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Ravage MC Novella Collection

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by Ryan Michele

  Copyright © 2016 by Ryan Michele

  Satisfy Me – A Ravage MC Valentine Collection

  Rattle Me – A Ravage MC Novella

  Ravage MC – Final Epilogue

  Formatting by IndieVention Designs

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  This book is intended for mature audiences only due to adult situations, sex and violence.

  Satisfy Me

  Rattle Me

  Ravage MC Final Epilogue

  About the Author

  More from Ryan Michele

  Satisfy Me – A Ravage MC Valentine Collection

  Copyright © 2015 by Ryan Michele

  Editor: Lea Burn

  Proofreader: Julie Deaton

  Cover Artist: Melissa Gill at MG Book Covers

  Formatting: Angela McLaurin, Fictional Formats

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  This book is intended for mature audiences only due to adult situations, sex and violence.

  All rights reserved.
















  Valentine’s Day at the Ravage MC. I hope you enjoyed this story because I had a blast writing it.

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  In my groggy state, I can barely make out the muffled word. I just passed out not too long ago and my body is rooted to the bed, face smashed into my pillow. It’s gotta be a dream; Coop can’t be up yet. I roll over onto my back, covering my eyes with my arm, and let sleep pull me back under.

  “Daddy.” This time, the word’s whispered stronger and with much more impatience. Shit. This isn’t a dream. I slowly open my eyes, light filtering into the room through the gap in the curtains. My eyes squint against the brightness. I focus somewhat on my boy, standing by the side of the bed, his brown hair sticking out in every direction from his own sleep, just like mine, and a wide smile across his face. His expectant blue eyes are bouncing with excitement. In his hands is something red and shaped kind of like a heart. He’s clutching it so tightly to his chest, with his arm across the back of it, that I really can’t tell.

  “What’s going on, Coop?” I ask quietly so as to not wake up Princess. She has been in bed about the same amount of time as me and I know she’s wiped. She better damn well be since fucking her until she passed out was at the top of my agenda last night. And it was a success. With Coop, we have to get it whenever we can and recently, it’s been when he’s asleep. Any other time, he finds some way to cock block me. Love the kid to death, but he’s gotta give me a break.

  “Daddy, it’s Valentime’s Day. We gots to make Mommy bekfast.” His declaration shakes me out of my groggy stupor. Valentine’s Day? Really? I wipe the sleepiness away, everything in the room becoming clearer. Princess is not the hearts and flowers kind of woman. My woman is more motorcycles and leather, but shit, I need to do something for her. How are guys supposed to remember this shit? Fuck me.

  Coop bounces on his little feet, his wide eyes conveying, Come on, Daddy. I groan as I slowly roll out of bed, grab my shorts from the dresser and then slip them on. “Come on, buddy.” I rub his messy hair before he runs out of the room. I follow him to the kitchen, albeit at a much slower pace. Thank God Princess set up the coffee pot; all I have to do is switch it on. Damn, I love that woman. I watch Coop dart around the kitchen, and curse the dark brew for not working fast enough. How do these little people have so much damn energy?

  Cooper pulls boxes of cereal out of the cabinet, setting them on the table. I spy the red paper he was holding laying next to the cereal and pick it up, smirking. The heart has tons of shit stuck to it, like he just went through our junk drawer and cabinets then glued on anything he could find. Torn paper, macaroni noodles, some little foam heart-shaped things, rice, and many other little bits and pieces are stuck to it, including one of his little green army men. In the middle of the heart, Mom is written in all capital letters, and it looks as if he traced over someone else’s writing with a black crayon. No doubt Ma helped him make this. The letter C is scribbled toward the bottom. We have been working with him on writing his name—well, Princess has, I don’t have the patience for that shit. I’m more of the wrestling around on the floor and teaching him to be a man kind of guy. Somehow between Princess and me, we make it work.

  “You like it?” Coop asks, coming up beside me, hope glittering in his little eyes. My boy kicks ass.

  “Hell yeah, I do. Who helped you?” I bend down on one knee, giving Coop my full attention.

  “Gamma helped me. Said I hab to tell Mommy I lube her.” Grandma comes out missing the r and the nd. Princess enrolled Coop in some speech classes. He’s getting better, but it’s a work in progress. Princess and I can understand him, but I don’t want my boy getting made fun of for not talking right. No fucking way.

  “Buddy, you do that every day.” I put the heart down and look into his eager eyes, a reflection of the ones
I see in the mirror everyday.

  “I knows, but Gamma said today’s spessial.” I personally never found the day to be special in any sort of way. Sure, I’ve fucked on this day. Hell, lots of women go out just for that reason, but I’ve never had one that I truly cared for and loved. What the fuck am I supposed to do?

  I rise up just as the coffee pot dings. After pouring and taking a sip, I’m a bit more ready to start this adventure my boy has in store for us. “All right, buddy, what do you want to make Mom?”

  “Pantakes, cerweel, toast, bacon and…” He trails off, putting his finger to his temple like he’s contemplating the most strategic move he’ll ever make in his life. I chuckle. “Turkey!” he finishes.

  “Well, buddy, we can do cereal and toast. I’ll take a shot at the pancakes and bacon.” I do not cook. I can grill shit, but that is about the extent of my cooking abilities. Takeout and bologna sandwiches were my close friends before Princess came along. Now, we hardly order out. She cooks, takes care of the house and us boys. We’d be lost without her. But for my boy, I’ll give this a try. Might burn the fucking house down, but what the hell?

  “I weel help.” I let out a deep breath, knowing the kitchen will be shit when we are finished. Any time Princess lets Coop help, I swear she spends an extra hour cleaning shit up, but she says that she wouldn’t change it for the world.

  After an hour, the kitchen looks like Betty Crocker threw up on every surface imaginable. Not to mention, splatters of the pancake mix are on the floor, countertop, and ceiling. Coop cracked the eggs in the bowl, so I had to dig out the shells, lots of shells, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are still some in there. Then I burned the first batch of pancakes. Flat out blackened those motherfuckers. I got sidetracked with the damn bacon, which came out a little on the crispy side, but it will work. The second and third batch of pancakes came out okay. I think the third is less gooey in the middle, but whatever. Coop insists that we take all this shit up to the bedroom, and luckily, he decided not to make the cereal and toast after all. Any little bit to help lighten this load is appreciated on my end.

  We walk into the bedroom and Coop puts his index finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet. His excitement is pretty contagious. I balance the plate of food and orange juice in my hands, and try to keep quiet for him. Princess is sprawled out on her stomach, the blanket thankfully covering her ass yet showing a great view of her hot-as-shit back, one I fucking love kissing up and down. My damn dick immediately takes notice. I can’t will him down, so why bother.

  Coop moves to her side of the bed and shakes her shoulder. Princess groans, her head moving to the side. “Mommy, wake up.” His cheerful tone has Princess opening her eyes, her hair a tussled mess from me pulling the hell out of it.

  “What’s going on, Coop?” She brushes the locks out of her eyes and yawns deep. She pulls the sheet over her body and gives Coop her attention. That’s another thing I fucking love about my girl. She loves my boy down to her core, can’t ask for anything better than that. Coop is hers and I dare any motherfucker to tell her different.

  “Happy Valentime’s Day, Mommy.” He holds out the paper heart and Princess scoots up the bed, taking the sheet with her. A hint of a tear forms in the corner of her eye, but her smile is wide for our boy. She inspects the Valentine, studying it as if it were the most precious thing in the world. It seems like it actually is when she chokes back her tears and clears her throat. Is it bad that I love how Coop gets to her? This strong, vivacious woman? And my motherfucking ass is the only one that gets to see this side of her. I love that shit.

  “Cooper, this is the best Valentine that I have ever gotten. Come here.” Princess pats the bed and Cooper climbs up with a jump, using the sheet to help him. “Cruz, can you toss me that tee?” She points to mine on the floor and I give her my with-what-fucking-hand look. She says nothing. Sighing, I set the juice on the table and grab the damn shirt, throwing it a little harder than I needed to and smacking her in the face with it. She smiles in a devious way, pulling it over her body, and I know she’ll pay me back later. Bring it.

  Her arms wrap around Cooper, pulling him tight to her body. This right here is why I’m a lucky fucking man. “I love you, Cooper. You know that, right?”

  “I knows dat. Gamma said it’s spessial today.” He pulls back, looking up at her face, then kisses her on the cheek. Every bit of love that boy has is pouring out of him without words.

  Princess’s eyes meet mine. Her heart is melting. She may be hard on the outside but she is so full of love, it floors me how much this woman gives to those that she cares about. She gives her all. She gives us her all.

  “Cooper wanted to make you breakfast.” I hand her the plate. She glances down at it then up at me. Her smile is so damn wide and I know that inside, she’s laughing her ass off because I cooked. What-the-fuck-ever.

  “Thanks, baby.” She looks into my eyes, and I bend down to drop a chaste kiss on her lips. Then she turns to our boy. “This is the best breakfast ever. Thank you.”

  “Eat!” His excited yell makes Princess jump, the fork crashing to the bed. Princess releases Coop then picks up the utensil and bites into the food. Her eyes lock on mine.

  “Babe, this is good.” Yeah, fucking right. She’s just saying that shit in front of Coop. “No really. This is good.” Damn woman always knows what I’m thinking. She digs back into the food with exuberance. Shit, she really likes it. “I’m having you make these more often.” Fuck. Knew there was a damn catch. I say nothing but know from the look on her face, she gets me. She shovels in another bite. “Are you guys eating?”

  “Ours is in the kitchen.” I sit on the end of the bed.

  She sets her fork on the plate and throws off the covers. “Let’s go so you guys can eat with me.” Coop scurries off the bed and heads out the door. Before Princess walks past, I snag her around the waist and bring her to me. Damn, she’s sexy as hell. Her plate of food is wedged between us like a barrier. As if that’d stop me.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby.” My lips meet hers in a soft kiss, one that isn’t nearly enough. “Love you.” Then I take. I take so fucking hard, her other hand grips the plate, clutching it so she doesn’t drop it. Our tongues intertwine and the sweetness from the syrup invades my mouth, turning my already hard dick to stone. Reluctantly, I pull back, loving the swept away expression on my woman.

  “You had no fucking clue,” she taunts, coming out of her haze from the kiss.

  “What? You want flowers and all that bullshit?” I ask, not giving in to her smartass remark.

  She stands up on her tiptoes and gives me a quick kiss. “Nope. I have other things planned for you later.” An evil smirk raises the corner of her lips and her eyes suck me in. Fuck me. I may not have gotten a lot of sleep, but who gives a fuck. I’ll lose any amount of sleep to be inside my girl.

  “And what’s that?” Taking the plate out of her hand, I set it next to the orange juice on the table. I pull her tight against me, her tits smashing into my chest not helping my hard on one bit.

  “Can’t tell you now, but Ma is watching Cooper here in…” She trails off and glances down at the clock, and for some reason, my eyes follow like the damn thing is going to answer for her. “About forty- five minutes. Her and Pops are going to spend the day and night with him.”

  “That’s the best fucking news I’ve ever heard.” I crush my lips to hers in a punishing kiss that sucks the oxygen away from both of us. She grips my shoulders so tight she may fall down if she lets go. Exactly like I like her. When I pull away, Princess has the best fucking gleam in her eyes, the look of a happy woman. And here in about forty-five minutes, she’ll be a sated one too.

  “Let’s go have breakfast with our boy, then we can take him to Ma’s, come back, and take a shower.” She swivels her hips grinding her hot pussy into my dick. The only thing stopping us is my shorts, and I could pull those fuckers down in an instant, throw her on the fucking b
ed, stick my dick so far in her she’ll feel it in her throat.

  “Mommy! Daddy!” But with a three-year-old running around, that’s not possible. Fuck me.

  Reluctantly, I pick her plate up while she slips in to some shorts, and we go have breakfast with our boy.

  After cleaning off a spot on the table for us to eat, we did. When Coop handed me the Valentine earlier, it took a lot to keep myself in check. I’m not a crier, but I could not help the well of tears that wanted to escape my eyes. Coop is the light of my life, along with Cruz, of course. But there’s something about that connection between a mother and her child. Something that I never expected to find. Now that I have it, I won’t ever let it go. That bond is so damn tight, nothing and no one could ever break it. And if they tried, I’d put a bullet in their head.

  Cruz, that hunk of a man, cooked. I tried not to smile at the thought, but it didn’t work. That man burns everything and I mean everything. He had canned chili on the stove and scorched it so bad, I had to throw the pan away. Then one time, he put chicken patties in the oven and forgot about them until smoke filled the house, setting off all the smoke detectors. He ended up throwing them outside and not even the neighborhood dogs would eat them.

  But I love him and it is the thought that counts. Not to mention, the food is actually really good. I wasn’t lying to him. He will definitely be making me pancakes again. Even if it does torment him. My luck he’ll bend me over his knee, which is another win for me.

  In a million years, I never imagined I would be this happy. I never thought I’d have a family of my own. Growing up in the club, I didn’t see this life in my future. I didn’t see myself becoming my mother. I didn’t know I wanted all of this so badly until meeting Cruz and Coop. The moment that little guy called me mommy, I was done for.


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