A Fighter's Choice

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A Fighter's Choice Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Turning her to the wall, he glided his hand down her back and eased the plug out of her ass. Jasper took his time, lathering her body with soap. “You’re a beautiful woman. My woman.”

  “Please, Jasper, take me.”

  “Not yet.” He washed her body taking his time. Only when they were both clean did he carry her back to her bedroom. This time, he was going to claim her ass.


  He dropped her onto the bed, and Amber laughed.

  “What happened to a little romance?” she asked.

  “I’ll get to the romance.” He turned her onto her knees. “Stay like that.”

  She looked over her shoulder to find Jasper was gone. “Hey, where did you go?”

  Her apartment door opened and closed. She listened, and yes, seconds later he appeared. “I had to go to my apartment.” He held up a tube of lubrication. “I forgot to bring this with me.”

  “You’re insane.”

  “I also bought some condoms. When I take your ass I’m going to use a rubber.” She pressed her head against the bed, waiting for him to make the next move.

  The sounds were not distinctive to her. She tapped her fingers on the bed, excitement clawing at her.


  They’d gone from having fun to admitting they had feelings for each other, which went deeper than simple sex.

  Fingers slid through her slit. He pinched her clit then moved down to slam inside her pussy. “You’re always so wet.”

  Two fingers fucked inside her, slamming in deep.

  “I’ll take your cunt again before the night is over.” He eased those fingers out of her pussy to press them to her ass.

  Amber tensed up. She couldn’t help it. He circled her anus before applying gentle pressure.

  “That’s it. I’ve prepared your ass enough to take what it needs.”

  “You’re a perv,” she said, chuckling.

  “Admit it, you love it.”

  “I do.” She slapped her palm over her mouth, trying to contain the giggle. “Crap, I shouldn’t have admitted to that.”

  His fingers left her once again.

  Growling in frustration, she fisted the blanket to stop herself from snapping at him. She wanted everything he could give her.

  Amber gasped as his fingers returned to her ass, this time with cool gel. “Okay, you could have warmed it up.”

  “I see how impatient you’re getting. The last thing I want to deal with is an impatient woman.”

  She learned her lesson. There was no way she’d be able to do this. Licking her lips, she focused her attention on the feel of his fingers working the gel inside her. Once again he stopped touching her body.

  “I’m going to fuck your ass now. I’ve prepared you the best I can. I’m going to take it slow.”

  She nodded, muttering her response.

  The tip of his cock pressed to her ass seconds later stopping all fight within her. His cock was thicker than any of the plugs he’d ever used before. Blowing out a breath, she closed her eyes, determined to keep them closed until he’d worked all of his cock inside her.

  “The tip is in now, baby.” One of his hands slid over her ass, stroking the flesh. “You look so fucking beautiful.”

  With each inch he pressed inside her, the more he filled her up.

  “Is it okay?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “It’s a good hurt.”

  Both of his hands went to her hips, holding her in place.

  “Let me know if it starts to hurt. I don’t want you in any kind of pain.”

  The only pain she’d be in right now was if he stopped.

  “This is the last inch,” he said.

  She nodded but didn’t say any words. The grip on her hips tightened, and she cried out as he thrust the final inch within her. He filled her ass to the point of pain.

  “Fuck, that’s beautiful. Your hot little ass is so fucking perfect.”

  “Please, don’t make me wait.”

  “I won’t.”

  He ran his hands all over her back, soothing her with his touch. “I’m not going anywhere until you scream my name as I ride you.”

  Jasper started off slow, going in and out of her ass. When she couldn’t take his slow loving any more, she started to push back against him, wanting him to go a little harder.

  “Fuck me, Jasper. I can take it.”

  “Don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You’re not.”

  He took her at her word and started to fuck her. Jasper didn’t take her as hard as he took her pussy, but it wasn’t a gentle fuck either. She relished the pain, the depth, and the need he stirred within her.

  She fingered her clit at his demand, bringing herself to orgasm. During her release, Jasper found his own, pounding into her in the final thrust. When it was over, she collapsed to the bed, crying out his name.

  “I don’t know if I’m going to keep surviving any relationship with you,” she said, groaning.

  “Tell me about it, baby.”

  He kissed her shoulder, holding her close.

  Hours later, Amber was moaning in her fourth release of the night. Jasper had certainly made the kit worth her while as he brought her to orgasm. He’d taken her ass, and he hadn’t lied about making her crave it.

  They lay naked on her bed. Jasper kept running his fingers over her back in little circles.

  “How was work?”

  “You’re asking now?”

  “I had more important things on my mind.”

  She smiled, thinking over the last couple of hours. “I can see why.” Thinking about work brought back the worry of the businessman. “Actually, I’m kind of worried about telling you what happened at work.” Resting her head on her hand, she turned to face him. He circled her nipple as he stared at her.

  “Tell me what’s going on,” he asked.

  “Well, that businessman turned up, and, erm, I’ve heard some stuff I don’t think you’re going to like.” She took the time telling them all about what had happened to Holly at work.

  With every second that passed, she saw the anger increasing on his face.

  “And you’re only telling me this now?” he asked, when she finished.

  “Hey, I had more important things on my mind.”

  He glared at her, sitting up. She sat up alongside him. “Shit, Amber. This is serious.”

  “Harold is taking all the precautions, and so is David, the guy I work with. Believe me, Jasper, they’re taking care of everything.”

  “I don’t care. I want to talk to your boss tomorrow before you start work.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “It’s my right to make sure you’re safe.”

  “Fine. I’ll let you talk to my boss, but you can’t do anything to the customer.” She cupped his bruised cheek. “He’s done nothing to me yet.”

  “I won’t, but I’m going to take care of you if you like it or not.”

  “You’re being a little overprotective.” She loved it and kissed his lips. “Thank you.”

  “You’re thanking me for being overprotective.”

  “I guess I am. Going from one foster home to another, it was hard to feel cared for. I don’t know, I like the fact you care enough to be protective. Call me broken.”

  He wrapped his fingers around the back of her neck and drew her close. “Then be prepared for more.” He slammed his lips down on hers, silencing all protest from her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The following evening Jasper stood in Harold’s office waiting for the man to enter. Brooke was already staring at him. He didn’t like Amber being vulnerable within the club.

  “She wasn’t lying about you. You’re a handsome guy.”


  He glanced around the space trying to find any clues as to the man who was dealing with Amber’s possessive stalker.

  “I can see you’re different.”

; “I don’t know what you’re trying to get at.” He folded his arms over his chest.

  “We both know your profession is a lot more dangerous than you make out.”

  Jasper tensed, waiting for her to continue. Amber must like Brooke to tell her about his fights.

  “I know Steve and what he does with fighters like you. You’re going to be lured into something more dangerous.”

  “How do you know this?” Jasper asked.

  “Because I was one of the fighters for Steve,” Harold said, closing the door. “David is taking care of Amber. She’s safe with him.” The big man took a seat behind the desk, staring at him. “I was surprised to hear that Amber was fucking a fighter.”

  Glaring at Harold, Jasper didn’t know what else to say or do.

  “Let’s make this more about the fucker drooling after Amber than about me. I’ve got a handle on everything. She hasn’t.”

  “Actually, she’s got more of a handle on this than you have. We can look out for Amber, but who can look out for you?” Brooke asked.

  “I’ve been offered the bigger fights before. I’ve always turned them down.”

  “What if I tell you the guy snooping around the club, checking up on Amber is one of the guys who puts a lot of money on the big fights?” Harold asked.

  “It wouldn’t be possible. Amber and I haven’t been blatant, and this happened before.”

  “Maybe. The problem with this man, he’s not your regular kind of problem, Jasper. He’s been coming into the club for a long time, but suddenly you start in Amber’s life and he starts to take an interest. He’s always watching her. At first I thought he was a client getting a little too personal, and I got worried because in the past I failed. I finally recognized him from the fights. He’s a recruiter for the big leagues.” Harold ran his finger over his lip.

  Jasper didn’t like the look on Harold’s face. “What? You’re crazy. I’m here because a man can’t understand that Amber doesn’t belong to him, not because of me.” Jasper would do everything in his power to protect Amber. She had come to mean a lot to him, a hell of a lot more than the fighting. “No one knows about her from the fights. I keep them both separate.”

  “You check to make sure you’re not being followed. Steve, he’s not exactly the best guy known for keeping secrets, and he’s got a brother who arranges the big fights. Steve is paid good money to arrange these fights. They’re designed to find the best fighters.”

  “I’ve not put Amber in danger,” Jasper said. This was getting out of hand. He’d come tonight to put his claim on Amber. He didn’t want her scared to work.

  “What if I told you that there are men out of there who’ll do whatever it takes to earn money, even find out the latest bitch you’re fucking? Amber’s a beautiful girl, and a lot of men have asked me to put her on the stage. I refuse, obviously. It wouldn’t take long for men who are interested in your fighting, to step the game up a little to find out what’s going on in your personal life.”

  Jasper hated the thought of other men looking at her, seeing her naked. She was all his, and he didn’t like sharing and wouldn’t like the idea of sharing her with others. The thought that he could also put her in danger scared him. He turned down the big fights because he didn’t have a death wish. The last thing he wanted was for his refusal to hurt Amber in some way. If someone from the fights was turning up, he wanted to know about it. Her stalker was turning into a bigger problem.

  “I’m not like you or Brooke. I won’t allow Amber to get naked for a bunch of assholes. I won’t put her in danger either.”

  “Do you hear her getting naked for a crowd?” Harold asked, standing up. “There are a lot of men out there who would have exploited Amber. I’m not one of them.”

  “We care about her, Jasper,” Brooke said.

  “You, however, you’re in danger of taking the fighting to the next level. This man has already backed off from her since I gave him a warning. Personally, I’m more worried about the shit you’re connected to. I don’t know how far he’ll go, Jasper, to try to sway you. This man could be the start of it.” Harold pointed a finger at him. “How far will you be pushed before you cave and become a fighter of the big leagues? I’ve heard about you, Jasper. You’re a fierce fighter, but you’re also a loner. No one trusts you, and that alone makes you dangerous. Tell me, Jasper, have you let your opponents have everything you can throw at them?”

  Gritting his teeth, Jasper stared, waiting for him to finish.

  “See, I know without you even telling me. You’re not giving all of yourself during these fights.” If Harold saw it and hadn’t seen him fight, then who had that had witnessed him fight? The very thought unnerved Jasper. The biggest fear he had was the danger he could be bringing to Amber. She meant so much to him. He couldn’t risk losing her.

  “It doesn’t matter if I give myself in a fight or not. What matters is that I win.” He pointed his finger on top of the desk, feeling his anger start to take over. Harold stared at him, clearly waiting for something.

  “What?” Jasper asked.

  “Is it like looking in a mirror, honey?” Brooke asked.

  “All the fucking time.” Harold shook his head. “I was like you, fucking stubborn and couldn’t see the truth glaring me right in front of my face.”

  “You’re basing your concerns on fears, not facts. If you gave me some proof…”

  “Then stick around and you tell me if you recognize anyone hanging around the club. It will only take a matter of time before you see a lot more people come here after those fights. Maybe someone has followed you here and is looking to find a way of making you decide on your future. I remember him, Jasper. He’s not going to take no for an answer,” Harold said, stepping closer.

  Jasper frowned. “You don’t allow for boyfriends to stick around.”

  “I know. You’ll be sitting in a corner away from all the trouble. I don’t want anything bad to happen to my business. You don’t interact or even show Amber any more attention than necessary.”

  He wanted to tell the man to fuck off and deal with the shit on his own. Think about Amber. She’s important. He’d started to fall for her from the first moment she spoke to him. Shit, he couldn’t just walk away like he wanted to. He was bound to her.

  “Fine. I stick around. I find out what’s going on and then what?”

  “Then you leave and make a choice.”

  “What choice? I’m never going to fight in the big leagues. I won’t do it.” Jasper held his hands out, trying to get his point across. “You’re fucking insane.”

  “You won’t have a choice, and they’ll make sure you don’t. Once they know you’re serious about Amber, they’ve got a way in to you. There’s no hiding from that, no matter what you want to do.” Harold placed a hand on his shoulder. “I know you hate this. I did as well. You’ve got to make a choice to protect the woman you love.”

  “I didn’t say I loved her.”

  Harold chuckled. “You don’t need to. I can see it in your eyes. I’m not a fucking sap, but I know love when I see it.” He took Brooke’s hand, showing him with actions more than words. “I got out, but it cost me a lot.”

  “What did it cost?” Jasper asked.

  Brooke gasped as if she was holding in a sob. “We lost a baby because of it. The stress, the pain, all of it was too much, and I lost our baby.”

  Guilt struck him hard. He couldn’t bring himself to do something like that to Amber. She was too loving, too honest.

  “Show me where you’ll want me to sit.” Jasper wasn’t leaving until he saw this guy that wanted Amber as well as the proof that men were scoping the field for him, and when he did, there was going to be trouble.


  “Do you really think there’s a guy coming here to try to recruit him?” Amber asked. She was stood by the door looking out over the room to see Jasper in the corner. Brooke had pulled her aside and let her know everything that was going on. The businessman, whose name she st
ill didn’t know, had been coming into the club for a while. She didn’t try to remember all the customers. What concerned her the most was what this man wanted from Jasper. Brooke and Harold were worried about what Jasper could finally end up being—a fighter in the big leagues. There was so much she didn’t know about the people she worked for. She hadn’t known Harold was once a fighter who had to make a decision of his own. She didn’t know if she was more nervous for Jasper or for herself. Over the last couple of weeks he’d proven time and time again that he was possessive of her. Glancing toward him, she saw his gaze was on her. It was hard to work with him looking at her all the time. She liked the looks, but it was hard for her to even want to give the men something with her own man there.

  “We don’t know if he’s a threat to you, to Jasper, or just someone who happens to be passing through. Harold’s being cautious over his own past with Holly, and also his past as a fighter. He’s sure he remembers this man from his own fighting days..” Brooke had told her everything, even asking her not to be stubborn about what was going on. “You can’t go to him, Amber. You’ve got to let him do his job.”

  “Yeah, I know. It just seems so, I don’t know, lame or something. I don’t want him to feel responsible or to get angry that his night has been wasted having to deal with these problems.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He asked me to quit working here when we first started … well, erm, you know. When we first started fucking.”

  “You don’t need to blush, honey. I know all about sex and how damn good it can feel to be with the right man. Besides, these are not your problems. This is Jasper’s problem, seeing as he fights. This guy only started paying attention later. He probably caught you with Jasper or something, put two and two together. You know the rest.” Brooke chuckled, leaning back on the sofa to rest her head. She had a headache and wouldn’t be dancing that night.

  “I know. With him I rarely blush, and it’s fun to be myself around him.”

  “He cares about you, Amber. You should embrace it, accept it, and take it with you always. It’s what I do with Harold.”

  “You really do love your husband, don’t you?” Amber closed the door, resting her back against it to look at her friend.


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