Chasing Lyrics (Music & Lyrics #1)

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Chasing Lyrics (Music & Lyrics #1) Page 11

by Debbie Dickerson

  Stefan looks at her and says in a deep German accent and zero sign of a smile, “Would you like a picture?” A laugh escapes my mouth.

  Lyrics bugs her eyes out and to my surprise, she says, “Yes sir, I’d love one!” I almost shit! She hands me her phone and says, “We can send this to mom.” As she walks around his desk, I notice a smile forming on his face. Clearly, her response shocks him also. Without a second thought, she snuggles up to him and he responds by putting his arm around her. Both have big smiles. Fuck, I love this woman!

  Lyrics shakes his hand and says, “Thank you, sir.”

  He raises her hand and kisses it. “The pleasure is mine.”

  I shake his hand and say, “No need to kiss mine.”

  His mood lightened tremendously. “No sir, I shall not.” Off we go to see the castles.

  My phone rings. Mom. “Hey mom. How are you?”

  Her voice is shaky as she asks, “Honey, is it true?”

  I ask, “Is what true?” Lyrics looks at me with wonder.

  Mom says, “Did Dylan get into a fight with that Jennifer?” Holy fuck! Her question stuns me. The first thing I think of is Lyrics feeling badly once she knows everybody knows. Mom asks, “Is Dylan okay? Is it true or not?”

  I quietly say, “Yes, it’s true. How the hell do you know?”

  She says, “Honey, it is all over the news channels here. Maggie from my book club called and told me to turn on the TV and there it was: your picture, Dylan’s picture, and a picture of Jennifer with a swollen eye.” I am pissed.

  Lyrics asks me, “What’s going on?”

  Mom says, “Put her on the phone, dear.” Reluctantly I hand the phone to her.

  She says, “Mom, what’s wrong?” I watch as her eyes bulge out and her face grows red with embarrassment. She says, “Everybody knows? Shoot, I’m sorry. Man, I can’t believe this.” She pauses and looks at me with sad eyes. I pull her into me and kiss her forehead. She says, “Okay, Mom, we’ll call you later. Love you too. No, I won’t be getting into any more fights, promise.”

  I look at her and say, “You okay?”

  She gives me a smile and says, “Well, the good news is that when I go home, everybody will think I’m a badass.”

  I laugh and say, “Yep, you’re a regular Ronda Rousey.” We both laugh and continue walking to get a taxi.

  We get in the taxi and the driver asks us where we are going. We tell him that we are going on a castle tour. He shakes his head no and says, “You two must go on a tour of Eltz Castle. It takes one full day but you love it, you must.” We both sit there with our jaws on the floor not knowing what to say. Finally, I look at Lyrics and she tries not to laugh aloud.

  She says, “Well, if we must.”

  The driver says, “Yes, you love it. I take you to the station right now. The tour leaves in forty-five minutes.”

  Not knowing what else to say, I mutter, “Thank you.”

  He smiles and says, “You and your wife will be romantic time there. I promise my friend, you will be happy.” Man, I love the sound of that, my wife. Lyrics grabs my hand and our eyes lock on each other. She knocks my breath out of me. My wife. There is no question in my mind that soon she will be Mrs. Dylan Staff. Guess I always knew that.

  Chapter 25

  ‘Kiss me always, release me never.’

  Lyrics –

  His wife! Those words hit me like a Texas tumbleweed, moves slow but sticks to you. For as long as I can remember, I have been dreaming about being Mrs. Tanner Staff. Here we are, in Germany, going to a castle. A fucking castle…it is truly a fairytale! Neither of us argues with the driver about us being married, we just hold each other’s hand and bask in the sound of it for a while.

  We pull up next to this tiny business and he says, “Go in and tell Klaudia that Lukas sent you.”

  Tanner pays him and says, “Thank you, we will.” We walk in and the tiny waiting area has about twenty people crammed in it, people from all over the world. I notice a few of them looking at us as if they know us, and then it dawns on me that they may have seen our pictures on the news. Tanner leads the way to the counter and asks the rather big lady that is stoically standing there, “Are you Klaudia?”

  She says in a deep, not too friendly voice, “Yes, who are you?”

  Tanner smiles and says confidently, “Lukas sent us.” I thought for sure she would lighten up after that, but not at all.

  She rolls her eyes and says, “Lukas sent you. I don’t like Lukas.” I let out a laugh, which doesn’t please her at all. She shoots me a look, and then returns her stare to Tanner. She cocks her head and says, “You are the American model, no?”

  Tanner responds with, “Yes, ma’am, I am in Germany for work.”

  Then she looks at me and says, “Who would hurt such a beautiful girl like Jennifer Temple?”

  Tanner interrupts her and says, “We’d like two for the tour, please, ma’am.” She smiles at him and all I could think of was when Jim Carey played the female body builder on In Living Color. I bust out laughing, probably from nerves. She finds nothing about me funny, but I think Tanner is hot enough to ease things.

  Klaudia says, “You only need to buy one ticket. I pay for yours.”

  Tanner says, “Thank you, but that’s not necessary.”

  Klaudia smiles and says, “Maybe you come back and see me sometime?”

  I say, “Perfect, then we will take one.” We get our tickets and we have about twenty minutes before we take off on the tour bus. We walk three storefronts down and there is a little bar, thank God!

  I look at Tanner and he asks, “Thirsty, babe?”

  I look at my watch and say, “I know it’s early but fuck it, we are on vacation, right?”

  He flashes me his sexy smile and says, “Who cares about time. Let’s get driggity drunk!”

  I respond quickly with, “Fo shizzle.” We walk into the bar and it is cool as can be. The ambience is incredible in here. There are loads of records on the wall, about thirty guitars hanging on the wall, and the owner/bartender behind the bar with a joint in his mouth. Tanner pulls out a barstool for me and we sit down.

  The man extends his hand and says, “I’m Hanz Burger.”

  Tanner says, “Nice to meet you, sir. I am Tanner Staff and this is Dylan Brooks.”

  Hanz quietly says, “I know.” We look at each other like “what the hell.” He smiles and puts up his dukes, “You are a fighter, huh?”

  I shake my head no and say, “I’m a lover not a fighter.” We all giggle.

  Hanz asks, “What would you like?”

  Tanner says, “Don’t suppose you have Jack Daniels do you?” He reaches under the bar and grabs three glasses, one for each of us and one for him.

  He pours three shots and raises his glass. “Here’s to passionate love, great music, and beautiful women.” We smile and clink our glasses. The Jack tastes like sunshine flowing down my throat.

  Tanner says, “One more please.” He pours three and we toast again. I am feeling nice and relaxed now. I don’t give a crap who knows us and that I knocked that skanky bitch out. In fact, I am proud of myself! Tanner shakes his hand and we head back to the tour place. Everybody is boarding the bus already.

  We pick it up to a jog and Klaudia looks at Tanner and says, “You almost missed it.” Tanner smiles and like the gentleman he is, helps me onto the bus. He guides me to the open seats in the back of the bus. The driver is saying something but his English is so broken it is hard to understand. The door closes and we begin to move. The drive is about one and a half hours. The Jack is hitting me now, not to mention the contact high from the weed Hanz was toking.

  Tanner puts his hand on my face and whispers into my ear, “I’m happy you wore this dress today. You look gorgeous.” I can’t hide my smile. He kisses my cheek and then turns my face into his. His lips are so soft but control mine as if I am hypnotized. He pulls me closer to him, where we the empty row of seats in front of us can block us. With one hand, he is pull
ing my face tightly into his and his tongue is doing things in my mouth that are driving me crazy. I feel his warm hand slide under my dress and begin squeezing my thigh, not too hard, but hard enough to send my pussy into frenzy mode. His mouth slides from my mouth and lands on my neck. As he is slowly licking my neck, his hand is steadily moving north. I feel his thumb graze my underwear and a moaning sound comes out of my mouth. Not sure if it’s the fact that he has me craving him so desperately or the alcohol, but I couldn’t care less about the other passengers right now. I grab his hand and guide it under my soaking panties. As he glides his finger between my wet slit, he catches my stare and mouths, “I love you.” His finger slips inside of me, and he mutes my quiet moans with his tongue. I want him so badly. My breathing is quick and deep, as is his. Neither of us care that there are twenty people on this bus with us. As he is slipping in and out of me, I begin stroking him through his pastel colored Gap shorts. He is rock hard. Tanner moves my hand from him and whispers in my ear, “I want you to cum for me, right here.” He begins rubbing my clit while slowly but forcefully fucking me with his fingers. The electricity is beginning. It starts at the top of my head, and with every pump of his finger, it travels down my body. He can tell by my breathing pattern that I am fixin’ to cum. He grabs my head and puts two fingers in my mouth, silencing me. He mouths, “Cum baby, please. Cum for me.” I can’t hold out any longer. My pussy clenches his fingers and I can feel the wetness slide down my thigh. He smiles and as he slides his fingers out of me, he says, “That’s my girl.” I am speechless. He gently kisses my lips and I lay my head on his chest. This is indeed a fairytale. Okay, an ‘X’ rated fairytale…but still a fairytale.

  We spend the next thirty minutes of the ride staring at the beautiful scenery we are passing. Tanner turns to me and says, “So, what are you going to do when you get home?”

  I take a deep breath and say, “I’ll go to Mom’s for the Fourth. Dad and Sophia will be there too, I’m sure. I don’t know when I get back to Austin. Without you there, I guess I won’t be doing any gigs. Probably write a lot, pick up some shifts at the bar if they’ll have me.”

  Tanner smiles and says, “I think you should play some gigs. You have a beautiful voice, babe. You know you don’t have to work; I’ll make sure you are financially set. I think you should write so that when I get home we will have a bunch of new material to perform.”

  The thought of being home without him makes me sick. Not to mention the fact that he will be with Jennifer. I smile and point at the castle on the top of the hill. “Is that the castle we are going to?”

  He shrugs his shoulders and says, “Do you think we will see Shrek?” I laugh and tell him what a dork he is. He says, “You have a knack of switching the subject. Thank you, I don’t even want to think about it, really.” My eyes fill with tears and I lay my head back so he won’t see.

  Chapter 26

  ‘Home for me is wherever you are’

  Tanner –

  Getting off the bus everybody is in awe of the castle, but man, I can’t take my damn eyes off Lyrics. Her sandy blonde hair is flowing in the wind, brushing against her face, and those blue eyes…so beautiful. She has no idea how beautiful she is, I mean, she is stunning. I think the fact that she has no clue or simply doesn’t care is one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen.

  When we were in high school, I always wondered why she never had a boyfriend. She has always been cute, different, but cute. Thinking about it now, I never had a girlfriend either. It’s always been she and I. Well, I was a bit of a slut, but no one ever compared to Lyrics, and I never felt the need to make any of them my girlfriend. Guess everything happens for a reason.

  As we walk through the doors, Lyrics grabs my hand and is like a kid in a candy store. Her eyes open as wide as they can go. The castle guide is rattling off some information and Lyrics is soaking it in like a sponge. Me, I couldn’t give a crap, of course it is interesting, but the closeness of the third is consuming my every thought. I want to enjoy this but really, I want to punch something. I can’t imagine five months without her. Don’t know how I can even be cordial with Jennifer.

  Lyrics nudges me with her hip and asks me, “You okay?”

  I smile and whisper, “Yep. I am just thinking about all the rooms in here and which one we can have sex in.”

  She raises her eyebrow and says, “You are all kinds of messed up.” I laugh. I don’t want to spoil her time with the truth about what’s on my mind, although, it would be awesome to sneak away from this group! The tour guide begins talking about why this castle was built and we walk into this room filled with iron weapons.

  Lyrics leans into me and says, “These remind me of the fetish shop I went to.” My eyebrows raise and my dick instantly gets hard. A million sexual thoughts run through my mind.

  I lead her over to one wall that has cuff like things hanging on the wall and ask her, “Did that store have these?”

  She smirks and says, “Actually, they did.”

  I tell her, “I would put your beautiful wrists in these and lock you to a bar that I fastened onto the wall.” We walk to a wall that has torturous leg spreaders and I say, “Then I would use these to spread your legs wide open, but not in a painful way.”

  She asks, “Then what?”

  I press her up against the wall that has whips and I turn her head to the whip right next to her and say, “With this, I would gently whip your pussy until you were begging me to fuck you.”

  She pushes her hips into mine and says, “Let me tell you what I would do to you.” I take a deep breath because right now I am very tempted to bend her over right here. She is about to throw me over the edge, I am sure of that! She leads me to ropes that are dangling off the curtains and says, in the sexiest voice I have ever heard, “I will tie you up with these so that you cannot move your hands, and then tie your feet together. When you are unable to move I will drag my tongue over your delicious body until I find your hard, pulsating cock. I will lick you up and down, and then take you into my mouth all the way.” I can’t help but to grip her dress and pull her against me. “Just when you are begging me to free your hands, I will suck you so hard that you lose your ability to think. You will beg me to allow you to cum, but I won’t, not yet. I will bring you to the verge multiple times until finally, I give you permission, and at that point you will explode in my mouth and I will swallow every single drop of your juice. How does that sound?”

  For a moment, I am speechless. When I find myself able to speak, I say, “We need to find a room. I need to be inside of you, now.”

  She drags her finger across my chest and says, “Don’t worry babe, you’ll have me soon.”

  I shoot her a devious look and then pull her against me. I lean in close to her ear and whisper, “You are a mean, mean woman, but I love it.” She smiles with victory!

  This castle is ridiculously huge and the guide is making the tour feel long and drawn out. The scenery outside is beautiful. From the windows, you can see the winding river Rhine and trees everywhere. Doesn’t seem like this tour is winding down anytime soon, but I am done with being inside. I take Lyrics’ hand and with my eyes, I tell her, “Let’s go.” She looks at me as if I am breaking out of prison. I smile and again give her the ‘let’s go’ eyes. Slowly she begins moving forward with me. We quietly back out of the room and pick our pace up to a slow run out of the castle. I point to an area that has a walkover bridge that leads to both the river Rhine and the forest. “Come on.” I pull her arm a bit.

  Lyrics says, “I don’t think we are allowed to leave the group.”

  I laugh and say, “It’s okay, I promise. Don’t worry, I’ll slay any dragon that dares to challenge us.”

  She says, “My knight in shining armor.” The reality is that I would destroy anything that tried to hurt my Lyrics, always have, and always will.

  We trot down the path, which is very long. Once we reach the bottom, we both pause and take in the natural beauty of this place
. It is breathtaking. The river is flowing, trees are a dark green with hints of light green, and there are bird noises that I have never heard before. We find a path and carelessly begin to walk. It feels like we are kids again, kicking rocks, hiding behind trees, and just enjoying each other.

  Lyrics says, “Stop! We need to take a picture and send it to Mom. She will love this.” She hands me her phone, burrows into my arm, and says, “Cheese.” When I hand her back the phone, she quickly sends it to Mom. We walk for about an hour and then figure we had better get back before we miss the return bus. This is a memory I’ll never forget. Right when I am becoming lost in sentimental crap, Lyrics says, “I’m surprised we weren’t attacked by a bunch of bees with those pastel colored shorts you have on!”

  I laugh and say, “Want me to take them off?” She nods yes.

  As I unhook my belt and begin to unbutton the shorts, she says, “Man, you really are all kinds of messed up!” Wearing these Gap colors is not for me. I feel like I am a walking Jordan almond. For me, it’s jeans and a flannel or shorts and a t-shirt. I like it dark and simple…but they are paying me a whole lot of money so I’ll wear this with a smile because it is a means for us to be able to write and sing together.

  We decide to wait on a bench by the bus for the rest of the crowd to come out. Lyrics places her head in my lap and lies down as if she has found the most comfortable bed. The way her dress is dangling off her thigh is painfully sexy.

  Chapter 27

  ‘Engraved on my heart is a You-shaped scar’

  Lyrics –

  The castle was amazing. The taxi driver was right; it was very romantic. When we finally make it back to the hotel, it hits me hard that I only have two more days here. I know Jennifer deserved to be punched, but I wish it wasn’t me that did it. The hotel is very quiet, almost too quiet. When we get up to the room I say, “Thank you for an incredible day. I really had an amazing time with you.”

  Tanner glances at me and looks away quickly. He opens the balcony slider and says, “Get your notepad, let’s write.” Nothing he said could have sounded more perfect.


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