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Caveman Alien's Trap

Page 13

by Calista Skye

  “Yes, I know it’s back-breaking work to cure the skin of Smalls and then sit in the shadow while they hang to dry. I don’t blame you, Roti’ax. The Ancestors gave me this task. And now they’ve given me a woman to guide me and to brighten my days while I work.”

  The young man frowns. “But… a woman. Are you sure she’s not The Woman?”

  Xark’on turns to me. “Are you The Woman, Caroline?”

  “No,” I state with finality. “I’m not at all. I come from another planet. From very far away. I have my own tribe here, too.”

  “You see?” Xark’on says. “She even talks strange. She’s a woman. But she’s not The Woman.”

  The younger man is still not convinced. “But… have you Worshipped her?”

  Xark’on stands tall. “I have. And she has Worshipped me.”

  There’s another stunned silence.

  “And,” Xark’on says with pride, “I’ve mated with her.”

  Now they’re both just staring, jaws hanging slack.

  “But… if… I mean… she… you…”

  “Yes,” Xark’on says, very gravely. “She can mate, just like the shaman told us. It is a wonderful thing that I can’t describe. And she’s fierce. When I met her, I saw her fight a rekh without suffering a scratch. With that spear! Don’t judge her by her size. She’s dangerous. The Ancestors watch over her.”

  “Surely,” the older man says, having collected himself, “you should take her to the village?”

  “Why? We have no shaman these days. And while you are our chief, I doubt you'd be able to determine anything more about her. And I wonder, Roti’ax, do you doubt the things I say?” There’s a hidden menace in Xark’on’s words.

  “No, no,” the chief says quickly. “Of course, I don’t doubt it. I just mean, she’s a woman. The first woman here since ours were taken many generations ago! Should we not… I mean… “

  “Share her?” Xark’on suggests with deceptive mildness. “Watch what you say now. The Ancestors sent her to me.”

  “Perhaps,” Yru’zan says, “she’s a guide to the Treasure.”

  “Perhaps,” Xark’on agrees. “Now, tribesmen. I have digging to do. Why are you here?”

  “We came to see your trap,” Chief Roti’ax says. “You know we’re all very excited about it. Especially in view of the Treasure.”

  “When the trap has been successful, then the Treasure will come to the tribe. And everything will be more glorious than you can imagine. Now you’ve seen the trap, or the beginnings of it. You didn’t happen to bring me anything, did you? Some food? Some drink? Some delicacies for the one man who’s busy working alone in the jungle for the whole tribe and its future?”

  Yru’zan just stares in confusion.

  “We thought it best not to carry food through the jungle,” Roti’ax says smoothly, and even I can hear that he’s making it up. “You know, some Bigs have a very good sense of smell. They might attack us.”

  “They don’t like sacks of krunik, I think,” Xark’on points out. “Nor those sweet little cakes that Ilur’ox makes. You came here from curiosity, bringing me nothing. I wonder what this woman thinks of your courtesy.”

  Roti’ax sighs. “Xark’on, of course if we knew that she was here, we would maybe have brought her something.”

  “But to me, your tribesman, you would not bring anything. It has been noted. Now, some of us have work to do, and you two have a long way home to the village. Off you go, now. Don’t come back until the trap is ready and I come and invite you. Chief Roti’ax, you can prepare a batch of the finest, smoothest brak skin in the village. I will pick it up laterso that I will take the risk with bringing things through the jungle that the Bigs might smell.”

  “Of course,” the chief says.

  Then Xark’on turns his back to the two men, and they awkwardly say goodbye and walk back the way they came, throwing puzzled glances behind them until the jungle swallows them.

  “Your tribesmen,” I state.

  “Not the best of them,” Xark’on says. “Those two rarely do anything of value. They’re not very revered. There are better warriors in the tribe.”

  “They must hold you in high regard if you can talk to the chief like that.”

  “Roti'ax knows that I could break his spine with one hand. He enjoys a relaxed life and knows that other men are of greater value to the tribe than him.”

  “And now they all know that I’m here.”

  He shrugs. “They do. But I doubt anyone in the tribe will dare to come here until I invite them. If I ever do that. Most of the men have more sense than these two. It’s a long way to come through the dangerous jungle to spy on a woman.”

  “I’m the only one they know about, and they know where I am,” I calmly point out. “Don’t you think some of them might get curious?”

  “They might. But then they will have to look at you in secret from far away or risk my wrath. And I’m the largest warrior in the tribe.”

  He turns around and jumps into his hole.

  I go back to my project. The water in the pots has evaporated and left a soggy residue that doesn’t resemble leaves anymore. It’s looking really promising.

  Xark’on comes up from his hole, carrying his shovel.

  “I’ll work a little more on this tomorrow,” I state. “Please dig a hole right here. Not too deep.”

  In two heaves, Xark’on digs a hole I could fit a washing machine in. It’s far too deep for my purposes.

  “Thank you. Now fill it in halfway. Okay. Good.” I wrap the pots in thick leaves and place them at the bottom of the hole then drape more leaves over them. “Fill in the rest, please. Carefully.”

  He does, we stomp the dirt smooth, and I grab my spear. Then, he takes my hand, and we walk back towards the treehouse.

  We stop at the pond, strip off, and take a short dip to clean off. Xark’on cups my pussy with his hand, I give his rock-hard cock a tug, and then I walk on without bothering getting dressed. We don´t have any towels, and I don’t put my dress on until we´re almost back at the treehouse.

  When we get to the giant tree, Xark’on stops. He finds a half-rotted stump among the other trees, rips it up from the ground with his bare hands, and sets it on the ground. “Some light still. Take out your weapons.”

  I assume he doesn’t mean the spear, so I get the metal stars out of my pocket.

  He takes me by the shoulder and leads me twenty feet from the stump. “First, throw your spear at the target.”

  I wind up and throw it. Before I came to Xren, I couldn’t throw for shit. My father did try to teach me once, but he gave it up as hopeless. But here, learning how to throw something is a matter of eating or not eating for the tribe, so I picked it up pretty quickly after I got my spear made. And I have killed a good amount of turkeypigs with it.

  The spear glances off the upper left corner of the tree stump and continues in among the trees.

  “Not bad,” Xark’on says. “You hit it, at least. Now try a star.”

  I unwrap them and gingerly take one between two fingers. “I’m afraid it will cut me.”

  “This side is flat. Here is a little notch for your finger. Hold it like this.” He places the star so that it’s in his palm, held with his thumb.

  I get another sharp metal star and carefully place it the same way in my hand, and Xark’on helps guide my fingers right.

  “Now, attempt to throw your hand towards the target. Don’t think about the star. Just throw the hand as if it wasn’t attached to you.” He slowly winds up and makes a throwing motion with his hand. His hand moves with deceptive slowness, and the star penetrates the stump completely and continues out the other side. “At the moment of the most power in the throw, this finger—” he points to my middle finger, “—should point directly at the target. Don’t think of letting go, that will happen by itself.”

  Gods, I’m worried about making a mistake and having the razor-sharp star take all my fingers off. But I don’t want him to
think I’m a coward, so I clumsily pull my hand back and half-heartedly toss it forward.

  The star spins to the left and barely misses Xark’on before it falls harmlessly to the ground six feet away.

  “Ah,” Xark’on says after a moment of stunned disbelief. “Hm. Good try. Now try to point the middle at the target, not to the side.”

  “I’ll never be able to do this,” I sigh and massage my throwing hand. “It’s too heavy, and I’m too afraid it will slice me.”

  He retrieves the star. “Both are valid concerns. Try again.”

  I reluctantly take the star from his hands. There are many other things I’d prefer to be doing right now. Most of them have to do with his cock.

  Xark’on gently helps me again. “That finger there, this there. Throw a little harder. The star will spin faster and keep itself going straight.”

  I do as he suggests and throw the star again. It wobbles through the air and misses the stump, but at least Xark’on didn’t have to duck.

  “This is all very nice,” I say and sashay two steps up to him. “But can’t we practice something else? Up in the house?” I place my hand on his bulge and squeeze, fluttering my eyelashes. Which I’m sure would have been more impressive if they’d seen any mascara at all for the past nine months.

  But it still works. My touch surprises Xark’on so much he drops the last throwing star, and his quick intake of breath tells me that I’ll get my way.

  “What exactly is it that you’d like to practice?”

  “Well, I know you’re an expert on holes. But did you know there are many ways to deal with them? Not just one or two?” I squeeze again, feeling the hardening outline of his manhood.

  “I do enjoy holes,” he admits. “And I’d like to learn as much as possible about them. Especially what you called fucking. That was a most interesting topic I’d like to study further.” His cock is straining against the skin of his pants. And my pussy is probably dripping again.

  “Then let’s practice this later and do something more important now?” I stroke his hardness outside his pants and feel it twitch.

  Am I being mean to him? I’m using feminine wiles on a man who’s never met a woman before, and it’s pretty unfair. But my need is pretty urgent. And now his is, too. I’ll consider the ethical sides of this later.

  We go up the rope, Xark’on first and me last.


  - Caroline -

  When I get up there, I stop to gawp at the view, as usual. I don’t know what it is about this place. It’s as if I breathe easier up here, as if the perennial shade from the leafy canopy down in the jungle throws a shadow on my mind as well. The free view in every direction blows any darkness out of my thoughts, and I feel light and even optimistic. Here, I’m safe from most dinosaurs and caveman raiders. It’s like I leave all my concerns on the ground when I come up here, as if this is a place separate from the real world. It already feels more like a home than the cave ever did.

  Xark’on hands me the rest of the lunch we had packed for today, and we munch on cold turkeypig stew while he’s standing behind me and cupping one breast, and I’m reaching behind me and cupping his cock. It’s only fair. And this way, we can both admire the view.

  I have an idea for how I want the sex to be up here. That hammock isn’t ideal, but I want to make the most of it.

  Xark’on gives me the booze, it makes me cough and my eyes water like it’s supposed to, and then I turn away from the view, because the sun has set and there’s not much to look at.

  Xark’on is ready and immediately bends down to kiss me.

  I lay my arms around his neck since he’s down here, anyway, and then jump into his arms and lock my legs behind his hard, powerful back. He places one hand under my butt to help hold me up, and of course, he takes my entire weight like I’m made of styrofoam.

  I melt into his kiss, seeing no reason to hold back. I’ll ride this out as far as it’ll go, but right now, I don’t want to think about the future. I want to enjoy this.

  Allowing myself not to think places me right in the moment and makes me put more passion into our kiss. This is by far the best kiss I’ve ever shared. Xark’on’s had some practice, and he leads it so well already. His bulging muscle and his stripes with a texture like suede and his scars and his fangs—he oozes danger like any other caveman. But he’d never use that against me. He’s dangerous to everyone and everything else, but not to me.

  The thought sends hard tingles and a surge of heat to my girly bits, and I grind on his hand under my butt. “Put me in the hammock,” I moan.

  He hangs the hammock back up while I’m still clinging to him like a limpet and then deposits me into it with infinite care.

  I waste no time in pulling off my dress, which really should have a zipper somewhere for that purpose. Then, I fumble with Xark’on’s pants again, but I’m trembling with horniness, so he has to help. His cock stands between us like a third presence in the room, so thick and strong and alien and wonderful. I grab it with both hands and take it deep in my mouth, delighted by Xark’on’s groan. I blow him for a minute, just to be on the safe side and wet the whole shaft before that size goes into me. Except, of course, it’s probably not needed at all, because I’m hornier now than I’ve ever been, and I must be trickling down there.

  Yeah, I know how I want it this time.

  I kiss the tip of Xark’on’s spectacular cock and turn around on the hammock, placing myself on hands and knees and showing the alien caveman all my charms.

  The height should be pretty good.

  I look behind me in invitation, and Xark’on places his large, warm hands on my hips. His eyes are glassy and his breathing shallow. Just like mine.

  I put my head down on my hands and arch my back as he puts the tip of his cock on my wet lower lips, and the tingles explode in my pussy from pure expectation. I’m still a little sore from earlier today, and that soreness will make this experience even more intense.

  He slides his alien cock around my hole, wetting it for the penetration. Then, he places it at my opening and thrusts slowly, all the way inside in one long push that leaves me just about breathless.

  “Ooooh yeahhhhhh,” I moan as I feel the scandalous features of his cock touch every part of my tunnel again, and again the nerve endings are sending confused but delighted signals to the rest of me.

  He pulls out, and each tiny little spot inside me is lighting up in every color of the rainbow—and a couple more for good measure.

  I moan, making it loud, because up here nobody can hear me except dactyls, and I kind of want them to hear that despite their best efforts, I’m having a great time right now.

  He fucks me slowly and deliberately, making the hammock swing just right so that each thrust is made just a little more insistent.

  I realize that I can relax. He’s got this. And how.

  His hands on my hips spread and knead my ass, I’m making all kinds of scandalous noises, and so is my pussy, along with the fleshy slaps each time the caveman’s hips strike my presented ass. Xark’on’s many alien features tickle my pussy just right, and even the opening is giving off pleasant tingles with each penetration of my sex.

  Gods, he’s good. And he’s so dangerous, too. A deadly alien taking me. Just fucking me any way he wants.

  It won’t take much to set me off now. My clit is screaming for attention, and I snake my hand between my thighs to see if I can do something about that.

  But before I can get there, I buck when something’s licking me, right on the clit. Something soft and warm… No, that’s not a tongue. That’s Xark’on’s other cock.

  It strokes past my clit again like an extremely smooth and soft finger. Or a tentacle…

  I hold my breath. That thing is touching me just right and forcing the climax from me. I couldn’t stop it if I wanted to.

  Before I scream out my orgasm, Xark’on starts fucking me faster, grunting in determination and turning every stroke in and out into a blur of pu
re pleasure for me.

  That sets me off, and the wave of liquid bliss washes through me. “Oooooh, yeeesssss….!” Then Xark’on slows down, his fucking gets erratic, and he squeezes my ass cheeks hard and grunts as his cock jumps inside me, swells to impossible proportions, and takes over my sex as his hot juices spray into me.

  And he doesn’t stop. He keeps fucking me, slowly, tickling my clit with his second cock, and I come for a long, long time.

  Finally, he pulls his cock out of me and steadies the hammock so I don’t fall out.

  I squirm around and look up at him, still half in some other happy world. “Come lie next to me.”

  He tries, but there isn’t room for one huge caveman and one sexually exhausted linguistics student side by side. So, I end up just lying on top of him like he’s the world’s sexiest mattress.

  He stretches and makes the hammock creak. “Do you like the way I use my tool?”

  “I do. It fits really well in the hole.”

  A breeze flows through the treehouse and cools us down, making the torch flicker and its flame hiss and splutter.

  “Why didn’t you go back to your tribe?” Xark’on rumbles under me like the beginnings of an earthquake.

  “I like it here. And I like the things we do.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t go back.”

  “I think I needed a vacation. Some time away from there. I’ll have to go back soon, though. Maybe I’ll go there to just say I’m okay and then come back.”

  He doesn’t reply, just keeps breathing slowly, raising and lowering me with each breath.

  “How would you feel about that?” I prompt.

  “Caroline does as she wishes,” he says. “Perhaps, it would be better if you didn’t return here.” Using my name instead of just ‘you’ indicates distance in cavemanese, and it worries me.

  “Would you rather I just stayed here?”

  “Perhaps,” he growls.

  “You’re not sure?”

  “I’m sure that I want you stay. But the Ancestors may want something else, and I think it’s unwise to challenge them.”


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