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Teaching Bailey

Page 4

by Smith, Crystal G.

  “Bailey come. Come now.” Bailey didn’t understand what he had just done to her body but she exploded instantly around him feeling his grow before thrusting one hard last time and stilling when he reached as deep as he could.

  She felt him pumping his seed into the condom inside her. The throbbing of his cock tickled the inside of her. She worked to slow her breathing. Thinking of how perfectly amazing their love making had been.

  She felt his weight shift slightly before his fingers removed the blindfold he had placed. It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to light but when they did she stared back in to the eyes of the man who had just taken her virginity and turned it in to the most intense pleasure she had ever felt.

  She watched as the corner of his mouth turned up in to a smile. “Are you ok?”

  His question sent her in to a mass state of confusion. “No.”

  “No.” He grin grew bigger causing one to appear on her lips as well.

  “Great. Brilliant. Wonderfully relaxed.”

  “That was just the start of it. It is nothing compared to what is to come.”

  “There is no way it can get any better than that.”

  “Angel, you don’t know the half of it.”

  She began to frown as he shifted his weight off of her. “Don’t make that face, I won’t be gone long.”

  His words made her relax as she watched him walk in to the bathroom. The running water in the tub caused her inner muscles to clinch again. Surely he wasn’t thinking what she was thinking he was thinking. So soon? No she told herself with a little chuckle. He was just taking a bath that’s all she thought.

  When he appeared in the doorway of the bathroom naked, her mouth dropped open. She hadn’t seen him naked, naked. Even when he had walked in to the bathroom, she hadn’t paid much attention to his body as she was too disappointed at the loss of his touch.

  She felt her mouth begin to water as he slowly walked, no stalked towards her. She wasn’t looking in his eyes. She stared at the chiseled chest coming at her. Abscent mindedly she licked her lips at the thought of running her tongue from tan nipple to tan nipple, down over the ripples of muscles, down the skinny trail of hair from his belly button down.

  She was so lost in the thought of what she now wanted to do to him, she hadn’t noticed his movement had ceased.

  “Something on your mind Angel?”

  She felt herself blush as she forced her eyes back to his. The sly smile on his face was all she needed to know. He had just busted her in the act of basically drooling over him. In that moment she couldn’t speak, she couldn’t even close her mouth. He was breath taking gorgeous. Beings that she was already busted, she decided she was going to enjoy this moment as long as he let her and apparently it wouldn’t be too much longer considering he was now pulling the restraints from her arms and legs free.

  As he bent to untie the last restraint her eyes met his already hard erection not a full foot away from her. Suddenly the urge to taste him there over took her and as soon as her hand was free she moved quickly grabbing a hold of it and licking the large head.

  He jumped back surprised from her action. “Wow.”

  “I’m sorry.” She didn’t understand what she had done wrong but she didn’t like the reaction she had caused. Quickly she jumped up from the bed and ran for the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

  “Bailey open the door, we need to talk about what just happened.” She listened to him knock quietly on the door but couldn’t bring herself to answer him. “Bailey open the door.” This time his voice was more stern. Her immediate thought was ‘That voice again, he’s gonna whip my ass again’.

  “Bailey, you can either open the door or I can break it down. I’m not sure why you ran but you shouldn’t have. If you were embarrassed you shouldn’t be. It was a very bold and well to be honest if it wouldn’t have been the shock of it, totally sexy as hell. Open the door Bailey.”

  She stood there replaying the words he had just spoke. Shocking, sexy, bold. What did that exactly mean? If it were sexy, he wouldn’t have moved away like he had. If it were sexy, why would it have shocked him so much? But she did agree with the boldness of it.

  “Ok if you don’t think I will break down this door try me? I feel like I am talking to my niece. If you don’t open that door in three seconds, I will break it down.”

  “Ok, fine.” She walked to the door reaching for the knobs noticing her fingers trembling as she did. She shook her head and then opened the door trying to squeeze by him. Instead of making the quick exit like she was hoping to, she was nose to chest. She took a deep breath and that was all it took before she looked over at one nipple then the other wanting to taste them.

  She took a step back as tears formed in her eyes. She didn’t want to disappoint or shock or whatever else he would call it again. She just wanted to go get back in bed and go to sleep.

  “Bailey, tell me what you’re thinking.” He slowly closed the gap between them reaching out he began to caress her arms. She looked up at his eyes only to notice they weren’t looking back at her. His eyes were beginning to burn a whole in her chest. One minute he was staring at her breast then the next they were watching his own hands move slowly up and down.

  “Answer the question Angel.”

  “I don’t understand what I did wrong.”

  He chuckled before pulling her in to his arms holding her tight. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You surprised me. I didn’t think we would get to that lesson until Wednesday. You shed my plan way out of base.”

  “I did.” She felt herself relax knowing she hadn’t disappointed him, but surprised him. And surprise can be a good thing she thought.

  “Yes you did. I’ve never met anyone with no experience be so willing to do before. And you can take that as a compliment as that is what it is.”

  “Oh.” It hadn’t sounded like a compliment to her. It sounded more to her like he didn’t like the fact that she was so inexperienced.

  “There’s that look again. What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  “Are you upset because I don’t know how to do that?”

  She watched his mouth grow wide. “Do what?”

  Damn it she thought. “Do what I did?”

  “You licked my cock, Bailey.”

  “Yes that. Are you upset because I don’t know how to do that?”

  “For someone who doesn’t know how to lick a man’s cock, you got off to a good start. How did you know to do that?”

  “I googled it.”

  “You googled it.” He belted out in laughter making her skin heat up as she was now once again totally mortified. If everything that she said was going to make him laugh the way it was, then she wasn’t going to be so forth coming with the thoughts she had in her mind.

  “Can I go to bed now?” She felt the stinging in her eyes again and she didn’t want him to see her crack.

  “No. We are going to take a bath first?” His hands returned to her shoulder’s turning her and then gently pushing her towards the tub. She stepped up the three steps and then he eased her down in to the hot water. As her bottom hit the water she winced.

  “The hot water will help with the soreness. Lean forward a bit.” She did as he said and he slipped in behind her pulling her back so that she lay against his chest. His fingers kneaded in to the muscles of her neck, shoulders and upper back.

  “Mmm. That feels wonderful.”

  “Good. This is part of my job as well. It isn’t just sex. It’s about taking care of you. This is the after care. It is almost more important than the sex itself.”


  “Because this is where we talk about anything that is bothering you. Any questions you have. This is where I learn about you and you learn about me. So do you have any questions?”

  “Yes. What is your favorite color?” She started laughing making a joke of the topic of conversation.

  “I used to think blue, but the nice little shade of red I
saw earlier on your ass just took its place. As a matter of fact, I think I want to see that color again. So please carry on with your line of thinking. I’m keeping a mental note of every time you talk to me without using, Sir. Tomorrow should be interesting.”

  “Wait. That’s not fair. I thought I only had to call you, Sir, when we were making,,,having sex.”

  “I explained to you that you were to address me as, Sir, the entire time you are with me as you are receiving your training.”

  “Yes you did. I’m sorry Sir.”

  “This once only I will forgive you but I will start counting again if need be. Is that clear?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Good, now questions.”

  “I don’t have any questions really, Sir.”

  “Really? Don’t you want to know when you can lick my cock?”


  “Ask me nicely if you can lick my cock, Bailey.”

  She froze. She didn’t understand why she couldn’t do it earlier but now she could. And as if he could see the confusion steaming from the back of her head, he answered her.

  “Because we do things my way. That is the way I am.”

  “Can I lick your cock, Sir?” She was surprised as easily those words came out now.

  “Please do.”

  Slowly she turned around looking at his non readable face. She looked down to the submersed cock that she could see was standing erect. For a moment, she considered how she was going to accomplish anything under the water but slowly he raised his hips letting just the head peak above the water.

  She leaned down, remembering what she had watched, she slowly ran the tip of her tongue across the tip of his penis. He released a quiet growl that made her feel as if she were doing something right for the first time in her life. Again she ran her tongue over waiting for another growl. When she didn’t get the reaction she was again hoping for she took it a step further, closing her mouth over the tip and kissing him.

  Again she didn’t get a reaction. This pissed her off. She took a deep breath then slowly she took him in to her mouth going down below the water taking all that she could in her mouth. She sucked and twirled her tongue over him on the way back up.

  This time she got a reaction. It wasn’t verbal which is what she had been hoping for. Her hands resting on his thighs felt the muscle contract and she knew she was doing something right. A reaction he wasn’t able to hide giving her the confidence she needed.

  Bailey opened her mouth and quickly sucked her way down. Down under the water then back up again taking a breath before doing it again not daring to go too far. As soon as she felt the head of his cock on the back of her throat, she would slowly move her way back up sucking with all her might. Trying her best to please him the way she had watched the woman online please that man.

  She felt him tighten and grow in her mouth before a thick substance coated her tongue. She swallowed taking in every last drop he had given her. Relishing in this moment that would be over soon. Knowing that this was one of the few times left in her life that she would be able to experience this. To experience a man aroused from her touch, and the taste of his arousal on her tongue.

  “If I was giving out scores right now, you definitely would have just earned yourself an A. I guess google helps a lot of things huh.” He smiled warming her heart. That was what she wanted. A fun loving, down to earth, humor understanding man. But she wouldn’t be able to have a man and this man was just hers for the week. She sank backwards back down in to the water.

  She twiddled her thumbs feeling his eyes on her. She didn’t want to look up at him. Not with the way she was feeling right now. She couldn’t let him see it. Let him see her and the emotional rollercoaster she was constantly riding.

  “Bailey, why is it I have the feeling you are hiding something from me?”

  “I don’t know Sir. You know everything about me that you need to know.”

  “What is it about you? The part that you don’t think I need to know.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sir.”

  “I think you do. But we won’t go in to that right now. You’ll tell me when you’re ready.”

  He didn’t say another word to her as he stood, stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist.

  Bailey tucked her head low and stepped out of the tub. The minute her feet hit the floor, he had a towel drying her off. She watched as he dried every inch of her body. When he had finished with her feet, he stood. Bailey stared in to his eyes trying to figure out what she was seeing there. It was as if he had his own little secret there that he was hiding from her.

  “Let’s go to bed, it’s going to be an early morning for you.”

  Bailey was suddenly surprised. “Are we going to be sleeping together?”

  “Yes, for tonight. It is important for you.”


  “With this being your first time, the aftercare involves sleeping together. Tomorrow night we will sleep separately.”

  She studied his words over and over. She climbed in to the bed and just as he was reaching over to shut the light off she spoke. “You don’t have to sleep with me. I will be fine. You know, if you don’t want.”

  She watched a small smile appear before he shut the light off and climbed in beside her. She felt the bed shifting with his weight as she rolled over putting her back towards him. The fact of the matter was, she wanted him to sleep with her, but she was nervous. She had never slept with anyone in a bed with her.

  Her breath hitched before letting out a squeal as his arm came down over the top of her waist pulling her back towards him and nestling against her.

  “When I said after care was part of sleeping with you, I didn’t mean you had to be shy and sleep on the edge. That almost messed with my massive size ego.”

  She laughed at his words. “I didn’t mean to disturb your ego. I just wanted to make sure you had plenty of room.”

  “Well, that is awfully nice of you, but why were you really laying on the edge?”

  She didn’t know how he knew but beings that he did, there was no hiding it. “To be honest, I’m nervous. Okay. Nervous, I haven’t ever shared a bed with anyone and after what we just did…. I’m nervous.”

  “Hard part is over with. Tell me you don’t like this feeling right now. Tell me you don’t like having my arms around you. That you don’t like feeling my heat soak in to your backside.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why can’t you?”

  “Because I do like it. Can I ask you a question?”

  “Yes. You can ask me anything you like. It doesn’t mean I will answer you.”

  “Why are we sleeping naked?”

  “Because I like sleeping naked and when I sleep in bed with a woman I expect to feel her bare skin next to mine. It makes it easier when I wake up in the middle of the night with a craving.”

  “Oh.” That was all that she could get out. She couldn’t believe he had just said that and yet at the same time she felt her excitement grow. She took a quiet deep breath and adjusted herself slightly. It wasn’t until she felt his erection grow behind her that her breathing ceased all together. She pressed back just a little to make sure she was feeling what she thought she had.

  “Keep doing that and you won’t be going to sleep anytime soon.” His voice was low.

  “But,,,.” She didn’t say it. She wondered how he could go to sleep like that. In the condition that he was apparently in.

  “But what?”

  “How,, well how do you, you know?”

  “No Bailey I don’t know, how do I what?”

  “How do you sleep with that?”

  “I’m used to it. Don’t worry. Quit rubbing your ass against me and it will go to sleep like you are supposed to be doing.”


  She lay there thinking about all the events of the evening. In one night she had met Cole. Her Sir. She had went from never being alone with a man in a bedroom bef
ore, to stripping as he watched and then helped, to passing out, to getting her first of what she feared and at the same time hoped for more of spanking, to losing her virginity, to giving him head, to taking a bath, to wanting to grind her ass in to his hard cock and now sleeping cuddled up next to him. Wasn’t anything like she had expected her first night to be.

  Chapter Six

  Bailey woke to the feeling of Coles finger sliding between her nether lips. She lay there silently waiting for his next move. The minute his finger brushed over her clit it was over. The deep breath she took followed by the sudden push of her legs inching her backwards was all it took. The tiny nub was super sensitive from Cole’s delicious assault earlier.

  “The minute you woke up I knew. Do you wanna know how?” His voice was deep and raspy as he whispered against her neck.


  “How, Sir?” He corrected her. “Because I felt your body tense up.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. You startled me, Sir.”

  “Perfectly normal. You’re not used to men touching you how they like. But when I am done with you, you’re going to crave it. Do you like the sound of that?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Open your legs for me.”

  As if he had to tell her twice. Her legs opened giving him the access he wanted.

  “Do you want to know what it means to be a submissive?” His breath mumbled against her neck as his fingers began caressing her immediately erect clit.

  “Yes, Sir.” She moaned out.

  “It means that you willingly give yourself to me, that you trust me, and that you want to please me.”

  “Mm-mm.” Her eyes drifted shut as his lips kissed over her collar bone, trailing lower.

  “Do you submit?” He asked as he thrust a finger inside her.

  She gasped as she felt his finger curl against the soreness left from the night before.

  “God! Yes!” She cried out.

  He laughed as pulled his finger away, lining his already sheathed cock with her entrance. Slowly he slid inside her, waiting to give her soreness time to adjust.


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