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Æsop's Fables, Embellished with One Hundred and Eleven Emblematical Devices.

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by Aesop



  A Nightingale, sitting all alone among the shady branches of an oak,sung with so melodious and shrill a pipe, that she made the woods echoagain, and alarmed a hungry Hawk, who was at some distance off watchingfor his prey; he had no sooner discovered the little musician, but,making a stoop at the place, he seized her with his crooked talons, andbid her prepare for death.--'Ah!' says she, 'for mercy's sake don't doso barbarous a thing, and so unbecoming yourself; consider, I never didyou any wrong, and am but a poor small morsel for such a stomach asyours; rather attack some larger fowl, which may bring you more creditand a better meal, and let me go.'--'Aye!' says the Hawk, 'persuade meto it if you can: I have been upon the watch all day long, and have notmet with one bit of any thing till I caught you; and now you would haveme let you go, in hopes of something better, would you? Pray, who wouldbe the fool then?'


  They who neglect the opportunity of reaping a small advantage, in hopesthey shall obtain a better, are far from acting upon a reasonable andwell-advised foundation. The figure of Time is always drawn with asingle lock of hair hanging over his forehead, and the back part of hishead bald; to put us in mind that we should be sure to lay hold of anoccasion, when it presents itself to us, lest afterwards we repent us ofour omission and folly, and would recover it when it is too late. It isa very weak reason to give for our refusal of an offer of kindness, thatwe do it because we desire or deserve a better; for it is time enough torelinquish the small affair when the great one comes, if ever it doescome. But, supposing it should not, how can we forgive ourselves forletting any thing slip through our hands, by vainly gaping aftersomething else, which we never could obtain? He who has not been guiltyof any of these kind of errors, however poorly he may come off at last,has only the malice of fortune, or of somebody else, to charge with hisill success; and may applaud himself with some comfort, in never havinglost an opportunity, though ever so small, of bettering and improvinghis circumstances. Unthinking people have oftentimes the unhappiness tofret and tease themselves with retrospects of this kind, which they, whoattend to the business of life as they ought, never have occasion tomake.



  The Peacock presented a memorial to Juno, importing how hardly hethought he was used in not having so good a voice as the Nightingale;how that pretty animal was agreeable to every ear that heard it, whilehe was laughed at for his ugly screaming noise, if he did but open hismouth. The goddess, concerned at the uneasiness of her favourite bird,answered him very kindly to this purpose: 'If the Nightingale is blestwith a fine voice, you have the advantage in point of beauty andlargeness of person.'--'Ah!' says he, 'but what avails my silentunmeaning beauty, when I am so far excelled in voice!'--The goddessdismissed him, bidding him consider, that the properties of everycreature were appointed by the decree of fate: to him beauty; strengthto the Eagle; to the Nightingale a voice of melody; the faculty ofspeech to the Parrot; and to the Dove innocence. That each of these wascontented with his own peculiar quality; and unless he had a mind to bemiserable, he must learn to be so too.


  Since all things, as Juno says, are fixed by the eternal and unalterabledecree of fate, how absurd it is to hear people complaining andtormenting themselves for that which it is impossible ever to obtain!They who are ambitious of having more good qualities, since that isimpracticable, should spare for no pains to cultivate and recommendthose they have; which a sourness and peevishness of temper, instead ofimproving, will certainly lessen and impair, whether they are of themind or body. If we had all the desirable properties in the world, wecould be no more than easy and contented with them; and if a man, by aright way of thinking, can reconcile himself to his own condition,whatever it be, he will fall little short of the most complete statethat mortals ever enjoyed.



  A man was angling in a river, and caught a small Perch; which, as he wastaking off the hook and going to put into his basket, opened its mouth,and began to implore his pity, begging that he would throw it into theriver again. Upon the man's demanding what reason he had to expect sucha favour?--'Why,' says the Fish, 'because, at present, I am but youngand little, and consequently not so well worth your while as I shall beif you take me some time hence, when I am grown larger.'--'That may be,'replies the man, 'but I am not one of those fools who quit a certainty,in expectation of an uncertainty.'


  This fable points much the same way as the seventy-sixth, so that onemoral may very well serve for both. But the lesson they teach is souseful and instructive, that a repetition of it is by no meanssuperfluous. The precept which they would instil into us is, never tolet slip the present opportunity, but to secure to ourselves everylittle advantage, just in the nick that it offers, without a vainreliance upon, and fruitless expectation of, something better in time tocome. We may cheer up our spirits with hoping for that which we cannotat present obtain; but at the same time let us be sure we give nooccasion of condemning ourselves for omitting any thing which it was inour power to secure.



  A flock of Geese and a parcel of Cranes used often to feed together in acorn field. At last the owner of the corn, with his servants, comingupon them of a sudden, surprised them in the very fact; and the geese,being heavy, fat, full-bodied creatures, were most of them sufferers;but the Cranes, being thin and light, easily flew away.


  When the enemy comes to make a seizure, they are sure to suffer mostwhose circumstances are the richest and fattest. In any case ofpersecution, money hangs like a dead weight about a man; and we neverfeel gold so heavy as when we endeavour to make off with it. Thereforewise and politic ministers of state, whenever they see a storm begin togather over their heads, always take care to unlade themselves of a goodpart of their cargo; and, by this means, seldom find but the blasts ofobloquy, through which they are to make their way, are less deaf andinexorable than the stormy waves of the ocean. Indeed, poverty is toofrequently the occasion of mens' being treated as if they were guilty ofthe greatest crimes and reproaches; but then these sort of criminalshave this advantage, that no one thinks fit to treat them with any thingworse than contempt: whereas if any pretence can be found to fall uponthe man who is rich, it is a miracle if he escapes with both life andmoney. In short, riches are like the baggage of an army: very usefulwhile we lie in quiet possession of the camp, or are powerful enough todefy the enemy; but when once we are put to the rout, if we would getoff with our lives or liberties, we must quit our baggage as soon aspossible, and leave it for plunder to our pursuers. Nay, howeverstrongly intrenched we may think ourselves, as long as money is in thecase, it is good to look about us for fear of a surprise: for, afterall, he that does not, upon occasion, make himself wings with his richesto fly off with, deserves to be punished, like a Goose as he is, for hisheaviness.



  A Dog, crossing a little rivulet with a piece of flesh in his mouth, sawhis own Shadow represented in the clear mirror of the limpid stream;and, believing it to be another dog, who was carrying another piece offlesh, he could not forbear catching at it; but was so far from gettingany thing his greedy design, that he dropped the piece he had in hismouth, which immediately sunk to the bottom, and was irrecoverably lost.


  He that catches at more than belongs to him justly deserves to lose whathe has. Yet nothing is more common, and, at the same time, morepernicious, than this selfish principle. It prevails from the king tothe peasant; and all orders and degrees of men are, more or less,infected with it. Great monarchs have been drawn in, by this greedyhumour, to grasp at the dominions of their neighbours; not that theywanted any thing more to feed their luxury, but to gratify theirinsatiable appetit
e for vain-glory. If the kings of Persia could havebeen contented with their own vast territories, they had not lost allAsia for the sake of a little petty state of Greece. And France, withall its glory, has, ere now, been reduced to the last extremity by thesame unjust encroachments.

  He that thinks he sees another's estate in a pack of cards, or a box anddice, and ventures his own in the pursuit of it, should not repine if hefinds himself a beggar in the end.



  The Ass observing how great a favourite the Little Dog was with hismaster, how much caressed and fondled, and fed with good bits at everymeal; and for no other reason, as he could perceive, but skipping andfrisking about, wagging his tail, and leaping up into his master's lap;he was resolved to imitate the same, and see whether such a behaviourwould not procure him the same favours. Accordingly, the master was nosooner come home from walking about his fields and gardens, and wasseated in his easy chair, but the Ass, who observed him, came gambolingand braying towards him, in a very awkward manner. The master could nothelp laughing aloud at the odd sight. But his jest was soon turned intoearnest, when he felt the rough salute of the Ass's fore-feet, who,raising himself upon his hinder legs, pawed against his breast with amost loving air, and would fain have jumped into his lap. The good man,terrified at this outrageous behaviour, and unable to endure the weightof so heavy a beast, cried out; upon which, one of his servants runningin with a good stick, and laying on heartily upon the bones of the poorAss, soon convinced him that every one who desires it is not qualifiedto be a favourite.


  Some men are as engaging in their ways as little dogs. They can fawn,wheedle, cringe, or, if occasion requires, leap backward and forwardover a stick, to the great emolument of their master, and entertainmentof those that behold them. But these are qualifications to which everybody cannot pretend; and therefore none but those who have a genius forit should aspire at the employment. Many a man envies the happiness ofthese favourites, and would fain insinuate himself into the same goodgraces, if he did but know the way; but, whoever has a tolerable shareof discretion, will distrust his abilities in this respect, and modestlyforbear the attempt, for fear he should miscarry and look like an Ass.But, in short, the true moral of this fable is, that every one shouldconsider the just turn and temper of his parts, and weigh the talents bywhich he hopes to be distinguished. After such an examination, he maythe more certainly know how to apply them to the most proper purposes;at least, so as not to hurt, or even mortify himself, by any mistakenaddress. Since there is such a variety of tempers in the world, and a noless multiplicity of arts and studies to fit and tally with them, howreasonable is it in general, and how much would it be for the trueinterest of every one in particular, if men would but be directed, bythe natural bent of their genius, to such pursuits as are most agreeableto their capacities, and to the rudiments of education which they havemost strongly imbibed.



  A Wolf, after devouring his prey, happened to have a bone stick in histhroat, which gave him so much pain, that he went howling up and down,and importuning every creature he met to lend him a kind hand, in orderto his relief; nay, he promised a reasonable reward to any one thatshould undertake the operation with success. At last the Crane, temptedwith the lucre of the reward, and having first procured him to confirmhis promise with an oath, undertook the business, and ventured his longneck into the rapacious felon's throat. In short, he plucked out thebone, and expected the promised gratuity. When the Wolf, turning hiseyes disdainfully towards him, said,--'I did not think you had been sounconscionable; I had your head in my mouth, and could have bit it offwhenever I pleased, but suffered you to take it away without anydamage, and yet you are not contented.'


  There is a sort of people in the world, to whom a man may be in thewrong for doing services, upon a double score: first, because they neverdeserved to have a good office done them; and, secondly, because, whenonce engaged, it is so hard a matter to get well rid of theiracquaintance.

  This fable is not an example of ingratitude, as at first sight it seemsto be, and as some of the mythologists have understood it; to make it aparallel in that case, the Crane ought to have been under somedifficulties in his turn, and the Wolf have refused to assist him whenit was in his power. The whole stress of it lies in this: that we oughtto consider what kind of people they are to whom we are desired to dogood offices, before we do them; for he that grants a favour, or evenconfides in a person of no honour, instead of finding his account in it,comes off well if he is no sufferer.



  An Envious Man happened to be offering up his prayers to Jupiter just inthe time and place with a Covetous Miserable Fellow. Jupiter, not caringto be troubled with their impertinences himself, sent Apollo to examinethe merits of their petitions, and to give them such relief as he shouldthink proper. Apollo therefore opened his commission, and withal toldthem that, to make short of the matter, whatever the one asked the othershould have it double. Upon this, the Covetous Man, though he had athousand things to request, yet forbore to ask first, hoping to receivea double quantity; for he concluded that all men's wishes sympathizedwith his. By this means, the Envious Man had an opportunity ofpreferring his petition first, which was the thing he aimed at; so,without much hesitation, he prayed to be relieved, by having one of hiseyes put out: knowing that, of consequence, his companion would bedeprived of both.


  In this fable the folly of those two vices, Envy and Avarice, is fullyexposed, and handsomely rallied. The Miser, though he has the riches ofthe world, without stint, laid open to his choice, yet dares not namethe sum, for fear another should be richer than himself. The advantageof a double quantity, by receiving last, is what he cannot bear to lose,and he fares accordingly. The Envious Man, though he has a power ofcalling for good things, without measure, to himself or others, yetwaves this happy privilege, and is content to punish himself by a verygreat loss, even that of an eye, that he may bring down a double portionof the like calamity upon another. These are the true tempers of thecovetous and envious; one can scarce determine, whether they are moremischievous to themselves, or to the public; but it is manifest, thatthey are highly noxious to both, and should be treated accordingly.



  An Earthen Pot, and one of Brass, standing together upon the river'sbrink, were both carried away by the flowing-in of the tide. The EarthenPot showed some uneasiness, as fearing he should be broken; but hiscompanion of Brass bid him be under no apprehensions, for that he wouldtake care of him.--'O,' replies the other, 'keep as far off as ever youcan, I entreat you; it is you I am most afraid of: for, whether thestream dashes you against me, or me against you, I am sure to be thesufferer; and therefore, I beg of you, do not let us come near oneanother.'


  A man of a moderate fortune, who is contented with what he has, andfinds he can live happily upon it, should take care not to hazard andexpose his felicity by consorting with the great and the powerful.People of equal conditions may float down the current of life, withouthurting each other; but it is a point of some difficulty to steer one'scourse in the company of the great, so as to escape without a bulge. Onewould not choose to have one's little country-box situated in theneighbourhood of a very great man; for whether I ignorantly trespassupon him, or he knowingly encroaches upon me, I only am like to be thesufferer. I can neither entertain nor play with him upon his own terms;for that which is moderation and diversion to him, in me would beextravagance and ruin.



  The Fox invited the Stork to dinner, and being disposed to diverthimself at the expense of his guest, provided nothing for theentertainment but a soup, in a wide shallow dish. This himself could lapup with a
great deal of ease; but the Stork, who could but just dip inthe point of his bill, was not a bit the better all the while: however,in a few days after, he returned the compliment, and invited the Fox;but suffered nothing to be brought to table but some minced meat in aglass jar, the neck of which was so deep, and so narrow, that, thoughthe Stork with his long bill made a shift to fill his belly, all thatthe Fox, who was very hungry, could do, was to lick the brim, as theStork slabbered them with his eating. Reynard was heartily vexed atfirst; but, when he came to take his leave, owned ingenuously, that hehad been used as he deserved; and that he had no reason to take anytreatment ill, of which himself had set the example.


  It is mighty imprudent, as well as inhuman and uncivil, to affront anybody; and whoever takes the liberty to exercise his witty talent thatway, must not think much of it if he meets reprisals. Indeed, if allthose who are thus paid in their own coin would take it with the samefrankness the Fox did, the matter would not be much; but we are too apt,when the jest comes to be turned home upon ourselves, to think thatinsufferable in another, which we looked upon as pretty and facetiouswhen the humour was our own. The rule of doing as we would be done by,so proper to be our model in every transaction of life, may moreparticularly be of use in this respect: because people seldom or neverreceive any advantage by these little ludicrous impositions; and yet, ifthey were to ask themselves the question, would find that another'susing them in the same manner would be very displeasing.


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