Carr, Cassandra - Head Games [Buffalo Intimidators] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Carr, Cassandra - Head Games [Buffalo Intimidators] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Cassandra Carr

“Better get on with it, Leo, I don’t know how much more our sweet baby can take,” Scott warned.

  Leo raised up long enough to say, “She’s going to come for us, aren’t you, darlin’?” He gave her another long swipe of his tongue, all the way from below her pussy to above her clit, and she shuddered. “Are you getting close?”

  “Yes. Oh, God. Oh, God, yes!”

  “Good. Then come for us.” She felt another series of short, rapid licks right over her clit and flew apart, letting out an almost inhuman shriek as her orgasm roared through her. Both Leo and Scott were talking to her, but the buzzing in her ears drowned out the words. Pleasure washed over her in waves, and when she finally cracked her eyes open, all she saw was man—both of them, their gazes unmasked, the lust clear, as she continued to pulse and gasp for badly needed oxygen.

  Scott leaned down, placing a light kiss on her lips. “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Leo nodded. “I want to make you scream until you pass out. What do you say, Scott?”

  “Hell yes. Sign me up.”

  Leo sheathed his erect cock before guiding it toward her soaked pussy. He pushed deep into her, stretching her, and as she felt the shock of the first penetration, her mind struggled to keep up with the sensations overwhelming her. Scott took her with another kiss, thrusting his tongue into her mouth in much the same rhythm Leo had taken up in her pussy.

  Leo was grunting with exertion, and the force of him drove her body into the mattress. She reached up and curled one hand around Scott’s head and the other around Leo’s forearm. Never before had she felt so many things at once. Kelly looked up at Leo and saw his eyes glittering with more than simple lust—possession? Leo continued to piston his cock in and out of her, and the force jostled her entire body. Scott continued to kiss her, still using a hand to hold her still for Leo’s taking, while the other plunged into her hair, stroking it away from her sweat-soaked face as Leo hitched her legs up onto his shoulders.

  “You’re gorgeous, you know that?” Scott asked, looking down at her with eyes ablaze.

  Kelly shook her head and received a hard slap to her ass from Leo. “He’s right. Don’t ever doubt that about yourself. Look at how much Scott and I want you. We’re losing our minds over you.”

  “I don’t—” Leo slapped her hard on the ass again. “Ow!”

  “I’ll keep doing it as long as you keep putting yourself down.”

  “Okay, okay, just stop!”

  Leo raised an eyebrow. “You sure you want me to?” Her pussy fluttered in response, and he smirked. “That’s what I thought.”

  “Our girl likes a little erotic pain, huh?”

  “A little,” she emphasized.

  “We’ll take care of you, baby,” Scott promised, running his tongue down her neck to her breasts. Pushing them together, he said, “I wanna put myself right here sometime.”

  Leo let out what could only be described as a howl. “It’s gonna take me a million years to be done with you.” Speeding up, he drove into her, grinding his cock deep with long, jerky thrusts. “Oh, fuck. Gonna come.” Reaching between them, he took her clit between his fingers and rubbed. “I’m not coming until you do.”

  He was panting, and Kelly’s own lungs were seizing with the sexual excitement coursing through her. All too soon, her orgasm slammed into her, as her entire body bowed and came apart. She was brainless, the strength of her desire taking away any capacity for sane thought. Kelly was ravenous and edgy at the same time. In the distance, she heard Leo shout his own release as her pussy continued to contract around him.

  Looking over, she saw Scott staring at her intently. Leo withdrew and padded to the bathroom, and Kelly enjoyed a moment of feeling boneless before Scott gently rolled her over. “I want to start this way. Can you get on your knees for me, baby?” Kelly struggled to her knees and was rewarded with a kiss to the small of her back. “Mmm, I love the smell of your arousal. That’s a scent I’ll never get sick of.” He ran his hand gently over her ass. “Leo left a handprint.” He paused, before saying, “I actually kind of like it, seeing his mark on you. I’d better add mine.” Before she even processed what he was saying, he’d spanked her other cheek. Kelly cried out, partly in pleasure and partly in heady pain, and he calmed her, murmuring, “Just once, baby. Just wanted to see it. Needed to see it.”

  “I need you,” she responded, and then bit her lip. How greedy was she? She’d just had sex with his best friend, and now she wanted him more than she wanted her next breath. What was wrong with her?

  “You have me, baby. All of me,” he responded as he thrust inside in one quick motion. She threw her head back, letting out a throaty moan. “That’s it, give it to me,” he cooed, running his hands down her back and around to her breasts. “I want everything.”

  A warning bell went off in her head, but she didn’t stop to examine it as Leo returned, sliding underneath her arm and pushing Scott’s hand away from her breast. He latched onto the distended nipple and took several strong pulls. “Fuck him, Kelly. Show him what a sexy little kitten you can be.” Moving to the other breast, he gave it similar treatment. “I’d love to see a nipple chain on you.”

  “A–a what?”

  “A nipple chain. You attach these little clippy things to your nipples, and there’s a chain that runs between them. Very sexy.”

  “You need to stop talking about that,” Scott ground out through clenched teeth.

  Leo smiled up at Kelly. “Our boy here has a bit of a tit fetish.”

  “I noticed.”

  “Breasts are the second best thing on the planet,” Scott declared, and a sudden tremor of laughter shook her. Scott gasped. “Do that again. Tighten around me.” Kelly did, and he let out a vicious curse. “She’s gonna be the death of me.”

  “More for me,” Leo teased.

  “Screw that.”

  Kelly couldn’t help but smile. How they could keep up this comedy routine while in the middle of sex mystified her, but it was also relaxing her, and for that she would be eternally grateful. Leo tugged her head down, and her hands slid into his short hair as he initiated another kiss. As he lay claim to her mouth, Scott reared up behind her, pushing into her with short, uneven surges. He came with a husky murmur. Leo scooted out from underneath her just in time for Scott to collapse on top, pressing her down with his weight. He was still buried inside her, and she could hear the harsh in-and-out of his breath as he regained his composure.

  When Scott came back from the bathroom, Kelly used the facilities. Gazing at herself in the mirror, she was surprised to see she didn’t look any different. She certainly felt different, and in the stark, white light of the bathroom, she wasn’t sure that was a good thing, but it also wasn’t anything she could clearly articulate in the middle of the night.

  A sudden thought occurred to her. Should she leave?

  Biting her lip, she considered. She was exhausted after working a full day and then engaging in her recent extracurricular activities, and was loath to get dressed, explain why she was leaving, get in her car, and make the twenty-minute drive home. Sighing, she figured sleeping for a few hours and then leaving was a better and safer idea. With that decision made, she padded back into the bedroom and lay down on the bed. All three of them curled up, with Kelly in the middle and the guys on each side. Leo swung his leg over her thigh, and Scott put his arm around her waist. She was asleep in seconds.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Kelly snuck out of the guys’ apartment and went home to shower and change before work. Her body was sore in all sorts of interesting places, and she couldn’t help remembering how she’d come by all those tender spots. Her body warmed as she thought back to how the guys had touched her last night, but the warmth was quickly replaced by a bone-jarring cold. She shouldn’t have done what she did. Now there was no going back.

  How could she have let things get out of control like that? She’d been promising herself for months that if either one of th
em actually made a move on her, she would politely decline, no matter how much it pained her. Maybe it was because both of them had come on to her at the same time. Maybe her brains had just gotten fried.

  She went into the bistro and looked around the kitchen. It looked the same as always, but she couldn’t help but think she’d never look at the prep table where Leo and Scott had begun their joint seduction scheme the same way again. Pulling a stool over to the sideboard, she began to make a to-do list for the day, but her thoughts kept wandering. What would she do the next time the guys came into the restaurant? What would they expect from her now?

  Chapter Four

  By the time Scott woke up the next morning, Kelly was gone. He couldn’t say he was entirely surprised. He was disappointed and a little angry, but not surprised.

  Rising, he smacked Leo on the head, and the other man woke with a start. “What the fuck?”

  “She’s gone.”

  “What do you mean she’s gone?”

  “I mean gone. Vamoosed. Outta here.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I get it.” He sat up, rubbing his eyes. “So what should we do?”

  “Well, it’s obvious she didn’t want to have a fuzzy, postcoital morning.”

  “Please don’t say postcoital. We didn’t ‘coital’ anything. We fucked her. Both of us.”

  “And I think that’s the problem. If she’s like a lot of women, she’s convinced herself she’s some kind of wanton slut right about now.”

  “Women.” Leo’s voice was laced with bewilderment, and Scott would’ve laughed if his heart wasn’t beating a million miles an hour at the thought of losing Kelly.

  “I’m gonna hop in the shower. Want to see if we’ve got anything edible for breakfast around here?”

  “Yeah.” Leo padded toward the kitchen as Scott returned to his own room, grabbed some clothes, and went into the bathroom to take a shower. When he came out, he could smell coffee and something frying. For a professional athlete, Leo’s diet was atrocious. He was lucky his metabolism was so damn fast he just burned off whatever he ate. Scott made a face. He supposed he’d be eating whatever Leo was cooking, too, unless he wanted cold cereal.

  He grabbed a mug out of the cupboard, stopping at the coffeepot to fill it before heading to the fridge for skim milk to add to his coffee. Peering over Leo’s shoulder, he saw slices of potatoes, along with onions and a bunch of spices. “Are you making anything else?”

  “I’m gonna add eggs and sausage. Is that all right, Mr. Healthy Eater? I don’t know about you, but I worked up a pretty good appetite last night.” Scott grunted. “Is that a yes?”

  “Yeah, it’s fine.”

  “Figured it was either this or going out, and I wasn’t so much in the mood to face the public today.”

  “Good point.” Scott sat down at the table and took a tentative sip of his coffee. Leo wasn’t the best cook in the world, but he made damn good coffee. “Listen, we’ve gotta do something—let’s go talk to her. If she left this morning, it’s because she didn’t want to have this discussion, but I say screw that. We’re having this discussion.”

  Leo scrubbed his hands over his face before returning his attention to the pan in front of him. “And what discussion is that, exactly?”

  “That she shouldn’t be ashamed. That she isn’t a slut. And most importantly, that we have no intention of letting her slink away and go back to how things were.”

  “No fucking way is that gonna happen.”

  “I don’t know if she’s scheduled at the restaurant today or not. Either way, it’s not a good idea to go in there, guns blazing, while she’s trying to work. Maybe we should cool our heels for a couple of hours, drive by there a few times to make sure her car is still there, and then go in later to talk to her.”

  Leo nodded, his eyes shadowed with worry, and Scott was surprised to see how much Kelly leaving had affected his best friend and teammate. “You’re right. If we go running in there now, she’ll just feel cornered, and no one reacts well to that.”

  They finished the meal, each lost in his own thoughts, and then Scott did the dishes while Leo showered. Today was an off day from practice, and they took full advantage of that, lying on the couch and watching television all day. Scott liked that he could relax around Leo and just be himself. The two of them had hit it off as soon as Scott had been traded to the Intimidators, and Scott would be eternally grateful for that.

  At seven in the evening, they piled into Leo’s truck and went down to the bistro. She closed at eight on Sundays, so they figured it was a pretty good bet the restaurant would be slow. When they walked in, Kelly looked up. A momentary flash of a brilliant smile was replaced by a look of abject horror, and she scooted into the kitchen before either of them could say anything. Scott heard Leo let out a curse under his breath. He felt like cursing, too. Apparently, Kelly wasn’t going to make this easy for them.

  Scott slid onto a stool at the counter, and a waitress came over. Leo remained standing, staring at the kitchen door. “Sit.”

  He glanced down at Scott. “I want—”

  “I know what you want.” He pointed to the stool next to him. “Sit.” Leo did, and Scott ordered coffee for both of them. Turning to Leo, he said, “Remember the cornered thing from earlier? You think if you go charging in there she’s not gonna feel cornered? She knows we’re here, she knows we’re not leaving until we talk to her. She’ll come out when she’s ready.”

  “How can you be so patient about this?”

  “I don’t want to mess this up before it’s even started.” Scott waited for the waitress to pour their coffees and leave, before continuing. “You and I both agreed that she’s it for us. Do you want to send her running because we push too hard? Because that’s what’s gonna happen.”

  Leo glanced toward the door again. “I know. I just…I want her so fucking much.”

  “You want to fuck her or you want to be with her?”


  “So do I. But you have to remember, we’ve been talking about her and making plans for months. She’s had less than twenty-four hours to get used to the idea. And we’ve been sharing women forever, whereas it was her first time being shared last night. That’s got to be freaking her out.”

  “If I hear her call herself a slut again, I swear I’m taking her over my knee.”

  “You weren’t even there for one of those occurrences last night. I swear my teeth ground together.” Scott blew out a loud breath. “We’re just going to have to convince her that it isn’t all that unusual.”

  “And how are we gonna do that? Tell her about all the threesomes we’ve had? That’ll impress her for sure.” Sarcasm laced Leo’s voice, and Scott didn’t really blame him.

  “I’m not sure how, though I think the less talk about our sexual pasts, the better.”

  “Agreed. So how do you wanna handle this, Romeo?”

  Scott shot him a look, and Leo just laughed. “I think I should do the talking. You’ll get all intense and scare the hell out of her.”

  “Fine,” Leo responded, his jaw tight. Just then, Kelly walked out of the kitchen, laden with salt-and-pepper shakers on a huge tray. Leo leapt up, removing the tray from her hands. “Where do you want it?” He looked like he was considering saying something else, and Scott narrowed his eyes at him. This was no time for double entendres.

  “Um, over there,” she responded, pointing to a table near the back that had a bunch of supplies set out. She started toward it, and both Scott and Leo followed. Plopping down in a chair, she motioned to each side of her. “If you’re going to be here, you can help.”

  “Sure,” Scott answered, grateful she wasn’t throwing them out on their asses. Leo pulled out the other chair and sat down. Kelly showed them what to do to fill the shakers and to replenish the sugar packets in the little holders for each table, and they all set to work. Leo glanced at him once, obviously wondering when Scott was going to speak. He let a few minutes pass and then said, “We’d like to t
alk about last night if that’s all right with you.”

  Kelly looked up. “So talk.”

  “We want to know how you feel about what happened.”

  “How I feel? I feel like it shouldn’t have happened.”

  Leo shifted in his seat, and Scott said a silent prayer Leo would let him continue without interrupting and freight-training the entire conversation. Setting down the salt shaker he’d just filled, he stilled Kelly’s hands and took them in his own. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, honey. You’re an adult. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  Kelly pulled away and gazed ahead, not meeting his eyes. “I acted like a—”

  Leo let out a growl, and Scott made a slashing motion in the air. Grabbing Kelly’s chin, he turned her face until she had no choice but to look at him. “I know what you were going to say. You were gonna say you acted like a slut, right?” At Kelly’s reluctant nod, he continued. “You did not act like a slut, and you are not a slut. Do you understand me?”

  Kelly shivered. Apparently she liked a little domination too, so he continued. Domination was more Leo’s thing than his, but at this point, he’d do whatever it took to bring about the desired result. Making his voice low and forceful, he said, “Are you listening to me, Kelly? You are not a slut. You were simply going after what you wanted. There’s not a damn thing wrong with that, and Leo and I don’t want to hear you disparaging yourself because of us.” Then, feeling a little reckless, he added, “Leo said he’d put you over his knees if you called yourself a slut, and believe me, honey, he will.”

  Kelly glanced at Leo. “You–you’d spank me?”

  “Damn right I would.” Kicking Kelly’s chair so she faced him more fully, Leo said, “What we did last night, it was a beautiful thing. There was nothing slutty or dirty about it. We’ve waited a long fucking time for this to happen and we’re not going to let you belittle it. You got me?” Kelly nodded, swallowing thickly. “Now let’s get these done so you can go home. We worked you out pretty good last night and you can probably use a good night’s sleep.” Scott raised an eyebrow and Leo glowered at him. “What, you’re the only one who’s allowed to be a nice guy? What am I, some insensitive prick?”


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