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Ancient Protector

Page 17

by Katie Reus

  “I’ll go wherever you go.”

  King rubbed a hand over his face. “All right, I’m going to go over all this once because I know the rest of your crew is going to go too.” He simply turned and walked away then, assuming they would follow him.

  He didn’t stop at the lanai, but kept going inside. So they all followed him into one of the living rooms with floor-to-ceiling real silk drapes, a glittering chandelier, heavy, antique pieces of furniture and funky tufted couches.

  King pulled out a detailed paper map of the city and surrounding areas and set it on the oversized trunk that doubled as a coffee table. Then he looked up at all of them. “Anyone got a pencil?”

  Harlow, always ready for anything, held one out.

  “Thanks,” he said and turned back to the map. “This area is run by the Gray coven. Caesar is the leader. He chafes at my rule but he has done nothing outwardly to defy me.” Yet seemed to be the unspoken caveat, as if King was waiting for it to happen. Then he went on to circle three other areas. One was a witch coven in the Garden District, and the other two were in the suburbs, on the other side of the bridge. Another vampire coven and witch coven.

  She didn’t know why she was surprised they lived in the suburbs, but some small part of her kind of was. It made sense though, since supernatural beings assimilated everywhere.

  “I know Caesar—not his real name, by the way,” Cody said, nodding to the first circle that King had drawn. “I did some business with him about eight years ago. He’s a real prick.”

  “What kind of terms are you guys on?” Lachlan asked.

  “As good as any. The deal went fine and we both walked away happy. I just don’t like him on a personal level.”

  Lachlan nodded. “We’ll talk to him first, then.”

  “We can split up with the others,” Athena said, stepping forward. “I don’t mind talking to one of the witch covens. Witches always like me.” She shrugged.

  It was true, witches had always had an affinity toward Athena. Star nodded and then broke up the rest of her crew, giving them their assignments. She thought about telling Aurora what they were doing, but didn’t want to take the chance her sister would insist on coming. Once she was done, Lachlan ordered his own warriors to accompany them, splitting them up as he saw fit.

  “Caesar’s place isn’t too far. We can just walk,” Lachlan said as he eyed the map.

  “There’s something else,” King said as they were all getting ready to leave. “You guys should move. Temporarily at least, until this is all over. I’ve got a place set up for you, big enough to accommodate your whole group.”

  Next to her Lachlan growled low in his throat and on instinct Star gently touched his forearm. To her surprise, he calmed, so she left her hand there as she said, “Thank you, but that isn’t necessary. I texted Cynara on the way back from the bayou and she has a place for us.” She looked at Lachlan. “All of us. You and your dragons can come as well if you want.” She’d specifically asked because she had a feeling this big dragon wasn’t letting her out of his sight.

  He simply nodded, not questioning her, which she appreciated. Though it did surprise her that Lachlan didn’t try to steamroll her with everything and take charge. He seemed to take charge when necessary but it was clear he didn’t get caught up in his ego. It was a good trait in an Alpha. And it made her want him even more. Things had shifted for her in the bayou, and now…she found herself more and more curious about Lachlan. Okay, more than just curious.

  “That’s not necessary,” King started.

  “Look, I really appreciate the offer. But I’ve known Cynara longer and I’ll feel safer staying with her.”

  The Alpha wolf finally nodded and she had a feeling he wanted to keep Aurora under his own roof. Well, too bad.

  “Okay,” King said. “Everyone keep communication open. Meanwhile, I’ll escort Aurora to Cynara’s and my wolves will trail after you.”

  “All right, but I’ll tell Aurora we’re moving.” And Star had a feeling Aurora was going to be annoyed she wasn’t letting her come tonight. But Star trusted King to get Aurora to safety and luckily he was the Alpha of the region so Aurora wouldn’t argue with him.

  Lachlan cleared his throat. “If the vampire coven gets the sense that we have backup in the form of your wolves, do you think they’ll talk to us?” His tone was mild enough, even though it sounded more like a statement than a question.

  “I’m not sending you guys in anywhere without backup,” King said.

  “I would be a pretty mince Alpha if I couldnae handle going to talk to a bunch of vampires alone,” Lachlan snapped out.

  It took her a moment to realize that mince meant rubbish. Star inwardly winced as the two Alphas started digging their heels in. Now wasn’t the time for a pissing contest.

  Thankfully, King didn’t push back. “Fair point.” Then he looked back at Star. “Keep communication open. That is one thing I will not bend on.”

  She nodded, excused herself and hurried up the stairs. She knew Aurora would be annoyed at being left behind, but it had to be this way. If Oscar was at any of these places and he got Aurora’s scent, he would full-on attack them. And Star wasn’t going to risk her baby sister getting taken ever again.

  Because something told Star that if Oscar got Aurora again, he’d hide her somewhere no one would ever find her—and eventually kill her.

  Chapter 22

  Ahead of Star and Lachlan, Cody, Teague, Brielle, and Axel strode in pairs on the sidewalk with Cody trying to flirt with Brielle—while she ignored him. Star had noticed that Cody seemed to flirt with everyone but didn’t really seem to show an interest in anyone in particular. He was an equal opportunity flirter. It seemed like more of a habit for him than something serious.

  Star knew that Harlow was nearby as well, but she’d gone full tiger and was likely lurking in the shadows.

  “Have you ever been to Scotland?” Lachlan asked her suddenly.

  She was surprised by the question and almost said yes. Some deep part of her was compelled to answer in the affirmative but she shook her head because that made no sense. “No, but it’s on my list of places to go.”

  “I’m surprised you didnae go after your London concert.”

  “Why are you surprised?”

  “Scotland is far superior to any place on earth. Why would ye nae go?” His question was dead serious too.

  Despite the intensity of the situation and the fact that they were headed to question vampires who might know where Oscar was, she laughed. “You’re quite certain that Scotland is the best place.”

  “I’m ancient. I’ve been everywhere. For me it is the best.” There was a deep longing in his voice as he spoke of his homeland. “Of course it wasn’t always called Scotland. It has been known by many names.”

  The ache in his voice was subtle and suddenly she felt guilty for keeping him away from his homeland. Even though she wasn’t actually doing anything to hold him here. He was in New Orleans of his own free will. Still, she hated that he was missing his people and land.

  “Maybe I’ll visit someday.”

  “Aye, maybe you will. And then you will love it so much you willnae leave.”

  She smiled at his teasing words, even though she didn’t think he was teasing. “We’ll see.”

  “There are fields of green there so lush and beautiful, they make a dragon want to nap all day.”

  “Maybe a dragon like Cody, but not you. You don’t have a lazy bone in your big body.” She wasn’t sure why she was so positive of those things, but she was.

  Lachlan gave her a strange look, his eyebrows drawing together.

  “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  He shook his head. “Just had a bit of déjà vu.”

  She’d been having weird flashes of déjà vu as well but she didn’t tell him that as they turned the corner onto the next street.

  “Pretty sure this is our destination.” Her tone was dry as they glanced acr
oss the street at a huge mansion. Multicolored lights were strung up throughout all the Spanish moss-covered oak trees, and there was a sort of strobe light show flashing off the house, creating creepy shadows. As they approached the wrought iron gates, she could hear the definite sounds of people having sex in the front yard.

  “Vampires,” Brielle muttered up ahead of them.

  Teague snorted in agreement.

  Harlow jumped down from the trees onto the sidewalk in tiger form, her black and orange tail swishing. She made a snuffling sound as if to agree with her twin.

  “Did Caesar respond to you?” Lachlan asked Cody as they approached the open gates.

  “Yep. He knows we’re coming. Well, he knows you and I are coming,” Cody said, glancing over his shoulder. “Not the rest of us.”

  “He chose the name Caesar for himself?” Star muttered more to herself than anyone, but Lachlan made a sound of agreement next to her.

  Star rolled her shoulders once as they headed through the gates with Lachlan, the two of them automatically taking the lead. It was clear from his stiff shoulders that he didn’t like being here.

  She wondered if it was a vampire thing. Or if it was just, this was an uncomfortable place type of thing. In her experience, pure-blood vamps and the really old ones were the only vampires who had their shit together and didn’t act like complete morons. The newly turned ones tended to live completely hedonistic lifestyles—much like the fools here tonight. It was like an orgy 24/7, hence the very public sex currently going on in the front yard. Who had time for all that? She didn’t understand how they didn’t get bored. Not to mention, it just felt lazy to her. Lying around all night screwing. Bah. There went the cranky old lady inside her again. Maybe if she’d actually had sex, she would want to do it all day long. But this right here? No thanks.

  “You and I stick together,” Lachlan said quietly.

  On instinct she moved a bit closer to him as they headed up the long walkway—through the thick of all the sex. It felt strange to be leading the rest of the group with him, as if she was the Alpha of these dragons as well, but she couldn’t deny that the role came naturally. And the others didn’t seem to mind. Which was kind of strange as well.

  She wasn’t going to think about what that meant for her and Lachlan. Just like she wasn’t going to think about the strange feelings he evoked inside her. There were far too many reasons they would never work. They were from different worlds. That was enough. Add in all the other stuff, like the fact that they lived on different continents, and it was a whole lot of hell no. Still…if she let herself dwell on the fact that he would be leaving soon, it sent a spiral of panic through her. She didn’t want him to leave.

  A few of the vampires glanced up from the lounges in the yard to look at their group, but most of them kept on doing what they were doing.

  “Well that’s new,” Brielle murmured behind her.

  Star wasn’t sure which act she was referring to—there were so many things happening at once.

  Lachlan leaned his head down close to her ear. “If you would like to try out anything you see here tonight, I’m available for your—”

  “Don’t finish that thought.” Star elbowed him in the side and to her surprise he simply chuckled, the deep sound wrapping around her like a comfortable embrace.

  In that moment he looked like such a typical male as he shrugged. “I’m just saying.”

  “Oh I know what you’re just saying.” There was a weird familiarity as they joked with each other, as if they’d done it before. The thought made no sense but she’d discovered that around him some things made no sense at all.

  She straightened, prepping herself for battle as they strode up the stairs to the main doors. Two huge ornate wood doors were thrown open, beckoning them inside.

  Acting like the superstar she was, she strode inside like she owned the place, with Lachlan at her side. He walked into any room as if he owned it and now was no different. She might be young, but she could sense the power level of the people in this place—and she controlled fire. She wasn’t afraid of these vampires.

  Luckily, they didn’t have to go far to look for Caesar. The male was in a formal sitting room, lying on a red tufted chaise lounge with a male’s head between his legs, getting his dick sucked.

  “You’re Caesar?” Lachlan asked, though clearly he was.

  Why was it clear? Because the male was wearing an actual Roman emperor-style headdress. Like…what, he was a former Roman emperor? Star knew from Cody that the vampire wasn’t even close to old enough to have been an emperor and that his real name was Leonard, so apparently this was just something he’d decided to dress up as. It took every ounce of willpower she had not to roll her eyes. Or maybe laugh aloud at the moron. She didn’t want to offend this male even though everything about him was offensive in that moment.

  The male nodded and shoved the guy off his lap. “I am.” Frowning, he zipped up his pants and stood. “I thought it was just you,” he said to Cody over Lachlan’s shoulder.

  “You thought wrong,” Lachlan said mildly. “I’m Lachlan, Alpha Laird of the Donnachaidh clan.”

  “I know who you are.” As he dismissed Lachlan, his gaze strayed to Star with interest, his dark eyes sweeping her from head to foot in a very sexual manner.

  Oh, this guy was a peach—and was very close to getting his ass kicked. Probably by Lachlan—because she couldn’t tell if he would be able to control himself. Next to her, the growl that rumbled out of him was a deep, harsh sound she felt ripple through her.

  The vampire straightened, his gaze snapping back to Lachlan. “No disrespect intended. I was just admiring a beautiful work of art.”

  “She is a person, not a work of art or a piece of meat. Apologize to her, not me, ye daft bawbag.” Lachlan’s words were a savage growl, his beast right underneath the surface.

  On instinct, Star reached out and placed her hand on his forearm. Lachlan immediately stilled, but his dragon remained in his gaze. While she really, really wanted to throat-punch this vampire, she called on her diplomatic nature. “We need to talk to you in private.”

  “Anything you say to me, you can say in front of my people,” Caesar answered.

  Okay, screw diplomacy. “I wasn’t asking you,” she snapped, even as fire tingled right under the surface.

  The male gave her an insolent look, then snapped his fingers and all but two of his people left. Both remaining vamps were well armed and dressed in tactical gear.

  Lachlan nodded his acceptance and she let a ghost of a smile pull at her mouth. The truth was, he could simply set this whole house on fire and kill everyone in here, but she kept the thought to herself. This vampire was clearly too stupid to realize that—or else he wouldn’t have been so disrespectful to an ancient dragon with waves of power rolling off him. If Star had been a betting female, she’d wager that Caesar wasn’t long for this world.

  “I’m going to ask you some questions and if you lie to me, I’ll burn your house down. Then I will start slicing off your body parts, one by one.” Lachlan spoke so matter-of-fact, his body language deceptively casual. “I’ll take your favorite one first.”

  The vampire stepped forward, his fangs descending as he tossed off his headpiece. In that moment she saw the predator in his gaze, but she could sense that his power was no match for Lachlan’s. Not even close. “I don’t answer to you. You can get the fuck out of my house right now.”

  “Do you know where Oscar, Alpha of the Rabec clan is?” Lachlan asked, completely ignoring the threat and the command to leave.

  Star was also aware of other vampires entering the room, of her own people and Lachlan’s spreading out as they faced off with each other. This was going to get bloody fast if less than level heads prevailed.

  “I’ve never heard of him,” the male answered.

  A lie, if Lachlan’s response was any indication. He moved so fast, her eyes barely tracked him as he grabbed the vampire by the throat and held him u
p off the floor as if he weighed nothing more than a pillow.

  The vampire released short claws and stabbed Lachlan through the ribs but Lachlan grabbed Caesar’s wrist and broke it as he yanked the offending hand away from him.

  Moving on an instinct she didn’t bother to question, Star shifted position and put her back to Lachlan’s. She didn’t think he needed her protection, but he was getting it anyway. She released her own fire in a show of power, keeping it neatly contained in a ball of bright purple flames between her hands. The little ball hovered in midair in front of her. For theatrics only, she tossed it back and forth between her hands as she swept her gaze over the vampires.

  The vampires in the room froze, staring at her instead of rushing forward as she figured they’d planned to do.

  Lachlan’s dragons and her own people stood at the ready, including Harlow who was growling low in her throat, the crouched tiger eyeing everyone like a tasty treat she might indulge in with a side of barbeque sauce.

  “Unless you guys are fireproof, today is not the day to fuck with us,” Star snarled. “We’ve got three dragons and me. You really want to tangle with us over some asshole?”

  The vampires in the room shifted nervously on their feet, some of them taking subtle steps backward. Oh, there was no loyalty in this coven, that was for sure.

  Star tossed a tiny fireball at the chaise lounge by the window where Caesar had been getting pleasured, watching it slowly start to burn.

  Behind her, Lachlan said, “I’m going to try this again. Where is Oscar Rabec? And dinnae tell me again that you’ve never heard of him. He goes by Osgar as well if you’re confused.”

  “He’s got a place outside the city,” Caesar rasped out, struggling to speak. “It’s an old colonial mansion. Used to be a plantation. His people took it over. No one else knows he’s staying there.”

  “Are you allies with him?” Lachlan asked, and shook the male when he hesitated.


  “And you know why he’s in town?”


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