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Ravage MC Novella Collection

Page 19

by Ryan Michele

  I carefully hold up the baby so that he’s resting on my chest, red hat in place, but they can see his face. I step up to the little microphone they have so I can be heard on the other side of the glass.

  “I’d like to introduce you to Deacon Alexander Gavelson. Our son. He is six-pounds-three-ounces and absolutely perfect.” Pride consumes me and I’ve never been happier.

  Copyright © Ryan Michele 2016

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Ryan Michele, except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.

  1st edition published September 27, 2016

  Editing by C&D Editing

  Proofreading by Silla Webb

  Cover Design by Melissa Gill at MGbookcovers

  Formatting by M.L. Pahl of IndieVention Designs

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events portrayed in this book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Please do not take offense to the content as it is fiction.

  Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders. The author acknowledges the trademarked status in this work of fiction. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  This book contains mature content not suitable for readers under the age of 18. This book contains content with strong language, violence, and sexual situations. All parties portrayed in sexual situations are over the age of 18.

  This is not meant to be a true or exact depiction of a motorcycle club. Rather, it is a work of fiction meant to entertain.


















  “Mom!” Austyn calls from the doorway of the clubhouse.

  I look that way from the courtyard and raise my brow instead of answering.

  She rushes up to me in a panic as if her ass is on fire. Her sapphire blue eyes, the same color as her father’s, show she’s in a tizzy. “Nox needs to stay out of my stuff! It’s my bag. He can’t go in my bag!” she shrieks, and Cruz comes up and puts his arm around his pouting, temper tantrum throwing nine-year-old daughter.

  She looks up at her dad, not taking his cue of a squeeze to calm herself down. No, not my hotheaded little mini-me. I really need to work with her on that.

  “What’s the problem now?” my husband asks calmly.

  I admire that about Cruz—his ability to stay cool at all times. Even with three kids running around the house like crazy asses, he’s the rock, the one who can put out the flame of independent tempers with one look.

  He’s my rock, too, and I tell him that often.

  “Nox. He went in my bag and took my tablet. Says he’s not going to give it back. He’s going to have Buzz crack my password so he can go in and tell all my friends that I have a wart on my butt.”

  I bust out laughing. That shit is funny. Stupid, but still funny. I have no doubt in the upcoming years, Nox will perfect the art of torturing his sister, and she’s going to wish for the butt wart threat.

  “Mom!” she screeches, exasperated, stomping her foot. “You seriously are not taking his side on this.” She looks at Cruz. “She always takes his side.”

  Austyn’s smart, pretty, and feisty. All a mix of pure trouble. She got Cruz’s dark hair that flows down her back almost to her waist. She’s toned, but that’s because we spar. Yes, I have taught my daughter how to fight, but I’ve also taught both my sons, as well. Those three together equal a lot of mess.

  My daughter will one day be a knockout. I fully know this. It also scares the shit out of me. I don’t get scared often except when it comes to my kids and my man.

  “I’m not taking anyone’s side. It’s funny, so I laughed.”

  Her sharp eyes come back to me as she spits, “It wouldn’t be so funny if it was you.” Her snark, mixed in with the bitch inside my girl, comes out loud and clear. She knows better than this. At least, I thought she did.

  Humor evaporates as I take a step closer to my daughter and Cruz releases Austyn then takes a step back. This is a mother/daughter issue, and he’s learned over the years that it’s best resolved if he stays out of it. The sad thing is, I know it’s going to get worse with her teen years fast approaching. I’m not looking forward to that one bit.

  Austyn has to look up to meet my gaze. When she does, her face pales due to whatever she reads on my face. Smart girl.

  Truly, I’m not angry. Disappointed, yes. She doesn’t need to know that. That’s one of those mom skills I’ve become pretty good at using.

  “One, your brother shouldn’t take your shit and say that, but young lady, if you cut your eyes up at me again like that or spit words at me, not only will that tablet be crushed into pieces, but your ass will be on toilet duty here at the club for a year,” I tell her, letting my disappointment come through my eyes and then watch as she swallows and crosses her arms over her chest.

  She knows I’m serious. The Ravage MC has changed over the years. With most of the guys having ol’ ladies and kids, the club has turned more kid friendly. Not saying that it’s all the time, because it’s not, but overall, I have to say it is.

  All the kids of Ravage are here every weekend together in some way, shape, or form. They’ve grown close. They’ve also learned that bathroom duty in the clubhouse is one of the worst jobs they can do.

  I see Cruz shift in my peripheral vision, but he says nothing.

  “Sorry, Mom,” she says quietly as Cruz steps up behind her again and wraps her under his arm, his dad radar telling him all is calm.

  I look at my husband whose soft side for our daughter is a pain in my ass. She knows it. He knows it. Coop and Nox know it, too. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  He kisses the top of her head, and my insides melt. I love when he gives our kids what they need. We make a damn good team, even if I get to be the bad guy most of the time.

  Who would have thought that him holding a gun to my head, threatening to blow it off, would lead to this life, this happiness? I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

  “I’ll take care of Nox,” he says, releasing Austyn before coming to me, his eyes gleaming.

  All these years, all the ups and downs of life, and he still looks at me with a hunger I never want to disappear. I know he loves me; he tells me often.

  He brings his hand to my chin and lifts it before kissing me hard and deep.

  I wrap my arms around my strong man and kiss him back with everything I have, loving the way his mouth takes mine in a dominant, self-assured way.

  “Get a room,” Austyn says, stomping off, and I smile. She’s so easy to torment.

  “Yeah, get a room,” Ma says, chuckling as Cruz pulls away, but not before kissing the tip of my nose.

  “Looks like I got a boy to deal with over that fuckin’ tablet,” Cruz says before striding off while I watch his fine ass go.

  His body is still a tank and sexy as hell. I could eat him every day for the rest of my life and never get tired or bored or starve.

  “Where’s Coop?” Ma questions.

  I turn to her. The wide smile on her face is knowing. Damn, I love this woman. I hope I’m a fourth of the mother she is and teach my kids everything she taught me: strength, determination, love, loyalty. I’ve started, but I have a long
way to go with my kids.

  “Supposed to be here in twenty. He picked up Ty and Jackson on the way, saying they had to come.”

  They didn’t have to come; they wanted to come for the mommas. Too bad the women were tucked away today, because today is family day. The mommas don’t come out when the kids are here anymore. I grew up with them around, and I turned out fine. The kids around here would have, too, but Pops made it an order, and it’s being followed.

  “Just like Coop to be late to his own birthday party,” Ma says, looking around the courtyard filled with people. Some are sitting at the picnic tables, while others are in chairs. Food is up on tables; coolers of beer and pop lay in the green grass. Everyone helps themselves.

  “Teenagers,” is all I say. What else can I say? We’ve been doing the teen thing for three years now. Well, more like four because Coop is a handful. Fights. Arguments. Grounding—you name it, it’s happened. It doesn’t stop me a moment from loving my boy, though.

  “Can’t believe my little guy is going to be sixteen,” Ma comments.

  “Me, either.” I still remember the moment I saw him standing in the clubhouse. The moment when Cruz brought him over to me and introduced us. That smile, that speech impediment. Every moment, I remember. I’m not ready for him to grow up.

  Ma chuckles, and I follow her gaze. Austyn sits over on top of the picnic table. Her mid-thigh shorts and tank top cover everything, but it’s her gaze that I track.

  Nineteen-year-old Ryker chats it up with a few of the brothers. He just patched in, and Cruz says he’s a standup guy, but he’s young and full of come. I can see it, though. I can also feel the heartbreak coming my girl’s way when it comes to him.

  Austyn has nine full years, and a lot can happen during that time. In my gut, though, I know it’s not going to be easy for her.

  “You just wait,” Ma says, and I pray my little girl stays little. I pray that I can teach her well and give her the right tools to stand tall when her world crashes.

  “Where’s Nox?” I ask our new prospect, Asswipe, while he cleans the bar area.

  “Your room,” he answers, and I stride that way.

  The little shit knows he’s not supposed to be in there when I’m not. I’ve told him over and over again, but he doesn’t seem to get it. Same as with that stupid tablet that I have to listen to my girl sing on and record herself over and over and over.

  Nox has a hard head. His life mission is to make his sister’s hell, which he accomplishes daily. In turn, I have to put him in his place … daily.

  I turn the handle to my door, and GT and Casey’s boy, Deke, and Nox jump up from the bed. Nox swoops something behind his back, his eyes wide.

  I lean against the doorjamb, cross my arms, and level my gaze on my son and nephew. “Do I even need to ask?” I question both of them.

  It’s my boy who turns pale.

  Fuck, what the hell are they up to now? These two together are nothing but trouble. If one’s not thinking of something destructive, then the other is. It’s like a tag team. It has gotten worse now that Coop is growing and doing his own thing.

  “No,” Nox says as Deke chuckles.

  My attention goes to him. Deke is tall, lean, and has shaggy blond hair like his father. He may be lanky now, but I have no doubt that in a few years, he will fill out.

  “Care to tell me why Nox looks like he’s going to pass the fuck out?”

  Deke shrugs. “It’s no big deal, Uncle Cruz. We were just lookin’ at somethin’.”

  I swear, the way he talks reminds me so much of his father it’s not even funny. Like fucking peas in a damn pod.

  “If it’s no big deal, then show me.”

  Nox freezes as Deke grabs the thing behind Nox’s back and takes a bold step forward. I swear, for an eleven-year-old, he’s got brass balls that need to be taken down a few pegs. He may think he’s the shit, but I’ve news for him. That’s earned in this family. Earned by every single person here. If I have to stomp his ass for him to learn it, I will.

  He holds out a magazine, and I take it from him, curl it up, and whack him on the head with it, remembering when my mother used to do it to me.

  He looks at me, puzzled, but I’m happy because he doesn’t do the rub your head and pretend it hurts. No, he takes it like he should and mans up. He’s young, but at least he’s learning.

  “Knock that cocky shit off, Deke. Learn your place here and do it fast. Or the boys and I will be teachin’ you a hard ass lesson.”

  I see his shoulders slump just a bit, but he has way too much starch in that spine of his. His potential in this club is great; he just needs to learn to control himself enough to keep from getting himself killed.

  I look at the magazine, seeing all kinds of naked women, their legs spread wide, asses in the air, and every other way a woman’s body can contort. While this shit isn’t a big deal, my wife will think otherwise, and no doubt, Angel will, too. Nox is only nine, after all.

  “Too young for this shit, boys,” I tell them.

  Deke crosses his arms over his little chest, trying to puff it out just a bit. Unfortunately for him, it’s rubbing me the wrong way, and I’m about a hairsbreadth away from smacking the shit out of him.

  “You’ve got a few years before this.” I wave the magazine.

  “Uncle Cruz, come on. I was just showin’ Nox some stuff,” Deke tries.

  I chuckle and ask, “And what stuff would that be?”

  “You know, a woman’s … parts.”

  I full-out laugh as a hand comes down on my shoulder behind me.

  I look over to see GT. His boy can’t even say the word pussy or, hell, even vagina, yet he can look at it and show his cousin? Priceless.

  “What’s so fuckin’ funny?” GT asks, eyeing the two boys suspiciously, as he should.

  “Your boy here was teaching Nox about women’s parts,” I say through a laugh then slap the magazine on GT’s chest.

  He looks at it and then down at his boy.

  “Dammit, Deke. I fuckin’ told you to stay out of my shit in the basement. When your mom finds this, I’m not steppin’ in,” GT tells his boy as I get my laughter under control.

  “Dad, come on. It’s not like I don’t hear the guys talkin’ or Coop. I’m not stupid,” Deke says to his father, who steps closer.

  While tall, Deke is no match for his father and has to tilt his head up.

  “Didn’t say you were fuckin’ stupid. I’m sayin’, stay out of my shit. I know you’re gettin’ older, but not old enough for lookin’ at pussy. You hear shit, you pack that away. You know shit, you pack that away. You see shit, you pack that away, too. Club life, Deke. You choose this path in life, you need to learn this now. Respect. You are not respecting me or your uncle and, therefore, the club. It all comes back to the club.”

  Deke takes a moment then nods. “Yeah, Dad.” He turns to Nox and lifts his chin then turns back to his dad. “Am I grounded for, like, the seven hundred millionth time?” he smarts off.

  “Keep fuckin’ talkin’ like that and I will ground you, you little smartass. Know you’ve got a brain up there, so start using it. Don’t be showin’ the little ones pictures of naked women. They ain’t ready for it,” GT says as I turn to Nox.

  “You’re only nine, Nox. I get you’re curious and all that, but give it a few years. Then we’ll talk. Right now, enjoy bein’ young because it’ll go by so fast you won’t know what hit ya. Girls will always be around, but not now.”

  “I was just looking,” he says sheepishly.

  “I get that, but it’s not for your eyes.”

  Nox moves to the bed and sits down. “You’re gonna tell Mom, aren’t you?” he says, a bit defeated.

  Yes, his mother will have his balls to the wall if, or I should say when, she finds out, which I’m sure she’ll know before I have a chance to tell her, because …

  “You know nothing stays quiet. Buck up. Now, where the fuck is Aust
yn’s tablet?”

  Nox’s eyes flash to mine. “She came and told you, didn’t she?” He shakes his head, already knowing the answer. “She’s such a tattletale.” He rises from the bed, grabs his bag, and pulls out the tablet.

  “Stop takin’ shit that isn’t yours,” I tell my boy as I take the tablet from him.

  “I was just messin’ with her. She’s so easy.”

  “Yeah, she is, but stop the shit. We’re here for your brother’s party. No more stunts. Let’s go out and see if we can find out where the hell he is.”

  I wrap my arm around my boy’s shoulders and give him a squeeze, wondering what I did to get three great kids, even if they are a pain in my ass, and a beautiful wife. Life doesn’t get much better.

  I take my boy by the shoulder and lead him straight to my room, magazine in hand. After I open the door, he walks in, and I follow behind as he falls to the bed, lying on his back and staring up at the ceiling.

  “So, I am in trouble,” he says, continuing to study the ceiling.

  “Up,” I order.

  His eyes snap to mine, and then he immediately sits up at the sight of my expression.

  “Am I pissed you’re lookin’ at this shit? No. But you still shouldn’t be. My big problem is we got a lot of kids runnin’ around here, and I don’t need to be gettin’ shit from all of their parents because you’re tryin’ to be cool and show the little ones somethin’ they shouldn’t see. That shit isn’t flyin’.”

  I bend down so our eyes are level. “I get you’re curious. You come to me with that shit, not to a kid who’s younger than you. Can’t have that shit happen again, Deke, or I’ll seriously have your ass.”

  Love my boy, but fuck, he’s a handful. Trouble in school, not popularity-wise, but because he’s all over the fucking place. He doesn’t listen; that’s his problem. He’s on the brink right now, but if he pulls his head out of his ass, he’ll be fine. He’s smart, and I refuse to let him fall.

  “Fine,” he says, and I can see it on his face, clear as day.


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