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Luca: Sinful Shadows Mafia #1

Page 4

by Rylan, Savannah

  It was the first thing either of us had said to one another in almost half an hour. But, when I looked up into Luca’s eyes, I saw them speaking volumes in the silence.

  “I’ll escort you to the stairs. Just to make sure you’re safe, if that’s what you wish,” he said.

  “What about to my bedroom door?” I asked, grinning.

  “No,” he said plainly.

  I snickered as I walked through the open door, listening as Luca closed it softly. I walked languidly. Slowly. Taking my time and drinking in the warmth of his body. We finally got to the staircase on the left-hand side of the grand foyer, and I walked up a couple steps.

  Then, I turned around and smiled. Since I was finally eye-level with my bodyguard.

  “Thank you for a safe evening,” I said.

  “You’re very welcome, Miss Russo. I’ll see you bright and early in the morning,” he said.

  “And where would I find you, if I needed something?”

  “At the bottom of this staircase.”

  “Wonderfully convenient,” I said.

  I winked at him as I started up the steps, peeking at him over my shoulder. He tried keeping his face cold at stone, but I saw that grin. I saw the shadow of it playing against his cheeks. I turned around once I got to the top of the steps, watching him watch me. I slinked down the hallway until he was out of sight, then paused to listen to what he’d do.

  And when I heard the front door close, it wasn’t long before I heard his SUV backing down the driveway.

  “See you in the morning,” I murmured to myself.

  He wasn’t kidding, either. I woke up the next morning and came downstairs in my nightgown, my robe wrapped around my body. I had my hair tossed up in a messy bun as I searched for coffee, and there he was. His hands clasped in front of his body as he stood at the bottom of that left-side staircase. I smiled at him as I walked by, but he didn’t even crack a grin. His eyes didn’t follow me. His body didn’t follow me. He didn’t look at me or wink at me or initiate conversation unless I did.

  It was as if I’d come into contact with a completely different person.

  “Want some coffee, Luca!?” I called out from the kitchen.

  “No, ma’am,” he said plainly.

  “Or breakfast?”

  “Already ate,” he said.

  “Or a personality?” I asked.

  At the very least, I expected some light-hearted laughter. But instead, I got nothing. No response. No smile. No laughter. No… nothing.

  It was like that for the entire first week, too.

  I kept teasing him, and he kept being serious. I kept trying to hold a conversation with him, and he kept snubbing his nose at it. Even when I requested we go out shopping, or to the spa, or to lay out in the backyard, he did nothing. I tried to get rises out of him, too. I sunbathed in my smallest bikini out back. I bent over with my back straight and put my ass right there in his view. I started making myself up every morning before I went downstairs, wearing alluring sundresses that were either a little too short or fell a little too low against my chest.

  And still, nothing.

  Not once did he cave.

  Maybe he doesn’t find me attractive.

  Then, one day, Luca didn’t show up for work at all. He wasn’t downstairs when I came out of my room. He wasn’t having coffee in the kitchen. He wasn’t even out back, waiting for me to come sunbathe.

  He just… wasn’t there.


  His voice pulled me from my trance. “Yes, Daddy?”

  “Want to come with me to the restaurant?” my father asked.

  “If I say ‘no’, is there something to eat for dinner here?” I asked.

  “Your mother has the night off. She’s actually gone for the entire weekend. So, if you wish to eat, you can either come with me or order pizza.”

  “Well, in that case, let me get my purse,” I said, grinning.

  “That’s my girl,” my father said, chuckling.

  “Where’s Mom for the weekend?” I asked.

  “With your Aunt Charlotte. They wanted to have a girl’s weekend, but you know your mother. Always coming up with excuses as to why she can’t go.”

  “I’m glad you made her go this time. She’s ditched out the last two times.”

  “She works too hard around here not to pamper herself every once in a while. But, no worries. I’ll make sure you’re fed until she comes back Tuesday morning.”

  I slipped my purse over my shoulder and headed out with my father. We drove to the restaurant, and I’d felt the weight of Luca’s absence all day. I gazed out the window as my father prattled on about work. About meetings. About things he had going on this weekend that would leave me in the house all by my lonesome for a while.

  I knew he worried about me. But, I enjoyed it when I had the house to myself.

  It always served as a reminder of why I wanted a space of my own. Sooner, rather than later.

  We pulled up to the restaurant and I climbed out of the car. My father opened the restaurant door for me, and he ushered me in, my body walking the path toward our table I’d walked my entire life. My father established this little Italian place specifically to do business without being bothered by the staff. He owned it. He operated it. And every ounce of money he made from it funneled back into renovations and into the pockets of his employees.

  They were paid four times the amount of money they would have been usually paid at any other job. The waiters and waitresses were salaried, and everyone had health benefits. He didn’t take a penny for himself in profit because that was his way of buying their silence. That was my father’s way of creating friends instead of enemies.

  Treat them right until they didn’t treat you right.

  “So, what’s on the menu for tonight?” I asked as my father pulled my chair out for me.

  “The chef has finally gotten back around to doing his duck parmesan again. It’s fantastic, and you really need to try it,” he said.

  “Pair it with a full-bodied Pinot Noir, should you choose it,” Luca said.

  I whipped my head up at the sound of his voice and found him standing at my side. Looking down at me. Trying to bury the grin on his cheeks.

  I wasn’t even trying to contain how excited I was to see him again.

  “Luca,” I said, nodding my head.

  “Miss Russo,” he said.

  “Mr. Bianchi’s right. If you wish to have some wine with that duck, we have two different kinds of Pinot Noir that would go fantastically with it,” my father said.

  The waitress didn’t even come over to take our orders before someone started murmuring in my father’s ear. I peeked over at him, watching his face darken with distaste. He sighed as he leaned over, kissing my forehead as he cupped the back of it.

  His ‘I’m sorry’ motion before he left for work.

  “Princess, order whatever you want. Enjoy yourself here. But, I have some business to attend to. I’ll try to get back with enough time to enjoy dessert,” he said.

  “It’s okay, Daddy. I promise,” I said.

  He cupped my cheek. “I don’t know what I did to deserve such a wonderful daughter in my life.”

  “You hooked up with Mom. And she deserves it more than you.”

  He smiled. “Damn right, she does.”

  Then, he sighed as he pushed himself away from the table.

  “Damien. Brock. Gian. You’re with me. Luca, stay here and make sure my daughter’s safe. I’ll be back as soon as I can,” my father said.

  My chest leapt for joy at the fact that my father was commanding him to stay behind.

  “Yes, sir. I’ll make sure of it,” Luca said.

  “Good man. Eat dinner while you're here, if you haven’t already. Make yourself comfortable. Just remember what I told you,” my father said.

  I looked up and saw him glaring at Luca, which caused me to snicker. Because I knew exactly what he was talking about.

  No fucking around
with the daughter.

  “I remember,” Luca said.

  “Good man. All right, gentlemen. Follow me. We’ll make this as swift as we can,” my father said.

  Then, like lightning, they were out the front door.

  I panned my eyes back up to Luca and I saw him gazing down at me. I smiled sweetly up at him, hoping to get him to relax just a little bit. We were the only two in the restaurant, save for the staff. The rest of the bodyguards had gone with my father, and it was eerily quiet for a restaurant that was usually bustling with people on a Friday night.

  “Are you going to sit down and order? Or are you going to stand there with your stomach gurgling in my ear?” I asked.

  And right on cue, his stomach let out a massive growl. Causing me to giggle as I shook my head.

  “Come on, Luca. I don’t bite,” I said.

  Then, finally, he caved.

  “What can I get the two of you to eat?” the waitress asked.

  “I’ll have the duck parmesan with a glass of Pinot. Then, eventually, the strawberry cheesecake for dessert,” I said.

  “No tiramisu? I think your father would be disappointed,” Luca said.

  “Don’t tell him and it’ll be our little secret.”

  He chuckled and I whipped my head over toward him, watching that smile cross his face. He glanced over the menu before pushing it out in front of him. And I wondered what he was about to say.

  “Odd request, but is there any way I could help the chef prepare dinner tonight?” Luca asked.

  I paused. “What now?”

  “I’m not sure that’s possible, no,” the waitress said.

  “Are you under the assumption someone’s going to try and poison my food?” I asked.

  “It’s more of the fact that I only trust what my momma cooks,” he said.

  I paused. “Wait a second, have you never eaten from this restaurant before, then?”

  “Only when I have to,” he said.

  I scoffed. “Wow. Such a momma’s boy he can’t even eat out.”

  “What can I say? She spoiled me growing up,” he said, grinning.

  “Well, I think your mother will be just fine if you choose to order something tonight for dinner. I mean, how are you going to protect me on an empty stomach?” I asked.

  Then, I heard it again. His stomach gurgling and crying out for nourishment.

  “Traitor,” Luca murmured.

  That caused me to throw my head back and laugh as he finally placed his order with the waitress.

  “I’ll have the eggplant parmesan, but with extra mushrooms in the sauce. If that’s possible. Also, a side of garlic breadsticks, the tiramisu for dessert, and a salad to start,” he said.

  “All right! I’ll put this all in with the chef, then I’ll get your salad put together and out for you,” the waitress said.

  “That sounds good. Could I have a small Caesar salad too?” I asked.

  “Of course, you can. I’ll be back shortly,” she said.

  Then, Luca and I were alone again at a table in the corner of the restaurant.

  “So, how does it feel for the momma’s boy to relinquish control of his meal over to someone he doesn’t know?” I asked.

  “I might have a heart attack before the food gets here,” he said, chuckling.

  “Why don’t you call that momma of yours and tell her to come enjoy a meal with us? Maybe if she approves of the food, you won’t starve yourself every time you’re in here.”

  I watched Luca’s face fall at my comment, though. And I wondered what I’d said to piss him off.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked.

  He cleared his throat. “I would actually take you up on that offer if I felt Mom was up to it.”

  I paused. “What’s wrong with your mom?”

  He peeked over at me before leaning back into his chair. Hard. Like the wind had been knocked out of his lungs.

  “My mother’s been battling cancer for a while. Renal cell carcinoma. That’s kidney cancer, if you’re not familiar with the term.”

  “I’m so sorry, Luca,” I said softly.

  He shrugged. “We caught it early the first time. Got rid of it. But, the second time we didn’t catch it until it was almost a stage three. Got rid of it again, then it came back full force. Both kidneys. The left one, metastasized. We tried aggressive treatments all this past year to try and do something about it. They even removed that kidney to see if there was anything we could do to save the other one. But, treatment isn’t working like it should be. And so Mom decided to discontinue treatment.”

  My lips parted in shock. “Luca, when did all this happen?”

  “She made the decision a little over a week ago. And while I’m angry about it, I can’t blame her, either. I’ve watched her battle this shit twice already. She doesn’t have any more fight left in her. I guess she decided she wanted a better quality of life for this next year instead of spending years down the road suffering from the side effects of chemo and radiation.”

  I reached over and took Luca’s hand within mine, trying to comfort him as best as I could.

  “So, she’s got a year?” I asked.

  She drew in a deep breath. “If we’re lucky? That’s what the doctor said, at least.”

  I smoothed my thumb over his skin and felt electricity prickle up the expanse of my arm. Hair began standing on end and I felt myself gravitating closer to him. But, before I could scoot my chair toward him, he ripped his hand away. He cleared his throat before reaching for his water, taking a massive sip from the glass. Fuck, I’d overstepped. Again.

  But, when his eyes finally made their way back to mine, I saw a fire in them. A want in them. A need in them, really.

  And I felt my gut kick into overdrive with the adrenaline it pumped through my system.



  Our salads came to the table and I was thankful for the distraction. Alianna was too alluring. Too comforting. Too kind and much too beautiful for her own good. I needed something to focus on that wasn’t her pouty lips. I needed something to focus on that wasn’t the softness of her thumb stroking my skin to try and comfort me. Because if I made one wrong move, I was dead.

  Her father wouldn't hesitate to put two bullets in my skull.

  I could smell the mushrooms cooking in the sauce back in the kitchen. As I tore through my salad, I prayed and hoped the chef would temper the acidity of the tomatoes with a sweet red wine instead of sugar. My mother balked whenever someone used sugar in something like spaghetti. Or eggplant parmesan. Or alfredo sauce, though she used a sweet white wine for that one. I had to admit, my mother had spoiled me greatly with her cooking growing up. There was a reason Mr. Russo enjoyed stopping off at our house during the beginning of my employment.

  To this day, I can remember how disappointed he was that my mother wouldn't take the head chef position in this restaurant he established. But, I also couldn't blame her. And neither could he. She had no formal kitchen training. She didn’t understand how to operate in that kind of an atmosphere. She simply enjoyed cooking for people in her own home.

  And sometimes, when she was feeling up to it, she still sent me with covered dishes to give to Mr. Russo whenever she cooked too much.

  Which was every damn time she cooked.

  Alianna and I ate our salads in silence. But, the tension between us was palpable. I felt it throbbing. Pulsing. Aching around us. And as she kept scooting her chair a little closer to me, I felt her leg settle against mine. I pushed my salad plate away just as my eggplant parmesan touched down in front of me. It smelled divine, but the acidity of the tomatoes already had me curling my nose up at it. Sugar did that to sauces, or so my mother told me. Sugar only tempered the acidic taste of tomato sauce, and badly. But, it did literally nothing for the smell of it.

  Still, I twirled some noodles onto my fork.

  “A bit overdone, compared to what my mother cooks,” I murmured.

  Alianna giggled as she took
a bite of her duck.

  “Well, mine’s wonderful,” she said.

  “You wait until my mother cooks for you. You’ll have a different opinion then,” I said.

  “Is that an invitation?”

  I peeked over at her and saw her eyes dancing between mine. My god, she was gorgeous. I’d never seen a more breathtaking woman before. Her pictures her father always pulled out of her didn’t nearly do her justice.

  “Maybe one of these days,” I said.

  “Well, then I’ll looking forward to one of those days,” Alianna said.

  I took my first bite, listening as she hummed over her food. The soft moans and exemplary groans that fell from Alianna’s lips stiffened my cock against my pants. Her leg pressed harder against mine. Like she was having a full-bodied experience with this food. All damn week, she’d been teasing me. Sunbathing in string bikinis and bending over to give me the best look at her ass. Dressing in outfits that would make any man fall over himself trying to get to her and flirting unashamedly with me.

  But, those sounds.

  My cock gave into those sounds.

  “Mm, mm, mm. If your momma’s cooking is better than this, I can’t wait to try it,” Alianna said.

  “Trust me, my mother can blow any professional Italian chef out of the water.”

  “I can’t wait to be proven wrong, then,” she said.

  And as I looked over at her again, feeling her toe slowly creeping up my leg, the phone rang at the front desk. Causing the entire restaurant to pause.

  I panned my gaze over and saw our waitress pick up the phone. With a nod of her head, she set down the receiver, not saying a damn word in the process. I watched her make her way into the kitchen, murmuring to the staff that they needed to start shutting down the restaurant.

  Then, on cue, the lights dimmed in the main dining room.

  “Uh oh,” Alianna said.

  “You stay right here,” I commanded.

  I pushed out of my chair and got up, making my way over to see what was going on. The kitchen staff was frantically cleaning things down. Getting everything in dishwashers and packing up the leftovers for themselves. Our waitress cashed out her tips and quickly counted the register, her eyes and fingers moving at lightning speed.


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