A Fighter's Choice

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A Fighter's Choice Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “Okay. I won’t say anything. I understand the fighting is important to you.”

  Late one night after they’d fucked, he’d explained why he needed to fight. She didn’t judge him, and he felt comfortable sharing more of himself with her.


  “Will you be there tonight after work?” she asked.

  “Baby, the fight won’t last that long. I’ll be waiting for you to finish work.” He kissed her lips again. “Besides,” he grabbed the butt plug from the counter, “I get to look forward to this.” He waved the plug in front of her face.

  She slapped his chest. “You’re insatiable.”

  “Only when it comes to you.”

  “Ah, that’s another thing, you better make sure those groupies know you’re taken. I won’t put up with some whore pawing at you.”

  “You’re the only woman who’s going to get the chance to touch me. I promise.” He dropped a kiss to her lips and laughed at her snort. “I mean it, Amber. I don’t cheat.”

  She kept staring at him. “Does this mean we’re going steady?” she asked.

  He frowned. “We’re dating. We’re a couple. Whatever you want to call it, we’re it.”

  The smile blossomed on her face. His heart pounded inside his chest. He’d never seen her this happy.

  “Okay, we’re dating. I can handle your fighting, but make sure you don’t do anything stupid.”

  She dropped a kiss on his lips and moved out of his arms. Before she got the chance to get away from him, he grabbed her arm. “Are you forgetting something?” he asked.


  He lifted the plug.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. There’s no way I’m going to be able to work with that thing up my ass.”

  “Baby, there’s no way you’re getting out of it. That ass is mine, and you’re going to deal with it.” He tugged her over to the sofa. Bending her over the arm of the sofa he reached around, unsnapping her shorts. He worked them down her hips, admiring the bland panties. “What happened to your sexy ones?” he asked.

  He’d seen her strutting her stuff for the last week. There was nothing better than watching Amber walk around his or her apartment wearing a thong. The small piece of material nestled against her ass threatened to give him a heart attack with the blood going to his cock.

  She groaned, shaking her ass. He tore open the new butt plug and started to lubricate it with the gel.

  “You’ve been sent to this planet to test me.”

  “Nope, I’ve been sent to tease and torment you.”

  “That’s not any better.”

  Jasper placed the tip to her ass. “Are you ready?”


  He ignored her and slid the plug slowly into her ass. Once the plug was inside her, he fitted the modest panties back in place then the shorts. The tightness of the clothing would keep it in place. “There, you look beautiful.”

  “Torment,” she said.

  “Tease.” He slapped her ass, and she jerked up.

  Jasper didn’t budge away from her, making her take a seat on the arm of the sofa. She gasped, and her eyes widened. “Every time you sit down tonight you’re going to remember me.” He stroked her tight nipple, dropped a kiss to her lips, and stepped back. “It’s time to go.”

  “You’re an unbearable tease.”

  Together they made their way down to her car. He climbed into the passenger side, hearing her alternate between gasping and moaning.

  “I’m not going to be able to do this.”

  “You are.” He caressed her thigh.

  She shot him a glare.

  Seconds later they were parked outside of her work. He kissed her, promising to see her soon. “Please, don’t do anything stupid.”

  He nodded and watched her until she was safely inside work. Breathing out a sigh, he made his way toward the new set up Steve had told him about. After the cops invaded the last abandoned warehouse there needed to be a new place to set the fights.

  Entering through the cut wired gate, Jasper followed the sounds of cheering. It was far enough away from the main gates that no one could hear. He found the entrance, walked inside, and was met by the beat of the music. Steve was waiting for him.

  “Hey, man, it has been too long. I’ve got some good odds tonight.”

  Nodding, Jasper waited to be shown to a spare room.

  “I always make sure my best fighter is looked after.”

  Steve opened a door for him.

  “Thanks.” Jasper nodded at the other man and waited for him to leave. Several of the other fighters got space for themselves to prepare as well.

  He pressed his hands flat to the wall while he got himself in the zone ready to start fighting.

  The image of Amber’s sweet face filled his mind. He could do anything to protect her. Next, he thought about those assholes who were going to hurt her outside of the apartment building. Slowly, he felt the need to hurt someone rise up in his body. Breathing in and out, he waited for the violence to spread.

  Tightening his hands into fists, he was ready to take out whatever opponent he faced with. There was no way he was going to leave without winning the fight. When his name was called, he was ready.


  Amber was determined to remember that she couldn’t sit down. Every now and then she forgot about the plug up her rectum and she found herself sitting down only to gasp. Harold and David kept looking at her strangely. She shot each man a glare, threatening them retribution if they even spoke a word.

  The customers were not causing any problems, so she was able to walk without much problem. If any of them smacked her ass she didn’t know what she was going to do.

  “So, how’s love boy taking you working here?” David asked, the second time she returned from serving a party of six.

  “Screw you. I’m not doing anything wrong working here. He understands that a job’s a job.” She tucked some hair behind her ear.

  “Leave her alone,” Harold said, warning him.

  She stuck her tongue out at David. “You told your girlfriend yet that you’re screwing around on her?” She raised a brow at his glare. “What? You can ask questions about my private life, yet I can’t ask the same of you. Shame on you, David.”

  “Fine, I get it. Your boyfriend is off limits.”

  “Good, I’m pleased we agree on something.” She leaned over the bar to see it was only after eight. Nibbling on her lip, she tried not to feel nervous about Jasper. How was he getting on with his fight? Was he doing well?

  “Amber, go and check on Brooke,” Harold said, looking over her shoulder. “Now.”

  She didn’t ask him twice and headed in the direction of the rooms. When she was far enough away from the bar, she saw the businessman with the card approaching. The look on his face was not a happy one. Her heart started to race as he caught her staring. Turning away she entered Brooke’s dressing room.

  “Hey,” Amber said.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?”

  “There’s a guy out there who is a little, erm, personal. Harold has warned me to keep my distance.” She moved closer into the room and took a seat only to gasp and stand up again.

  “What’s up with you?”

  “The new boyfriend, that’s what’s up.” She ran her fingers through her hair, watching as Brooke placed the wig on her head, covering up her hair.

  “You’re still with the fighter?”

  “Yep. We’re officially a couple.” Amber stuck her thumbs in the air. “I’m very happy about that, in case you didn’t notice.”

  Brooke laughed. “I can see how happy you are. What about your worries of him being a fighter?”

  “I can’t do anything to stop him from fighting. I can only hope that he knows what he’s doing.” She shrugged. “He’s fighting right now.”

  “You must be nervous as hell,” Brooke said.

  “Not really. He’s a great fighter, and he likes doing it. I’m more worried abo
ut the suit out there. He can cause me more problems.” Amber put her hand on the door ready to open it.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I was you. Wait for Harold to come and get you.”

  “He’s being really protective.”

  Brooke nibbled her lip looking at Amber then at the door.

  “What is it?” Amber asked, feeling nervous.

  “Harold has learned from his mistakes.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He opened this club as he got tired of working for other people. This was a good investment. He decided he was going to be good to the girls and make sure they were taken care of. Anyway, there was one dancer, Holly. She was a sweet girl. She was earning extra money to pay for her degree in law. One guy kept coming to see her. He paid over the odds for private dances, and his attention became obsessive. Harold brushed it under the carpet as infatuation.”

  Amber got the feeling she wasn’t going to like the rest of this story.

  “One day she didn’t come into work. That day turned into a week. Finally, Harold went looking for her.” Brooke stopped talking, and Amber saw her visibly swallow. “He found her body. She’d been stabbed repeatedly. The guy had been trying to date her. When Holly refused, he went crazy and killed her.”

  “Okay, I get it, Brooke. Shit, he killed her.”

  “Yeah. If I was you, I’d keep clear of this man. Harold may just be playing it safe, and this guy is no threat to you. Whatever happens, Harold is always careful with his girls and with the customers.” Brooke’s name was called to do her number. “Stay here and don’t go anywhere until you’re asked to.”

  Nodding, Amber stood in the corner, recalling the plug in her ass.

  “Oh, and anal sex is the best ever,” Brooke said, leaving her parting words.

  “Great.” Amber stared around the dressing room, waiting for Harold to enter the door. Minutes passed until finally Harold opened the door.

  “Hey, you’re good to come out now.”

  “A girl died because of an obsessive fan?” She folded her hands, glaring at him.

  “Look, I know it sounds bad.”

  “No, it doesn’t just sound bad, it is bad. I don’t dance, Harold.”

  “Which is why I told him you’ll never be dancing for him or anyone else.” She watched him run fingers through his hair. “What happened with Holly was a mistake on my part. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  “Forgive me for being a little scared. It’s not every day you’re warned that you could die for simply working a job.” She was agitated. “Do I need to tell Jasper? Warn him?”

  “The fighter boyfriend?”


  “No, I wouldn’t warn him. He might take it the wrong way, and I don’t want to cause problems for either of you. It could be completely harmless.” Harold opened the door. “Keep the customer at arms’ length. Don’t flirt with him, serve him, and be civil. Also, make sure he’s aware you’re taken.”

  “That’s breaking every single one of your rules,” Amber said, glaring at him.

  “I know, but I’m learning from past mistakes.”

  She really shouldn’t be pissed at him, but it was hard not to be. This job was no longer looking good. Being able to do a job shouldn’t come with a warning that men could become unstable.

  “Hey,” she said, approaching David.

  “I’ve been told the drill. I’ll serve him whenever he approaches.”

  “I know, and I’m to give him the brush off every chance I get.” Amber shrugged. “Work has just become a problem.”

  “Not that much.” David nodded toward the guy’s table. “He’s either taken what we’ve told him on board or he’s planning on gutting you.”

  She saw the joke in his eyes and glared. “Nice, real nice. Look at me while I laugh so loud.”

  The rest of the night went by uneventfully as she made sure to ignore the businessman. She didn’t even know his name. He kept trying to talk to her, but she always made sure to be busy.

  Her thoughts kept returning to Jasper and the plug in her ass. By the time Harold showed her out the back door, she was ready to burst. She found Jasper, wearing his hoodie, leaning against the car looking at her.

  Walking to him, she slid her arms around his neck. “Take me home and fuck me.”

  “You’ve been thinking about me?”

  She pushed the hood back and winced at the bruise on his face. It wasn’t as bad as she’d seen it, but still, seeing him bruised always upset her. “Does it hurt?”

  “No. I won.” He stroked her cheek. Seconds later his lips were on hers, and all of her worries melted away as he consumed every single thought. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you, too. Please don’t make me wait anymore.” She groaned as his hands cupped her ass.


  Chapter Twelve

  Jasper followed behind Amber as she entered her apartment. He didn’t give her a chance to get far. The moment the door shut, he pressed her up against the wood, dropping her bag to the floor. He removed his hoodie, then held her face as he slammed his lips down on hers. She moaned, opening her lips for his searching tongue.

  With his hands on her, he controlled the depth of the kiss and where she tilted her head.

  “I missed you,” he said, biting down onto her lip.

  “Erm, prove it.”

  “You’re desperate to get me in this ass, aren’t you?”

  “You know it.”

  He captured her hands, pressing them up against the door.

  “I’m the one who gets to touch today.” Holding her hands above her head with one of his own, he started to unbutton her shirt. “Thinking about this body is what helped me to win today.”

  She giggled. “I thought I’d be more of a distraction.”

  He eased her hands down to remove her shirt and bra before placing them back above her head.

  Tonguing the hard nipple he glanced up her body to see her eyes closed. “It was a distraction, which is why I got a nice bruise on my face.”

  “You were thinking about my breasts?”

  “No, I was thinking about what I was going to do to these breasts when I finally got you alone.” He released her hands, ordering her to keep them above her head.

  Pressing her tits together, he alternated in tonguing and sucking the hard buds. “Yep, they’re going to drive me crazy.”

  She kept moaning. The sweet sounds escaped her lips, making him harder. He wanted inside her tight little cunt.

  He moved to her shorts, pushing them down her thighs as quickly as he could.

  “I’ll take your ass later. I need to feel you wrapped around me.” He lifted her off the floor, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Pressing his cock to her entrance, he slid inside loving every inch of her pussy on his cock.

  In the back of his mind, he remembered he’d forgotten the condom, but he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to. The last few weeks had proven to him she wasn’t the kind of woman who lied.

  “Fuck, Jasper, you forgot the condom.”

  “I don’t care.”

  She sank her nails into the flesh of his shoulders. “Please, fuck me.”

  “Touch your clit.”

  Seconds later her hand slid between them, touching herself. The moment her fingers slid over that little bud, her pussy tightened around his cock. He fucked her hard against the door. When he started to worry about the door caving in, he moved to the wall next to it. Their moans mingled on the air, echoing around the room.

  Thrusting inside her, Jasper lost himself in her hazel eyes, the scent of her, the feel of her. Everything about her pulled him in. She was becoming his whole world.

  “Let me feel you come.”

  She touched her clit for several more seconds and then her orgasm washed over her. In all of his life he’d never felt anything so fucking amazing. Her cream slid over his cock. The walls of her pussy tightened around him, squeezing every inch of
his length. Fucking her hard, he found his own release, and at the last minute he pulled out of her body. He released his cum onto her stomach, coating her with his seed.

  Her legs were still wrapped around his waist. Their breathing was hard and heavy, but he still held her in his arms.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  “Baby, you need to get on the pill or something. I loved being inside you without the use of a rubber.”

  She chuckled. “I’ll make an appointment as soon as I can.” She dropped her head to his shoulder. “I need a shower. I’ve got the smell of the club on me and now you.”

  He eased her down to the floor. “Go on ahead. I’ll join you in a second.”

  “You better. I don’t know how to take this plug out, and it has been driving me crazy all day.”

  Jasper slapped her ass as she walked past. Once she was out of sight, he rested his head against the wall.

  “What the hell are you doing?” He wasn’t talking to anyone but himself. Something was going on between him and Amber, something deeper. “Ask her, you fucking idiot.” He’d never been the kind of man to beat around the bush, and he didn’t want to start now. Standing up, he turned to see Amber staring at him. Her arms were folded as she looked at him.

  “Why are you a fucking idiot?” she asked.

  He stared at her for several seconds before talking. “I’m starting to feel a lot more about you.” Taking a step toward her with his heart pounding, prepared to go that next step, he stopped when he was inches away from her. “And I don’t know what to do about it.”

  “You’re feeling more for me?”


  She licked her lips, glancing down at the floor. “I’m feeling a lot more for you, too, and it scares me.”


  “We’ve only known each other a few weeks.”

  “I don’t care.” He reached out, cupping her cheek. “Let’s see where this leads.”

  “I’m more than ready for that.” She covered his hand with her own.

  He pulled her close, pressing his lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around him, and he carried her through to the bathroom. The shower was already running, and he stepped inside, riding himself of the clothing as he did.


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