Chasing Lyrics (Music & Lyrics #1)

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Chasing Lyrics (Music & Lyrics #1) Page 13

by Debbie Dickerson

  The hotel phone rings and we both jump. Tanner reaches over and grabs it. He says, “Hey buddy. You’re back already? How’s your mom doing? Oh man, I’m so sorry to hear that. When is the funeral? You okay? Yep, she is leaving tomorrow morning. No, haven’t seen her at all, is she here? Thanks for the heads up. Let me know if you need anything. Okay, I’ll be ready at nine a.m. Hey Chip, I’m glad you were able to see your mom before, well, you know. Alright, see you tomorrow.”

  I ask Tanner, “What’s going on?”

  He says, “It was Chip.”

  I roll my eyes and say, “Yeah, I pretty much got that. What was he saying?”

  He says, “His mom died. Poor guy.”

  Angrily I say, “Tanner, I guessed that by the funeral remark. What the hell did he say about Jennifer?”

  He sits up and begins putting his pants on. “He said she’s back from her spa retreat. Who fucking cares.”

  I know he’s right but for whatever reason, I care. She is a sneaky bitch and I don’t like her. I take a breath and say, “Well, you have four months with her so better get used to it now, right?”

  He says, “I don’t have four months with her, I have four months left on this shoot; she just happens to be there.”

  I fake a smile and say, “I’m starving. Want to order room service?”

  He says as he pulls me to him, “I have everything I want to eat right here!” He makes me laugh.

  I say, “For real, I’m starving.”

  He grabs the menu, hands it to me, and then says, “Order whatever you want!”

  As I am searching through the menu, it dawns on me…we need to tell Mom! I throw down the menu and grab my phone. Tanner looks at me like I lost my mind. I say, “We gotta tell Mom and Dads.” He smiles. I take a picture of my hand with the beautiful ring and then a few of us. I create a group text and push send. One minute later and ding, ding, ding.

  Mom writes, “Oh my gosh! My babies are getting married!” Sounds kind of weird but it is what it is.

  My dad texts, “About time! I couldn’t be happier. Love you both.”

  Mom sends another, “Dylan, we will get to planning as soon as you get home. Oh my goodness, we will have so much fun!” Tanner and I are laughing because we both knew that Mom would react like this. I am the luckiest woman in the world!

  Chapter 30

  ‘Seventeen years we’ve been side by side’

  Tanner –

  It’s happening again. I can’t breathe. I have been up for hours just watching her sleep. I have a bad feeling stirring around in my stomach and I don’t want her to leave. No clue what the bad feeling is, just know it is here. I look at the clock and it is 5:40 a.m. We have to leave in twenty minutes to get to the airport. As I kiss her cheek, she gives me a sleepy smile. Her hand reaches up and caresses my cheek.

  She says, “Already?”

  I reply, “Afraid so.”

  She opens up her eyes and says, “Tan, it’ll be okay. We will talk all the time, promise.”

  I try my hardest to smile but it doesn’t come. I say, “You need to get up and get dressed. Let’s get this fucking shit over.”

  Lyrics slowly gets up and gets dressed. Even in sweat pants and a baggy hoodie she is beautiful. She looks at me and asks, “Ready?” I shake my head no but say yep.

  When we arrive down in the lobby, Stefan took it upon himself to have a car waiting for us. He gives me his phone, puts his arm around Lyrics, and asks me, “Mr. Staff, would you take a picture for me?”

  A smile instantly forms on all of our faces, I say, “Of course.”

  As he kisses her hand, he says, “Ms. Dylan, you are a very special woman. It was such a pleasure to meet you. I’ll look after your fiancé for you.”

  Lyrics smiles and gives him a peck on the cheek. She whispers, “Thank you, sir.” We leave to the airport.

  Lyrics scoots in close to me and leans her head on my shoulder. I am speechless. She begins to speak and I interrupt her. “I have to say this to you. I love you. I mean, I love you so much it actually scares me sometimes. For seventeen years, we have been side by side, taking on the world one song at a time. Now, you are going to be my wife and I can’t tell you what that means to me. Yes, Dylan, I know it will be fine but my stomach hurts just thinking about waiting so long to see you, to touch you. Just know, I am yours wholly, always. Through sickness and in health…” The tears that fall from her eyes are oddly comforting to me.

  As the car comes to a stop at the airport, I force myself to get out and grab her bags out of the trunk. The driver looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind, and he would be correct. With her ticket in hand, she wraps her arms around me, and I kiss her soft, tremoring lips.

  She says, “I love you. See you at home.”

  As hard as I’m trying to fight it, the tears begin to pour out of my eyes. I whisper, “See you at home. I love you, my Lyrics.” Watching her walk away feels like my heart is ripping out of my body. When she disappears into the airport, I get back into the car and the driver takes off without a word.

  The hotel looks massive and cold as we pull up to the entrance. I shake the driver’s hand and give him a tip. I just can’t find any words to speak. Luckily, Stefan isn’t at his desk. I practically run to the elevator to avoid any possible conversations with anybody. There is such a huge void in my life when Lyrics isn’t with me. I open the door to the room and that too is huge and cold. Chip is going to be calling soon, I know. I plop down on the bed and feel something under my pillow. It’s an envelope labeled Tan. I rip it open and pull out a letter.

  Dear Tanner,

  Thank you for such an amazing time in Germany. In a million years, I wouldn’t have thought I’d be leaving as your fiancé. I knew one day we’d get married, but had no idea you’d propose in Germany. I want you to know that we will be fine. You are the motha fucking Gap model, making lots of money so we can make music together when you get home. I have loved you for seventeen years and that will never change.

  Don’t worry about Jennifer. I don’t want you to be unkind to her; we both know she will make your life miserable if you do. Just do the shoots and then your own thing. You can always threaten her with my fist of death! Don’t turn your back on her though. I really don’t trust her.

  I miss you already. Can’t wait for December when you are back in my arms.

  I love you more and more every single day.

  Love forever,

  Your Lyrics.

  I fold the letter back into the envelope and place it on my nightstand. I’m the luckiest man in the world.

  Chapter 31

  ‘You’re the only one sitting shotgun on this ride.’

  Lyrics –

  Can’t believe it’s already been two months since I left Germany. Mom and I have been looking at dresses, venues, caterers…man, and the wedding shit is crazy! Tanner and I decided to get married on April 25, 2017. Right now Tanner is in Russia. He says Jennifer has been weirdly nice and seems to be sober for the most part. Chip makes sure that they don’t spend too much time together. He knows what a bitch she really is.

  I have been staying with Mom more than at my own apartment. Brent, Tanner’s brother, has been visiting with his kids, which has been great. He and his wife are very good parents, even though it is so weird to see him as a dad. Mom just loves her grandchildren and I can’t wait to give her more. Brent and Tanner aren’t too close but get along great when they are around each other. Tanner loves those kiddos though. I text Tanner, “Hello my love. Brent and the kids want to tell you hi too. How is Russia?”

  I get a text. “Russia sucks, I miss y’all so much. Chase and Maddie, Uncle T loves you guys. I’ll bring you some vodka back from Russia.”

  We all laugh, I text, “The kids prefer whiskey, duh.”

  He texts back, “Haha. Just like their Auntie.”

  I love the sound of that, always have. I text, “We all love you, babe. Two more days and you’ll be in Greece.”

  He tex
ts, “Meet me there, please.”

  I text, “I wish.”

  He texts, “Hugs to y’all. Love you. BTW, I never want to see another pastel color in my life!” Everybody cracks up.

  Everybody is going next door to my Dad’s house tonight for his famous smoked brisket. The smell is insanely delicious. Dad starts smoking his briskets at 4 a.m. and we eat around 5 pm. I am so grateful to have the Staff family here for me. When I’m at my apartment, all I can do is think about Tanner. Of course, Tyler stops by every now and again, but the ring on my finger has mellowed him out a lot. He still throws hints at me but he knows there is no chance. It is nice to talk to a friend though.

  Mom comes and puts her arm around me. She says, “Hon, only three more months. You okay?” I nod yes. We head to the kitchen to make macaroni salad and baked beans for the dinner tonight. She says, “So, your dad and Sophia are getting pretty serious. Did he tell you that she is moving in with him?”

  I say, “Hell no, he didn’t. He never tells me anything.”

  Mom says, “She’s sweet. I think she makes your dad happy.”

  I say, “Yep, he is definitely happier now that he has her. It’s great to see him like this. She is sweet, but I hope she knows I already have a mom.”

  She smiles and says, “Yes you do.”

  Maddie comes running in yelling, “Grammie, Auntie Dylan…come outside, quick.” We stop what we are doing and run outside to find a copperhead snake chopped in half.

  I scream bloody murder while Mom gleefully asks, “Who’s the hero that killed him?”

  Chase raises his hand and says, “Me. I killed him Grammie.”

  Brent is standing there like a proud daddy. He says, “Sure did, Mom, he grabbed that shovel and did what had to be done. Proud of you son.”

  I laugh and say, “Now it’s a redneck barbeque!”

  Dad yells from over the fence, “Supper is ready, y’all.” We grab the dishes we made and all start marching next door. Sophia is in the kitchen with an apron on, Dad has two spatulas in his hands, and the brisket is on the table. It’s nice seeing a lady in Dad’s kitchen. Sophia comes to me, kisses my cheek, and gives me a hug. She does the same to everybody else too. We spend about fifteen minutes on small talk then Dad begins to carve the meat. Once everybody sits down and settles in, he says grace. We aren’t a religious group but something about how my dad says grace is meaningful to me. It is eerily quiet. Even the kids are quiet.

  Brent says, “You know it’s good when all us blabber jaws are too busy eating to speak.” Dad nods with a barbeque sauce smile. Dad startles everybody by standing up and announcing, “I am so happy to have y’all here tonight. Wish my future son-in-law was here, but y’all will do.” Dad is fidgeting and nervous. I have no idea what he has to say. He looks at Sophia and smiles. He says, “I married the most amazing woman imaginable and she gave me the most precious gift in my life, Dylan. God had other plans for her and when he took her, He took a large piece of my heart; a piece I never thought I’d get back. Then twenty some odd years pass and along comes another angel of a woman. Sophia, you have mended my heart and have shown me that I am capable of loving again. You make me happy. You make me laugh. I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side.” Everybody is in shock and awe. I’ve never seen my Dad like this, I mean, sensitive and all. Sophia seems to be in shock too. Dad walks over to a hutch he has in the living room and opens the drawer. He pulls out a jewelry box, walks over to Sophia, and gets down on one knee. He says, “Sophia, would you marry me?”

  Her eyes cloud up with tears and she looks at me as if looking for permission. I smile and nod my head yes. She looks at dad and says, “Yes. I would love to marry you.”

  Everybody begins applauding. We all line up to congratulate and hug them. I go to dad and say, “Dad, I’m so happy for you. You deserve to be happy and in love. She is an amazing woman and as long as she loves you, I will love her.” Dad gives me a big hug and tells me how much he loves me. I say, “So, are we having a double wedding?” Everybody laughs.

  Dad says, “No, baby. That will be your special day, and I’ll be walking you down the aisle.”

  I step back a little and say, “Dad, is it okay if I have both my dad’s walk me?”

  Bo perks up and says, “Really? You want me to walk you down the aisle?”

  My dad says, “Absolutely, we have both shared in the raising of this girl, we should share in the giving her away.” My eyes fill with tears.

  Mom comes over and whispers in my ear, “You are such a good girl, Dylan. We all love you so very much.” Although I should feel complete right now, I am missing Tanner so much!

  Chapter 32

  ‘Together we’ve tackled life’s greatest curves’

  Tanner –

  Four months without her and I am starting to lose my shit. It’s as if I have been in a state of hypnosis. We flew to Canada, Russia, Greece, Dubai, China, and now we are in Australia…I think. I don’t give a shit about any of this. If it weren’t for the money and Chip, I would have bounced months ago; probably would have left with Lyrics from Germany. When I call Lyrics after my shoot, that’s the only time my day is truly great. Hearing about her planning our wedding and how excited Mom is, man, that is the only thing keeping me sane! It has taken all my strength not to punch this bitch right in her face. God! Her constant bitching, the drunken outbursts, the threats…fuck I can’t stand her ass! Lying to Lyrics every time I speak to her is getting to me in a bad way. If I told her what a fucking bitch Jennifer has been ever since Germany, Lyrics would freak out. Chip lost his patience months ago and I’m sure this is the worst shoot of his career. He tells me all the time that he feels like a kindergarten teacher, constantly breaking up fights. For four fucking months now, she has been telling me that Dylan is going to pay for what she did to her. My saving grace is knowing that in four days I get to go home and be with my Lyrics, and family.

  Jennifer is all talk. Just yesterday during out shoot she looked at me and said, “You know, I don’t even want you, but I can’t wait to see the look on that little farm girl’s face when she sees her boyfriend, oops sorry, f.i.a.n.c.e’s cock inside of me.”

  I told her, “I’d have to be dead for that to happen.”

  She gave me an evil smile and said, “Oh, I can arrange that.”

  Urgh! What a skanky bitch. I’ve told her on multiple occasions that she deserved to be punched for what she said to Dylan.

  She just smiles and says, “Maybe so, but payback is a bitch, and me, yeah, I’m even more of a bitch.” Can’t argue with that!

  We are finally in Sydney, where we close this nightmare down. This is the last four days of this shoot and I swear I am never modeling again, unless it’s for an album cover. I haven’t written a song, played guitar, or sung since Germany. Without my Lyrics, I have no musical drive. Hell, it’s as if I have no drive at all.

  Every day when we speak I ask her what she has written and she quickly says, “Nothing really.” It breaks my heart every time she says that.

  The knock on my hotel room door makes me jump. I get up and open it. Chip. “Hey brotha, what’s up?”

  Chip says in a desperate tone, “Get dressed, let’s go out tonight. We have been on this long ass shoot for six months and thank God it’s about to end. I want to celebrate!”

  I ask, “Is Jennifer going?”

  Chip looks at me as if I grew a horn. “Fuck no! Just you and I, bro. You think I want that nasty ass messing up our last chance to have a fun evening partying.”

  I smile and say, “Come in, I’ll be ready in ten minutes.”

  I grab my phone and text Lyrics, “Hello, my gorgeous. Chip just demanded that he and I go out tonight to celebrate the end of this shitty shoot. Just want to tell you that I love you and can’t wait to see you. Four wakeups and I will have you in my arms!

  Immediately my phone beeps. “I’m like a kid in the candy store waiting to hold you. Have a great time and give Chip a hug from me. I l
ove you, Tanner Staff. Xoxo, The soon to be Mrs. Tanner Staff.” I stare at my phone and read the last part again. I love the sound of that.

  December in Australia means, shorts and tank tops…pastel Gap clothes, of course. By the way, I am donating or burning all these clothes the moment I get home. One more puke shit green shirt and I swear I will hurl everywhere. I grab my wallet and Chip and I head out. He has a car waiting for us right outside the lobby. We get in and he hands me a beer and a shot immediately. We raise our shot glasses and he says, “Here’s to making it through this shit hole, cock sucker of a shoot. And of course to friendship.” I laugh and we clink our glasses. The whiskey feels like hot lava slowly making its way down my throat.

  When we pull up to the club, there is a line wrapped around the building. I say, “No fucking way I’m standing in that.”

  Chip says, “Sweetie, please, we don’t wait in lines like that. Come on, let’s go.” I’ve learned to trust Chip. He is a soft spoken, very nice man but when he wants something, he gets it. We walk straight up to the bouncer, Chip whispers something in the man’s ear, and he instantly removes the big, thick, almighty red rope. Chip marches us straight to the bar and orders another round. We are sitting at the bar enjoying some small talk when I notice Chip looking right past me with a look in his eyes I hadn’t seen before, almost a hungry look.

  I smirk and say, “What are you looking at?”

  He smirks back and says, “Man, it’s been a long time since I’ve been laid. That man over there has been staring at me since we walked in.”

  I ask, “Which one?”

  He nods and says, “The tall glass of Crocodile Dundee, standing against the wall.”


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