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Ancient Protector

Page 24

by Katie Reus

  “Can I steal my sister for a minute?” Aurora asked as she approached them.

  “Of course.” Though Lachlan hated to do it, he released his hold on Star. Soon they would be headed home and right now she needed to spend as much time with her family as possible.

  He leaned back as the sisters walked away, his heart aching for the pain he sensed coming from his mate. He wished he could take it all away. That was another revelation to him, the mating link he felt between them. It was strung so tight between them, as if it was a physical thing. Combined with the new scent on both of them—the one that proclaimed to the whole world that they were taken—he felt more at ease being around other people knowing she was fully claimed.

  And in that moment he felt like the luckiest male in the world.

  “I still can’t believe she came back to you,” Cody said as he sat next to him, squeezing Lachlan’s shoulder once.

  “Aye, me neither.”

  “It’s a miracle.” There was a bit of awe in his brother’s voice. “You are a lucky dragon, brother.”

  “That I am.” He didn’t say anything more because he didn’t trust his voice in that moment. His mate had come back to him. Something he still hadn’t fully wrapped his mind around yet.

  He wished his brother Rhys was here to meet her, to see that miracles did happen. But Lachlan wouldn’t dwell on that. The only thing he was focused on was the future. With his mate by his side.

  * * *

  “I probably should have called first,” Star said as she and Lachlan approached King’s headquarters in the Quarter.

  “I dinnae think he’ll mind,” Lachlan said. The Alpha seemed to have an affinity for Aurora and Star.

  “He’s probably just going to be glad to have us out of his territory.”

  “Me more than you,” Lachlan said, laughing lightly. The other Alpha hadn’t minded Star’s presence at all.

  “True. He will likely be sad to lose me, since I am made of pure awesomeness. It will be a true loss to the city,” she said cheekily. “You, however?” She shrugged, giving him a mischievous smile.

  He kissed the top of his mate’s head as the heavy door swung open. The female wolf who had guided him to the inner sanctum to meet King before was the one who opened it. She lifted an eyebrow. “Can I help you?”

  “I would like to talk to King if he’s available,” Star said, all sugar and sweetness.

  Which earned a real smile from the wolf. “Of course. I’ve been given instructions that you or your sister are always welcome.” Then she shot a level look at Lachlan. “I’m only allowing you in because you’ve mated with this badass.”

  Star bit back a laugh at that.

  The female looked at Star again. “I’m a huge fan, by the way. I saw you perform in Austin last year and you were amazing. Seriously, one of the best performances I’ve ever seen.”

  Her cheeks flushed. “Thank you.”

  The wolf nodded then beckoned them to follow. They found King in the courtyard, with his shirt off, sparring with four wolves at once. They were attacking him with various weapons and he was dodging all of them, a practical whirlwind. His speed was impressive but when Lachlan saw the awe on Star’s face, as if she was admiring the male, he frowned.

  She looked up at him. “What?”

  “Nothing,” he muttered.

  “Are you being weirdly jealous?” she asked, quiet enough for his ears only.

  “His moves aren’t that impressive.”

  She patted his chest once and looked back at the sparring session.

  King called a halt to it, however, and dismissed his wolves, surprising him. Lachlan had expected him to make them wait, since they’d dropped by unexpectedly.

  “You’re here to tell me you’re leaving?” King asked quietly, looking between them.

  She nodded. “We’re headed back to Scotland. We’re headed home.”

  “Your sister—”

  “Is staying,” Star said before King could finish.

  Lachlan liked that Aurora was the first thing the male thought of. It told him all he needed to know about this Alpha wolf and his intentions toward Aurora.

  The relief rolling off King was a palpable thing.

  “I’ve seen the way you watch her,” Star continued. “And I’m not here to give you a big-sister speech, but I am here to tell you that she’s an artist. And yes she is a fighter and more than capable, as you’ve seen, but she has a gentle soul. Whoever finally claims her heart had better be gentle with it.”

  His smile was genuine. “I know.”

  “Good. Now, if I was here to give you the big-sister talk, I would tell you to be good to her, and that if you’re not, I’ll rip your heart out and incinerate it with my fire. But I don’t think I need to tell you that, because you’re a good male.”

  “And I dinnae need to tell you that I would rain fire down on the city if you hurt my mate’s sister,” Lachlan added.

  “I won’t hurt her.” There was a wealth of truth in King’s voice. “I’d gut myself first.”

  It was clear that was what Star had needed to hear. Lachlan knew she hated leaving her sister, but Aurora needed to spread her wings. She needed to be allowed to come into her own. And King was a good male—so good that if Aurora rejected him, she would still be allowed to live and grow here, under his protection. Lachlan could clearly see that.

  Star pulled the big Alpha into a hug, definitely taking him by surprise, but King patted her back gently, if awkwardly. Lachlan restrained his dragon from reacting like a total jackass at the sight of his female hugging another male. He could be understanding for two seconds. Probably.

  “Thank you for the hospitality. Thank you for having my crew’s back. We’re not all leaving, however. A few of my people are staying behind with Aurora.” Star stepped away and wrapped her arm tight around Lachlan, as if she knew he needed her touch.

  “They have safe harbor here as long as they need. Oh, I spoke to Léonie. She’ll be returning soon and is looking forward to seeing Aurora. She’s still dark for the most part, but she promised to contact you as soon as possible.”

  Star smiled at the wolf. “I forget that she goes by Léonie now. To us, she’ll always be Aunt Cliona.”

  “She saw some of the footage from the battle and was quite impressed with both of you.”

  Star leaned closer to Lachlan then, wrapping her arms tighter around him. “I’m glad she’s allied with you.”

  “And you have an ally with my clan, for life,” Lachlan said, holding a hand out to the wolf. That male had jumped into the battle with Oscar’s clan and killed one himself. He’d given Star shelter in exchange for nothing. Lachlan would always have the male’s back.

  King nodded. “You do as well.”

  And that was that.

  “Oh, we’re having a little party at the house tonight. Mainly our crew, but a few others, so if you want to stop by before we head out, feel free,” Star said before they left. “Aurora will definitely be in attendance.”

  King nodded once, a smile transforming his hard face. “I might. It’s been a pleasure having you in the city. I’m sure it won’t be the same without you.”

  Star grinned. “I certainly hope not.”

  Lachlan wrapped his arm tight around her shoulders as they headed out. New Orleans wouldn’t be the same without her for certain, but now Scotland was calling her home. “Once we get back to Scotland, I plan to hole up with you for at least a week.”

  “At least… Hey, is it true that dragons have big hoards of gold and stuff?” she asked as they stepped out onto the sunlit sidewalk.

  “Aye. I’ve got a whole pile of it. Why?”

  “I kind of want to roll around in it. Like Scrooge McDuck. But naked.”

  He didn’t know who Scrooge McDuck was, but the idea amused him. Lachlan threw back his head and laughed, ignoring the few looks from passersby on the sidewalk. “I can definitely arrange that. And you will most definitely be naked when you do.”
  “I’m totally on board with that.”

  Chapter 31

  Sitting in Lachlan’s lap, Star looked out at all her friends, her family having a good time at the party, and felt something shift inside her. It had been easy enough to set everything up in the backyard—and even the chickens were strolling around pretty as you please, not one bit concerned that they were surrounded by shifters.

  Even King had shown up, and though he was currently talking to Cynara and Justus, his gaze kept straying to Aurora, who was nestled against Axel, her head on his shoulder. Star and her crew all knew the relationship with Axel and Aurora was platonic—they were like siblings—but it was clear King didn’t know. Or maybe he didn’t care, because he was not a fan of her lion right now. And Star knew Axel well—he was very aware of the Alpha’s glares and it seemed to spur him on even more. Oh, she was going to miss her mischievous lion so much.

  “I’m fairly certain that cat is going to use up one of his nine lives soon,” Lachlan murmured into her ear, as if he’d read her mind.

  She let out a startled laugh and turned to her mate before kissing him on the mouth. God, she loved this male.

  “You guys are so cute.” Greer’s voice tore her back to the present as the female and her mate sat across from them, all smiles.

  Reaper simply fist-bumped Lachlan once before settling back in his chair.

  “I still can’t believe you’re a phoenix,” Greer said quietly, staring at Star with a bit of awe. “That’s so amazing. I always thought your kind were myths until Léonie… Oh, I guess Léonie is your aunt, right?”

  “Yes.” Star didn’t bother telling Greer that she’d always thought of Léonie by her given name. It didn’t really matter. “I was hoping to see her before we leave.”

  “I know,” Greer said, sympathy in her gaze. “But you’ll be back to visit, I hope?”

  “We will,” Lachlan answered before she could, making her snuggle up against him even more.

  Star knew that she wasn’t leaving for good. And she knew that someone who was as long-lived as her would have to be open to change. And she was, always had been. But that didn’t make the leaving portion any easier.

  “Good.” She nodded, taking a sip of her wine.

  “Do either of you know what that blue fire was?” Lachlan asked quietly, for their ears only. He didn’t have to specify what he meant either; a good portion of the population had seen it.

  Star knew he’d been wondering about it—she had been too. That fire of his had burned so hot, so bright, and with laser precision, destroying everything in its path.

  “Ah, yes.” Reaper nodded, exchanging a look with his mate.

  “It only appears when your mate is in danger,” Greer continued. “It’s a defense mechanism for dragons. And it doesn’t always appear even when your mate is in danger—just in dire situations, it seems. Or it could be based on the emotional state of the dragon emitting it. Basically, there’s no science to it.”

  “Thank you,” Lachlan said simply.

  Star was glad he finally knew what that fire was. The knowledge seemed to settle him. She was coming to learn that her mate did not like surprises and he liked to be in control.

  A blur of motion appeared behind them and suddenly Lola—wild, rainbow-colored hair and all—was in Star’s lap. Clearly she didn’t care that Star was still in Lachlan’s lap. She wrapped her arms around them both and kissed Star loudly on the cheek. “I’m going to miss you, and I’ve decided that I forgive you for taking her from us,” she said to Lachlan. Then she gave him a smacking kiss on his cheek too, making the male snort.

  “I think you have imbibed too much alcohol, Lola.”

  This made Lola snicker as Bella tugged her out of their lap—and then Bella tackle-hugged Star and Lachlan too.

  Star wrapped her arms around her best friend, unable to believe they wouldn’t be living in the same house anymore, let alone the same continent. Change was good, she reminded herself. And she loved Lachlan more than life itself.

  “I’m gonna take care of your baby sister, promise,” Bella murmured. She’d known Star a long damn time and clearly knew where her head was at.

  “I know. Thank you.” Her throat tightened and she couldn’t get any more out.

  “All right, lasses,” Lachlan said, standing so that they all had to move. “Star, I think it’s time for you to make the rounds before your crew all jumps on us at once.”

  “They can all jump on me,” Cody said as he approached, beer in hand, a wicked grin firmly in place.

  Lachlan simply gave his brother a dry look even as Star laughed.

  “I think you’re right.” She kissed her mate on his lips, a soft claiming before stepping away.

  He sat back down with Greer and Reaper so she headed off across the yard, stopping where the twins were talking with Avery and Avery’s dragons. The human female hadn’t been kidding. She’d brought four of them plus her younger brothers to the party. Three of the dragons and her brothers were all mingling, if they were all a bit on the quiet side. But one of those dragons was ancient, brooding and most definitely into Avery, if the mere two feet he allowed between them was any indication. Unfortunately for him, it was clear that Avery had no clue.

  As Star approached, Harlow wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “Gonna miss you, girl.” Probably some of the only words she’d heard out of the quiet tiger all night.

  “Gonna miss you too. Though I won’t miss your chatterbox ways.”

  Harlow rolled her eyes.

  But Brielle laughed loudly. “God, right? I can never get her to shut up.”

  Avery giggled into her champagne glass as she looked between them. “Are you excited about going to Scotland?” she asked as the laughter died down.

  “Very. And if you ever want to visit, you’re more than welcome to.” She was the Alpha’s mate now; she figured she could invite anyone she wanted.

  Avery’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”


  “I’ve always wanted to go. And I thought…with everything that happened to the world, it would just never happen. Not anytime soon anyway.”

  “Well the invite is there.” Star wasn’t sure how air travel would work. There was still some commercial travel, though on a smaller scale. However, she’d be heading to Scotland on Lachlan’s private jet.

  Avery beamed at her as Axel and Aurora joined them. And oh no, Axel greeted Avery in a very friendly, teasing manner that got the hackles up of the big male next to her. When Axel wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug, she worried the dragon would incinerate her lion right then and there.

  As Aurora said something to Brielle, Star shot Axel a look that said behave.

  He simply grinned and winked at her as he wrapped a casual arm around Avery’s shoulders—and left it there.

  Lachlan joined her at that moment, pulling Star close. “Now your cat has lost two lives. Poor, poor, lion. A dragon and wolf are now plotting his dismemberment and death.”

  Turning her face into Lachlan’s chest, she barely smothered a giggle. In that moment, she knew her crew would be fine without her. Though Axel might get into a few tussles sooner than later. She was going to miss all of them desperately, but if they remained here for good, they would thrive.

  She had no doubt. And she was going to live her life and be happy with her dragon. Her mate. It had taken millennia and they’d found each other again. Being with him was exactly where she was meant to be.

  Chapter 32

  Star couldn’t fight the nerves buzzing through her as she flew next to Lachlan, her phoenix fire bright, a shining purple beacon against the gray morning sky as they headed deeper into his territory. They’d flown on a private jet into a small airport, then he’d told her they’d be flying in their shifted forms to his castle. His brother, clanmates and her own people had driven there ahead of them and were helping to prepare the way.

  Lachlan wanted everyone
to see what she was, and to know that they were a unit. It was hard not to be touched by the male’s thoughtfulness. Because the truth was, she was worried that a dragon clan wouldn’t accept her as the Alpha Laird’s mate. Sure, they had the whole fire thing in common, but dragon clans had been very insular until recently. And phoenix fire could destroy a dragon if the phoenix was powerful enough.

  His brother and Teague and Cian had accepted her, but a whole clan? That was a different story.

  At least it was crystal clear that their animals fully accepted each other—Star’s wings of fire were now shot through with flashes of indigo and Lachlan’s scales now had jagged streaks of the deepest purple intertwining with his own indigo. They were true mates, now and forever.

  As he flew lower she followed suit, her heart brimming to full with happiness at the sight of the beautiful green landscape and mountains below them. The landscape was as rugged and wild as the male flying next to her. This place called to her soul almost as much as Lachlan did. After she’d resurrected from the ashes, more and more memories had emerged every day and she very clearly remembered this place. Her home.

  Their wings disturbed the long blades of grass they passed over, creating a ripple effect as they arced up another hill. As they crested over the top, her heart caught in her throat at the sight of his giant stone castle sprouting up out of the mountain, looking as if it had always been there. But what really caught her gaze was the sight of the huge formation of men and women lined up out front. They were at attention all along the drawbridge and in the cobblestone bailey out front. Her heart rate kicked up at the rows of men in kilts, of all his clanmates waiting for them, torches lighting the walls and turrets.

  And…was that bagpipes?

  On the wind she caught the sound of “Highland Cathedral” being played and it brought tears to her eyes as they flew down together, a unified front. She knew the show and bagpipes were for him, but she still loved everything about this proper greeting.


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