A Fighter's Choice

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A Fighter's Choice Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “Please, Jasper, stop tormenting me. Give me everything you’ve got,” she asked.

  “You’ll get what I tell you you’re getting.” He kissed the tip of her nose and got to his feet. She watched him grab the tray.

  “Where are you going?” She looked at him, wishing he’d put the tray down and come and deal with her needs.

  “I’ve got another surprise for you.” He left the bedroom, and she admired the fine shape of his ass. She hoped it wouldn’t be long until she was gripping that very same ass as he rode her hard.

  She heard him moving around in the apartment. The dishes were being cleaned, followed by the sound of him humming. He was tormenting her with the wait.

  “You better not be touching that sweet pussy.” He shouted the words for her to hear.

  “I’m not.”

  Seconds passed, and she looked toward the door when he cleared his throat. “While you were working tonight, I went out shopping.” He held a kit in his hands.

  Sitting up on the bed, she looked at the kit in his hand, frowning. “What’s that?” she asked.

  “This is an anal sex kit for beginners. I’m going to get your ass nice and prepared for my cock. I’m big.”

  “And your ego is still intact.”

  “You’re not after my ego. You’re after my cock in your ass.”

  She chuckled. “No, buddy, that’s all you.”

  Heat swamped her pussy at his words. She wanted his cock inside her. The lust in his gaze left her wanting more. Going to her knees, she spun so he had the perfect view of her ass.

  “I’m waiting.”

  Chapter Ten

  The curves of her ass were a temptation he didn’t want to give up on. Jasper threw the anal kit onto the bed and ran his hand over the curves of her ass. He was becoming addicted to this ass and the feel of her skin. For a year he’d watched her come and go out of her apartment, and all that time he could have had her in his bed. The lost time annoyed him, but he wasn’t going to ruin their time now.

  “I could stare at this ass for days.”

  “You better do more than stare.” She growled the words at him, glancing at him over her shoulder. He chuckled. There was nothing else for him to do.

  “I’ll do whatever the hell I want to with this ass.” He spread her cheeks wide getting a good look at her anus along with the creamy slit waiting for his cock. “Erm, I need another taste first.”

  Leaning forward, he plundered her cunt with his tongue. He closed his eyes, relishing every ripple of her pussy around his tongue. She cried out, and he grabbed her hips to keep her steady as he tongued her over and over again.

  “Beautiful,” he said, licking his lips of her excess juice as he withdrew from her. “I could get used to a feast of your beautiful pussy every day.” None of his words were lies. Her taste was as addictive as the feel of her pussy wrapped around his cock. He moved toward the drawer beside the bed, taking out a handful of condoms. Jasper threw them beside the kit he was going to use.

  Keeping one, he tore into the foil and quickly sheathed himself. Without waiting for her to get accustomed to the feel of him, Jasper gripped one of her hips aligned his cock and slammed inside her to the hilt. He fed her every inch of his cock, making her take it all.

  She screamed, tensing up for merely a second.

  “Sh, I’ve got you.”

  He caressed her back, whispering sweet words into the room. Seconds passed, possibly even minutes. He didn’t know how long had passed until she finally relaxed around his length.

  Putting both of his hands on her hips, he slowly pulled out of her tight cunt until only the tip remained. Glancing down he saw her cunt wrapped tightly around his cock. It was so fucking sexy to see his cock within her body. The sensation intensified as he also felt the ripples of her pussy. Her cream slid over his cock, making it easier for him to fuck her. They were joined as one with his cock inside her pussy.

  Running a hand up the center of her back, he waited for her to start panting. He wanted her to beg him for his cock. Jasper used both hands to tease, caress, and entice her body for his enjoyment.

  “Fuck’s sake, Jasper, please, fuck me.”

  He returned his hands to her hips, waiting another few seconds before he pounded inside her over and over again. Not once did he let up, and he continued the thrusts making her take all of him. He held the control as he fucked her hard, harder than ever before.

  She took everything he gave her.

  Perspiration dotted his body as he watched his cock appear and disappear. His thrusts were too fast for him to enjoy the simple pleasure, so he slowed down, watching his cock, covered with the latex and the visible cream of her pussy.

  Jasper moved down and held the cheeks of her ass open to admire the small puckered hole. It was time to prepare her ass for him. Seating himself inside her to the hilt, feeling he was right at her cervix, he paused. The side of Amber’s face was pressed to the bed. He watched her taking deep breaths and her hands were spread above her, fisting the sheets.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m more than okay. I don’t want you to stop.”

  He chuckled. Grabbing the anal kit from the bed, he opened it up and took out the small plug with the lubrication that had been supplied.

  Jasper uncapped the top, squeezing plenty of gel onto his fingers. “I’m going to prepare this ass for me.”

  “I don’t care. Just don’t take that cock away from me.”

  He stroked her ass. “Don’t worry, I intend to spend the rest of the night using your cunt the same way I’m going to be using this ass in a few days’ time.”

  “Man, you’re bad. You know that?”


  Gliding his fingers over her anus he felt the ripple of her pussy as he teased her ass.

  “Using bad words like that. You’ll get arrested one of these days.” She was no longer fisting the sheets but pushing off hair that had fallen onto her face.

  “Don’t you like my words?” he asked. He wasn’t going to change. There was no way he was going to be calling a pussy a vagina or any other kind of word. It was a cunt, pussy, whatever he wanted to call it. There were no limits on the words he wanted to use when it came to her sweetness. He loved the feel of her on his dick. She was always so wet, so warm, and so welcoming.

  She’d surpassed all of his other sexual experiences. He didn’t want this to end, and his own thoughts were starting to scare him. His need to have more with her scared him.

  None of it made any sense to him. He was a loner and had been for a long time. Ever since he’d walked away from his overbearing parents, he’d been a loner. Jasper didn’t regret leaving his parents behind. Being beaten for not saying grace properly was not the kind of life he ever wanted to force someone to live in. The only time he’d ever had any enjoyment out of life was when he lived with his grandparents and worked on their ranch.

  Forcing the thought and memories aside, he focused on the woman in his bed, waiting for him.

  He used the tips of his fingers to smear the gel over her anus. Every now and then he heard her moan as he pressed against her anus. She was tight, and it would take him a little time to get her used to having her ass filled.

  “I love your words,” she said, reminding him of his question. “It doesn’t mean they’re not rude.”

  Shaking his head, Jasper couldn’t contain the laughter. “Well, get used to me always saying rude words. I’m going to be saying them a lot.” He pressed one finger to her anus. “Relax.”

  “It’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one about to have a finger inserted up your rectum.”

  Slapping her ass, he heard her groan. “You like what I’m doing. Now, relax and take my fingers.”

  He wasn’t going to give up until he got what he wanted, and he knew she’d love it. When the tip of his finger worked past the tight ring of muscles, he started to thrust slowly inside her cunt.

  “That’s it, baby, open u


  Was he encouraging her or talking to her ass? Amber didn’t know which one. Should she really be jealous of her ass if he was talking to it instead of her? She moved her head, and her hair fell over her face. Pushing the strands out of the way, she closed her eyes as the sensation intensified. More of his finger was pushing its way into her ass while his cock filled her pussy. She was so desperate to orgasm that she’d take whatever he’d give her in that moment. Blowing out a breath, she groaned as another finger was worked inside her ass.

  “Can’t we forget the preparation for tonight? I don’t need my ass fucking for a few months at least.”

  “Touch your pussy for me,” he said, completely ignoring her.


  “I want to know if you’re soaking wet or if you’re dry. I know you’re wet around my cock.”

  She rolled her eyes but did as he asked. Amber needed to relieve the ache building inside her that he was causing with his delicious cock … and fingers. Yeah, she was such a slut. She was getting off on his cock and fingers inside her at the same time.

  Touching her clit, she groaned as the smallest touch only set to intensify the pleasure he’d started.

  “See, you’re turned on, aren’t you, baby?”

  Amber blew a raspberry and then groaned at his chuckle.

  “You do realize you just blew a raspberry at me, during sex, right?”

  “Stop it and fuck me already.” Okay, she was convinced now that Jasper had been sent to this planet to fuck with her. He was the kind of sex god to give out orgasms and then deny them. She’d seriously hurt him if he walked away right now.

  “Now, now, now, Amber, be a good girl. I’m the one in control, not you.” He crooned the words, and she wanted to hurt him. “Touch your clit but do not come.”

  “Why not?” Seriously, what was with him? She was so close it was unreal.

  “Because, if you come, I’ll make sure you won’t get another orgasm for the remainder of the night, and if you think for one second that this is all I want, then you’re mistaken.”

  She groaned. “Now I know I’ve got to do as I’m told.” She stuck her lip out and slowed the touches on her clit. There was no way she was going to only allow herself the pleasure of one orgasm when she could have two, three, maybe even four if Jasper was horny enough.

  He worked a third finger into her ass. There was a burn from being filled by him, but it was a delicious kind of burn. She fisted the blanket, knowing it wouldn’t be long until he was pounding inside her.

  His fingers were gone seconds later, and something cold and hard was pressed to her anus.

  “Push out as I push this in.” The words were so wrong, yet she did as he asked, pushing out.

  Amber cried out as something long, hard, and thicker than his two fingers filled her ass. The pleasure was immense and she jerked up, pressing back against him, needing something to relieve the burning ache he created. Both of his hands landed on her hips, and she arched up.

  “Do you feel that?” he asked.


  “Does it feel good?”

  “Fuck, yes.” She opened her eyes, and the mirror over his bed meant she was able to look him in the eye. The previous times they’d fucked, she’d never gotten the chance to look at him through the mirror.

  She saw her tits hanging down in front of her. Amber watched as he wiped his fingers on a cloth beside the bed before returning his hands on her shoulders, pushing him deeper inside her.

  “You’re going to watch me fuck you, Amber. There’s nowhere for you to go, so don’t even bother trying to fight me.”

  There’s nowhere else she’d rather be in that moment. She wanted his cock as deep inside her pussy as he could get.

  “Then fuck me and make it worth my while.” She set the challenge, giving him a smile as she did.

  He released a growl, and Amber didn’t get a chance to say another word as he pounded inside her pussy.

  “Yes, scream for me, baby. Let me hear how good I’m fucking you.”

  Jasper rammed inside her, relentless. The thickness of his cock felt incredibly tight with the plug inside her ass. She watched him as he looked at her, fucking her at the same time.

  “You want more?”


  Seconds later he pulled out of her pussy, turned her over and slid back inside. She stared up at him as he fucked her hard.

  He took hold of her hands, pressing them above her head. “Hold onto the headboard.”

  She did as he asked. The power of his thrusts had the headboard slamming against the wall.

  Crying out, Amber met all of his thrusts. The plug inside her ass stayed there even as he fucked her hard.

  “Touch your clit, Amber. Let me feel you come all over my cock.”

  Stroking her clit, she felt the first stirrings of her orgasm. “I need to come,” she said.

  “Yes, come. Let me feel it.”

  Three strokes of her clit and she came screaming. He slammed his lips down on hers, containing her screams. She didn’t stop her strokes, wanting to get every little bit of sensation from the moment.

  Jasper followed her seconds later, grunting. His cock jerked inside her, and she felt the pulse as he filled the condom with his cum.

  He collapsed over her.

  She held onto him, loving the weight of him.

  “Fucking hell,” he said, moaning. “Woman, you’re going to be the death of me.”

  “You’re the one who brought the anal kit, not me. You’re going to be the one trying to kill me.” She chuckled. “I need a shower again. You got me all sweaty.”

  “It was for a good cause. I’ve never come like that before in my life.” He pushed hair off her face, smiling down at her. Whenever he smiled, he always looked so happy. The very action transformed his face unlike anything she’d ever seen. He kissed her lips. “Are you ready for round two?”

  Chapter Eleven

  Two weeks later Jasper was standing inside Amber’s apartment as she got ready for work. Nothing more had happened between her and the customer who wanted her to dance. He still didn’t like her going to work, but there was really nothing he could do. She kept throwing his fighting back at him, and he wasn’t going to give up the fighting, not even for Amber. He had to do it. She wouldn’t understand the need inside him. Steven, however, was trying to get him to compete in the big leagues, and Jasper did not want to go that far.

  Dipping his spoon back into his cereal, he smiled as he looked at the butt plug he’d bought for her. Over the last couple of weeks he’d been preparing her ass, buying the different sizes of plugs to use on her. After this one, she’d be able to take his cock without any problems or fear of him.

  They’d been dividing their time between their apartments. He was going to suggest she move in with him permanently, but whenever he went to ask, he found himself keeping his thoughts to himself. When they weren’t working, they were together. She’d taken him to the park the other day just to have a walk. Amber couldn’t believe that she was the first woman he went walking with. He’d never had a girlfriend, and their relationship had changed in the last two weeks. This was no longer fucking to relieve an ache. He cared about her, worried about her constantly. He stayed away from her work as she asked him to. One of Harold’s demands was that all boyfriends stay out of the way. Seeing as he was prone to fighting whenever the mood hit him, he didn’t have a problem keeping to himself. If he saw any man trying to hit on his woman then he’d have a fucking problem. He didn’t share.

  The possessive feelings when it came to Amber unnerved him. He wasn’t used to feeling this way, not at all.

  “You’re eating cereal again?” she asked.

  “It’s healthy.”

  “No, eating normal food is healthy. Cereal, not so much.” She scrunched her nose at the bowl. Her gaze landed on the butt plug on the counter. “Seriously?”

  “Don’t worry, baby. This is the last one

  “Yeah but after that you’re going to be wanting to put your cock inside me.” The smile on her face gave it away.

  “You’ll love it.” He took another spoonful while staring at her uniform. The shorts were way too short for his liking, and the shirt revealed too much tit. Biting his tongue, he didn’t say a word.

  “What are you doing tonight?” she asked, looping some earrings through her ears.

  He hadn’t fought in over two weeks to repair the damage from the previous fights. The men he’d beaten outside of the apartment building hadn’t returned either. After Amber fell asleep, he’d donned some sweats and gone and checked. There was a reason he didn’t fight near his apartment building, but he wasn’t going to stop checking in case they returned. Some men knew when to back away, but others did not.

  “I’ve got a fight.”

  Steve had been texting him for the past two weeks to fight. Business was slumping, but Jasper doubted it was because of him. Fights went in and out of fashion all the time.

  She finished putting the last earring in. Amber stared at him, and he saw the worry in her eyes.

  “Don’t,” he said.

  “How can I not be, Jasper? You’ve only just recovered from what happened last time.”

  He put his empty bowl on the counter beside him. Reaching out, he banded an arm around her waist and pulled her in close. She placed her hands on his chest.

  He inhaled her scent, loving the way she soothed him with her presence. Two weeks without a fight would usually have him on edge. Being around Amber calmed that part of him. He wanted to be everything she needed in a man.

  “I’m going to be fine.”

  “It’s dangerous.” She glanced at his eyes then looked toward his chest.

  “I know, but we’ve talked about this. I’m not going to stop you from working at that place, and you’re not going to complain. Don’t get me wrong, baby. I don’t want you anywhere near the horny assholes, but I’m not going to stop you from living your life.” He dropped a kiss to her lips. She responded instantly. Her moan had him responding. His cock thickened, ready to take her.


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