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Ravage MC Novella Collection

Page 6

by Ryan Michele

  The explosion hits me. It’s not a gradual one that I know is coming. No, this is purely spontaneous, bam, there. I scream so loud, the windows shake, or it could be Tug’s thrusts rattling the headboard, whatever.

  “Fuck, sweet lips. I love it when your tight pussy wraps so fucking tight around my cock.” Another wave bursts through me. “That’s it. Keep coming.” He pounds into me, every part of the room around us shaking, or at least it feels like it. “Come again. Now,” he growls.

  I don’t know how I do it, but I do. This one hits and I can’t even scream. Whatever sound wanted to come out is stuck in my throat. He continues to move as my body ricochets into oblivion. His cock pulses inside of me, his heat pouring into my body. His thrusts get slower and he lets go of my legs, which fall like noodles to the sides.

  Tug collapses on top of me, but I can’t move. I want to wrap my arms around him, but I can’t. I can’t even think. I’m just here.

  With my each intake of breath, Tug exhales, our chests rising and falling against each other in rapid succession. We lie here, trying to pull ourselves together. Tug’s dick is still inside me, deflating ever so slowly. Damn, it feels good that I do this to him.

  After a few moments, I’m able to move my arms and wrap them around Tug’s body, squeezing him tight to me. He doesn’t move, but his breathing returns to normal. These are the moments that I can never get enough of.

  Tug rolls off my body onto his side on the bed. My body instantly chills, missing his warmth. He tucks me into him, our faces aligned. I shiver. Tug pulls a blanket over our bodies and returns to the same position. Every bit of love he has inside of him is pouring out of the eyes staring back at me. And to think, I almost missed all of this.

  My heart constricts. No words are spoken, we just stare into each other, silently communicating our love.

  I touch my lips to his in a very tender kiss. “What do you have planned for the day?” I whisper.

  “You.” My pussy quivers all over again and inside, I’m doing a one-handed fist pump in the air. I figured he’d have to work or go to the clubhouse. Shit. X. “What just changed that sexy smile into a frown?”

  “I have to go to X today and check on things. Princess isn’t going in and I told her I would.” Damn. Wouldn’t it be nice to shut the real world out just for a day and lie in bed with my man? Damn reality checks.

  “I’ll go with ya.” His hand brushes the hair off of my cheek, sweeping it to the side. Every damn time he touches me, it makes me love him even more. That wasn’t even a touch, just a helpful thing to do. For a woman who wanted to push this man away, I’m pretty much losing my shit over him.

  “I’m not sure I want you watching all the girls strip. You may get ideas,” I tease.

  He grins and pulls me so close to him there is no space between our bodies. “Sweet lips, you love my ideas so don’t give me any shit.” He’s right. I do. The way he talks, acts, loves me. “Besides, I’ve been wanting to fuck you in that dressing room of yours.” I suck in deep. His lips brush my mouth, his nose slowly swiping mine. “Up against the mirror, so you can watch each time I thrust inside of you. You can watch my face as I come.” Shit. Wasn’t I just thinking something like this earlier? How in the hell does he know this shit?

  My sated body springs to life and I very much want that.

  “You like the idea. Your face flushed even deeper.” I don’t answer, no need to. Instead, I kiss him, giving him confirmation without words. Our tongues intertwine and Tug takes over but unfortunately, breaks away way too soon.

  “What time do you have to be there?”

  “Around three or so.” Tugs lifts up, peering over my body.

  “It’s almost noon. Why don’t we go make use of that tub in there?” The one I put in and haven’t used in ages. Yes, please.

  “Sounds good.” With a small lip touch, I leave the bed, putting a little extra sway in my hips as I go. His eyes burn holes through my ass and I try not to giggle.

  I make quick work of starting the water, use the bathroom, and then climb in the tub. I don’t wait for Tug; who knows what he’s doing. He’ll come when he comes. The warm water massages my body, relaxing muscles I didn’t even know ached. Once it reaches above my breasts, I turn it off and relax my head on the side of the tub, closing my eyes.

  A splash breaks me out of my relaxed state as Tug’s large body enters the water. He maneuvers himself behind me, wrapping his strong arms around my waist. I lean my head back into his chest. This right here, is heaven.

  Holding my girl, naked in the tub, I let myself relax. The shocked look on Blaze’s face when she woke up was priceless. How in the hell could I forget? That shit is all over TV. Hell, I’ve been getting mail from jewelry places and everything else for the past few weeks. I may not buy the shit, but it was a good reminder.

  When I initially thought about waking Blaze up, my first idea was a rose but I scratched that just as fast as it came. My woman will never receive another fucking rose in her lifetime, ever. The peacock feather was pure luck. Right place, right time and all that shit. Costumes, gotta love ‘em.

  The entire time I was loving my girl, I wanted to just plow into her and take her, but I refrained. This morning wasn’t for me getting off, even though I did. It was for her, and I think I did pretty damn good, if I say so myself. Not that I’ll breathe a word of that to the guys. They’d never stop giving me shit.

  Blaze wiggles in my arms, my dick stirring. I will never get tired of fucking her. No damn way. Sliding my hands under the water and down her stomach, I toy with her pussy lips. Not pushing inside, just around and up over her clit. Her moan is so fucking sexy. She moves her hips in tune with my fingers, the water sloshing all around. I lift her, gently sitting her on my lap, her back to my front and legs on either side. Her head instantly falls back against my chest. I guide my cock inside her opening, finding its home no problem.

  “Tug,” she whispers, circling her hips around and around.

  “Sweet lips?” I say in her ear, brushing it with my lips, and she groans. “Ride my cock.”

  “Oh…” Her moans trail off. I piston my hips up, hard, and she jumps. She needs to move. Now. She grips on to the bathtub and begins to ride. Water splashes out of the tub onto the tile floor, but all I can feel is her heat on my dick. In and out. She clamps down on my dick, continuing her movements, and it’s too much. Reaching around, I toy with her clit, rubbing it hard and fast.

  Her screams of ecstasy fill the room. I grip her hips, pulling her down on me a few more times, before my dick erupts inside of her. No matter how much I fuck this woman, it’s never enough. Never.

  Blaze falls limply onto my body, ours still connected. We lie there, soaking and coming back down to earth. I look to the floor, water is everywhere. “Looks like we made a mess,” I tease as she glances around.

  “I’m gonna fall on my ass,” she murmurs, and she’s not wrong. We’ll be lucky to get out of here without skating to our ass. And since I want to fuck Blaze several more times today, I’m not letting her fall.

  “Lift up, sweet lips. I’ll take care of it.” She dislodges me from her body and moves to the other side of the tub. Good thing this damn thing is huge. Next time, I need to turn on the jets and get her off that way before I take her.

  Cautiously, I climb out of the tub, grabbing towels and throwing them on the floor. Water has pretty much coated the entire bathroom. Towel after towel, I cover the tile, making sure to leave one for Blaze.

  “Come on.” I hold out my hand for her and she climbs out, wrapping herself up tight. I snag her around the waist and pull her in for a hard kiss. “Get dressed. I’m taking you to get food.”

  Her megawatt smile graces her lips. Yep, she’s mine. All fucking mine.

  She brushes her lips against mine and heads off to the closet.

  An hour later, we are on the back of my bike. Her hold around me stays firm the whole time. Her front stays plastered to
my back, the heat coming off of her only making me want to take her again. I pull into Sam’s, her grip tightens, no doubt remembering our first time here. I just wanted to eat, but I’ll run with it.

  Climbing off the bike, I take her hand and begin walking to the door. Her hand tugs mine as she stops in the parking lot. I turn to her, sheepishness crosses over her features, so I pull her in close.

  “You know, when we came here that first night?” I nod, how the hell could I forget. “All I could think about was screwing you in the bathroom.” A chuckle escapes me.

  “I would have taken you up on that, sweet lips.” Hell yeah, I would have. Shit, I’d have taken her on the damn table.

  Her arms come around to my back, pulling me close to her. “You realize you had me from the moment I saw you at X?” Fuck yeah.

  Instead of answering, I slam my lips to hers hard, demanding entrance with my tongue. A car honks and Blaze jumps. The driver of the car laughs and I flip him off. He’s lucky I have my girl in my arms or I’d beat the fucking shit out of him. Prick.

  “Come on. Let’s feed you.”

  I yank Blaze’s hand softly, bringing her back to the booth where we sat the first time we came. I didn’t plan that shit. It just happened to be open. She slides into the booth and instead of sitting on the other side, I sit next to her. How the hell else am I going to touch her?

  “What are you doing?” she asks with a raised brow.

  Leaning into her, I whisper against her ear, “I’m going to drive you mad.” She shakes. She has no idea.

  After ordering, I lean back in the booth. “So, what all do you have to do at X?” Not that I mind going there, just rather not spend the whole fucking night there.

  “Make sure the lineup is good and no one flaked out at the last minute.” I rest my hand on her thigh as she talks. “Liquor is good, but gotta make sure the bouncers are good to go. Since I won’t be there, Cali is working the floor, too.” My hand inches up her jean-covered leg. I’d much rather have had a skirt, but I’ll work with it. “What are you doing?” she asks, putting her hand on top of mine to halt me. Not happening.

  I lean in. “Sit back. Don’t make any noises or all the people here will know what’s happening.” I’ve never done anything like this with Blaze and really, I’m not sure how she’ll react, but it fucking turns me on and I’m gonna give it a shot.

  “Tug, seriously what are you doing?” Her grip on my hand tightens and her nails dig in.

  “Do you trust me?” Her eyes widen and a small gasp leaves her mouth.

  “Of course I do.” The words come out with a smash of anger.

  “Then, move your hand and let me do what I’m gonna do.” I’m pushing. I know it. But if we are ever going to break through all of her walls, I need to. I believe that she trusts me to a point. I just need to knock down those few remaining bricks and if I have to in order to make her see the light, by damned I’ll do it.

  It takes her a full minute to fight whatever is in her head, but she lets go, placing her hands on the table. I squeeze her gently. “Proud of you,” I whisper, traveling my hand up to the V of her jeans. I’m not going to get far with these blocking my path, but I’ll do my damnedest.

  The waitress drops of our drinks and Blaze clenches the table like it’s her lifeline. Her entire body is on edge as she, no doubt, tries to figure out what I’m about to do. I want to laugh, but don’t.

  I snake my hand up higher and with my pointer finger begin to rub, applying pretty good pressure. Her swift intake of breath tells me that she feels it. Perfect. I make lazy circles. “So, you don’t need to stay long?” I carry on as if I don’t have my hand on her hot pussy.

  Her breath hitches. “No, as long as there aren’t any problems.” I deepen the pressure just a bit and can feel her throbbing nub.

  “Good. Guys are going to Bimbo’s tonight. Thought we’d go for a while and hang out.” She glares at me. It’s not because I suggested Bimbo’s; nope, it’s because her hips are moving slightly in the seat, trying to get just a little bit more. I pull away and she slumps against the booth.

  “That’s…” Just as she starts talking, I press on her clit again, making her pause. “Would you stop that,” she barks low. My girl is funny as shit.

  “No.” It only takes a little movement and she is back in the same boat, moving against my hand. Just like before, I choose to listen to her body other than the words that come out of her mouth. The flush that has crept up her cheeks and neck, her breathing erratic. Fucking love it.

  Her nails dig into my arm, but it’s not for me to stop. She’s close, very very close. I pull back.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Food’s coming.” The waitress walks our way with the food and places it on the table with a smile. I lean in to Blaze. “I couldn’t have you coming right in front of her.”

  “Please don’t leave me like this.” she pleads.

  I pick up my burger and start eating, her eyes locked on me and burning with frustration. After plucking a fry in my mouth, I begin again and this time Blaze doesn’t fight.

  “You’d better eat. It’ll get cold.” I pick up another fry, putting it in my mouth. Her eyes are closed and I press deeper then retreat, my hand coming to my burger.

  “You can’t stop!” she screams in a whisper. I’m not sure how she did it, but she did. It’s also laced in anger and longing.

  “I need to eat. Need my strength.” I wiggle my brow. She huffs. We eat in silence; she’s pissed and it’s sexy as shit. I finish my last fry then place my fingers back on her pussy and she jolts. Her attention was on her food and not me. Her mistake.

  “I’m trying to eat.”

  “Me too.” I lick my lips, lean in close, and lick her bottom one. She groans, loud.

  I love this shit. Keeping her on edge, not letting her come. It’s not a power trip. In actuality, it’s all for her. She’ll come that much harder next time I’m inside of her and judging from the strain on my jeans right now, that will be very fucking soon.

  The waitress brings the check and Blaze barely opens her eyes for it. Pretty fucking sexy. I throw some bills on the table, grab her hand, and pull her out to my bike. Abruptly, I kiss her, hard. Her hands come to my shirt and she fists the material. I tear my lips away from hers. Blaze’s eyes are molten hot. She is so ready to be fucked. Gotta make that happen.

  “On the bike, sweet lips.” I nip at her bottom lip and she climbs on. The entire ride, her ass wiggles on the seat behind me. I’m half tempted to stop the bike and tell her, if she gets off on my bike and not my cock, she’s sucking it for a week. But I keep going. Faster I get there, the faster I can take what’s mine.

  I waste no time getting her off my bike and into X. Girls turn to tell her hi, but I don’t stop. After barging through the door of her dressing room, I kick it shut and turn the lock.

  “Jeans down, now,” I growl, unbuckling my belt and unzipping my fly. Without a word, she pulls her jeans to her ankles. “Turn around. Hands on the desk.” The lights around the mirror shine but all I focus on is Blaze’s face. “Leg up.” I help her position her knee next to her hand.

  “Tug, please.”

  I grip her hair tight and pull her back to me. “You need to be fucked?”

  “After that torture at Sam’s, yes!” she says, eyes full of desire and locked on mine in the mirror.

  “Don’t lie, sweet lips. You loved every fucking minute of it.” I don’t let her answer. Instead, I drive into her all the way, my balls slapping her pussy. She lets out a small scream. “You want everyone out there to know you’re getting fucked?”

  “Shut it and move, Tug.”

  I slap one of her ass cheeks and check her reflection in the mirror; she’s biting her lip not to scream. Good girl. Not that I give a shit if they hear us or not. She’s my woman. I’ll fuck her whenever I want. This is all on her.

  This is nothing like this morning. Earlier, I wanted he
r to be so on fire that she melted for me. This time, I just need to fuck her. Sam’s was the warm up. I need her now. I squeeze my ass cheeks as I move inside her. Noises from Blaze sound muffled. She’s holding them in.

  “Take my cock, Blaze. All of it.” I plunge in deep, her walls clamping around me. My dick throbs for release. “Touch yourself, sweet lips, and watch in the mirror as I take you.” She groans and her fingertips brush my cock as she works.

  Her face is flushed and a small sheen of sweat dots her brow. Her eyes focus on mine. Inside them is passion and lust, and that’s all it takes for me to really let loose. In and out, I slam into her. Makeup and whatever else was on the table scatters to the floor, crashing all around us. The table shakes and our reflection in the mirror is unfocused.

  Blaze’s pussy spasms against me and that does it. My dick bursts inside of her, but I continue my strokes, each one enhancing my orgasm. Fuck me. Blaze’s chest falls to the table, her arms giving out completely. I lean down and kiss the small of her back before pulling out and yanking up my jeans. I wrap Blaze in my arms and carry her to the couch, sitting her on my lap.

  She’s a bit dazed. Her breathing harsh, but beginning to slow. I nuzzle her neck, breathing in her scent, kissing and stroking her.

  Eventually, she comes back to herself and the smile on her face is fucking priceless. “Hey,” she says softly.

  “Hey, yourself. Feel better?” I kiss the tip of her nose. She giggles.

  “Oh yeah.” She glances over at the mess on the floor. “You gonna help me clean up?”

  I grin. My idea of cleaning up is to throw everything in the garbage. No way she wants me near that. I ignore it. “You’d better get your shit done, so we can get the hell out of here.”

  “You’re leaking out of me.” Fuck yeah. She moves off of me and begins to clean herself with some tissues. “Maybe I’ll start making you use condoms so I don’t have to clean you off me every time.” I still.


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