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A Fighter's Choice

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  She ate the noodles, licking her lips.

  “Your face is a mess,” she said.

  He touched his chin. Since getting home he’d been feeling the fight.

  “There’s even bruises all over your body. It’s not a pretty sight. Don’t you ache or something?”

  “It … hurts.”

  Both of her eyebrows went up. “Hurts? That’s it, nothing else. All you’re going to say is it hurts?”

  “I’m used to it.”

  “What else are you good at?” she asked.


  “Are you planning on fighting in the ring when you’re fifty? Please, even I know the girls wouldn’t be getting all hot over you then.” She finished off the noodles and handed him back the empty box.

  “Why give me this?” he asked, baffled.

  “This is your apartment. I don’t know where the trash can is.” She was already searching for something else to eat. Getting to his feet, he put the box in the trash bin in the corner. “Well, do you have a backup plan?”

  “I’ve got plans in place.” He took a seat. “I’ve been saving for some time, and there’s a little place my grandparents left me. I’m not ready to settle down yet. What about you?”

  “Not got a clue what I’m going to do, to be honest. I was never great at school, and I don’t much care for being sat behind a desk all day. I guess I could go to college, take a couple of classes but what?” She handed him the fork and took the spoon, opening up the yogurt. He stared down at the mucky fork and shook his head.

  “You’re pretty strange.”


  He just held his hand up and placed the fork on the floor. Tomorrow he’d deal with the mess.

  “What happened to your grandparents?” she asked.

  “They died, and right now I don’t want to talk about it.”

  Amber looked at him as if she wanted to ask more, but he changed the subject instead.

  “So we’re two people in jobs that can’t last much longer with no real plans for the future.”

  She shrugged. “Life’s what we make it. I never saw the point in making plans.” Amber licked the spoon clean, staring at the carton.

  “What does your family think of your plans?” He finished off another carton of food, watching her.

  “I don’t know. I don’t have any family.” She swallowed more yogurt, staring back at him.

  “Are they dead?”

  Again, she shrugged. “I was wrapped up in a basket and left outside an orphanage. I don’t know anything about my family. I was passed from one foster family to another.” She placed the spoon back into the yogurt and offered it to him. He shook his head. “I got passed from one foster family to another until I was eighteen.”

  “What happened at eighteen?”

  “I was free to do whatever the hell I wanted. I’ve been on my own ever since.”

  “Was foster care bad?” he asked. Jasper had heard a lot of crap about foster care, the bad shit as well as the good.

  “It was a mixture of everything. There were good and bad. Thankfully, I always got out of there before they could take anything further. There were some grabby dads, but I lived.”

  The thought of any of those bastards touching her filled him with so much anger. He’d like to see them try to do any of those things to her now.

  “Well, what about you?” she asked.


  She rolled her eyes. “You, your parents. Surely, Jasper, you’re not some alien life force scent down to this world to fight and look hot. You’ve admitted you’ve got grandparents that are off limits. What do your parents think of what you’re doing?”

  He watched her scoop some more yogurt onto her spoon. Her gaze returned to his.

  “My family was God-fearing. It’s all they knew. They took discipline, punishment, and prayer to the next level.”


  “Yeah. They’d rather spend ten minutes letting the dinner get cold saying how thankful they were rather than just getting in to show their appreciation.” He reached out, taking the spoon from her.


  “You wanted to know about my parents. They always leave a bad taste in my mouth. They think they’re better than everyone else when they’re not.” He chuckled. “And they were fucking racists. Forced me to stop being buddies with another kid at school, you got it, a man of color. Dad took the belt to me because of it.”

  He handed her back the spoon. The sour yogurt did nothing for his taste buds.

  “Is that why you fight? It started as some kind of aggression inside you or something?” She put the spoon into the yogurt and placed it on the drawer beside his bed. He started to move all the other food out of the way. After something so sour to eat, he wanted something sweet. Grabbing her around the ankle, he tugged her down to the bed. “What are you doing?”

  “I had that awful yogurt, and now all I want is your pussy.”

  Opening her thighs, he cupped her ass and lifted her up to his mouth. She rested her hands down either side of her, watching him.

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “I’m about to lick your pussy and you’re more interested in finding out the answers as to why I fight.” He paused with his mouth mere inches from her mound.

  “We can ask whatever we like. I’ve answered your question, and I’ll answer more of them if you ask. So your grandparents are off limits, but nothing else is.”

  He slid his tongue through her slit, watching her gasp and moan. The taste of her exploded on his tongue. Moving down, he slammed his tongue in deep to her cunt. The walls of her pussy were tight even after he’d fucked her a couple of times that night.

  “Why do you fight?” she asked, gasping between each breath. He flicked her clit trying to buy himself time to answer.

  She wasn’t taking the bait and kept asking him the same question.

  “I fight because I can’t control it.” He tongued her clit then sucked the hard bud into his mouth. “I don’t have a choice.”

  “What can’t you control?” she asked.

  He thrust his tongue into her pussy, running the tip of his finger over her clit.

  Rearing back from her pussy before she hit her orgasm, he wiped her juices off his chin.

  She asked him the question again.

  Leaning over her, he grabbed a condom from the drawer, slamming it closed when he got what he wanted. He tore into the foil packet, slid the latex over his cock, and pressed the tip to her pussy.

  In one smooth thrust, he slammed inside her pussy, seating himself to the hilt within her. She cried out with her hands going to his arms.

  “Do you feel what you do to me?” he said.

  “You’ve not answered my question.”

  He swallowed past the lump in his throat. Staring down into her hazel eyes, he didn’t know what she wanted to hear. The truth? Bare-faced lies? None of them made any sense to him. He didn’t want to lie to her. The very thought of lying to her made him feel sick.

  What did all of this mean?


  Amber watched as Jasper paused above her. He kept looking at her. She saw the fight going on behind his gaze. What was he thinking about? His cock pulsed within her core.

  “I like the violence, the pain,” he said.

  She touched his cheek, sliding her thumb backwards and forwards. Finding out that his parents were more interested in religion than their son, she knew there was more to the fighting than money. Especially from the mention of his grandparents that he kept pretty locked up. Yes, there was far more to this man than met the eye. Jasper didn’t look like the kind of man who’d do anything for money. He liked it, relished it.

  “There’s nothing like slamming my fist into someone’s face and knowing they’ll be bruised for it.”

  “Do you fight out of the ring?” she asked.

  His hands went to her hips. He slid out of her body, slamming back inside before he spoke next
. “No, I don’t fight anywhere but within the ring against people who are willing to be there.” Jasper took her lips, sliding his tongue inside.

  She moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck, holding him against her. He drove into her body, stretching her pussy with the width of his cock.

  “You’ve never hit a woman?”

  “No, I’ve never hit a woman, and I never will.” He bit her bottom lip making her groan.

  He tightened his grip on the cheeks of her ass. She arched up to meet him thrust for thrust.

  “You crave the violence, need the pain?”


  Jasper pounded inside her. She released his neck to grip the rails of the headboard. If she didn’t her head would have been banging against it within a matter of seconds.

  Crying out, she gazed down the length of their bodies to see his latex covered cock sliding in and out of her.

  “You’re so fucking tight. I could fuck you all day.”

  “Please, don’t stop.” She was so close to orgasm, but she needed him to touch her.

  All of a sudden, he reared back, pulling out of her body, and standing beside the edge of the bed. He stared down at her with his hands fisted at his sides.

  “I want more than one night.”

  She frowned. “I was close to orgasm and you’re asking for more than a one-night stand? I thought we handled this earlier. Will you stop with the serious questions until after we’ve reached orgasm?”

  “I’m not fucking used to this, okay? I don’t even know that much about you, and yet I’m asking for more.”

  Amber got to her feet and slapped him around the face. She glared at him even as he held his cheek in shock. “Not only have you stopped me from having a great orgasm, you assumed we were a fucking one night stand.” She shoved him hard, glaring at him.

  Jasper glared right back at her.

  “I don’t just have one night stands, Jasper. I have relationships. You know how I can suck cock. I practice on boyfriends. I’m twenty-four years old, and I’ve had three boyfriends since I was eighteen. I’ve explored everything with them. I’ve been fucked in the ass, fucked in the outside, and even been caught giving my guy a blow job by a cop. I’m not ashamed of what I’ve done. Life is too fucking short to care what others think of you.” She was ranting, but once the words started, she couldn’t stop. “How dare you think this is just a one night stand?” She slapped his chest again. Why was she doing this? She’d never acted out like this before in her life. With Jasper, he made her crazy, crazy and nervous. He wasn’t like every other guy she’d been with. He was different even with his cock still rock hard, pointing at her, taunting her with the length of what should be inside her.

  When she made to shove him again, he caught her hand and hauled her up against him.

  “We’ve never talked. How the hell am I going to know what you do in your private life?”

  “Assuming the woman you’re with is into one night stands like your fucking groupies, sucks. I’m not, and you shouldn’t have been thinking I was. It was your mistake. Not mine.” Amber just couldn’t stop. Before they even entered this room she should have made it clear to him she wasn’t some one-night stand.

  She gasped as he bent down, lifted her up.

  “Then we’ve got an arrangement. We’re fucking, and it’s not just because it’s a one night stand. It’s more.” He pressed the tip of his covered cock to her entrance and slammed back inside.

  Amber cried out, and he changed their positions, pushing her up against the wall. He impaled his thick cock into her core. She scored her nails down his back, needing him inside her. He growled, leaning down to bite her neck.

  Tilting her head to the side she gave him her neck to bite and suck.

  “That’s it, baby.”

  She reached down between them, touching her clit.

  “Fuck, that’s so fucking hot.”

  Fingering her clit, she rested her head against the wall, closing her eyes.

  “No, you look at me when you’re fingering that pretty pussy.”

  He thrust inside her, hitting the right depth within her. She groaned, opening her eyes to see the lust shining back at her.

  “Touch your clit and let me feel you come all over my dick.”

  She stroked her clit, feeling the length of him slide in and out. Amber didn’t know how he kept her held up against the wall, but she wasn’t going to complain. The grip on her ass was on the verge of pain, and she loved that little bite. It was worth every second of the pain with the pleasure he was creating inside her.

  Jasper sucked her nipples into his mouth, and he moved from one bud to the other. He kept licking, biting, and sucking on the buds. Each new tug on her nipples drove her closer to the edge. She pinched her clit, crying out at the pain.

  He spread the cheeks of her ass and then started to touch her ass. She moaned, loving the weird sensation of his touch.

  “That’s right, baby. I’m going to fuck this ass soon.”

  She hadn’t been lying when she said she’d had anal sex. It had been awful, and she’d promised herself that she’d never do it again. The way Jasper touched her, she knew that it was going to be good. He wasn’t the kind of man to allow her to not love it.

  Thinking about Jasper touching her ass, getting her ready to take his cock, was all it took for her to come apart. Her orgasm spilled out of her body, surrounding his cock. The moment she got completely wet his cock slid inside her with ease.

  “So fucking perfect.” He grunted each word out, slamming his cock in deep. “I’m going to get this ass prepared for me, Amber. I want inside it.”

  “Yes, please yes.”

  Two more thrusts later and Jasper’s dick jerked inside her, spilling his cum into the latex. She rested her head on his shoulder, breathing in his scent.

  “I think you’ve killed me today.” She whispered the words against his neck. Sticking her tongue out, she licked the saltiness of his skin.

  He groaned. “You keep that up and I’m going to be fucking you before the end of the night again.”

  She shook her head. “I need to sleep.”

  “We can sleep after a shower. We’re sweaty again.”

  Jasper lowered her to the floor, and she missed the feel of his cock the moment he was out of her. He took charge, leading her into the shower. She didn’t fight the cool water. Anything to stop the raging arousal she was fighting was a relief. She’d been without sex for so long she’d forgotten how good it actually felt to have a cock sliding in deep. Once outside, Jasper dried her body and picked her up in his arms. She let out a squeal as he dumped her on the center of the bed.

  “Shut up and go to sleep.”

  “I live across the hall. It’s time for me to go to bed.”

  He shook his head.

  “Not happening. I want you within easy reach in case I wake up.”

  She rolled her eyes but couldn’t have moved across the hall even if she wanted to. Jasper had fucked her good, and she couldn’t even keep her eyes open. The last thing she remembered was the feel of his arm sliding around her waist.

  Chapter Seven

  Jasper opened his eyes to see the bed was empty. Reaching both of his arms out, he felt the bed held no other body but his own. Lifting his head off the sheet, he saw it was past twelve, and the sun was shining through the blinds he’d forgotten to close last night.

  He sat up in bed and saw his clothes were neatly folded on a chair. On the top he saw a piece of white paper.

  Wash me. I stink.

  The words were written in black pen, glaring up at him. Shaking his head, he walked into the bathroom, took a piss, and washed his hands then his teeth, before quickly putting on a pair of sweat pants.

  He didn’t bother with coffee. Opening his front door, he walked the few steps to the door in front of him. Banging on the wood, he called her name.

  “Amber, open up.”

  Glancing down the hall he saw two women talking to each
other. They had rollers in their hair, and a couple of kids were playing out in the hall. Turning his back on them, he continued to bang on Amber’s door.

  “Come on.”

  “She’s not in,” one of the women with the rollers said.


  “I saw her leave a couple of hours ago. She’s not returned, and I’ve not moved.” She took out a cigarette, placed the butt to her lips, and lit the tip.

  “Thanks.” He took a step away, walking toward his door.

  “You looking for some company?”

  He looked over his shoulder at her. “What?”

  “If it’s company you want, I’ve got a few minutes to spare. I can give you something you want for a price.”

  Her kids were out in the hall, and she was offering sex or whatever. Jasper shook his head. “No, I’m not looking for company.” He took a step toward his door. In that moment, he wanted to hit something, hurt something.

  “Are you sure?” She placed her hand on his back. He shrugged her touch off him and glared.

  “I don’t want your fucking company. Deal with your kids.” He slammed his apartment door closed, angry with himself. Why hadn’t she stayed to see him? Her reaction didn’t make any sense to him. He was pissed off.

  He walked toward his kitchen, opening drawers and cupboards looking for his coffee. When he couldn’t find any, he cursed. He’d not been to the store in some time.

  Fighting late at night, he didn’t keep good hours, and once he finished the fight he didn’t want to go to the store.

  Looking inside his fridge, he saw it was bare. All of the leftovers he’d eaten last night with Amber. Walking back into his bedroom, he saw the cartons were no longer left around the room.

  He needed to get to the store before he died of starvation.

  The sound of the door opening had him frowning. Walking out of the room, he saw Amber walking in. She wore a modest blue summer dress, revealing her arms and the tops of her breasts. The dress went to knees, and she wore a pair of white sneakers. Didn’t this woman own a pair of heels?

  “You’re awake?” she asked.

  “Where the hell were you?” He folded his arms over his chest, pissed that she’d gone.


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