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Her Dragon Hero

Page 9

by Roxie Ray

  When I opened the door, Jury held out another bouquet of flowers. I barely noticed them as I looked at him in his dark blue suit. He filled it out perfectly, with the jacket tight across his shoulders and the tie perfectly tied. I had to stop myself from drooling all over my perfect makeup or his shiny shoes.

  I was all for feminism. Anything a man could do, I could do, too. Or better. But there was a time and a place for a man to get brownie points by being a gentleman, and a formal date was one of them. I didn’t expect him to open doors or pull out chairs.

  But he did. And he held out his hand for me to slide in and out of the truck. He didn’t take it to chauvinistic—if he’d tried to buckle my seatbelt or order for me, all bets would’ve been off.

  My stomach fluttered when we walked down to his truck and he hurried in front of me to open the door, but I ignored it. The gesture was nice. I tried not to read too much into it.

  Yeah, right.

  Our conversation started off slow, but soon he had me giggling with stories of Maddox and how he flirted so badly, but somehow always ended up with the girl.

  It couldn’t have been the fact that they were both drop-dead gorgeous. Oh, no.

  He drove me to a restaurant with a huge window for a back wall that overlooked a breathtaking mountain bluff. I couldn’t believe the view. We talked about everything from our favorite foods to our hopes for the future. The conversation flowed like we’d never had a rocky start.

  And I admitted to him that I wanted to go back to school. It felt natural to share my secret with him, especially after I’d blabbed to Bethany.

  Not that I minded. She was nice.

  “I think that’s great,” he said. “If you do online school, you could do it from anywhere, too.”

  “Yeah, but the money...” I shrugged. “I’ve been saving. But I make too much for a lot of aid. I hate the idea of using loans. But if I have to do it a class at a time, I will.” I was pretty determined to eventually see it through.

  “I believe in you.”

  I smiled at him and took a sip of my wine to avoid replying. His words had caused a visceral reaction. I wasn’t sure anyone had ever told me they believed me before. As I tried to think of how to respond without coming off like an emotional loon, a woman walked up to our table.

  “Excuse me.” She looked about my age and had platinum blonde hair and perfectly contoured makeup. She ignored my presence totally. “Jury, why haven’t you returned any of my calls or texts?”

  Whoa, not cool. A perfect example of how a wonderful night could go wrong in seconds. I wanted to disappear into the floor. Half the restaurant heard her question and many eyes were on us.

  “Stasia.” Jury’s face reddened, and his expression, which had been fond and happy when he looked at me, turned to pure fury. “You and I have seen each other around several times since the last time we hooked up.” He turned to me. “Months ago. Before I even met you.” His gaze returned to the blonde and the fury washed over him again. “In all that time, you’ve never said a word about me not calling you back. I’m sorry if your feelings were hurt, truly I am, but you’re only asking now because you want to make my date uncomfortable. You owe her an apology.”

  Stasia looked down her nose at me and instead of apologizing, walked away.

  “Abby, I’m so sorry.” Jury reached across the table. “I have a past. I was wilder than I probably should have been. But I haven’t been able to be with another woman since the day I met you. The world changed for me that day, however much I tried to deny it. I won’t ever see anyone else again.” He ducked his head as his words rang true in my head. “I don’t think I could even if I wanted to.” I raised one eyebrow. “Which I don’t!” he hastily amended. “I mean that I’m happy to be a one-woman man, and if I ever changed my mind, Nyx wouldn’t let me hurt you.”

  I knew what he meant, but I was beginning to enjoy watching him try to explain things and back himself into a corner with it.

  Squeezing his hands, I shushed him. “I understand, and even if I don’t totally trust you yet, I do trust Nyx.”

  Laughter, deep and rough, echoed in my head. I smiled in delight. “Hello, Nyx,” I whispered.

  Hello, mate.

  My skin buzzed after that, the feel of Jury’s hand on mine echoing through me. I didn’t want the dinner to end. Our conversation continued as if the interruption hadn’t happened. I’d never had such a lovely time talking to someone about personal things. I was able to go through even painful memories without shame or hurt because Jury was so easy to talk to.

  He told me all about his time living in Arizona, too.

  Every few minutes, he’d touch my hand or brush his finger over my knuckles across the table. It built tension between us that I didn’t know if he could feel, but it made my skin dance with desire and anticipation.

  It was technically our first date. I’d never in my life slept with someone on the first date.

  But damn if I wasn’t tempted.

  After dinner, he asked if I’d like to go for a walk, but I hadn’t worn shoes that were good for walking.

  He looked at me and pursed his lips. “How about a flight instead?”

  Oh, wow. Did he mean what I thought he did? “Do you mean me riding Nyx?”

  He nodded. “I think he can carry you in the air. We could try it, at least.”

  “I would love that so much,” I said. He shut the truck door without replying, but Nyx purred in my head. I guessed he would love it as well.

  We drove straight for the manor. “My parents are already in bed, most likely,” he said. “Or at least in their room. They like to get in bed and watch old reruns.”

  “That’s cute. I hope we—” I cut myself off. I’d been about to say something about hoping he and I were like that when we were older.

  He grinned at me. “Yeah, me too.”

  Wow. He was thinking about the future, too. What did that mean for me to return to Texas? Would he follow me? I would have been more than willing to move to Black Claw. I loved it here. But he’d have to make that invitation. I didn’t want to move here if I wasn’t absolutely wanted. Before I came back for a visit, I wouldn’t have considered it for a second. But now, with Harley, the baby, and especially Nana, I had all the reasons in the world without factoring Jury in. I considered the possibility of moving as he drove up the driveway and we parked in front of the house.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “More than.” We jumped from the car—I didn’t wait for him to open my door this time. I couldn’t wait for what was to come. He took my hand, and when we stepped off the gravel, my heels sank into the soft grass and dirt of the yard. I kicked them off and walked barefoot with Jury’s warm hand covering mine to the backyard, then he let go and stripped without shame or embarrassment. When he took off his underwear, I covered my eyes and thought really hard about peeking, but I didn’t.


  I removed my hands to find Nyx in front of me in his black glory, his scales shimmering in the moonlight. “Hello.”

  Nyx pranced around and bumped me with his head. Hello, mate.

  He sidled up beside me and lowered himself, but I had no idea what to do next. “How do I get on?” I whispered.

  No idea. Try putting your foot on my back leg.

  I did as he asked and it didn’t work great, but it did work. I scooted forward, careful of his rough scales on my bare legs. “Let me tuck my dress in so your scales don’t hurt me.”

  Take your time.

  I did, careful to make sure I was well-covered. “Okay,” I said. “Where should I hold on?”

  Arms around my neck until we get into the air. If I drop you, I don’t know if I can catch you, so you have to hang on. I’m only going to fly around the yard and low to the ground at first.

  “Perfect,” I said. “I’d be scared to go too high at first.”

  Laying my chest flat against his back, I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried not to squeal as he got a runnin
g start. He pushed into the air, and the beat of his wings made me have to adjust my legs. When we were about eight feet off the ground, he circled the yard.

  I think you can sit up now.

  Carefully, I did and laughed out loud. “This is amazing! Am I too heavy?”

  Not at all. I could fly for miles.

  “Go higher,” I encouraged him.

  As his wings beat a pattern, the ridges of his scales rubbed into me, against me. I squirmed when desire spread from my core, tantalizing me and making me want to rub myself against him even more.

  He flew around the yard a few more times, then landed. After a few deep breaths, I climbed off carefully with hugely conflicted emotions. Was I turned on by a dragon? That couldn’t be natural, could it?

  I turned around. “You can shift back,” I called over my shoulder.

  “I did.” Jury’s voice took the desire running through me and ignited it into something I couldn’t ignore. I rushed toward him and threw my arms around his neck as I pressed my lips to his.

  He returned my kiss with passion, his tongue dancing across my lips until I spread them and let him inside my mouth.

  When we came up for air, I made a snap decision. “Please, take me home.”

  The disappointment in his eyes told me he thought I’d decided to stop things where they were. That hadn’t been what I meant, but I wanted to see his reaction.

  He squeezed my waist. “Of course. Let’s go.”

  With a deep breath, he took my hand and we walked around the house where we picked up my heels from the edge of the grass where I’d had to take them off. They’d sunk into the ground first thing.

  My heart swelled when he got in the car. “This was a great night.” He turned the truck around and headed down the driveway. “Thank you for giving me another chance.”

  He wasn’t mad that I was cutting the date short. I wasn’t, but he didn’t know that yet. He put a smile on his face and held out his hand. I twined my fingers through his and squeezed. “I had a wonderful time.”

  We talked about setting another date before I went back to Texas, and he drove us the short distance to my rented home.

  I waited for him to open my door and then taking my hand, he walked me to the front porch and pulled my hand to his lips. “Goodnight, Abby,” he whispered.

  Now I got to watch his face light up. “What are you talking about?” I asked. “Aren’t you coming in?”

  He looked confused for a second, then I unlocked and opened the door. When I looked back, he looked like a starving man set in front of a buffet.

  “Oh,” I whispered.

  “I don’t know if I can control myself if I walk through that door,” he said. “Nyx is going crazy under my skin. I feel like I have to claim you or that I’ll be rough with you.”

  Rough? Oh, please. In response, I grabbed his soft button-up shirt and yanked him through the doorway and into the living room, then kicked the door shut behind me.

  Nyx growled in my mind. Are you sure?

  “Shut up and kiss me,” I said as I yanked my dress over my head and threw it.

  Jury’s gaze glued to the satin black bra and matching panties I’d worn underneath.

  “Abby,” he moaned, and his hands hovered over my shoulders. “I need you.”

  “You can have me.” Had I not made that clear enough?

  I laughed and pressed myself against him, tilting my head up for a kiss.

  This time the growl came from Jury, and he wrapped his arm around my waist, then scooped me up and off my feet. I kicked off the heels as he walked across the living room. “Bedroom?” he asked.

  “Left,” I said.

  He strode across the hall and into the wrong bedroom, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to connect with him.

  “I need to claim you,” he growled against my skin.

  Moaning, I nodded and flipped my hair over my shoulder. I had no idea what claiming meant, other than a bite, but if the romance novels had any sort of accuracy, I knew I’d like it.

  Nyx growled in my head, then Jury sank his teeth into my neck. There was a moment of pain, but then it was replaced with a sense of belonging. Pleasure and desire coursed through me until he lifted his head and lowered me to the bed. “Was that it?” I asked breathlessly.

  “No,” Jury growled. “Not even close.” He looked down at me and Nyx shone through his eyes. He looked every inch the predator. “Though, with us being mates, it might’ve given you a taste of what’s to come,” he explained.

  “Oh.” I considered how it felt for him to bite me. “Did you even break the skin?”

  He laughed and leaned over to look. “Nope. But it might have left a mark.”

  “I don’t mind,” I whispered. He stood and put his hands on the buttons of his shirt.

  “Naked,” I demanded. “Hurry.”

  “As you wish,” he said with an eyebrow arch. Instead of unbuttoning his shirt, he ripped it apart and buttons flew everywhere.

  I squealed as a few pelted me. “That was a nice shirt!” My admonition was ruined by my laughter.

  He shrugged and unbuttoned his pants. “I’m in a hurry.”

  After pulling his wallet out and setting it on the bedside table, he dropped his pants and underwear.

  My gaze flew to the prize.

  Holy crow. What a prize it was. Long and thick, I wasn’t sure it would fit. Jury grinned. “There’s one thing good about the fact that I have a past.”

  As much as I didn’t appreciate the fact that he brought up his somewhat lascivious past, I was intrigued by what he could mean. “What’s that?”

  “I know how to use it.” He grinned in a more predatory way and I threw my arms around him.

  “Prove it,” I whispered against his mouth.

  Jury reached down and hooked his finger through the ribbon side of my satin panties and pulled. They ripped apart with ease. I wondered if he’d turned his finger to a claw to do it.

  When the other side was equally ripped, he yanked them away and threw them across the room, then slid his hand down my stomach. “Do I need to get you ready for me?” he asked.

  I nodded. “It’s been a while, and I don’t have nearly the experience you do,” I admitted proudly. I was no prude, but I’d been choosy.

  He moaned and buried his face in my cleavage. I laid my head back with my hands in his hair and enjoyed the feel of his hands roaming my abdomen and his mouth kissing the skin above my bra.

  My left breast popped out when Jury slipped a finger into the bra cup and pulled it down.

  Then his mouth covered my nipple and the moans began. He bit again, into my areola, and the same feeling of pleasure and completeness filled me. Was this a precursor of what the claiming bite would feel like? I hoped so.

  His left hand slid down my stomach, his fingers circling my belly button even without him looking. Then he explored the area around my core, sliding his hand down one side, then the other.

  I bucked to let him know I didn’t want to be teased. I wanted him to touch me.

  With a chuckle, he changed his attention to my right breast. I helped him out by pulling the bra down for him.

  “Eager,” he murmured before licking a circle around my nipple. He kept biting, little nibbles that helped build the anticipation inside me so that when he finally slid one finger between my lips and pressed down on my clit, I exploded. The first orgasm was short but powerful, and it left me wanting more. I needed him inside me, a part of me. Females of dragon bloodlines weren’t supposed to be able to feel the claiming urges the way the men did, but I’d never been so ready for a dick before in my life. Usually a clitoral orgasm was enough to keep me sated and relaxed.

  My inner walls clenched, eager for something to clamp down on, but they were disappointed—for the moment.

  After my body stopped convulsing, I let my back relax and saw Jury had been watching me. “Was that all it took?” He laughed and pressed his lips to mine as laughter bubbled out of my mouth, t

  “No, don’t be a jerk,” I chided in a teasing voice. “I told you it’s been a while. And that biting you’re doing does something to me.”

  He moaned. “You’re making it hard not to give you the real bite.”

  “Are we ready for that?” I asked.

  “We both know the truth.” As he spoke, he rubbed my mound on the outside, making me squirm with anticipation.

  “Jury,” I whispered. “You’re killing me.”

  “Good, now you know how I feel.” He chuckled, but his fingers dipped lower and he rubbed around my entrance. I sucked in a deep breath and spread my legs as he dipped inside me.

  He found the spot that made my hips buck right away. Like he’d had a homing beacon for it.

  My voice, which had already been in a moan, rose a couple of octaves closer to a yell. Jury slid his free hand under my neck and buried it into my hair.

  “Oh, you like that?”

  I nodded and looked him in the eyes. He was triumphant as he moved his fingers inside me.

  Desperation rose in me, an animalistic need to move with his fingers as they assaulted my special spot in the best way. I’d never experienced an orgasm this way before, and it made me want to climb the walls.

  Clinging to his shoulders, I whispered his name. “Jury. Jury, please.”

  He moved faster and harder, keeping up with me as I rolled onto him and essentially climbed him. The moans that escaped me were frantic, needy.

  The hand he had on my neck clamped down in my hair and he pulled my head back, then when his teeth bit into my neck again, the orgasm broke.

  I drenched his hand and felt liquid stream down my thigh.

  Immediately, I was mortified. Had I peed on us? When the orgasm waned, I pulled back and looked down, but it wasn’t clear liquid. It was white and creamy.

  “Holy shit,” Jury said. He swiped his finger through it and brought it closer. “That’s the most female ejaculation I’ve ever seen.”

  Before I could respond, he licked it off of his finger. “You taste amazing.”

  Then, his predatory side took over. He growled and pushed me onto my back again. “I have to have you.” His voice had gone low, almost a growl itself. I wondered how much of Nyx was in it as I lay back and spread my legs again.


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