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Malcolm (Book 1, The Redemption Series)

Page 19

by S. J. West

  While I'm lost in my own thoughts, I don't notice Malcolm bring his horse to a halt, jump off and storm towards me, looking completely furious, until it's too late.

  He wraps an arm around my waist and unceremoniously yanks me out of my saddle with little effort, practically slamming my back against the nearest tree trunk.

  “Why didn't you tell me you saw Lucifer last night?” he demands, his face so close to mine his warm breath mingles with my own.

  “Considering everything else that happened last night,” I say, trying to catch my breath from the unexpected attack, “it kind of slipped my mind.”

  “You should have told me first, not Jered,” Malcolm says, hitting his fist above my head in aggravation, causing the trunk of the tree to tremble behind me.

  “Yes, I should have,” I agree. “I just forgot, Malcolm. I didn't mean any disrespect by it.”

  Malcolm pushes back from me and turns to walk a couple of steps away.

  “What exactly did he say to you?” Malcolm asks, turning around to face me again. “Why was he even there last night?”

  “He said he came to see how much I looked like my mother,” I say. “He’s the one who told me to use my sword to seal your wounds, and he also said the curse you're under can be cured but that the person who can lift it probably wouldn't do it even if you asked.”

  Malcolm shakes his head as he looks at me in disappointment. “And here I thought you were smart.”

  I bristle at the remark, but it doesn't take me long to understand why he made it.

  “It's his curse, isn't it? Lucifer is the one who can take your pain away.”

  “And yet another gold star for the empress,” Malcolm says scathingly. “You're just racking them up today, Anna.”

  “Malcolm,” Jered says almost like a reprimand, coming to stand with us, “there's no need to be rude to her just because you're in a bad mood. All of this is new to Anna. You can't expect her to understand every single little thing in a day. We've lived with it for centuries. Cut her some slack.”

  When I look back at Malcolm, I can see Jered's words have sunk into his thick skull, somewhat at least.

  “Then maybe you should educate her,” Malcolm grumbles. “It’s not like we have anything else better to do on the ride to Bartholomew’s place.”

  Malcolm walks back over to his horse and settles himself in his saddle, waiting on us.

  “Come on,” Jered says, holding his hand out to me. “I'll help you back on your horse and tell you all you need to know about your family history while we ride.”

  For the rest of the day, Jered and I ride side by side as he explains everything important about my family. I sit in amazement at the stories he weaves about them all. All I can think while I’m listening is that I hope I can live up to the high standards they have set for me. I don't want to be the one member of my family who fails in her mission from God. I don't want to disappoint all those who laid the groundwork before me and not accomplish the important task God thinks only I can achieve, even if I’m not sure what all that encompasses.

  Near nightfall, I feel like I understand things a lot better. I have a clearer image of what needs to be done.

  “So, when will we be going to the other Watchers so I can take the seals from the princes?” I ask.

  “As soon as possible,” Malcolm grumbles, still riding ahead of us but apparently listening in on our conversation. He hasn't said a word since the earlier altercation but, to be honest, I was so enthralled with the tales Jered told I didn't pay him too much mind until now.

  “We'll get to them,” Jered promises me, ignoring Malcolm completely. “The princes are safely hidden where each of the other Watchers put them.”

  “So, how did Amon escape?” I ask. “He was hidden by papa, right?”

  “Yes,” Jered says. “We assume Levi probably blackmailed Andre into giving up his location somehow. Odds are it was part of the deal to release you from prison. But, Andre wouldn’t have had any doubts that you would kill Amon. It was the one thing we knew would happen at some point. You were never in any real danger from him. It was just a part of your destiny.”

  “How many Watchers are still here on Earth?” I ask.

  “Just the ones put in charge of keeping one of the princes safe. All of the others either found their soul mates and lived their lives out as humans or died.”

  “Papa never found his soul mate?” I ask.

  Jered smiles. “After you were born, Andre said he couldn't imagine ever feeling more love for anyone else. On your first birthday, he asked God to make him human because he just couldn't bear the thought of outliving you. Over the years, we've had to watch all of the people we’ve loved die, but the thought of enduring your death just wasn't something Andre could see himself doing. I think that's when I finally understood how sure Andre was that you were the one we had been waiting for. That's when I started to believe he was right.”

  “God said papa was safe,” I tell them, realizing this was something else I forgot to mention. “But he wouldn't tell me where he was. He said he didn't like to interfere with the natural progression of events.”

  “Typical,” Malcolm mumbles in irritation, keeping his back to us as we continue to ride through the forest.

  I look over at Jered.

  “So what do you normally do about that,” I say nodding my head in Malcolm's direction, “when it happens?”

  It takes Jered a minute to understand what I'm really asking, but then he smiles as realization dawns.

  “Sometimes it's just better to let grumpy bears lie until they can learn to be civil,” Jered tells me, not bothering to lower his voice and actually raising it. “We've learned over the years that it likes to growl but surprisingly enough it rarely bites.”

  “If you're trying to hide the fact that you're talking about me by using a metaphor,” Malcolm grouses, “you're doing a piss poor job of it.”

  “I don't believe I was trying to hide that fact at all,” Jered says completely unapologetic. “In fact, I hope it makes you realize what a total ass you're being to Anna.”

  Malcolm doesn't make a reply, just keeps riding on ahead like Jered didn't even speak.

  I look over at Jered and see him scrunch up his face like a grouchy old man. I instantly know he's doing his best imitation of Malcolm and can't help but giggle.

  Jered looks over at me and smiles.

  “That's better.” He leans slightly towards me in his saddle and whispers. “And don't worry about the grumpy old bear. He'll come around eventually.”

  I nod my head letting Jered know I heard what he said and silently hope that he’s right. I also steel myself for the real possibility that I’ll have to do what I said to Jered and let Malcolm go some day. I pray it doesn’t come to that point, but if it does, if I can’t make him loosen his grip on Lilly’s memory just a bit, I'll leave him alone. I won’t have a choice because my heart can’t take much more of this.

  I try to keep in mind how he was the night I phased to his room when I was drawn to him because I felt the pain of his soul. He had been so tender and almost loving then. I held onto that memory because there had to be some part of him that cared for me, possibly even loved me.

  Near nightfall, we come upon a ramshackle cabin in the middle of the woods. If you didn’t know its exact location, I seriously doubted you would just stumble across it by accident. An elderly man is sitting in a rocking chair whittling on a small piece of wood. The felt top hat on his head is tattered looking, and the wool coat he wears must have been black at one time but is now worn to a faded gray. I know he had to have noticed our approach, but he never looks up, just keeps working on his project.

  Malcolm brings his horse to a complete stop in front of the house and dismounts. He saunters over to the set of steps leading up to the small porch and rests the sole of his right boot on the bottom step.

  “Evening, Harvey,” Malcolm says to the man.

  Harvey holds up the piece of wood he
is working on and surveys his craftsmanship from different angles. Even from where I sit, I can tell he’s carved the piece of wood into the shape of a rabbit.

  “Evening, Overlord Devereaux,” Harvey says, finally tearing his eyes away from his handy work to look at Malcolm. “Can I help ya?”

  “My companions and I need to see Bartholomew,” Malcolm says.

  Harvey turns his gaze directly to me. “Well, I’ll be damned. You do actually have her.”

  Harvey stands but immediately kneels on the creaky floorboards of the cabin’s porch and bows his head in my direction.

  “Empress Annalisse,” Harvey says reverently. “Welcome to the down-world.”

  I swing my right leg over the horn of my saddle and hop off my horse.

  I walk up the few steps to the porch and stand in front of the man.

  “Please stand, Harvey. There’s no need to kneel in front of me.”

  I can tell age is making it hard for Harvey to get to his feet easily. So, I place my hands on his forearms and gently help him rise.

  “Thank you, Empress Annalisse,” Harvey says, keeping his head bowed and not meeting my gaze.

  I slip the tip of my index finger underneath his wrinkled chin and tilt his face up until he’s looking me in the eyes.

  “There’s no need to keep your head bowed in front of me,” I tell him. “And please, just call me Anna. I’m not much on formal titles when people talk to me.”

  A touch of amusement brightens Harvey’s old brown eyes. A smile stretches his cracked lips which causes the wrinkles on his face to become even more pronounced.

  “How can I help you, Anna?” he asks.

  “Could you please take us to Bartholomew? We need his help,” I say, basically asking for the same thing Malcolm did, just with a tad more honey in my words.

  Harvey holds out a crooked arm for me to take. I slip my arm through his and allow him to escort me into the cabin. I’m faintly aware of Malcolm and Jered following in behind us.

  The interior of the cabin looks normal enough with a small bed, table, and cast iron stove inside. On the opposite wall from the front door is another solitary door. Harvey walks me over to this door and opens it to reveal what looks like a square iron cage hanging in an open shaft.

  Harvey opens the door of the cage and seems to expect me to get inside.

  “What is it?” I ask him.

  “It’s an elevator,” Harvey tells me. “Not as fancy as the ones you have in Cirrus, I’d wager, but it’ll getcha down safely to where Barlow is.”

  I want to look back and confirm this with Malcolm, but I feel like such an action would make Harvey think I didn’t trust his word. So, I simply nod and smile while I step into the elevator. Malcolm and Jered aren’t far behind me. Once all three of us are in the elevator, Harvey closes its door.

  “Safe journeys, Anna,” Harvey says to me before closing the cabin's interior door.

  A light illuminates on the ceiling of the elevator as it begins to make its descent down into the earth.

  “Where exactly are we going?” I ask.

  “Bartholomew practically has his own city built underground,” Jered tells me. “It keeps his operation out of sight from the prying eyes of the royal family.”

  “Isn’t he going to be upset that you’re bringing the Empress of Cirrus into his inner lair?” I ask Malcolm, forcing him to talk to me even if it’s just to answer a simple question.

  “He won’t be upset,” Malcolm says, keeping his back to me. “In fact, he’s been waiting for you. They all have.”

  “Waiting for me? Why?”

  Malcolm finally turns around as the elevator continues to make its slow descent underground. The hood of his cloak is masking half his face but that does nothing except make him look even more handsome to my eyes.

  “All the down-worlders have been waiting for you to ascend to the throne,” Malcolm answers. “Everyone knew that Augustus wasn’t anything like his mother or his father. And with someone who was actually born down here ruling by his side, they all have hope that the two of you can change things for the better.”

  “That was our plan,” I tell Malcolm. “I intend to do what Auggie and I wanted to do before Levi killed him. I have every intention of bringing the down-world into the present.”

  “I plan to give you your chance, Anna,” Malcolm says, causing me to catch my breath slightly when he says my name. “And I hope you can accomplish what no one else has been able to.”

  “I plan to accomplish a great many things during my time,” I tell him, hoping he knows winning his heart is at the top of my list.

  Malcolm stares at me for a moment then says, “I’m sure you’ll try. But, you can’t always get everything you want.”

  “I was always taught that if you worked hard enough you can achieve anything,” I reply.

  Malcolm tilts his head at me. “And how many times have you failed to get what you want?”


  “Hmm,” Malcolm says, considering my answer. “Well, there’s always a first time for everything, Anna.”

  Malcolm turns around again, seeming to completely dismiss me from his mind.

  I feel an elbow gently prod me in my right side. I look over at Jered and see him wink at me. He then proceeds to roll his eyes in Malcolm’s direction looking completely exasperated by the other man’s attitude towards me and shakes his head in dismay.

  It makes me smile but doesn’t exactly lift my spirits much.

  The elevator finally comes to a stop, and I hear the sound of live music being played.

  Malcolm opens the door of the elevator and walks out, holding the door open for me and Jered to exit its interior. I feel as though I just stumbled upon a carnival of some sort. There are women dressed in colorful dresses, some of which are in two parts and showing more flesh across the midriff than the people of Cirrus would consider decent. The men are wearing loose fitting cotton shirts and dark pants. The cavernous space I find myself in looks like a large room carved within a mountain. Lights are strung up from the center of the room's ceiling outward like a canopy of illumination.

  Everyone in the room seems to be captivated by a man and a woman dancing in the center of the room. As a group of musicians play some lively music off to the side, the couple dance around each other but never seem to touch. They keep their eyes locked on one another as each takes their turn dancing. It's almost like a competition between the two dancers. The woman is wearing a red and black two piece dress with the top tied together in the front by a knot between her breast and a long flowing skirt that flares out when she twirls. She tosses her long, black curly hair to the beat of the music during her turn, then stops and holds out her hand to the man challenging him to try and out do her.

  The man is handsome with short black hair and startling gray-green eyes. His plump lips spread into a smile like he was simply awaiting his chance to take his turn. His dance is composed of a lot of rhythmic stomping of his feet, not as elegant as the woman's dance but none the less captivating in its movement. At one point, the man bends his knees and squats down, but still manages to keep his balance and kick his booted feet in time with the music. When he stands back up, the music stops and everyone in the crowd cheers enthusiastically. The woman throws her hands up in the air in defeat but doesn't seem in the least bit angry that she lost.

  The man goes up to the woman and says something to her. She leans up and kisses him on the cheek before walking away.

  People in the crowd go up to congratulate the man. He graciously accepts their praise but looks modest while doing so. As he's holding court with the crowd in front of him, he notices us standing by the elevator. He makes his excuses to those around him and walks over to us.

  “Overlord Devereaux,” the man says, holding out his hand to Malcolm. “To what do we owe the pleasure of your company this evening?”

  “We need some transportation, Bartholomew,” Malcolm says, shaking the other man’s offered hand. />
  Bartholomew's eyes soon rest on me.

  “Empress,” he says, bowing his head in my direction, “we heard that you were here in the down-world. I must say I didn’t think I would have the pleasure of your company so soon.”

  “Yes, about that,” Malcolm says. “Harvey mentioned a little something when we arrived. What exactly have you heard about the empress?”

  Bartholomew tears his eyes away from me and looks back to Malcolm.

  “We heard that the fair empress here was kidnapped against her will by you on her wedding night and that you’re holding her for a hefty ransom.”

  Malcolm sighs and folds his arms across his chest. “I guess I shouldn't be surprised that's what he's saying. Is there anything else I need to know?”

  “That the emperor has promised a lordship or ladyship to any person who provides information leading to the safe return of Empress Annalisse.”

  I hear Jered groan in dismay. “Well, that's certainly not going to make things any easier for us.”

  “And do you intend to turn us in for a title?” Malcolm asks Bartholomew point blank.

  Bartholomew smiles. “No, I do not. None of my people will. We have no desire to go to the up-world. We like it down here just fine.”

  Malcolm looks over to me and raises an eyebrow. I instantly understand what he wants to know.

  “He's telling the truth,” I say, learning in that instant that Malcolm and Jered must not have my ability to ferret out a lie.

  “So,” Bartholomew says, “are you going to make the formal introductions or am I going to have to introduce myself?”

  Malcolm turns to me.

  “Empress Annalisse Desiraye Greco Amador,” Malcolm says, “I would like to introduce you to Bartholomew Stokes.”

  Bartholomew holds out his hand to me palm up. I hesitantly place my hand into his. He bends at the waist and lightly presses his lips to the top of my hand.

  “It's a great pleasure to meet you, Empress Annalisse,” Bartholomew says as he stands back to his full height.


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