Carr, Cassandra - Head Games [Buffalo Intimidators] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Carr, Cassandra - Head Games [Buffalo Intimidators] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Cassandra Carr

  The boys were finishing their food, and she automatically slid two pieces of apple pie into the warmer. “Ice cream?”

  “Definitely,” Leo answered, as Scott declined at the same time. Typical.

  Bringing them over, she gave the plain one to Scott and the ice cream-laden one to Leo. Before she could pull her hand away, he’d grabbed it. “Not so fast.”

  “I have work to do.”

  Leo gave her a sardonic look and Kelly winced, knowing they knew her closing routine as well as she did. “Sit with us. Tell us how brilliantly we played.”

  “The benching wasn’t your fault,” she replied. Defending him was like second nature to her. She couldn’t stand it when jerks came into the bistro spouting all this ridiculousness about how the Intimidators should trade one or the other and that having two starting goaltenders on a rotation would never work. It had already been working for years, but still, people bitched.

  Leo’s face lit up with a dazzling smile, and Kelly felt her pussy tighten. She didn’t react like this to any of their teammates, whom she’d met several times when they’d come in with Leo and Scott, only to them. Both of them. By themselves, they were hard to handle. Together, they were deadly to her good intentions, and she had no idea what to do about it. Reaching for a rag, she began to wipe down the already-clean counter, just to have something to do with her hands. With that chore done, she said, “If you guys don’t mind, I’m gonna go in the back and get a few things done.”

  They exchanged a look and Kelly’s eyebrows drew down. What was going on?

  “No problem. I’m going to finish my pie. I’ll bring the plate in to you after I lick it clean,” Leo answered. Kelly flushed as the image of him licking her plates bounced around in her head. He smirked, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. How he was able to do that she had no idea, but it both excited and disconcerted her. Turning, she bolted for the relative safety of the kitchen. At least now they weren’t within touching distance.

  She concentrated on unloading the dishwasher and filling it up with the last of the dishes. Through the swinging door, she could detect the low sounds of the two of them talking. Turning away, she grabbed a couple of sheet pans to return them to their place underneath one of the prep tables. When she straightened, someone grabbed her around the waist, and she shrieked.

  “Hey now, it’s just me,” Leo said, smoothing his hands down her sides in what should’ve been a comforting gesture but felt anything but. “Skittish much?”

  “I was in my own little world.” Placing a hand over her heart, she felt it pound.

  “That’s obvious.” Removing his hands, he leaned against the table and folded his arms over his chest. Her gaze was caught on how the action delineated the muscles in his arms. She’d always had a weird obsession with arms and hands, and both Leo and Scott fed that obsession with the perfect bodies they’d honed through years of physical training.

  She indicated the empty plate sitting on the counter next to them. “Are you done?”

  He picked up the plate and handed it to her. “With the pie? Yes.”

  Kelly loaded the plate into the dishwasher and returned to him. Suddenly, she was sitting on the prep table. Leo had picked her up as if she weighed nothing, even though that was most definitely not true. All those calories from tasting the various delicacies she created had gone straight to her hips.

  And my ass. And my thighs. And my boobs.

  Before she knew what was happening, Leo had lowered his head and kissed her. Every cell in her body did a little happy dance as she felt him lick at the seam of her lips. Opening to him, she vaguely wondered if this was a good idea, but when he put his arms around her and drew her into the taut planes of his body, all coherent thought flew out of her head as her body was wracked with sensation. Kelly arched against him and he growled into her mouth in return. Any notion to resist him was futile, despite the fact she knew she should.

  She felt another pair of hands come from behind and she stiffened, pulling away from Leo. “Shhhh,” Scott cooed. “Let us make you feel good.” Turning her head, he delved into her mouth, and a moan escaped before she could stop it.

  “She’s so hot,” she heard Leo murmur, as his hands explored her breasts through her T-shirt.

  “She is,” Scott agreed, his eyes flaring as they took her in.

  Kelly bit her lip. “There’s two of you and only one of me. I’m not sure I should be doing this.” She wanted it so badly, wanted to reach out and grab her heart’s desire, but she was so very frightened to. The thought of just handing her heart over to these two men terrified her. Kelly had never given her heart to anyone, much less two men at the same time.

  “That’s true there are two of us, and there’s nothing wrong with that,” Leo answered.

  Scott climbed onto the table behind her and began to nuzzle her neck. Her head fell back of its own volition to give him better access. “That’s better,” he said. “You’re thinking too much. Just feel.” Taking her earlobe in his mouth, he stroked over it with his tongue, and she shuddered. “That’s right, show us what you like.”

  Leo bent to the other one, and Kelly reached out, grabbing his shoulder like a lifeline. “Oh, God…”

  Scott released her lobe and whispered, “That’s it, baby, you’re so beautiful. We want you so much. Tell us you want us, too.”

  “I–I can’t.”

  “Don’t think so hard about it. Just do what you want. Do what feels good.”

  “Easy for you to say. I feel like a slut.” Could she let this happen? Could she stop it even if she wanted to?

  “You’re not a slut. And we would never force you. You know that, right, baby?”

  “I know that.”

  Scott massaged her shoulders. “Then just relax and let us in.”

  “Okay, I’ll try.” She wanted them so badly she ached. Her heart was racing and her palms were sweaty. Having both of them so close to her, touching her—it was a dream come true, a dream she’d never dared let out of the depths of her own mind. Now, it was out in full color, exposed under the harsh fluorescent lights in the kitchen.

  She was laid bare emotionally, and it wasn’t a comfortable feeling in the slightest for someone as cautious as Kelly. Trying to stop the thoughts swirling around in her mind, Kelly bit down on the inside of her cheek until she tasted blood. At least it gave her something else to focus on.

  Leo tugged on her sensitive lobe and then scraped his teeth along it, and she gasped, her pussy heating further. He straightened to look into her eyes. “We can bring you so much pleasure, Kelly. Pleasure like you’ve never felt. More pleasure than you ever thought was possible.” Reaching down, he drew her T-shirt up and she didn’t even think about stopping him. She needed this. She needed them. Her decision was made, for better or for worse. “Such pretty tits.”

  He buried his face between her breasts and she grabbed his head, steering him to where it felt best. Scott pulled the T-shirt the rest of the way off and unclasped her bra, pushing the straps off her shoulders. Leo didn’t miss a beat as Scott continued to draw it off, latching onto her right nipple and suckling hard. Her head fell back again and Scott caught it, leaning in for another kiss.

  His mouth tasted of the apple pie he’d just consumed, and she didn’t think she’d ever get enough of him. Between him and Leo, the testosterone was overwhelming. Fighting them was like not breathing. She just couldn’t do it.

  Leo switched breasts, reaching up to tweak the now-wet nipple of the first between his thumb and forefinger. Kelly could feel the tension rolling through his body and knew what keeping such a tight lid on his control must be costing him. His thick, hard erection was fighting to break through the material of his dress pants. She closed her legs around his waist, and a tortured sound ripped from his chest.

  He leaned back, panting. “We need to get you out of here before we fuck you right on this table.”

  Realizing where she was and what she was doing, she pushed him away a
nd hopped off the table. Her breasts jiggled with the movement, and both men’s eyes darkened as they watched. “You’re right. We can’t do this here. I can’t believe I let myself get so out of control.”

  “You can’t deny you want us,” Leo replied.

  Turning to look for her bra, she answered, “No, I can’t. But that doesn’t mean I should’ve let you come in here and make me forget that I’m in the middle of my place of business.” What other stupid, careless things would she do if she gave into them?

  Scott slid off the table and faced her. “Look, honey, we know you’re a little freaked out. Leo and I came on strong just now. But the three of us have been dancing around this attraction for months. We want it to happen, and we think you do, too. You’re just scared, which is understandable. But we’ll take care of you. We have absolutely no intention of luring you into our bed for one night and then never speaking to you again.”

  Leo broke in. “This isn’t a one-night stand, Kelly. Far from it.”

  “But how can that possibly work?”

  “We can figure that out as we go along. As long as we’re happy, what else matters?” Kelly had lived by society’s rules her whole life, and where had it gotten her? Should she give in to this attraction? Scott pulled her into his embrace, and she went willingly. “Let us show you how much we want you…” He nuzzled into her neck. “How much we care.”

  Kelly stepped back and looked into his eyes. She saw no deception, no ulterior motives, just lust, happiness, and hope. “All right.”

  Chapter Three

  The guys waited while she closed up. Scott walked her to her car, and when she popped the locks, he climbed in. When she raised an eyebrow, he said, “Two reasons. One, you don’t know where we live, and two, you can’t run if I’m with you.”

  Kelly shook her head, smiling. Putting the car in gear, she backed out of her space and got on the road. “So you thought I’d run?”

  She could see his smile in her peripheral vision. “We believe in insurance.”


  Scott gave her directions to their apartment. Once there, they ushered her into the elevator and Leo pushed the P button. Kelly raised an eyebrow. Leo shrugged. “What? We split the mortgage, so we can afford a nicer place.”

  “Oh, I’m quite sure you two can afford it. You make millions. I’ve just never been in a penthouse before.”

  Scott looked at Leo and grinned. “Maybe we can impress her with our spacious digs.”

  “Considering that my bistro with its whopping twelve tables is larger than my whole apartment, impressing me isn’t difficult.”

  “Maybe not, but your good opinion means something to us.”

  Kelly cocked her head at Scott. “What I think actually means something?”

  “Of course it does.” The elevator stopped. He stepped out and reached back for Kelly’s hand. “Come on. I wanna show you the place. Wait’ll you see the shower. We could put the whole team in there.” Leo wrinkled his nose, and Kelly laughed. “Not that we’d want to…”

  “Of course not. I’d imagine the showers in the locker room are close enough quarters for you guys.”

  “Definitely.” He turned the key in the lock and the door opened. “After you.”

  She stepped inside and gasped. The penthouse had a view over the Buffalo skyline and Lake Erie, and though it was dark, she could imagine the sun reflecting off the water during the day, making it sparkle like a handful of diamonds had been tossed across it. She loved the architecture in downtown Buffalo and noted the special lights delineating specific buildings, such as the blinking lights atop the replicas of the Statue of Liberty on the Liberty Building and the red, white, and blue lights the Electric Tower sported.

  Leo went straight into a bedroom at the end of the hall, but Scott showed her around the condo, pointing out various features. Kelly looked around the place and noticed how clean and tidy it looked. “Two bachelors live here, right? Do you have a daily cleaning service or something?”

  Scott laughed. “Weekly. But neither of us is really messy. I think it comes from being goaltenders. Plus, we’re only here half of the time anyway.” He held out his hand. “Shall we?”

  Kelly’s mouth went dry. “I–I guess so. I still feel kind of slutty.”

  “Kelly, listen to me. You are not a slut. This is more common than you think. Don’t be scared. We’re not going to hurt you. You’re going to scream, but it won’t be because we’re hurting you.” He winked at her, and she couldn’t help but laugh. The two men were so different, and yet there were things she liked about each of them.

  Scott tugged her into the bedroom. From the framed photograph on the dresser of Leo with two older people she assumed were his parents, she figured this was Leo’s room. He’d lit a couple of candles, but that was the only nod to romance present. She didn’t have time to look around more, as Leo swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed. He set her down and followed, sliding his rock-hard, sinewy body over hers. Kelly moaned and reached for him, bringing his head to hers for a deep kiss. If she was going to do this, she was going to wring every bit of pleasure out of the experience that she could. Pulling his tongue into her mouth, she sucked on it and received a harsh groan in response. Leo tore his mouth away and said, “You’re giving me ideas, honey.”

  Scott plopped on the bed. “What’s she doing?”

  “Sucking my tongue.”


  “My thought exactly.” Leo looked at her. “I dunno about Scott here, but I’ve been fantasizing for months about having your luscious mouth wrapped around my cock.”

  “Me, too,” Scott echoed.

  Both men grinned, and they reminded her of wolves on the prowl. She looked from one to the other. “What?”

  Scott spoke first, his voice thin and reedy, almost pleading. “I’ll worship your body for hours, I promise you that, but if you’ll do this one thing first…”

  “You’d make us two very happy men,” Leo finished.

  “Both of you? At once?”

  Leo smirked. “More efficient that way, don’t you think?” The guys scooted off the bed and looked at her, their eyes full of hunger.

  “How would I do this, exactly?”

  “You go back and forth between us,” Leo explained. He was already rubbing the hard bulge trapped in his dress pants and Kelly licked her lips. Leo pointed. “Yeah, I want that little pink tongue circling the head of my dick.”

  His coarse language, rather than offending her, made her pussy clench. She slid off the bed and knelt in between the two men. They grinned and unzipped their pants, stepping out of them completely before divesting themselves of the rest of their clothes. It was a little weird to be on her knees in front of them, fully clothed, but when each palmed their cocks and started slowly stroking, her mind went blank.

  Moving to stand in front of her, Leo took the back of her head in his large hand. “Open for me, baby.” She did, and felt the silky smooth head of his cock slide over her tongue.

  Leo closed his eyes, tilting his head back. “Fuck. That feels so good.”

  Kelly closed her eyes and let the taste of him wash over her—a potent mixture of musk, soap, sweat, and man. The fact both Leo and Scott were professional athletes turned her on more than she was willing to admit. They played a brutal game, and their masculine auras surrounded them like armor. Leo pushed further into her mouth, and she struggled to accept his long length. Before she could gag, though, he pulled back out. Grabbing the sides of her head to tilt her to his liking, he began to saw in and out of her mouth, and Kelly did her best to keep up suction. After a few more thrusts, he withdrew completely and Scott replaced him directly in front of her.

  He was a little shorter but definitely thicker than Leo, and when he pushed into her, she had to stretch her lips to fully accept him. When she did and then dove down to take in more, a guttural moan spewed from his lips. “You’re killing me, Kelly,” he muttered, massaging the back of her neck.
She wasn’t surprised he was courteous of her even at this moment. Scott was a caring, loving man. Soon he stopped, panting. “I want you so badly, but there’s no way I’ll last if I keep that up.” Stepping back, he motioned to Leo. “I’m done for now. I’ll come for sure if I let her keep going.”

  “Good point,” Leo replied, reaching a hand down to help Kelly to her feet. He looked her up and down. “Help me get her out of all these pesky clothes.”


  Kelly stood obediently as the guys slowly undressed her, pausing to stroke and kiss her flesh as it was revealed. When she was finally naked, they urged her to lie down on the bed. Leo reached for a condom on the nightstand and knelt between her spread legs. Scott lowered his head to her breasts and began to move back and forth, gently suckling on each. When Kelly looked into Leo’s eyes, she had to force herself to breathe. The only other time she’d ever seen that look in his eye was when he was facing down an opponent on the ice. Their single-minded focus on her was intoxicating, and her clit pulsed and swelled in anticipation.

  Leo leaned down, fanning his breath over her bared skin. “So pretty, so pink…” Kelly wanted to shout at him to just do her already, but she held back and was rewarded when he swiped over her clit with the flat of his tongue. She arched into him, nearly dislodging Scott’s mouth from her nipple. He flung an arm out and held her down for Leo’s relentless assault with lips, teeth, and tongue. As he closed over her clit, her mouth fell open in a wordless moan.


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