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Demon Lover (Supernatural Alphas)

Page 7

by Tee, Marian


  The harsh command of Alexandru's voice thundered in her mind, and instead of terrifying her, the sound was exactly what she needed, the familiar note of authority in her Master's voice snapping Zari back to her senses.


  Focus on my voice now.

  His words wrapped itself around her like a cloak of protection, and she found herself clinging to them as the fiery images from her vision raged around her.

  You're safe.

  She knew what he was saying was true. She knew, just by hearing his voice, that she was no longer in danger. But with the grotesquely vivid world around her refusing to go away, she couldn't stop herself from reacting, and she felt herself start to burn—-

  No, her Master growled. Stop that! Come back to me!

  Her Master's furious growl ripped into the veil that separated reality from her visions—-


  The words turned into a steely rope that locked around her wrist, and just as everything around her roared into flames that starved for her flesh, Alexandru's love became Zari's harbor, the chains of her Master's possession yanking her out—-

  Everything disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the first thing she saw was Alexandru's beloved face gradually coming into focus.

  Oh God.

  Alexandru was stunned when his pet suddenly threw herself in his arms, and he was barely able to keep him from toppling back at the shock of it.

  You're safe now, pet.

  But Zari didn't even answer, only winding her arms more tightly around his neck like she was afraid of drowning the moment he let go.

  What did you see?

  His pet didn't answer, her body still shuddering against him in the aftermath of her vision, and her heart pounded so hard and fast that he might as well be listening to heavy metal.

  It was only when over an hour had passed, and he had her body relaxed under the foamy waters of the Jacuzzi in the master's en-suite, that he felt Zari finally stir in his arms. Large, gray eyes lifted up to his, and his chest tightened at the fear that still haunted her gaze.

  "That bad?" he asked quietly.

  She nodded.

  "Is it like what you saw with Katerina?"

  Zari could only manage another nod, and she didn't even think of resisting as her Master pulled her close, and she pressed her cheek back against the hard naked wall of his chest.

  Katerina had been her Master's first love. Zari had a vision of the other woman's death, and it had gutted her, how all of her desperate attempts to change the hunter's destiny had met with failure.

  That was the day she had grown up, the day she had made her decision to break her heart and part with Alexandru.

  That day was when she had made a promise to become strong for her Master—-

  And it was a promise she intended to keep, even if her visions showed...

  Visions show only one possibility of the future, she reminded herself forcefully. And so what if her Master apparently didn't think her capable of keeping her promise? With all the times she had doubted herself, Alexandru was also entitled to have his own doubts here and there. And besides—-

  The sound of her iPhone ringing cut through her thoughts, and Zari was secretly relieved to have a reason to set aside the past, even just for a while. She reached for her cellphone and tried not to feel self-conscious at the way Alexandru regarded her with green eyes that were a little too indolent to be true. "Hel—-"

  Her boss cut her off, asking, "Are you with the vampire?" Micah's voice lacked its usual honeyed sinfulness, and this was enough for Zari to sit up and frown.

  "He is. Is anything—-"

  "I need you two here at Station 4," Micah ordered. "ASAP."

  The Bodies That Disappeared

  Chapter Seventeen

  THIS IS A FUCKING JOKE, her Master snarled in her mind sometime later.

  Just bear with it, Master, Zari managed to say soothingly while struggling to keep her face straight. It was so unlike Alexandru to rant - he was usually cool and charming 24/7 - but then again, he was also used to living and working in less crowded towns and cities.

  Such places, she thought humorously, didn't require her Master to pretend he was without powers that allowed him to move faster than, say, the New York subway.

  Alexandru's mood visibly improved when they were finally aboveground, but then she saw how his lip curled every so often, and when she realized why that was...

  Alexandru was puzzled at the way his pet had suddenly burst into laughter. "What's so funny?"

  "You," Zari managed to say between giggles.

  "I beg your pardon?"

  A fresh peal of laughter escaped Zari. I just can't believe how everyone thinks you're this great and mighty hunter...

  "I am that," Alexandru pointed out reasonably.

  "Indeed, Master," Zari agreed obediently, "but I wonder if your most ardent admirers also know what a spoiled little boy you are?"

  "I beg your pardon?"

  Her Master's voice practically dripped with ice this time, but it only made Zari laugh anew since his attitude completely proved her point.

  "Your lip keeps curling up every time you smell pee—-"

  "That's what normal people do," he retorted.

  "And when you accidentally touched that wad of gum stuck by the train doors—-"

  Alexandru couldn't help wincing at the rather gross memory of his fingers encountering a substance whose origins he never wished to know.

  Zari, seeing her Master's expression, was tempted to laugh again, but since they had already reached their destination...

  She pointed to the pawn shop across the road. "That's Station 4."

  Trick or Trade was the registered trademark AGNEX used to run their service-and-supply stations, and Zari couldn't help feeling uneasy at seeing the place practically crawling with trappers.

  Not normal procedure?

  No, Master.

  Mm. Alexandru observed the way the trappers watched their approach. They appear more hostile than usual, pet.

  I'm hoping it's because they found out I'm living with you in Sky Tower while they're doing daily commutes from Brooklyn.

  Maybe. Alexandru's skeptical tone, however, echoed her own private thoughts as well, and Zari's unease only grew when they were finally inside, and an unsmiling Micah right away ordered all trappers to clear the room.

  "Follow me," her boss said curtly.

  Every AGNEX station was built to equip trappers with a particular service or supply, and since Zari had never been to Station 4, she hadn't known what to expect until they were at the back of the shop, and a cold blast of air struck her face.

  A morgue, Zari realized. Why on earth would her boss have an urgent need for them to come—-

  Micah started unlocking the doors to several cold lockers, and the answer came to her when she saw that all twelve of them were empty.

  Alexandru's lips tightened. It seems our traitorous adversary is one step ahead of us.

  "This is our first problem," Micah told them curtly, "and as for the second..." He stalked towards the row of trolleys at the opposite end of the room and whipped one of the sheets down.

  The angel gestured to the corpse. "This," he bit out, "is Station 4's caretaker."

  Clean kill, Alexandru observed dispassionately, seeing the singular headshot wound in the victim's temple.

  Zari's lips tightened. No signs of struggle, Master.

  Alexandru cast a sweeping glance around their extremely sterile surroundings. No signs of forced entry either.

  "If it's not too much to ask—-" The angel's tone was sarcastic. "Can you two get off your private line and include me in the fucking conversation?"

  Zari could feel her cheeks flush at the well-deserved reprimand, and knowing that her boss would only consider an apology an additional waste of his time, she dove straight into the facts to get Micah up to speed.

  "The Devil's Door I tipped you off to months ago...I nev
er saw - I mean, I never knew how it was opened, but now we have reason to believe that the demon who went through it used mandrakes—-" She heard her boss mutter an expletive and realized that the half angel was also aware of how mandrakes could be used to open Devil's Doors.

  "Alexandru believed that if he could examine the bodies, he might be able to identify the demon by scent—-" The angel bit out another expletive, but this time she had no idea what he was furious about. She glanced at Alexandru, hoping he'd know something, but her Master only shrugged.

  "Micah?" Zari's voice was edgy with tension even to her own ears. "Is there something—-"

  "The Board's called for a meeting—-"

  Zari stiffened.

  "They believe Alexandru is behind this."

  Hence your colleagues' bellicose stance , Alexandru couldn't help remarking.

  While Zari didn't quite understand what 'bellicose' meant, Alexandru's tone alone had her gnashing her teeth and shooting a scowl at his direction. Will you please take this seriously? Turning back to her boss, she said right away, "That's insane. You don't even need an autopsy to know the caretaker recognized his killer—-"

  "The Board also believes Alexandru used his powers as a demon to brainwash the caretaker."

  Bullshit, Zari almost yelled. Brainwashing was only possible with the average human being, and caretakers, just like trappers, had to undergo special training before they could start working for AGNEX.

  "Have they deduced any motives on my behalf?" Alexandru wanted to know.

  "Unfortunately...yes. In Z's report for Warehouse 57, she insisted that there was still a thirteenth boy missing, and the Board has thus concluded the 13th boy was - or is - also one of your brainwashed minions. They also believe you stole the bodies as a way of covering your tracks—-"

  "Those are all presumptions," Zari interrupted in protest. "Why can't they all see—-"

  Enough, pet.

  Zari clamped her jaw shut at her Master's quiet words.

  I think you already know what the angel is truly telling us.

  No! Zari strove to remain calm . There has to be another way—-

  But her Master was already discussing the terms of his surrender with her boss.

  "I am willing to turn myself over - but only in your care, of course, since your angel's blood will prevent you from betraying my trust. I am also willing to wait until your agency's investigation clears me of wrongdoing...but only if you do not hold me captive in some despicably urban prison," Alexandru drawled with a crooked smile. "Give me a good old-fashioned dungeon anytime—-"

  "Shut up, Master!" Zari gave up all pretenses on being in any way agreeable to what was happening. "You're not going anywhere—-"

  But both men appeared hell-bent on ignoring her.

  "It will be as you wish," she heard her boss say.

  Master, I swear to God, if you dare let them take you away—-

  I'm sorry, pet, but I'm afraid I must dare indeed do that. The traitor you saw in your version has infiltrated your Board, and your boss...

  Zari reluctantly turned to look at Micah.

  "I'm sorry," the half angel said quietly, "but this has to happen."

  The words made it seem like he was apologizing for Alexandru's impending arrest, but the look in his eyes told her a different story. Micah knew her Master was innocent, but the half angel also believed Alexandru's captivity was the only way to flush the traitor out.

  My confinement, of course, is nothing but a decoy and a means to stall for time. It will be all up to you to figure the rest out—-

  Why can't it be the other way around, Zari impulsively blurted out through their blood bond. Why can't I be the one who's taken away and—-

  That won't do, my love. The wickedly teasing note in her Master's voice tempted Zari to laugh, cry, and question his sanity all at the same time.

  Remember those nights you kept crying over and over about how strong you've become?

  Well now...

  How is it that you modern people say it, pet?

  It is time for you to walk the talk.

  The (Second ) Mandrake

  Shows the Way

  Chapter Eighteen

  PRIDE HAD ZARI MAINTAINING a stony silence as trappers treated Alexandru, now safely behind the spell-fortified bars of a dungeon, like he was no different from a circus animal to be stared at and made fun of. To their credit, they didn't actually went as far as booing or throwing rotten eggs at him. But then when one looked into their eyes and saw the vile pleasure they derived from seeing a renowned hunter as her Master, now confined in an ancient solitary cell that had him sitting on the ground—-

  She dug her nails hard into her palms. Part of the plan, Zari reminded herself. It was all part of the plan, and that included how Alexandru's imprisonment had the other trappers, young and old alike, were smirking and strutting out of the cave like they were the ones personally responsible for his detainment.

  In the corner of her eye, she saw one of the trappers bragging to his friends that he was going to spit on Alexandru, but then the younger man met the hunter's gaze...

  "Never mind," she heard the trapper mutter. "Even my saliva's wasted on it."

  Zari saw red. It? That idiot dared call her Oh, what she would do—-

  Tick tock, pet.

  Alexandru's mocking murmur in her mind hauled Zari back to her senses.

  I would also rather spend my time elsewhere, but that won't happen anytime soon if you simply waste your time standing there.

  She couldn't help grimacing even as she had to force herself to swing her back on her Master.


  She followed the others out.

  I'm going now.

  This time, Alexandru didn't even answer, and in her mind she could easily picture him looking at her with a bored expression on his broodingly gorgeous face.

  Fine, fine, lesson learned, Zari thought gloomily. Whenever he had his taskmaster mode switched on, Alexandru would instantly turn into a tough SOB that wouldn't even blink if his teaching methods had her crying in exhaustion and pain. He would still ask her to do it again and again, relentlessly using his knowledge as her Master and lover to push all the right buttons...just like what he was doing now.

  No wasting time, she told herself. Gotta get her ass moving, that's what's being strong is all about.

  Micah saw Zari the moment she was out of the cave and motioned for her to join him. Sundown Wild Forest was usually without crowds once the sun started to set, but with the Board scheduled to convene in midnight, the half angel had the entire workforce putting up a virtual miracle: a fully-functional camp right in the middle of the woods, and one that even came with luxury yurts, fancy shower stalls, and self-incinerating toilets.

  There was even what she heard a trapper describe as the "feast tent", which had everything from caviar and lamb chops to cakes and champagne.

  "I was thinking you'd go more for a Fort Knox theme," Zari remarked as she reached her boss, "but this looks more like a party setup for Fourth of July."

  "The Board believes having Alexandru in custody distinguishes AGNEX from all the other trapping agencies."

  "So we are celebrating then?"

  Micah wisely ignored this, saying gruffly instead, "You've done a great job."

  "I still love him, Micah," Zara said tightly. "But I would never let my feelings get in the way of work." She lifted her chin. "Hopefully, this is enough proof that no one will ever question my loyalty to AGNEX again."

  The half angel inclined his head. "Touché, trapper."

  "I need to head back to write a follow-up progress report," she said shortly. "Do you mind if I leave now or you still need me to hold your hand or something?"

  Blue eyes glinted at her. "Don't push it."

  "Then try catching your next target without my help." She turned away right after and, conscious of how everyone in the vicinity was gaping at them, worked hard to keep her militant expression intact. A
lthough both of them had simply been putting on a show, it still hadn't felt right to cross words with her boss in full view of other trappers. Sure, they argued all the time, but—-

  If you are deliberately making me jealous, mooning over your poor Legolas-wannabe boss, then you best be aware such an attempt will not be without consequences.

  Hearing Alexandru's rather caustic voice suddenly pop up in her mind almost had her tripping. Shit. But at the same time, she couldn't help thinking how it was really like the good old days now—-

  Good being a relative word, considering their "old" days had also mostly revolved around demon hunts, just with a different backdrop.

  Fun times, indeed.

  Alexandru's deadpanned tone had Zari quickly lowering her head to keep any prying eyes around her from seeing her smile. She could still sense a few trappers in the area, and while they didn't seem to be stalking her, it never hurt to play things safe.

  Even so, she couldn't help reaching out to her Master through their blood bond. Don't you think it's funny, Master? Well, funny and weird, that is. When you were gone, there wasn't a second I didn't think about the fact that I could reach out to you, that you could hear me. So I never stopped trying. I talked to you all the time, begged, cajoled. I'm sure you remember how desperate I was. But now that you're back...and you've just been back for days...

  It's called resilience, pet. Unlike her, Alexandru's bland tone told Zari that he found nothing out of the ordinary with how quickly both of them had slipped back to their old routine. It's what separates survivors from those who don't.

  I really thought, once I had you back, I'd be clinging to you for days—-

  As much as I wish that could be true, and I would have greatly enjoyed having you cling to me and begging to worship my cock-—

  Overkill, she growled in her mind.

  But even I knew, in my most hopeless days, that such a thing would not be possible. You must understand, pet: all those nights you kept crying for me to come back, that was you subsconsciously fighting for me and urging me to keep fighting for us. But now that I AM back...your mind knows the fight is over, and so it automatically switches to the next most imminent threat.


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