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Cats, Cannolis and a Curious Kidnapping

Page 4

by Cheryl Denise Bannerman

  Anyway, back to business… how in the world did Anna fit into a ‘family’ trip? It’s not like he could bring her along and pretend she was just a friend from work or something. And if he didn’t bring her along, where was he hiding her?

  This case was making less and less sense the more we investigated. A wealthy family, a random cat lady/author, a sudden penchant for violence from a boring accountant and family man.

  “Sir, we have a list of those properties you asked for,” Billings addressed me as he leaned in to show me a printout.

  “Looks like he purchased an old warehouse sometime last year. Maybe he was thinking of opening an office downtown? Maybe break away from daddy dearest with his own accounting firm?”

  “Let’s check it out,” I said to Billings with a nod as I tossed him the car keys.


  5 days ago…

  I never thought this day would come. I have to get Cat Lady to the lake house and get everything else set up on the boat. I’ve been running through the checklist over and over in my mind:

  Drug Cat Lady… check!

  Move body to lake house… check!

  Plant cadavers on the boat… check!

  Disappear… check!

  The family was already at the lake house and the new identities and accounts were all set up. Thank goodness the smaller cadavers from the university were delivered yesterday and already at the house.

  I just have to give her lunch and then get her into the trunk. It should only take a few drops of morphine in her soup and sandwich meal from the corner deli. She hasn’t eaten for a whole day, so she’s probably starving by now. Meaning, she will be out quick, making my job even easier. I need her as quiet as possible until I arrive at the lake house to be with my family one last time. Thank goodness she’s a petite lady, making her easy to lift and carry.

  Thirty minutes later, I was pulling onto the highway when my cell phone rang. I pressed ‘Answer’ on the GPS screen and a deep voice filled the car. “Runnin’ ain’t gonna save you or your family Freddy boy. This is your last warning. You know what you need to do.” The call ended.

  I sure did. The time had come to finally act. My whole life people walked all over me, telling me what to do, what to wear, what to eat. Even with my first wife I NEVER had a voice. NO MORE! ALL OF THAT WILL END VERY SOON! I’LL BE THE NEW MAN ON TOP!

  * * *

  Scraps of duct tape, a length of rope, an empty syringe, and an empty bag from Ryan’s Deli down the street was all that remained in the warehouse when the police arrived.

  The trail in the hunt for Ms. Romano had just gone cold… again. She had definitely been held here, but the kidnapper had decided to move her again. Where was he headed? And, where was his damn family?! How many bodies would the police find when this case was all over?

  CHAPTER 10 |

  Still 5 days ago…

  Something didn’t feel right. I thought the plan was running smoothly until I was headed home to shower and change and saw the officer outside the house. Why would there be an officer on my street?

  I didn’t want to take a chance, so I just kept going. It was a long drive to the lake house. Switching cars with one of my co-workers was a brilliant idea, if I do say so myself. The perfect ruse.

  I was almost home free. Just stay calm (I told myself). Don’t start getting paranoid now.

  Thank goodness that pain-in-the-ass author is still knocked out in the trunk from the morphine, I thought, as I began to bare right at the exit ramp towards the popular boating community.

  Yep, almost home free.

  That’s when I saw them. The red and blue lights in my rear-view mirror.

  “Shit!” I said aloud as a loud, echoing, electronic voice urged me to pull over immediately.

  I was sweating profusely when the officer approached my window and tapped lightly for me to lower it.

  “You know why I stopped you, right?”

  I played dumb and shrugged my shoulders in confusion.

  “You have a broken taillight and you were fiddling with your cell phone when you passed me. That’s a new violation in this state. License and registration please,” the officer demanded.

  Almost stuttering, I responded, “Ye-, ye-, yes sir, right here sir,” as I handed him my ID and insurance card. How could I have missed that taillight when I borrowed her car?! So stupid!

  I was drenched in sweat as the officer examined my credentials and my face in detail. I may have to change my shirt and pants when all this was ‘said and done’. I was just waiting for him to notice the name on the insurance card, my co-workers husband’s name did not match mine.

  Finally, the officer headed back to his patrol car, but stopped abruptly at the trunk of the car. His head was cocked slightly to the side.

  “Sir, I’m going to need you to step out of the vehicle and hand over the keys, so I can examine the trunk. NOW!” the officer shouted.

  I did as I was told, handing the keys over to him slowly. He then forced me against the side of the car and handcuffed my hands behind my back. I had no idea what I was going to do if he found the body.

  I was almost home free. Now it was all coming to an end.

  The officer pressed the trunk release button and it lifted only slightly. Cautiously, he walks over to open it with his gun drawn.

  Just then, his radio squawks a 187 at a bank robbery in progress down the street. “OFFICER DOWN! ALL UNITS RESPOND!”

  I was back in the game! YES!

  The officer quickly put away his gun, uncuffed me, handed me my keys, looked me dead in the eyes, and issued a stern warning to stay off the phone and get the tail light fixed as soon as possible.

  As I watched him speed off, sirens blaring, I stood on the side of the road in shock. Snapping out of my trance only seconds later, I shut the trunk and took off for the house once again.

  Yes, the plan was back in motion.

  | CHAPTER 11

  Still 5 days ago…

  I held my cell phone close to his face and asked, “Have you seen this man, sir?”

  “Oh yeahhhh, I seent dat guy! Came in now and nen for the soup and sandwich combo,” he responded. Judging by the accent, this guy was a New York native laying down his family roots in Jersey.

  “When was the last time you saw him?” I asked anxiously.

  “Just dis afternoon. Right in the middle of da noon rush. Seemed pretty fidgety to me. What’d he do?” the man asked.

  “I can’t answer that sir. Thanks for your help though,” I said to him as I gave him the universal nod.

  “Yeah, no problem. Anytime!” the man replied as he nodded back and returned to slicing meat.

  While CSU was processing the warehouse, I might as well head back to the station.

  I walked into the station and to my surprise, half the detectives were gathered around Billings desk in the back.

  I approached the group, pushing those in the outer circle to the side to reach the center attraction. It was a birthday cake. As if on cue, they all broke out in song as I approached the center.

  “What the hell is going on?” I yelled.

  One of the detectives responded, “We’re celebrating. It’s Billings birthday! You want some cake?”

  “No, I don’t want any cake! No disrespect to you Billings, but there is a woman missing! Possibly murdered by some psycho! We need to be working this case day and night until we find her!” I shouted, heading to my desk.

  As the crowd dissipated, Billings blew out the candles and went back to clacking his keyboard to look busy. The Lieutenant was out this week and it was clear that when the cat’s away the mice will play.

  I turned back around to face Billings and said, “I don’t care what you have to do, I want a printout of every property for the entire Talon family NOW!” I was becoming more and more frustrated at the lack of progress in this case.

  As I headed back to my desk, my phone started ringing. Leaping to catch it before it went to voicemail,
I answered, “Solace here!”

  It was a cop from the eighth precinct. Our BOLO was seen by an officer on the night shift. He had stopped someone who matched the description of the perp by the exit ramp for Tranquility Woods. He noticed the insurance and registration was not in his name, but the name on the license matched the guy we were looking for. He was about to check the trunk when he had to run to an officer down situation. But he says he definitely thought he saw something through the busted tail light. Something resembling a foot!

  I hung up the phone feeling defeated. Had that been a dead body in that trunk? Was I too late?

  Deep in thought, I was interrupted by Billings and another printout.

  “What’s up? You find anything?” I looked up and asked.

  “Yes sir, I have the complete list of properties you asked for. And, I… well, sir… I just wanted to apologize about the party and all. We know our top priority is to find Ms. Romano,” he stammered.

  “It’s okay Billings. I may have overreacted a bit. This case is really getting to me,” I said begrudgingly. “By the way, happy birthday.”

  I was reviewing the report and relaying to Billings the intel from the call I just received from the eighth precinct. There was one property that matched the location of Tranquility Woods. A well-to-do boating community where his father-in-law had a home. It was a five-hour drive, but it was our only shot at finding Ms. Romano. We might be able to get local New York police to assist by sitting on the house until we get there.

  “Come on Billings. It’s going to be a long night,” I gestured. “You might want to bring a few slices of that cake for the trip. Oh, and I have a quick stop before we hit the highway.”

  After I finished feeding Ms. Romano’s cats and tending to the litter boxes, I was feeling more hopeful about finding her alive. I wasn’t sure if it was for me or the cats, but either way, it would better for everyone if she was found alive.

  “You usually take such a personal interest in missing person cases, sir?” Billings asked with a creased forehead.

  “Not really. But I do have a soft spot for neglected animals. Or maybe it’s just a case of the ‘guilts’. I feel like the killer has been one step ahead of us this whole time, just laughing at us. All while Ms. Romano could be in pain, suffering, or even… you know… ” I mumbled, but couldn’t finish.

  “We’ll find her sir. Would you like me to drive?” asked Billings.

  “Sounds good, sure. There’s a book I’ve been meaning to catch up on,” I replied, as I pulled out the latest novel in the Anna Romano series and smiled to myself.

  | CHAPTER 12

  4 days ago…

  My wife was beginning to get suspicious. Thank God this was the last day I had to hide Cat Lady in the garage. I managed to sneak a bagel and cup of OJ to her when the family left for a last-minute errand. Unfortunately, she was in a mood, and began screaming as soon as I removed the duct tape. Something about not hurting her, and promising not to tell anyone if I let her go home to her cats. I put a stop to it all mid-scream. Geez!

  I told her to shut up, eat, and say her final prayers. She was so hungry, she did as she was told, shoving the bits of bread into her mouth hastily, like a squirrel hoarding nuts for the winter.

  I could care less about who or what she was leaving behind. She’d had a good life as a famous author. She was her own person and didn’t have someone telling her what to think and do her whole life. I knew I had to make this right once and for all.

  I reached into the trunk and grabbed the last of the supplies — the tarp.

  I laid it out on the garage floor and attempted to get Cat Lady onto the tarp. She was going to make this difficult. I had to use more rope to bind her legs and keep her from kicking me. Well, she was determined to live – I’ll give her that. However, the special gift I put into the juice should have her quieting down shortly.

  Twenty minutes later, I got her wrapped up in the tarp and loaded her onto the golf cart to drive down to the dock and get her onto the boat. I covered the tarp with a blanket just to be safe. This was the final step.

  I called my wife to find out where they were and how much time I had left. They were in the store trying to decide which brand of sun block to purchase and then had to pick up snacks. I had another half hour at most.

  Now, if I could only get this stupid silencer attachment onto the gun and finish taping the explosives in bundles, so they would be ready for me to attach to the underside of the boat. No one would ever believe I was this brilliant. I’ll shock them all. I’ll be the talk of the town. No one will take advantage of me EVER AGAIN. People will remember MY name. Frederick Talon, the great Houdini, a REAL man who knew how to take care of his family.

  Once again, I ran through the checklist in my mind:

  Drug Cat Lady… check!

  Move body to boat… check!

  Prepare the explosives… check!

  Disappear… check!

  I was ready to head for the boat when I realized I forgot a step. Damn!

  I hopped off the golf cart and opened the deep freezer in the garage. I lifted the two small body bags up and into the small compartment in the back of the golf cart. Thank goodness this was one of the larger models.

  I hit the gas and headed to the dock, waving at neighbors casually as I sped by, as if I was not transporting bodies in the back of my cart – dead and alive.

  Once the coast was clear, I used a dolly to get all the bodies down below and covered up, making sure I poked a hole in the tarp for the one that was still alive.

  It was a massive boat owned by my father-in-law. They say size doesn’t matter, but I swear he’s compensating for something in every purchase he makes. Ridiculously large trucks, homes, buildings, you name it. It’s sickening. His whole life he had everything he wanted — born with a silver spoon in his wide, obnoxious mouth. And he gave his daughter so much that ANY poor sap that came along would never be able to compete with what ‘daddy’ provides. As it happens, I wound up being that poor sap. For now. Until tomorrow. Then he would be the poor sap. And I would be the MAN ON TOP.

  Now that the back room was locked up, there was only one thing left to do — get the whole family onto the boat and head for the food festival on the other side of the harbor.

  I hopped back into the golf cart and headed up the hill to the house… just as the family was pulling up.

  “Daddy, Daddy… look what we got!” his boys shrieked with joy.

  | CHAPTER 13

  Still 4 days ago…

  It was my second day in this crummy garage. My arms and legs were stiff and sore and the gag has been replaced by duct tape, which is chafing my mouth and face. What in the hell is this guy planning to do with me? If he wanted me dead, he certainly could have killed me by now! I’m also so worried about my babies. They must be hungry and scared.

  I can hear the voice of young children, but I can’t imagine he would bring me into the same house as his family. What if his wife came in? Maybe she’s not a factor anymore. Maybe he already got rid of her.

  I hear footsteps. He’s coming.

  I prepared myself by holding my breath as he ripped the duct tape off. As soon as it was off, I screamed and started pleading my case again, but to no avail. He quickly punished me with a backhand to the side of my face.

  He then screamed at me to shut up and threatened to take away my meal if I didn’t settle down. So, I did. I was starving.

  Time for my regular meal of bread and water. In this case, a bagel and orange juice. Not bad. At least he’s feeding me at all. It tells me he has some kind of heart and he’s not a total cold-blooded killer.

  As I ate, I heard him mumbling something about rich people being born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and finally being ‘the man’. He also said something derogatory about me and my cats. So rude! If I ever get out of these restraints mister, you just wait and see! I was stewing as I hungrily stuffed carbs into my mouth. There goes my girlish figure. Ha!

/>   It’s so funny, I had plenty of sleep last night, as uncomfortable as it was, but for some reason I’m beginning to feel very sleepy… “Oh crap. Not… again… noooo.”

  | CHAPTER 14

  3 days ago…

  Uggghhhh. These drugs keep getting the better of me. I don’t care how hungry I am, I’m NOT giving in again. I’m drenched in sweat, can hardly breathe, and my head is killing me. And why do I feel like I’m swaying? Oh no! Am I on a cruise ship? I’ve always wanted to go on a cruise… but not like this! Gosh, I would die for one of those shrimp fountains right now. With a gallon of cocktail sauce. Or maybe one of those chocolate fondue fountains. I can’t think of food right now though, I’ve got to focus and get out of here. I hear voices from above, like children laughing. Maybe they can help me get free and call the detective. I really hope he hasn’t forgotten about me. He probably has some hot cop lady girlfriend occupying his time. Not even working on my case at all! Oh well, who needs him. I can do this on my own right? … WRONG! Who am I kidding? I need help in the worst way.

  It seems like the sweat from being wrapped in this ungodly tarp loosened my hand restraints. Just a few more tugs and… ahh… freedom at last. Now for the dreaded duct tape rip. The good news: I probably won’t have to wax my upper lip for a month after this! One… two… three… yowwwwwww! That wasn’t so bad… I guess.

  I peeled the tarp from my upper body and was looking around for something to cut the knot in the rope around my feet. I spotted a tackle box across the room and decided to relive my childhood and ‘inchworm’ across the room to it. What was that hanging out of the closet? Looks like more tarp, but the smell was rancid. I opened the door just a sliver and the giftwrapped cadavers of two children fell onto the floor! Part of their faces were revealed and I could see the ‘deadness’ in their eyes. Ewwwwwww! I covered my mouth with my own hands to keep myself from screaming aloud.


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