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Forever Kiss

Page 6

by Dawn Michelle

  "Oh my god," Beth mumbled. "I must have fallen asleep."

  "Sitting on the edge of the bed?" Penny asked.

  "I guess."

  "It's almost time then," Penny said. "How do you feel?"

  "Like a door mat that's been stomped on a few thousand times," she admitted. "I had another one of my, um, episodes earlier. In the bathroom?"

  Penny offered an apologetic smile. "It will be over soon."

  "I believe it," Beth said. "I'm surprised I made it through a shower."

  "Lie down again," Penny offered. "I'll stay with you tonight."

  Beth started to nod and stopped herself. She couldn't. Not tonight. She had a date with John. "I can't," she mumbled. "Shit! What time is it?"

  Penny frowned. "You can't escape what's coming. You know that, don't you?"

  "What?" Beth pushed herself to her feet and had to reach down to steady herself when the room spun. "Yes, I know. I just— look, Penny, you've been great to me. You really have. I like you, there's just this one thing I need to do."

  "Your friends think you're gone. Your family too," Penny said.

  Beth nodded. "It's not them, it's, um, something else."

  "Something else?"

  "Someone else," Beth admitted. She sighed. "The cop that took me back to school. He asked me out tonight."

  Penny frowned and shook her head. "Beth—"

  "No, it's okay!" she protested. "I told him I had a very rare disease and that I was dying. Soon. He felt sorry for me, I think. He wanted to help me out. Treat me nice. You know? He was nice. I've never really met a guy like him."

  "You can't change what's happening to you," Penny stated again. "You will die."

  Beth nodded. "I know. I'll die and then I'll be like you. And with you, for as long as we have."

  Penny lifted her head and set her dark blue eyes on Beth's. "Are you toying with me?"

  Bath shook her head. She swallowed against the dryness in her mouth but it didn't help. "I'm here because of choices I made. You've saved me and helped me. God, you've given me the chance to be something amazing. How could I not be thankful?"

  "Thankful is nice," Penny conceded. "But I want you to be with me because you want to be. Not because you're indebted."

  Beth smiled. "How can I not be indebted?"

  "You will exist far longer than you can imagine. You can't go on living for someone else rather than yourself."

  "I won't, I promise," Beth said. "But I ask that you let me have this one last thing. Your secret— our secret— will remain with me."

  Penny stared at her for a long moment and then nodded. She pulled the blankets away and rolled gracefully out of bed. Beth couldn't help but admire her long and lean form as she came to stand beside her. Her skin was white and pristine. Flawless and unmarred by blemish or hair. "Sit on the bed."


  "You can't even stand on your own," Penny cut her off. "I will give you the strength you need."

  "Oh!" Beth stared at her and then turned and sat down on the edge of the bed. Her towel untwisted and fell around her hips. She ignored it and stared up at Penny.

  "This will set a fire inside of you," Penny warned. "But this will be the fourth time and it will bind you to me. I don't tell my other pets about this, I just let them become my minions."

  "Minions?" Beth repeated. She stifled the urge to giggle as the image of a yellow pill shapes person popped in her head.

  "Most of the people that work for me," Penny explained. "They will do as I tell them. You would do the same, if I asked such a thing."

  "Oh! Um, but, I thought— Wait, you said a fourth time? You mean I'm going to drink you, uh, your blood? Again?"

  Penny nodded. "I will be careful not to ask anything. When you die and rise again you will regain control of yourself. You will be reborn into my world."

  "Oh, okay," Beth said. She bit her lip and nodded. "So what then? I'll be like you, a vam— sorry."

  "It's okay, we're alone," Penny said with a smile.

  "I'll never need your blood again?" Beth asked. "Just, um, others?"

  Penny nodded. "We'll talk about that later. After. As for drinking from me or me from you, that's something rarely done."


  "To drink is to kill," Penny said.

  Beth's eyes widened. She reached up to her throat where she felt the barely swollen wounds on her neck. "You didn't kill me."

  "I did, it's just taking a while," Penny said. "All I will say is that drinking from another bonds you to them. They have power over you."

  "And if you drink from me—"

  Penny nodded. "Yes."

  "This is deep."

  "It can be," the vampire agreed.

  Beth took a deep breath and let it out. "Okay, I need to get ready and get going. Let's do this."

  "Are you sure?"

  Beth stared at the statuesque woman standing in front of her and smiled. "I trust you."

  Penny lifted her arm to her mouth and twisted it. Beth watched her lips part and her mouth open, but her gaze was focused on the woman's canine teeth. They extended and sharpened to points that look the equal to any needle or knife. Penny plunged them into her wrist without hesitating.

  "Drink," Penny hissed as she lowered her wrist and offered it to Beth.

  Beth stared at the two dark holes in the woman's wrist. She jerked her head, meaning to turn away, when she smelled the coppery scent that called to her. It pulled her back, reminding her of the spicy drink. Beth took Penny's arm in her hands and looked up at her.

  Penny nodded. "Drink, Pet."

  Beth's lips were already parted. She didn't stop to wonder how she could drink, there was no blood flowing from the holes. She pressed her lips to Penny's skin and started sucking. The wind, rain, and snow didn't faze her and the shower wouldn't get hot enough to warm her. The thick wine that filled her mouth burned with a heat that made her breath burst out of her nose.

  Beth's eyes squeezed shut and she pulled harder, sucking as though she could never get enough. The hot fluid burst into her mouth and down her throat, warming her and sending tingling waves through her body. She wanted more. She needed more. She licked and bit at Penny's wrist, desperate to open the wounds wider and get more the salty-sweet red wine.

  Penny pulled her arm away, dragging Beth off the bed and onto her knees on the floor. The flow stopped but still Beth suckled, licking and sucking at her skin. Her body was vibrating and her heart was hammering in her ears.

  "Elizabeth! Enough!" Penny shouted.

  Beth's eyes jerked open and she fell back. She scooted back until the bed was at her back. She stayed there and stared at the woman towering over her. Penny held her hand and stared at it. Beth could see the holes fading before her eyes. In the blink of an eye her skin was as flawless as it had been before.

  "You're beautiful," Beth blurted out as she stared up at her dark queen. She'd glimpsed her beauty when she saw her in the club, but she'd been so caught up on her stupid and petty worries to notice it ever since. Now she knew better. Penny was a goddess. Her goddess.

  "You have a date to go on," Penny reminded her.

  Beth shook her head. "No, it's not important. I want to be with you! Please let me stay, I'll do anything."

  Penny sighed. "You drank too much."

  "I'm sorry," Beth said. She wanted to cry to prove she meant it. "I didn't mean to. I'll make it up to you."

  Penny shook her head. "It's fine. It will help you, but first I want you to be yourself tonight. Be my darling Elizabeth you were before you drank from me tonight."

  "But, I don't—" Beth blinked and shook her head. She didn't what? "Oh my god!" she whispered.

  Penny smiled. "Better?"

  Beth shook her head and looked around before setting her eyes back on Penny. The vampire still took her breath away, but she knew enough to control herself. "You said you wouldn't make me do anything? Oh my god, I was willing to… wow."

  "To what?" Penny asked.

Beth bit her lip and glanced away. "I reached for the craziest thing I could think of— I was going to say if you asked I'd even let a horse fuck me."

  Penny's eyes widened and she let out a surprised chuckle. "Well, you don't need to worry about that. If you'd like I could even insist that you never have any sort of relations with a horse. Or any beast, for that matter."

  Beth groaned. "This is embarrassing. Wait— beast? There's something there. Did I— oh my god, I did something, didn't I? It's right there but I can't quite remember."

  "You were attacked," Penny told her. "By something that wasn't an animal, but it wasn't quite human either."

  "What the fu— you're kidding me? That's impossible!"

  "So am I," Penny pointed out.

  Beth opened and shut her mouth. She nodded and sighed. "Okay, good point. I'm going to be blown away when I remember everything, aren't I?"

  Penny smiled. "I expect you are, but your experiences helped turn you into a remarkable young woman. One that can see what most people don't. You're stronger than you realize."

  Beth dropped her gaze and saw Penny's arm hanging at her side. The same arm she'd been slurping on moments ago. "Sorry about not letting go. I hope I didn't take too much."

  "You were very determined," Penny said. "I'm sorry, I had to stop you without hurting you. Giving you a command stole your will until I gave it back. It was that or be forced to injure you to get you off of me."

  "I'm sorry," Beth mumbled.

  "Don't be. It's a sign of how strong you will be."

  Beth swallowed, tasting again the blood she'd drank. "Holy shit, does all blood taste like that? I've never, uh, never tried tasting it before."

  "It's different for us than it is for regular people."


  Penny tilted her head. "What?"

  "Sorry," Beth licked her lips, trying to find more of Penny's blood without realizing it. "I've heard that before, but I'm not sure why or how or where. Somebody said that… damn it, more of what you made me forget?"

  Penny nodded. "When you—"

  "—die, I know," Beth said. "Still frustrating though. Why can't you just tell me?"

  "I could, but you'd be late."

  "Shit!" Beth hissed. She climbed to her feet and stopped. "Hey, I don't hurt?"

  "My gift to you. It will burn you up faster. You had a day or two remaining, perhaps three. Now I expect tomorrow will be your last."

  Beth stared at her and blinked. She swallowed and nodded. "Wow. That's… wow."

  "Make the most of tonight," Penny advised. "Soon you will find that your nights are amazing and different. More than you can ever imagine, but I don't want to deny you this final memory."

  Beth nodded and then stepped up to Penny. She threw her arms around her and hugged her. She was warm inside, for the first time in days. Penny's skin felt cool to the touch, which sent tingles through Beth. "Thank you," Beth whispered. "I love you, Penny. I hope this isn't your blood that makes me feel this way."

  "Me too," Penny breathed.

  Beth backed away and stared into the sapphire pools in Penny's face. She smiled and bit her lip before leaning forward. Penny stopped her with a firm but gentle touch.

  "Go, pick out something to wear and I'll help you with your hair and makeup. I'll take you to him."

  "Why can't I kiss you?"

  Penny gave her a sad smile. "Because I own you."


  She shook her head. "Go, get ready. We have much to discover and learn after."

  Beth swallowed and nodded. She took a deep breath and let it out. It hurt to be denied by someone who meant so much to her, but she knew she had time. Tonight was nothing. Tomorrow would be a new day. Or a new night. A new night and a new life. A life where she and Penny would be at each other's side forever.

  "Go!" Penny reminded her. "Don't make me order you."

  Beth jerked and grinned. "I trust you, remember? Even before this. Might be kind of fun letting you order me around."

  Penny's lips parted and then she shook her head. She opened her mouth again to speak but thought better of it and closed her lips. She pointed.

  "Aw," Beth pouted, knowing she was torturing her mentor in a way that was fun for both of them. She couldn't stop herself from smiling as she turned and walked out of the bedroom, a little extra swing in her hips as she moved. She was going to dress to kill tonight. Not for John, although she knew he was going to appreciate it. No, she wanted Penny to know what she could look forward to.

  Chapter 9

  "Are you worried at all?" Beth asked after she and Penny landed in the dark backyard. "Because you don't need to be. I'm coming back to you."

  Penny smiled. "I know."

  "Because of the blood?"

  She nodded.

  "I'd come back even without it," Beth said.

  Penny smirked. "That could be the blood talking still."

  "No," Beth insisted. "I mean, that's my excuse to admit it, but I went looking for you, remember?"

  "You went to my club because you were curious."

  "The first time, yes. But I came back looking for you," Beth said.

  "You're not gay," Penny teased.

  Beth sighed. "I don't know what I am. This is like being drunk. I can admit things to you— and to myself— that I kept hidden. Or maybe didn't even realize. Whatever, you're all I've got, but I don't know what that means."

  "Go," Penny said. "Have fun. Do whatever you like tonight. Call me when you're ready, I'll come for you."

  Beth grinned. "You will?"

  Penny raised an eyebrow at the tease. "I've seen many sides of you, Elizabeth. I've enjoyed them all. I look forward to seeing your next one."

  Beth's smile slipped away. She cleared her throat and nodded. She glanced at Penny's folded wings and said, "Okay, um, thanks for the ride. Or whatever it was. Can I give you a hug, at least?"

  "Not now. I'm thirsty. Enjoy yourself, Pet."

  Beth opened her mouth but she took a step back when Penny's wings rose and she leapt into the air. The wings flapped, blowing wind and snow at her. She watched the black shape launch into the night sky and blend into the star lit sky. She stayed a moment longer before turning and hiking hiking her dress up so she could walk through snow to the shoveled path along the side of the house.

  Her boots were nearly knee length, keeping the snow out of them. She let the side slit black dress fall as she stopped at the corner of the house and waited. She wore a lacy black bolero jacket over her shoulders as a fashion accessory rather than for warmth. The dress rose to a choker at her neck and left her shoulders bare. An oval cutout on her chest left enough cleavage on display she couldn't decide if it was tasteful or sexy. It looked good either way.

  She only had to wait a few minutes until a red Dodge Charger pulled up and slowed down. The turn signal began to blink, signaling her. Before her date could pull into the driveway she stepped out of the darkness and walked down the salted driveway trying to emulate the way she'd seen Penny walk through the club. Beth's heels weren't as high or sharp, but she found with enough arch in her back and sway in her hips she moved better than she'd expected.

  The car slid to a stop on the slick roadway. John all but jumped out of the driver's side and rushed around to open the passenger door for her. He grinned at her and shook his head. "You look amazing," he said as she paused to say hi.

  Beth blinked as his words sank into her. She was amazed at how she looked and she knew she had Penny's approval, but hearing it from someone else made her burst out in a grin. She leaned over and pressed her lips to his for a brief kiss. "Thank you," she murmured.

  John stiffened and stood perfectly still for a moment. He shook himself and smiled. "No, thank you! Wow, I can't believe you're the same girl. I mean, I know you are, you just look so different. You were pretty then, but you're gorgeous tonight. Elegant. Amazing."

  "Okay," Beth laughed. "You're embarrassing me now."

  "Sorry," he mumbled. "I just—
oh, shit, it's freezing out and you don't have a coat. Hurry up and get in."

  Beth nodded and sat down in the car. She slid her legs in and let the hem of the dress slid up her leg and reveal a lot of her left thigh. Enough so that it was obvious she wasn't wearing any stockings. He shut the door and hurried back to his side.

  "So, I made a reservation at the Chop House, in Novi, is that cool?"

  "Um, sure. I don’t eat though. I'm a cheap date."

  "You don't eat?"

  Beth let out a nervous laugh. "It's the medication and disease. I'm on a liquid diet."

  "No way? Wow, I feel like a total jerk," he said. "I can't sit there and eat a steak in front of you!"

  "I don't mind," Beth offered.

  He shook his head. "No way. On to plan B."

  "There's a plan B?"

  "Well, it really depended on how dinner went. I'm not sure what you're up for. Or able to do, really. Are you a movie girl, or more active, like some ice skating or something?"

  Beth watched him and smiled. He was trying and that was more than any other guy had ever done for her. "Whatever," she said and shrugged her shoulders. "Not a movie, I'd rather spend the time doing something. I don't know if I'm up to ice skating though."

  "Right, okay. That rules out training for a marathon too."

  Beth laughed. "It probably does. I'm not really dressed for running either."

  "Good point," he said and then let his eyes drop to her dress and back up to her eyes. "The way you look I'm afraid of anything touching you. You're perfect."

  "You're trying hard to win points for good behavior, aren't you?"

  He smiled. "Is it working?"

  "So far you're in first place."

  John pumped his fist in victory, drawing a fresh laugh from her. "So, beautiful, you're not dressed for a walk in the park either. So—"

  "If you can find a park, that sounds nice," Beth said. "It's a side effect of the medicine they gave me, I'm practically burning up inside."

  "You are? Is that good?"

  Beth hesitated. She'd practiced the conversation in her head dozens of times, but she wasn't sure how she wanted it to come out. She couldn't tell him the truth, but she didn't want to lie to him either. He was too nice. But she didn't want him to treat her like a mercy case either.


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