’s satisfaction. Just thinking about it made East smile.

  “I feel you because them shits are too damn high.”

  “What you smiling like that for?” A wink came directly after Killian’s comment. He knew.

  East smiled back at him before shaking her head and looking away. “Nothing, just thinking about something from earlier.”

sp; “What?” Killian invaded her space and wrapped his arm around her neck. “You thinking about me dogging your ass in them heels, ain’t you?”

  East grabbed both sides of his body and nodded her head.

  “Fast ass.” He kissed her neck sloppily. “Get you some water and cool my li’l mama off. I know you got her dripping for me.”

  Fuck me! East’s head fell forward onto his shoulder.

  “Gone cool her down. You know how she gets when I’m around.”

  This time, instead of keeping his mouth near her ear, Killian pulled back and stared down into her face. His hooded lenses and sexy lips making East’s body melt. His chocolate skin glistening beneath all the sexy, gold jewelry he was wearing while the tattoo designing one side of his neck sucked her back up and defrosted her once again.

  “And you said this your homie?” Yeshi reminded them they weren’t alone.

  East smiled at him and pushed out of Killian’s grasp. Killian smirked at Yeshi before grabbing his chest dramatically.

  “You don’t want me on you? Pushing me off you and stuff, damn. I thought we were better than that.”

  “We are.” East grabbed the bottom of his face and kissed his lips before returning her attention to Yeshi. “Where’s the water?”

  Yeshi nodded toward the kitchen, and East moved in that direction, but not before Killian told her to be careful. East nodded at him, even though she wasn’t exactly sure what she was going to do to be unsafe in the short distance from the great room to the kitchen.

  Confident in her own skin, and feeling even better laced in Killian’s hard-earned money, East moved through the room gracefully. Since the kitchen was only a few steps away, East got there, grabbed her water, and was on her way back to Killian in no time.

  Four, maybe five minutes at the most. Not long at all, but clearly long enough for the woman standing in Killian’s face to find her way to him. East sucked her teeth and tried to remain calm as she made her way back to Killian and Yeshi. Being that she couldn’t see the girl’s face, she couldn’t really determine the magnitude of their conversation, but that wouldn’t last long.


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