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Should've Been Us

Page 11

by Jess Bryant

  His heart ached, “Then I’m yours.”

  Lulu stopped just in front of him, her dark eyes serious as she looked up at him, “You really mean that don’t you?”


  She tiptoed up, her hands going around his neck as she pulled him down to her and kissed him. Eyes open. Looking at him. She took his mouth and whatever pieces of his heart that hadn’t already been hers, she took them too.

  “Kiss me, Connor.” She whispered against his lips, “Kiss me like you kissed me earlier. Kiss me like nobody but you has ever kissed me. That’s how it feels when you touch me… Iike there’s never been anyone else.”

  “Fuck. Lu.” He groaned as his control snapped and he hauled her into his arms the way he knew she wanted.

  Lulu moaned when he took her mouth. Her eyes drifted shut but he let her get away with it. His own wanted to shut too. He wanted to bask in the feel of having her in his arms, of knowing her taste. She was like a drug working its way through his system, making him high even as he drowned in her.

  He slid his hands to her ass and lifted her easily. She wrapped her long, graceful legs around him and his cock ached. He could feel her heat through the thin shorts she was wearing. He needed more than just the tease of her this time. He needed to feel her, touch her, taste her.

  He ripped his mouth away and growled when she rocked her hips against him, “Now? Now is when you decide to start wearing clothes in front of me?”

  Lulu’s laugh was sweet against his neck before her teeth scored him, “You’re wearing too many clothes too. Take them off.”

  “Your wish…”

  “My command.” She giggled again as he dropped her cute little ass onto the dresser. Her dark eyes were hooded when he pulled back enough to reach for the hem of his shirt. He dragged it over his head and dropped it to the floor and then started to reach for hers to do the same but her touch on his skin took his breath away, “You’re so beautiful.”

  “I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” He smirked when she shot him a dirty look.

  “Just returning the favor.”

  “Ah, so you did hear me call you beautiful? Good to know.” He whipped her shirt off and hissed a breath at what was underneath. No playful underwear. No sexy lingerie. Nothing but smooth, creamy, hot skin. He palmed her perky little breasts, running his thumbs over the hard little nubs.

  “Con.” Her back arched, pressing her breasts into his hands, “Please.”

  “Please what?” He teased as he plucked at her nipples. “What do you want from me, baby?”

  “I…” Her voice caught when he pinched her nipple, “I want you to do to me whatever it is you do to those groupies of yours that makes them go all dreamy over you.”

  He chuckled, “You want the dream package huh?”


  “No.” He smirked when she glared at him, “You’re not ready for that yet.”

  “You son of a…”

  He ducked his head and sucked on her pretty pink nipples. Lulu’s cursing turned to a moan and he groaned when her hands came up and gripped his hair. He licked and sucked her perfect little breast and when she tried to steer him by tugging on his hair, he only went slower.

  He was rewarded with more cursing and he smiled against her hot flesh.

  So she’d heard the stories had she? About what a good time he was in the bedroom? He hadn’t thought for a second that she hadn’t. Hell, if anything he’d wanted her to hear those little bits of gossip. He could be an arrogant asshole. She was right about that. But he’d earned every single one of those stories by being a selfless, patient and doting lover.

  Did he like being in control? Hell yeah. But being in control meant taking care of the person sharing his bed even if it was only for a few hours.

  He’d never been in a committed relationship. He wasn’t the kind to date and make promises to one woman when his heart belonged to another. And Lulu had owned him for years, even if she hadn’t known it at the time. So he’d kept things casual with the women that threw themselves into his arms. He’d made them feel good and then sent them on their way. Now that he finally had the one woman his heart and his cock both ached for, there wasn’t a chance in hell he was going to rush them to the finish line.

  “Connor.” Lulu gasped his name as he sucked hard and then popped her nipple free from his mouth.

  He eyed his handiwork, squeezing and thumbing her breasts. They were swollen and red. Wet from his mouth. Her nipples so hard he knew they were like a livewire tied to that sweet heat between her legs. He strummed the aching peaks again and when Lulu wiggled, her thighs clenching together, he smirked.

  “So damn beautiful.” He leaned back up and took her mouth softly, “Love seeing you like this for me.”

  “You just get off on torturing me.” She bit his bottom lip and he chuckled when she tried to wrap her legs around his waist again.

  “Maybe.” He admitted against the hollow of her throat, “Maybe you deserve a little torture for all the times you made me hard without even trying. Without even noticing. Without realizing how damn bad I wanted you.”

  “Con…” Her voice went soft again when he sucked at her sweet skin, sucked until he was certain it would leave a mark.

  Instead of getting lost in his head thinking about just how long he’d waited for this woman, he slid his fingers into the sides of the shorts she was wearing and pulled them down. Lulu gasped when he jostled her out of her clothes. Sexy little brat. No underwear either. He was going to spank her for that but right now wasn’t the time.

  Right now, he had the woman of his dreams sitting atop a dresser, completely naked. Her dark eyes were hooded with desire as she looked back at him. Her hair was tangled from his hands. Her lips and breasts were swollen and red from his kisses. The bruise he’d left at the hollow of her throat was sexy as hell but the thing that made his hands shake and the blood in his body boil was the way she didn’t try to hide herself from him. She let him look at her, completely bare, and when his eyes traced the slim curve of her hip to the mound between her legs she opened wider for him.

  “You said you’d been imagining me naked.” Her voice was husky when she smirked back at him, “Is this what you imagined?”

  “Better.” His own voice was rough, “You’re better than anything I could’ve imagined.”

  “Your turn. I want to see you too.”

  “You been imagining me naked, Lu?” He started to grin but she didn’t laugh the way he expected her to.

  Instead she met his gaze, those dark eyes hot with need and nodded, “Yes. More often than I care to admit.”

  “Fuck.” He groaned as his cock twitched. “Love hearing that. You want my cock, Lu?”

  “You know I do.”

  “You’re gonna get it. I swear you’re gonna get it. But the minute my pants come off I’m gonna want to be inside you and there’s something I have to know first.”

  Lulu growled, annoyance flaring on her pretty face just as he’d known it would and God, he really was a sick son of a bitch for playing with her like this. For wanting her anger and fire just as much as he wanted her softness and vulnerability.

  “More demands?” She hissed at him through slitted eyes, “Because I thought you said your body was mine to use tonight so…”

  “I said my body was yours. It is. But you’re not using it properly.”

  “Are you giving me a fucking lesson now?”

  “My body was made to make yours feel good, Lu. So let me make you feel good.” He slid his hands to her thighs and pressed, pushing them apart as he dropped to his knees and he swallowed a smile when she gasped and clutched at his hair. “I have to know what you taste like. I promised I’d let you come fast the first time, remember? So fall apart for me baby and then I’ll put you back together. I’ll always put you back together. Remember that.”

  “Con…” That wariness was back in her voice and he knew that he was pushing his luck talking to her
like this.

  She’d only agreed to come to him tonight because she wanted sex. She wanted his body. She wasn’t ready to admit he could give her so much more than that if she’d just let him. So instead of giving her a chance to second-guess him or this, he wrapped his arms around her, pulled her ass to the edge of the dresser, and buried his face in her sweet pussy.

  “Oh, God!” There wasn’t an ounce of wariness in her voice when her body jerked beneath him and opened to let him take more.

  “Mmm, so good.” He hummed against her mound, reveling in the taste of her.

  Sweet like honey and all for him. He licked the sweet cream from between her legs and groaned when she shuddered. Close. She was already so damn close and he’d barely touched her. If he could have paused in his ministrations for even a second he might have pressed her to admit she’d been wet for him all night but he couldn’t seem to stop drinking down her sweet taste as she moaned and arched and shook apart beneath his mouth.

  Her hands in his hair, pulling at him, was the sweetest sting. He wanted her to cover him in scratch marks. Hickies. Anything. Anything that would prove that this was really happening. That she was here, with him, and this wasn’t a dream.

  He wasn’t sure he could bear waking up to find out this was just another fantasy.

  “Connor! Oh, God, Connor!” His name from those lips was the sweetest prayer and he felt what she was trying to tell him as her body tensed around his seeking tongue and fingers. She’d found the crest and was riding it higher and higher. He hummed against her slick folds and she cried out, “Oh, God, yes.”

  Her body jerked and rolled. Her back arched and her legs fell open even wider. Her nails scratched at him as she held him in place, keeping his face where she wanted it as the ecstasy of her orgasm spiraled through her. And he didn’t move, couldn’t even look away, because knowing that he was responsible for giving her that much pleasure filled him with an odd sense of accomplishment the likes of which he’d never felt before.

  His heart ached at the beauty of her. This wild and feisty woman that he’d wanted for so long. He’d known it would be like this between them. The arguments and the fighting, the way her fire called to his own. They were good together dammit. Just like he’d known they would be.

  Slowly, he eased back from her as the trembling passed. She was a beautiful puddle of sweat and come. She’d trusted him enough to fall apart, trusted that he would put her back together just like he’d promised. A sweet, lazy smile curled at her lips as he stood and his heart double-tapped as he committed this moment to his memories. He’d waited a long time for her to look at him like that.

  “Mmmm…” She stretched, rolling upright from where she’d slumped boneless after her orgasm, “I thought you said I wasn’t ready for the dream package?”

  Connor barked out a laugh as he gathered her into his arms, nuzzled her neck and hair and soothed her in the aftermath of her climax, “That wasn’t the dream package, baby. That was just me worshiping you the way you deserve to be worshiped each and every day.”

  Lulu licked her lips as she looked up at him. He couldn’t read whatever was going on behind those dark eyes in that moment. She surprised him when she raised her hand to his cheek and held his gaze as she pushed up and kissed him softly and slowly, sweetly, with her eyes on his and more emotion than he could stand to see on her pretty face.

  “I have this feeling…” Her dark lashes covered her eyes from him as she stroked his cheek, “I think if I’m not really careful, I could become addicted to the sweet words that come out of that filthy mouth of yours, Connor Shaw.”

  His heart thudded and he wound his fingers in her hair, forcing her to meet his gaze, “Then be an addict, Lu. Because now that I’ve tasted you, now that I’ve watched you come apart, I don’t intend to ever stop. I’m addicted to you so I think its only fair you become addicted to me.”

  Her lips curled slightly, “We don’t make any sense, Con. All we do is fight.”

  “Which just means we’ll get to have a lot of make up sex.” He smirked when she laughed lightly, “Just give me a chance ok? Because you know as well as I do this is about more than you wanting my body.”

  “Hmm.” Lulu trailed her fingers down his chest, finding the path between his muscles and meeting his gaze bold as she pleased when she cupped his cock through his pants. “I still want this.”

  He groaned when she squeezed him lightly, “It’s yours.”

  “No, I want it right now.” She licked her lips, “You said I could have it yet you’re still wearing pants. Take them off, Con. I want to make you feel good too.”

  He cursed under his breath but backed up to give himself a little space. His cock was harder than a steel pole. He was dripping pre-come. The wet spot on the front of his boxer briefs was proof of how worked up he was. He’d wanted to be inside Lulu since he’d figured out what the thing between his legs was used for. And now she was here, naked and flushed from her climax, watching him undress with so much heat in her eyes that he felt burned, and he wasn’t sure he would even last.

  He dropped his pants to the floor and groaned when Lulu eyed him up and down and then prowled down from her perch on the dresser. He stepped back, nearly tripped over their discarded clothes, and had to catch himself. Lulu kept coming at him and when the back of his knees hit the bed, she pushed him in the chest, forcing him to sit down with a thump.

  “Lu…” His voice was rough as he realized with her standing and him sitting that her beautiful breasts were at eye level, “You can’t play with me. Not this time. I’ve wanted you for too long. I need it too bad. Don’t play with me, baby. Please.”

  She stopped just in front of him and tilted his head back. Their eyes met and that softness was back in hers. Maybe before tonight she’d never realized just how much power she had over him, but she did now. She coasted her fingers through his hair and then bent down and brushed her lips over his.

  His hands automatically went to her waist, pulling her closer. Lulu must have read his mind or known what he wanted because she slid one leg up and over, straddling him as she crawled onto his lap. Her sweet little body fit him so well. She rolled her hips and his cock twitched, knowing it was as close to heaven as he’d likely ever get. Lulu moaned and did it again, causing him to curse.


  “Not playing with you, Con.” Her body shivered slightly, “Just slowing down a little. Don’t want this to be over yet.”

  “It’s not. We’re not. We’re just getting started.” He gasped as he felt her small hand coast down his abs, finding and circling his aching member, “Fuck me, Lu. Ride me. I’m not going to last long once I get into your tight little body so just, fuck me already and put me out of my misery.”

  Lulu’s smile was slow and sexy, “Poor Con, it’s killing you letting me take control isn’t it?”

  He smiled back at her, “Is it that obvious?”

  “I enjoy making you miserable a little too much probably.” She kissed him lightly and then lifted her hips, positioning him at her entrance and then sliding down on top of him, “But I can’t keep it up, not when you make me feel so good. Oh God, yes.”

  Connor groaned, his hands tightening on her hips as she began to work him over. Up and down, her body bounced on top of him to a rhythm all her own. She rolled her hips and he smacked her ass playfully. She gasped but she must not have minded because she slammed her mouth down on his and kissed the living hell out of him. Her tongue did filthy, suggestive things to his as her tight body stroked him deep and her breasts bounced against his chest.

  She was fucking perfect.

  His match in every way.

  She was his. Finally.

  “That’s it. Ride me.” He guided her hips when her movements turned jerky. She was close again. Something he would gloat about later. Map and a compass his ass. He’d make her come so many times she’d be drunk on orgasms and him and never want to leave his bed.

  “Oh, God… God… Yes.�
� Lulu tilted her head back as she cried out and her body squeezed him tight. “Connor!”

  He felt the tremor that rocked her as she went over the edge. He felt it sweep him up and carry him right over with her. His cock swelled and her pulled her down hard on top of him one last time, holding himself as deep as he could get as he exploded.

  Best orgasm of his fucking life.

  Lulu shivered her way down from her own orgasm and he held her close. She slumped against his chest and he stroked her sweat-dampened hair for a long moment. This was perfection. Not just having Lulu naked and in his arms, wrapped around him like he’d dreamed of for so long, but this quiet aftermath of their lovemaking.

  Because it definitely hadn’t been fucking.

  He’d always known it would be like this with her. The connection between them was real and strong. Sure maybe they didn’t always see eye to eye on everything, but they understood each other in ways nobody else ever would.

  In this moment, holding her as they recovered from the fire of coming together, he could see them spending the rest of their lives fighting and fucking and teasing and taunting. That’s what he wanted. It was what he’d always wanted.

  Lulu as his. Not for a night. Not for sex. He wanted her for always and he fully intended to keep her.

  Chapter Nine

  Lulu woke up to the feel of being completely cocooned in warmth. Her first thought was that she must’ve grabbed the heating blanket she sometimes used in the winter but then the supposed blanket shifted against her and she gasped. That wasn’t a blanket. That was six plus feet of sex on legs and dynamite between the sheets. A walking and talking sex god who’d made her see stars multiple times last night before she’d apparently passed out in his bed.


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