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The Watchman of Alcatraz (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 4

by T. K. Benjamin

  “Wow,” he breathed out. “Did everyone just leave so we could be alone?”

  Nathan’s eyes moved around the café, noticing Kian was right. The place was empty.

  His eyes turned to the door and zeroed in on the sign there. “I think someone flipped the sign closed, too,” he said thoughtfully.

  He turned back to see a beautiful smile on Kian’s lips. As if drawn to it, Nathan leaned over the counter and claimed the luscious lips. He lifted his hands until he had them wrapped carefully in Kian’s mop of hair. Tilting just enough to fit them perfectly together, he drew a lip into his mouth and sucked on it greedily. Releasing it, he pulled Kian’s tongue into his mouth and played with that, too. Before he could think about it, he climbed over the counter, still devouring Kian’s lips and mouth.

  He sat himself on the counter and felt Kian push his knees apart to stand between them. Kian kissed him back desperately, and Nathan found himself panting into the now desperate kiss. Kian ran his hands around Nathan’s waist, his fingers dipping under Nathan’s waistband. Nathan buried a groan in the kiss. He gently pushed Kian away to hop down off the counter then pulled Kian back into his arms and buried his face in Kian’s hair, just breathing him in.

  “We have hours ahead of us, sweetheart. What do you want to do?” he whispered.

  Kian pulled back a little and smiled up at him. “How about we take a walk then come back here after?” Kian grinned and Nathan smiled back happily.

  They walked around for hours. Kian led Nathan around, showing him his favorite shops and haunts, and they eventually ended up in a small movie theater. Kian bought them two tickets, sodas, and a massive container of popcorn, and before long, they were ensconced, lost in each other, in the back row of the cinema watching a movie.

  “You are my dream come true, Kian. I experience things with you I have never even thought about. Thank you, love,” he whispered into Kian’s ear. “And I have no idea what this movie is about. Sorry.”

  Kian giggled and wriggled closer into Nathan’s welcoming arms. Nathan nosed around Kian’s neck and nuzzled there happily until the end credits started to roll.

  They strolled back to Kian’s slowly, hand in hand, not speaking, just enjoying each other. It was romantic, and Nathan couldn’t believe how fantastic his dreams were suddenly.

  “I am a very lucky man, Kian, thank you.” He squeezed the hand in his, lifting it to his lips for a kiss.

  They were a block away from Kian’s cafe, and Nathan felt Kian stiffen. Instantly on guard, Nathan searched the area for danger. He saw only a group of young men strolling ahead of them.

  “Do you know them?” Nathan asked, his voice steely cold and quiet.

  Kian gave a quick nod before pulling them into a shop alcove. “They work for the local enforcers. They shake down the local businesses for protection money. They’ve hit me up for it a couple of times. I’ve managed to put them off for a time, but I don’t know how long I can keep pushing them off.”

  “Are you in danger, Kian?”

  Kian shook his head and gave a slight shrug. “Don’t think so really. Well, no more than anyone else anyway. Now stop looking like you’re about to go kick their asses and come here,” he said, pulling Nathan’s head toward him. He ran his lips lightly over Nathan’s and sucked in a breath when Nathan opened his mouth and quickly latched his teeth on Kian’s bottom lip.

  Nathan sucked gently on the lip he’d claimed. He ran his hands firmly down Kian’s sides until they reached his hips then pulled Kian’s hips into his own, pressing them firmly together until he could feel Kian’s reaction through their jeans. Nathan could feel Kian’s cock hardening slowly, his own cock responding to Kian’s arousal. Nathan kept gently sucking on Kian’s lip. Kian tasted incredible to Nathan, sweet and a touch salty, and Nathan’s body was screaming for more. More taste, more of Kian, more everything.

  He held Kian still and thrust against him, never once stopping his gentle sucking. Occasionally he’d run his tongue across the lip. In seconds he had Kian panting for breath and groaning into his mouth. Reluctantly Nathan released his hold on Kian’s lips and stepped back a touch.

  “We should really get going before we make a spectacle in front of this shop.”

  Kian quickly nodded his head. He was panting still, his face flushed, and his pants looked tighter across the front to Nathan’s Enhanced eyesight. Nathan found this young man exquisite in all manner of ways. While he was still gaping at Kian, Nathan felt his hand taken into one of Kian’s, and before he realized it, they were travelling down the street at a fast clip toward Kian’s home. Nathan allowed himself to be led around by his hand, contentedly just basking in the knowledge this dream man found him irresistible.

  He wasn’t paying a lot of attention to their surroundings, so when he smelled it, he stopped short. Rooted to the spot, his Enhanced sense of smell ranged out and he mentally identified what he was smelling. He felt Kian pulling at his hand. Heard him asking questions. He knew everything happening around them. The few cars driving past. The spring breeze carrying the light scent of blossoms past him. He was in complete control of himself and his senses.

  He heard the desperation start to enter Kian’s voice. Nathan blinked and focused his eyes back on Kian. He pulled the younger man into his arms and buried his nose in Kian’s neck to breathe in his scent and chase away the chemical scent lodged in his nose. He gave himself peace for a few more seconds before forcing himself away from Kian’s arms now wrapped around his back and looked around to get a precise location on where they actually were.

  “The men that are shaking you all down, they are drug dealers or at least involved in drugs, aren’t they?” It was more a statement really, but he waited for Kian’s answer.

  Kian only nodded suspiciously before asking his own question. “How’d you know? Or is it just that most criminals are involved in drugs one way or another?”

  “I don’t know about most criminals. All I know is that I can smell the chemicals their bodies left behind. They were standing right here a few minutes ago. The chemical residue hasn’t left the area yet, and my sense of smell is very Enhanced.”

  Kian still looked suspicious but also very curious. “Okay, you definitely need to explain to me in some major detail what you do for a living, but that can wait for now because all that smelling the air and growling thing you were doing was really sexy. So we need to get back to my place now because I need to take a ride on you.”

  “You can have a lifetime, all-access pass to riding me, Kian.” Nathan smirked at the back of Kian’s head and felt his smirk grow into a full-blown smile as he heard Kian’s sharp intake of air. He frowned slightly when he realized Kian had said he’d been growling. He hadn’t noticed that at all. His protective instincts had to be close to the surface for that to have happened.

  Kian pulled Nathan along with purpose. He propelled them down the dark street and, in minutes, had them through the door of his cafe. He pushed Nathan’s back against the door and plastered their bodies together, desperately locking his lips over Nathan’s. Nathan felt his breath sucked out of his body and let it go willingly, allowing his tongue to flow into Kian’s heated mouth. Their tongues tangled for a few seconds longer before Nathan felt Kian lever himself away and lock the door again.

  Once Nathan heard the lock snick shut, he was pushing at Kian. He had Kian turned toward the back of the cafe and pointed to the back stairs. Nathan leaned into Kian’s ear and whispered, “Run. I want you naked and ready to ride me before I get up there. You have five minutes.”

  The words had just left Nathan’s lips and Kian was off. He moved so fast he could have been a blur. Nathan chuckled to himself. He held himself back, reining in the urge to chase and hunt what was now riding him. The Watchman in him wanted to hunt down his delectable prey, but Nathan held it back. He’d given Kian five minutes, and he would get those five minutes.

  Nathan walked around the cafe. He straightened chairs and condiments. He walked behind
the counter and grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge, along with a roll of mints, and started walking to the stairs slowly. He kept himself to a slow pace as he climbed the stairs. He was sweating by the time he’d climbed the flight. His control over the Watchman was implacable. It had to be. Otherwise, he would have been buried deep in his dream man before Kian had even made it to the stairs.

  Nathan strolled casually into the bedroom and stopped short in the doorway. He leaned against the jamb. It might have looked casual to an observer, but Nathan was using the jamb to regain his control. Kian was lying naked on his back on the bed. His knees were raised. One arm was behind his head, the other hand slowly stroking his already hard cock. His sleek feet were framing his ass, and something was glinting at Nathan from between his ass cheeks. Kian wiggled on the bed, running his tongue over his lips before pulling his bottom lip in and biting on it.

  Nathan gathered in a deep breath and walked carefully to the side of the bed. He put the water bottles down carefully, the mints beside them. He slowly opened the drawer and removed the tube of lube and some condoms and placed them beside the bottles. He didn’t look at Kian once he’d started walking. He knew he’d lose all control if he did. With that done, he swallowed and let his eyes burn into Kian’s.

  Kian rolled onto his knees and came to the edge of the bed. He raised his hands and slowly undid the buttons of Nathan’s shirt. He shucked it down Nathan’s arms and started on Nathan’s jeans. Nathan slipped his feet out of his shoes and socks before Kian had the zipper down. Nathan took a step back as Kian pushed at him a little.

  “When did you put on a butt plug?” Nathan’s voice was huskier than he’d anticipated. He cleared his throat to see if it would help.

  “I’ve had one in all day, hoping I’d see you again. But I changed into this green glass one when I came up here just now,” Kian whispered. He pushed down on Nathan’s jeans and took the boxer briefs with him as he pushed the jeans to the floor.

  Nathan stepped out of them. He ran his large hands around Kian’s waist and turned him to face the bed. Nathan curled his fingers and ran the nails along Kian’s defined abdominal muscles. His mouth was watering, and he had to swallow again and again. This man in his arms was too perfect. Nathan had a thing for plugs, and fuck, why couldn’t this man be real? Why did this have to be a dream? Putting heartbreak aside for now, Nathan pushed Kian at the shoulder.

  “Hands on the bed, baby.” Kian leaned over enough to do as told. Nathan’s hand went to the plug glinting up at him. He wrapped his fingers around it and turned it slowly. He pushed in a touch and wiggled it. He heard Kian groan and did it again. “Like that, baby?” he asked huskily. Kian just dropped his head forward, groaning again and pushed his ass against Nathan’s hand. “I see you do.” Nathan laughed and treated Kian again.

  Nathan dropped over Kian’s back and kissed the back of his neck. He smacked his ass gently, “I’m going to lay back on the bed, sweetheart. Then you’re going to go for a ride. That sound good to you?”

  Kian nodded frantically and watched as Nathan settled himself on his back on the bed. Nathan felt those hot eyes on him. His cock was already hard, had been since they’d started kissing out on the street. Now he was hard and leaking. He saw Kian reach over to the bedside and grab a condom. He ripped it open and took Nathan’s erection in hand. He rolled it on with quick and sure movements and followed with a rubbing of lube. Nathan didn’t stop himself from thrusting into Kian’s tight fist and heard them both groan in pleasure.

  Nathan put his hand over Kian’s and stilled him. “If you don’t stop, baby, this will be very short. Come on, baby. Get on the bed. Come over here.”

  Kian scrambled onto the bed. Nathan had his hands on Kian’s hips and helped steady him as Kian straddled his hips. Kian was high on his knees over Nathan, and Nathan kept him there.

  “I like this view, baby,” he whispered.

  He moved his hand from a hip and ran a fingertip down Kian’s stiff and weeping cock and kept going down over his balls. He pressed his nail lightly into Kian’s perineum and ended his travels by wrapping his fingers around the green knob of the butt plug Kian was wearing. He anchored his left hand firmly on Kian’s hip to still any movement and pulled the plug out quickly with his other hand, relishing the lewd pop it made as it was released from Kian’s body. He brought his hand in front of his face and looked at it.

  “This is pretty, not as large as me or as wide, but these ridges look like fun.” He smiled, moving his eyebrows up and down cheekily.

  Kian braced his hands on Nathan’s chest.

  “They are fun. I can’t wear it during the day though. The knob makes it hard to work. I used a flat ended one today. Rubber just in case of accident. I love the glass ones, but, well, it would have made me come all over myself hours ago,” Kian babbled.

  Nathan dropped the plug on the bedside table and returned his hands to Kian’s hips. He ran them up and over Kian’s back and pulled Kian down to kiss him. Nathan claimed Kian’s mouth completely in seconds. He kept his hands moving over Kian’s back and sides, occasionally using his nails to feel Kian shiver against him. He pushed his tongue into Kian’s mouth again and felt Kian suck on it greedily. He left them locked at the lips and pushed them up enough that he felt Kian lined up over his cock. He used one hand to keep himself steady and pushed on Kian’s hip lightly until Kian started to lower himself onto Nathan’s cock. They were panting into each other by the time Kian was sitting in Nathan’s lap. Keeping rigid control of himself, Nathan let himself fall back to the bed and let Kian sit up straight.

  Kian leant forward a little on Nathan’s chest and slowly lifted up. Nathan gasped at the sensation of Kian moving over him. He kept his hands steady on Kian’s hips for support and let Kian have his freedom otherwise.

  “Your show, baby.” He sighed as Kian slowly came down again.

  Kian lifted as soon as he was seated and started to set a slow but steady pace. Rising and falling again to some inner rhythm, riding the man under him. Kian’s head was thrown back, his mouth open and eyes closed. Nathan let his eyes run over the other man hungrily. He could not get enough of this man. Kian was over him, around him, his breath in him, and Nathan felt whole. So whole. He lost himself in what Kian was giving him. Lost his mind in the sensations assaulting him. Lost his body in the immense pleasure it was receiving and lost his heart to this beautiful man that he only knew in his dreams. He was so lost he gasped feeling Kian orgasm. Kian stripped Nathan’s stomach with his release and spasmed around Nathan, pushing him over the edge, too, and Nathan spilled.

  He caught Kian to his chest as he fell over and rolled them to the side, pulling Kian as close to him as possible and burying his face in Kian’s neck, just breathing the glory of him in.

  Chapter Five

  Nathan wriggled himself around enough to remove and get rid of the condom without removing his face from Kian’s neck. He felt Kian sigh happily and wrap his arms around him. Nathan cuddled further into the welcome. He felt the tiny kisses Kian left all over his hair and smiled to himself.

  “So, Nate, where do you come from?” Kian asked quietly.

  Nathan felt himself stiffen in Kian’s arms and faced the decision he had to make. In two seconds he’d made his choice. He drew a deep breath and pulled just enough away so they could speak comfortably.

  “My full name is Nathan Marshall. I live in San Francisco at Alcatraz. I’m a Watchman. My Enhancement Activated in my teens, and I’ve been searching for my Balance ever since. The year I’m from is 2525. Without my Balance, my body will shut down soon, and I’ll pass on. You are my Balance, Kian, but you’re only a dream.” Nathan held his breath until he felt another kiss, on his temple this time, and Kian pulled them closer.

  “What’s a Watchman?” he asked thoughtfully.

  “In 2100 our history says anyway, Mother Nature got sick of humans being stupid. Too many wars, too much taking things for granted, too many drugs, and it was destroying her. So,
one day after a superstorm, people started to Activate. They were stronger and faster than normals. They had one or two stronger senses, sight, hearing, taste, smell, one or two of them at least, better than they were. We call them Enhancements, and they Activate usually in the late teens. Once we Activate, a Watchman’s body stops producing a certain enzyme and eventually our bodies shut down. A Watchman needs to find who we call a Balance. Only after the two find each other and connect as fully as they wish will the Watchman’s body start to produce that enzyme again.”

  “Oh God,” Kian whispered, his arms tightening around Nathan.

  “From the beginning, Watchmen became the Guardians of the Earth. They stepped in and put a stop to wars and general human bullshit. When we see a problem, we step in. I work at the airport, and my team mainly puts our foot on drug mules and Kem traffickers. We are making a dent in the business. Not much gets past our Enhanced noses. We haven’t always had an easy time of it. Hell, at first, Alcatraz was where we were imprisoned. It took Terez Camilri, the Head of the United Nations at the time, to stand on some necks and open some bigoted minds to change that. Anyway ’Traz is now home for the ‘Frisco Watchmen. Most cities have their own Watchmen Compounds all around the world. Most of us work in the armed forces or some type of law enforcement, but we all get access to any and all the education we could want. They sort of spoil us really.”

  “And so they should,” Kian muttered. He prodded Nathan until Nathan was flat on his back and straddled him again. He leaned back and pulled a blanket around them before settling himself on Nathan’s chest.

  “So you need a balance or something yeah? Otherwise you’ll get sick?” Kian murmured into Nathan’s chest.

  Nathan felt a gush of air at his own quiet yes. And so Nathan found himself explaining everything he could, everything he knew about a Balance. He kept both hands roving over Kian as he did. He reveled in the ability and the pleasure it gave him. Occasionally Kian would shiver and try to get even closer and Nathan would smile happily and drop a kiss on Kian’s mop of chocolate brown hair. He finally stopped over an hour later and reached for the water bottle beside the bed.


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