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Take Me Down

Page 2

by Lauren Hawkeye

  It was the sexiest thing I’d ever experienced.

  While I struggled to regain my breath from the surprise, a hand disentangled itself from my own and began a slow, sensuous slide up the swell of my hip, over the curve of my waist, the soft bumps of my rib cage. It stopped just shy of the underside of my breast, the callous covering the pad of his thumb just barely grazing the soft, heated flesh.

  I didn’t know what to do. I wanted him to continue, to give me whatever it was he wanted.

  I knew I’d take it gladly.

  But I didn’t know how to let him know, to answer his silent question…to tell him that I was absolutely okay with this. I still couldn’t believe that my long unrequited dream was coming true, that I was actually here, with Lucas.

  Here, with Lucas…wet and very nearly naked.

  Slowly I raised my head, lifted my chin. Opened myself up with as much honesty as I was capable of. I may have been the shy sister, the less pretty sister, the not as smart sister. But I still knew what I wanted—what I’d wanted for a very long time—and here, right now, it was within my grasp.

  I’d be damned if I wasn’t going to take it.

  Shoving my issues aside seemed to work. The hand hovering at the underside of my breast slid up another inch, and then two. Holding my breath as my nipple peaked, begging for attention, I nearly cried out loud on the exhale when that rough thumb finally reached the tip, brushing over it roughly, without finesse.

  I didn’t want finesse. I wanted to feel. To be felt.

  I wanted him, more than anything I could ever remember. And I wanted him to want me, too. For one night, forever, I didn’t care.

  I wanted.

  It seemed that he did, too. With a ragged exhalation, his or mine, I’m not sure, we collided—lips, chests, hands, foreheads. Lips crushed together, fingers fisted in hair, hands moved rapidly, exploring, always exploring. I felt the muscles bunch and release under smooth, hot skin, and the rasp of a late-night shadow against the tender skin of my jaw.

  The jut of a hard cock against my cunt, something that I hadn’t felt in years, and that I’d never felt like this. It was as if I’d been waiting, waiting just for this moment.

  When my hands wanted to hesitate at exploring deeper, as they toyed with the elastic at his lean waist, I reminded myself with the last shreds of sanity that I possessed that I should enjoy this for all that it was worth.

  Given my track record, it wasn’t likely to happen again very soon.

  Clutching that thought tightly to me before throwing it away, as far and fast as it would go, I threw myself fully into the moment. Sliding newly bold hands into that bunched elastic, I explored eagerly, trailing my fingers over unfamiliar and tantalizingly lean planes and intriguing dips. Gently massaged the light fuzz of hair that led from the navel and down, marveling at its softness. My fingers gently brushed the underside of his heated cock, sooner than I’d planned on them doing so, and the fingers massaging my breasts gripped hard, causing me to gasp at the sensation.

  I wanted to play, could have explored all night, but I’d waited so long that my patience was gone.

  Letting him continue to use the curves of my chest as an anchor, I flicked the finger that had inadvertently touched him again. Again, his long, lean body tightened with anticipation. Once more. Hot breath tickled my ear.

  Holding my breath, hoping that I wasn’t going too far, I circled the shaft of his cock with exploring fingers, ran my thumb over the already-sticky tip.

  He buried his face between his hands, gasping as he laved kisses over the wet cotton that still clung to my chest. He bit at it fiercely with his teeth, tugging, trying to get it up and over my head, so that we could be skin to skin.

  When we were, I started to shake, my emotions so intense that they needed a physical outlet. The wet cotton caught around my arms, held behind my back, and the wetness made the fabric cling so that I was caught, unable to get free. With a deliciously wicked look in his eyes, Lucas laid me down, the tacky skin of my back catching on the cool slate of the counter. With a quick yank his shorts were off, down around his ankles, and I had to bite my tongue to keep an assortment of sounds and words from rising and falling in a manner certain to wake my other houseguests.

  Lucas didn’t seem to care about waking my guests. Sliding those hands down my torso again, he wrapped first one leg and then the other around his waist. My hands scrabbled for purchase against the slick surface of the island but found nothing to hold. My nails bit into my palms, wrists still tightly bound behind me. I wasn’t sure what would come next but I knew that I wanted it all the same.

  This time when he reached for the pitcher of water, now nearly empty, he didn’t bother with the glass. The cool stream was poured directly onto my skin, rivulets running over the dips and curves and into the hidden valleys that made me a woman. I wanted to scream, so intense was the difference in sensations between the icy cold and my skin, which was on fire with something that I’d never felt before.

  I was surprised that the wet didn’t simply steam off my skin.

  As much as I was enjoying the feel of Lucas’s hands on me, I still had enough presence of mind to want to contribute, to make him feel as much as I did. To remember this night once he’d walked away. But my hands were tied, my skin chafing against the wet fabric, and he’d positioned me so that I could do nothing more than take. Nothing more than shiver when his mouth trailed a series of steaming, openmouthed kisses from the arch of my neck down to my hip.

  At the soft swell of my belly, a swell greater than I would have liked, his tongue flicked out to sip at the water that lay pooled there. Like a cat he lapped, over and over, the rough rasp of his tongue scraping against my tender flesh as he drank, small sips that had slipped and slid their way over my body.

  The closer he came to my inner thighs, the greater the ache in that dark cavern between my legs. My clit was engorged, begging for attention that it didn’t receive, and moisture that had nothing to do with the water rapidly evaporating into the thick night air pooled in the place where the two met.

  I wanted him to stop with the tease. Wanted him to grab his cock with those long, strong fingers, right at the base, and to ram it into my waiting, aching cunt as hard and as deep as it would go. Again though, I didn’t know how to tell him. And to let him inside me would surely end the delicious torture that he was inflicting upon me right now.

  No woman could have decided between the two.

  It seemed that he wasn’t going to give me a say, at any rate. His mouth found the tender skin at the most sensitive spot of my inner thigh; when I emitted a sharp yet quiet sound he laved his tongue over the crease that divided my hip from my leg.

  And then his mouth found my cunt, and I wanted to sing hallelujah to the heavens. Moving his mouth in a series of delicate kisses at first, he finally touched his tongue to the now-desperate inch of flesh that lay hidden so deeply within. That was all it took, just that quick swipe of rough tongue over my clit to send me over the edge that first time. I wanted to scream but did so wordlessly, my mouth opening to emit a sound that never came. I struggled now, trying fiercely to escape from the bonds that forbade me the pleasure of my own hands running over the hot skin and taut muscles that my eyes drank in. And while I struggled, he stood, licked the taste of me from his lips and spread my thighs even farther apart.

  His right hand grabbed his cock at the base, where the hair curled a shade or two darker than it did on his head. I watched, fascinated, as he made a tight circle and ran his fist up and down a handful of times. His other hand came again to my cunt, spreading my lower lips wide, his thumb brushing roughly over my clit and forcing the aftershocks of my orgasm to riot over my skin.

  Then his cock was nudging against the entrance to my cunt, and then filling it, hilting in one thrust. My mouth again opened to scream. Leaning over as he began to move, he offered a strong shoulder for me to muffle my cries against, and I used it well, crying out loud and long, his damp skin ab
sorbing the droplets of sound.

  Hands bound behind my back, legs wrapped tightly around his lean waist, I could do nothing but enjoy the feel of his cock as it tunneled in and out of my cunt, harder and harder and faster and faster. Still I writhed, slipping to one side, trying to force my way free of my bonds. But that served only to tighten the hold of my cleft on his cock, and after a few thrusts from this newly tightened hold his breath began to hitch, and I knew that he was about to come.

  Before he did, he slid a hand between our bodies, to the precise spot where our flesh met. Curling a finger inside me along with his cock, he used another to flick over the now-screamingly sensitized nub of my clit. The other hand smoothed along my flank, shining milky-white in the moonlight, caressing and searching down my lower back, over my ass until it found the pucker that lay hidden between the two mounds.

  The combination of his fingers’ movements, stroking and pressing and caressing as his cock continued its relentless grind caused that sweet, sweet friction to again build up inside. As it layered thickly, its dense fingers massaging me wherever it could reach, I felt tears pricking at the backs of my eyes.

  When the sweetness came, the tears overflowed, mixing with the sweat and cool water that already lay there. His release came then, too, and he buried our faces into the planes and curves, softness and strength of each other’s bodies to absorb the frantic cries.

  The silence that came after was another kind of release. A comfort that I’d never felt before, not with anyone. I could have stayed there all night, sprawled across the island, naked with Lucas’s softening cock nestled between my thighs, visiting relatives be damned.

  When he moved, separating our flesh, I couldn’t hold back a small cry of disappointment.

  Apparently he didn’t feel the same way.

  I was again surprised when he simply sat me up, supporting my back as he fumbled with the shirt that still twined about my wrists like a vine. I shouldn’t have been, for he’d brought that emotion out of me so often in the past half hour that I should have been habituated to it. But the tender touches, the soft kisses, my name whispered against my neck were not expected.

  Indeed, they were somewhat shocking. I still couldn’t believe that Lucas, the man I’d dreamed of for so long, had wanted me to begin with.

  In no way did I think he’d stay, not even for the night. Not here, and not in my bed.

  And the way that he caught me by the chin, looked deeply into my eyes, gold swallowing blue to make a beautiful glass green, made me want so badly that my long-ingrained defences started to shore themselves up.

  “Look, Lucas,” I tried to extricate myself from his arms, to move away, to give myself room to breathe.

  He held on tight.

  This wasn’t going to be easy. Inhaling a breath that smelled of sex and him, I returned his intense look, trying not to melt at the sight of the sexy smile that played over the lips that I now knew could do the most sumptuous things.

  “Lucas.” I smiled, pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth that turned up. “I should go to bed.”

  “Okay.” I wasn’t prepared for him to agree so readily, nor to use my lack of balance to shift my not insubstantial weight from the counter to his arms. Shocked, I stiffened, but a finger run through the crevice of my ass sent involuntary shivers coursing through my body, shaking my muscles loose again.

  “What are you doing?” This I hissed, since we were passing the door behind which Grandpa Jim snored, loudly enough that I was surprised the floor didn’t shake.

  “Taking you to bed.” He stopped abruptly in the doorway to my bedroom—and I didn’t know how he knew which one was mine—bracing my back against the cool, slightly bumpy surface of the painted wall.

  The doubt in my face was easy enough to see; recognizing it for what it was, his lips settled into a grim line. Pressing those same lips against the lobe of my ear, nipping as he spoke, he disagreed with every thought that I had of ending this now, and of protecting my heart.

  “I’ve got you now.” With a slick plunge he again invaded me, his cock impossibly hard once more, anchoring me in the most sensitive of places. I gasped, locking my arms around his shoulders, my head falling back against the doorjamb in a surrender that I couldn’t deny.

  He spoke again as he moved, just the smallest nudges of his hips, rubbing me in all the right places.

  “I’ve got you now, and I’m not letting you go.”

  Wordless, I hung on and enjoyed the ride. He kept his movements slight, and yet I lost focus all over again, clinging tightly as the muscles of my cunt again spasmed around the length of his shaft, embedded deeply inside of me. He came soon after with a shout that he muffled between my breasts.

  It was only after our breathing had again calmed, at least a bit, that I hesitantly continued where we’d left off.

  “Lucas…” His head rose from its cradle of flesh, his eyes pinning me to the spot even as he again took my weight onto himself, closing the door to my bedroom behind us with his heel.

  “Don’t.” He dropped me unceremoniously onto the crumpled sheets of my bed, his body following mine and pinning me in place.

  “I’ve waited too long for this, and you’re not getting out of it with any excuse.”

  “Excuse me?” I had no choice but to look at him, trapped as I was beneath that tasty length. “What the hell are you talking about? I don’t even really know you. And you sure as hell don’t know me.”

  “Notice anything, Evie?” The smug look on his face made my hackles rise, even as the soft kiss that he pressed into my sex-sweaty hair chipped away at the ice that I was struggling vainly to re-cover my heart with.

  I had no idea what he was talking about, and told him so.

  “You’re not stuttering.” Stunned, I opened my mouth to argue, then stopped short when I realized that he was right.

  That, I wasn’t sure what to make of. When I was nervous enough I stuttered in front of everyone, absolutely everyone, even those closest to me.

  He continued. “I’ve wanted you since the first time that I saw you.”

  I didn’t like being this open. Didn’t like being read like the proverbial book. Grumpy despite the mouthwatering orgasms that had my skin still tingling, I shot him a look.

  “Then why didn’t you take me? You could have, you know. I wanted you, too.”

  Another kiss into my tangled, sticky hair. What was with this guy? No one was this perfect.

  Or maybe they were. Maybe he was, at least, because his next words left me reeling.

  “You weren’t ready. You still needed to find Evie, and it was Evie that I wanted, not a girl who was trying so hard to be someone else that she’d nearly lost herself.”

  “Whaaat?” I gaped. Opened my mouth to argue. Closed it again.

  I didn’t like that he was right, not even a little bit.

  Well actually, I kind of did. Even though it disconcerted me, left me completely unsure of the next move in this strange dance that had come so unexpectedly into my life that night.

  Regardless, I didn’t know what to say. And it seemed that I didn’t have to say anything at all.

  “You found yourself, Evie, and I’ve finally got you.” He rolled until I was sprawled atop him, my still-wet cunt smudging the taut skin that rode above the dense curls around his cock. I was open, displayed. Nothing hidden.

  I didn’t mind.

  “What if I don’t want you?” I could have cringed; how did that sound, those nasty words falling from lips that had just been pressed against his.

  Lips that wanted to press against him, every part of him, again and again.

  He didn’t seem insulted, just cocked an eyebrow up at me and braced his hands on my hips, fingers gripping tightly at the smooth flesh. Guiding with his hands, he moved me back just the tiniest bit, positioning me again above his cock, which was still soft and spent. But the friction caused from rubbing my clit over both it and the coarse whorls of hair made me catch my breath
and bite my lip, hard, even as I struggled to keep my eyes on his.

  “Do you want me?” He lifted his hips, increasing the pressure on my clit, making me moan. “Because I want you. Tonight, tomorrow night, for as long as it lasts.” A particularly sharp movement forced a sharp cry from between my tightly compressed lips.

  “Do you, Evie? Do you want me?”

  I didn’t answer right away; nor did I give myself completely to the pleasure that was again building, coiling tightly, deep in my belly,

  Did I? Did I want him? Not just physically, because that was obvious, but for the potential of more?

  Could I open myself up to that? Get past my own insecurities, work through the strange feelings wrought by the idea that someone could care?

  “Yes.” I gasped as a hand left my hip, pressing roughly as it made its way to my cunt and forced two fingers in for me to ride. “Yes, Lucas. Yes!”

  And that was my answer, to both the physical pleasure and the slightly more painful emotional giving.


  If you liked Take Me Down, look for these other books in the Erotic Me series:

  Tie Me Up

  Lead Me On

  Let Me In

  Hungry for more? Spice Briefs to suit every taste are available now at, including these recent titles:

  Eternal Seduction by Mandy M. Roth

  Take Me Down by Lauren Hawkeye

  A Paris Affair by Adelaide Cole

  Wanton by Crystal Jordan

  Exposed and Pleasured by Lisa Renee Jones

  The Queen’s Consort by Leia Rice

  The Earl Takes a Lover by Georgia E. Jones

  Bound and Pleasured by Lisa Renee Jones

  Indecent Experiment by Megan Hart

  Their Private Arrangement by Saskia Walker

  Taste of Pleasure by Lisa Renee Jones

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