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Western Christmas Wishes

Page 18

by Brenda Minton

  “Hey, cutie. Your mommy is with Hannah.” He swung her up high in his arms. She giggled. “Want a doughnut?”


  “While you’re settling down...” His mom grew serious and jerked her head toward Sunni. “You know I’m enjoying this little one and her mama.”

  “I’m working on that, too.”

  “Good.” She winked. “Now, Miss Sunni, which doughnut would you like? The pink one with sprinkles or...”

  At least one important conversation had gone well. Now if he could get his pulse under control, maybe the next conversation would be a winner, too.

  If Leann would just get here...

  * * *

  Leann wanted to pump both fists in the air and jump for joy, but she settled for getting into Hannah’s car.

  “Soo...?” Hannah shifted into Drive.

  “We worked it out.” After Hannah had dropped her off at Kelli’s house, Leann had gotten to the heart of the matter. She’d asked Kelli if being a stay-at-home mom full-time wasn’t what she really wanted. And when Kelli hadn’t answered, Leann had suggested easing into it on a part-time basis. Kelli’s perfectly made up face had crumbled, and she’d admitted that Owen’s colic had all but demolished her fantasy of being the perfect homemaker.

  “Did she give you your job back?” Hannah headed back to the ranch.

  “Not exactly, but we worked out an arrangement where we’ll both be happy.” Leann felt better than she had in a long time. Kelli still wanted to spend more time at home while limiting her hours at The Sassy Lasso. And Leann was relieved to work shorter hours for now.

  “That’s great, Leann! Does this mean you’re staying?”

  “Yes.” She took in the open land and distant mountains. “I belong here.”

  “We’re going to have so much fun. I’ll help you move into your apartment.” Hannah grinned.

  “And I’ll help you move into yours when you’re ready.”

  “See? This is why I’m glad Michael found you. Mom and Dad act like I’m silly for wanting my own place.”

  “You’re not silly, Hannah. You’ve grown up. It’s okay. They’ll get the memo eventually.”

  “I know, and I love them. They’re so supportive. And wait until you experience Mom’s Christmas food. Tonight’s meal is just a warm-up for tomorrow, and trust me, you’ll want your stretchy pants.”

  Leann laughed, but the closer they got to the ranch, the more her nerves began to spark and sizzle. One problem was solved, but the other one...

  Would it be too much to expect it be resolved in a nice Christmas bow like her job had been?

  Hannah pulled into the long driveway of the ranch. Leann clenched and unclenched her hands. Would Michael be there? Or would she have to wait even longer?

  His truck came into view, and adrenaline raced through her veins.

  He was here. And in a few minutes, she’d have to tell him what was on her heart.

  Please, God, help me trust You. Help Michael listen to what I have to say.

  As soon as Hannah parked, Michael came outside. Hannah waved to him, then frowned when she saw his serious expression.

  “Uh, I’ll leave you two alone.” Hannah hurried inside.

  “Michael—” Leann started to say, but as he strode toward her, she forgot her words.

  He stopped a foot in front of her. “We have to talk.”

  “I know.” She blinked, trying to gauge his mood. Was he mad at her? “I’m sorry for yesterday. I barely let you speak, and I made assumptions.”

  “You don’t have to apologize.” He stared at her intensely. “I’m not great at tough conversations.”

  Her heart sank a little lower. “I’m not, either, but sometimes they need to happen.” Fight for him, Leann! She stood a little taller, lifted her chin. “Well, I hope this isn’t a tough conversation. I hope it’s easy.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah, because I’m not leaving Sunrise Bend.”

  Michael looked stunned, and she wasn’t sure if it was good or bad.

  And it didn’t matter, because in a split second, she was in his arms. As she looked up at him, she gasped. And she knew it was good.

  Very good, indeed.

  * * *

  “You’re staying?” His voice sounded like an old gravel road, and he didn’t care. His arms wrapped around her waist, and her face was inches from his.

  She nodded, those huge blue eyes twinkling, inviting.

  “Good, because I spent the morning writing down every job opening in the area.” He let go of her momentarily to fish for the list in his pocket. He handed it to her. She took it but didn’t open it. “I want you to stay.”

  “You do?”

  “Yep. I meant it yesterday. I’m not moving to Alaska. I’m ready to settle down, have a home. Have a family. And researching fish isn’t going to get me there, Leann.”

  “What will you do?” Her words sounded breathless.

  “Ranch. Right here. With my dad. I miss it. Miss him. Always loved working next to him.”

  “I’m so glad.”

  “Me, too. And that’s not all. I...” He took a moment to get his composure. “There’s no way to tell you this without you thinking I’m losing it, but I’m in love with you. I love you.”

  “You love me?” Her eyes grew watery. “From the minute I met you, you’ve been rescuing me. I never dreamed I’d find such a caring, strong man. And here you are. I thought for sure you were too good to be true.”

  “Me? Too good? Hardly.” His chest was expanding to the point of bursting. “I thought I was pretty boring. I’m not exactly outgoing, and I get my thrills studying rivers and fish.”

  Her laugh tinkled through the air. “Well, I’m not a social butterfly. My life revolves around Sunni.”

  “And I love that about you.” He pulled her closer to him.

  “I love that you’re so sweet with Sunni.” She put her arms around his neck. “I don’t know how, but I fell hard for you, and I can’t let you go. I love you, too, Michael.”

  He couldn’t believe she loved him! He got lost in her eyes. And he couldn’t wait another minute. This woman was his. He lowered his mouth to hers, savoring her sweetness and the feel of her body curving against his. He could picture a lifetime of kisses right here on the family ranch.

  She burrowed closer to him until he broke away from the kiss, still holding her tightly.

  “I’m sorry about Kelli, you know. I didn’t mean for you to think I was still in love with her. I wasn’t. I’m not.”

  “I know. I hadn’t realized how painful it must have been for you to have your brother swoop in and take her. Not to mention, she should have broken things off with you when she realized she was attracted to David. I don’t blame you for avoiding them.”

  “You’re right. I got over Kelli pretty quickly, but I couldn’t get past David’s betrayal. I was embarrassed. Angry. Bitter. That’s why I avoided them. That’s why it was awkward. But I think David and I are going to be okay now.”

  “You will be.”

  “You think so?” He wanted to kiss those lips again. So he did. And he quickly forgot where he was at—got lost in her soft embrace.

  She placed her hands on his chest. “Oh! I didn’t tell you. I talked to Kelli this morning. We worked it out.” Her face beamed with joy.

  “Worked what out?”

  “I realized she had cold feet about giving up managing The Sassy Lasso and being a homemaker, and I think Owen’s colic had a lot do with it. We discussed it and decided to co-manage the store.”

  He frowned. It sounded good, but was it the best option for Leann?

  “Are you okay with it? Financially, I mean? There are other possibilities.” He pointed to the list crumpled in her hand.

  “Yeah, I am.” Her big smile
practically blinded him. “I’m glad I’ll be able to spend more time with Sunni. I’m pretty frugal, so between my income and child support, I’ll be okay.”

  He knew she’d be all right. He planned on putting a ring on her pretty left-hand finger as soon as possible. Snowflakes began to fall on them.

  “Merry Christmas, Leann.” He put his arm around her shoulder and turned her to the house. “I’m taking you back inside where it’s warm.”

  “What will your mother think?”

  “She’ll think it’s high time I settled down with a good woman.”

  She laughed again. “I never thought I’d say this, but I’m glad my car slid off the road into that sign.”

  “Welcome to Sunrise Bend, my love.”


  One year later...

  Home sweet home. Michael let out a sigh of satisfaction as he took in the lodge’s living room with the tall Christmas tree adorned with the glass fish ornaments Leann had bought him, then he smiled at the stuffed animals on the couch and wrapping-paper rolls propped in the corner.

  “We’re going to be late!” Leann hollered, trying to find Sunni’s other black dress shoe. She lifted a shoe triumphantly. “Phew! Found it.”

  “We’ve got plenty of time.” Michael put his arm around Leann’s waist and tugged her to him. “Relax.” He stole a kiss, and she smiled up at him.

  “Being late might not be so bad.” She cupped her hands around his face and kissed him back.

  “Mommy! Daddy!” Sunni bounded downstairs from her bedroom and launched herself into Michael’s arms.

  “Whoa, there. You’re not excited, are you?” He lifted her to sit on his hip.

  “Let’s go! I want to be Rachel’s sheep.” She wriggled to be set down, and he obliged. Then she allowed Leann to help her get her shoes on.

  He and Leann had gotten married in June after a short engagement, and they’d moved into the newly remodeled lodge. It felt like home. Well, anywhere Leann and Sunni happened to be felt like home. Michael couldn’t be happier.

  “Give me one more minute.” Leann shoved her arms into a coat and slung her purse over her shoulder. “Sunni, we need to zip you up.”

  The three-year-old was opening the door to the garage. Her coat dragged behind her. Michael shook his head, inwardly laughing. The kid got cuter every day. He loved her more than he thought humanly possible.

  As they piled into his truck, he turned on a Christmas station.

  “Just think,” Leann said, “it was a year ago when you found us in the storm.”

  “I took one look at you, and my heart was toast.”

  She shot him a grin. “Mine, too. Have I told you I love you lately?”

  “No,” he teased, shooting her a sideways glance, as he headed to the main road.

  “I guess it has been a few hours.”

  “Way too long.”

  “By the way, we have to help Hannah move into her new apartment next week.”

  “She’s really moving out, huh?”

  “Yep. She said as soon as she got hired full-time at the elementary school, she was getting her own place. And I told her not only would we help, we’d bring a few strong, single men.”

  “Why in the world would you tell her that?” He stiffened. “She doesn’t need a bunch of guys in her apartment. She’s fine on her own.”

  “Sure, she is.” With a knowing smile, Leann patted his arm.

  “Well, while you’re off matchmaking, I’m going to help Dad check for pregnant cattle.”

  “You are not! You’re going to help your sister.”

  “I guess you’re right. Someone needs to be there to glare at any potential riffraff.”

  “On second thought, go help your dad check those cows.”

  He laughed.

  They sat in easy silence for a few miles.

  “It’s funny, isn’t it?” He glanced over at her. “Last year I had to be dragged to David’s house after the children’s nativity play, but this year, I can’t wait to go.”

  “I know.” She smiled. “I wanted it all last year—the house, the husband, the sense of belonging.”

  “And now?”

  “I got it. All of it, and more. Because of you.”

  “You’ve got it all backward. You blessed me with all those things. I couldn’t ask for more. You’re the light of my life, Leann Carr.”

  “And you’re the light of mine.”

  * * *

  Don’t miss Her Cowboy Till Christmas,

  the first book in Jill Kemerer’s

  brand-new miniseries,

  Wyoming Sweethearts,

  coming in December!

  Keep reading for an excerpt from The Texan’s Surprise Return by Jolene Navarro.

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for spending time in Sunrise Bend with me. I’ve always adored hero-to-the-rescue stories, probably because I’ve been in situations where I was alone and had no idea what to do. Who doesn’t need a hero now and then? Leann found a man who valued her and Sunni, and what better way for her to meet Michael than in a snowstorm right before Christmas?

  Although he didn’t know it at first, Michael was ready to move past David’s and Kelli’s betrayal, and the Christmas season proved the ideal time for him to meet the woman of his dreams. He deserved someone who found him fascinating. I’m thrilled he got his happily-ever-after.

  There have been many times in my life when I’ve felt misunderstood, boring or forgotten. I’ve grown so much closer to the Lord as a result. He understands me, doesn’t think I’m boring and would never forget me. He feels the same about you. God loves us so much He sent His Son to save us. How blessed we are!

  Have a very merry Christmas!

  Jill Kemerer

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  The Texan’s Surprise Return

  by Jolene Navarro

  Chapter One

  Selena De La Rosa sighed and leaned against the old barn wall as she slipped off her heels. Except for the torturous shoes, the day had been perfect for an outdoor wedding and the family Christmas photos. The love she saw in Elijah’s eyes when he recommitted his life to Jazmine melted her heart in a way she didn’t think was possible anymore.

  The weathered wood and the hundreds of tiny white lights, along with the mild Texas temperatures, created the ideal setting for both. Her twenty-two-month-old triplet boys now romped around with the stars of the show. Five baby goats in Christmas sweaters. Who could resist such cuteness?

  An idea hit, and she pulled out her phone to make some work notes under her file labeled “Christmas by the Sea.” The big plans and budget items for the city were already set in motion, but she was constantly thinking of ideas and adding to her to-do list.

  This project was two years in the making and, when it was all said and done, not only her boys but the whole town of Port Del Mar were going to have the Christmas she had dreamed of as a child. This was just the beginning; each year it would get bigger.

  There was a tug on her formal dress. “Carry you.” Oliver, the smallest of her triplets reached his hands up to her.

  Smiling down at him, she put the phone away and brushed a few strands of hay out of his hair. She couldn’t bring herself to correct his pronouns. They wouldn’t be babies forever.

bsp; They would never feel second place to her work either. Ever.

  Lifting him up, she rubbed her nose against his sweet baby neck. A small goat in a red-and-green sweater jumped sideways at him, little bells softly jingling. Oliver giggled and snuggled closer to her.

  Sawyer, the most energetic of her boys, laughed and ran with three other baby goats. His energy was still unbelievably high after the long day.

  Finn, the oldest triplet, was almost down for the count. Cuddled between two identical white-and-brown goats, he whispered something very important as he fought to keep his eyelids open.

  Selena took a picture of him with her phone.

  “That is just cute kid overload.” Her sister-in-law Belle walked in, her elegant dark red gown looking out of place in the barn.

  “The goat kids or the human kids?”

  Laughing, Belle closed the sliding barn doors. “Both. I think the pictures we took earlier will be my favorite photos ever. We took our family Christmas pictures to a whole new level.” She picked up Sawyer and tickled him. “I can’t believe this one isn’t tired. They stole the show today during the wedding. If you’d let me share that video of them walking down the aisle with their happily-ever-after signs, it would go viral.”

  “No social media. You know what Xavier would say about that and why.” She still had a hard time believing her husband had been gone for almost three years. This would be her third Christmas without him, but she had the boys and his family.

  She kissed Oliver on the head and he snuggled closer. “My dad will be here in a moment to get the boys. Since our niece is staying with us, he’s taking your girls, too. They can have a big cousin sleepover.” She placed her hand on Oliver’s back and felt his heartbeat. Growing up she had always been alone. Now, because of Xavier, she had this big family that would always be here for her and the boys.

  Belle shook her head in disbelief. “That’s six kids. Can Riff handle that many at once? I have no problem keeping Rosie while Elijah and Jazmine are on their honeymoon.”


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