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Sleeping Beauty (Faerie Tale Collection)

Page 12

by Jenni James

  Sometime later, after they had besieged each other in countless kisses and sweet endearments, Humphrey and Michael found them snuggled up together and quite happily and exhaustedly snoring softly.

  “Well, there they are! Thank goodness they are safe,” the king exclaimed.

  Humphrey nodded his head. “Once those creatures disappeared I knew they must have had something to do with it.”

  Michael wrapped his arm around the young lord. “Thank you for coming in and helping when you did. I think you may have saved Ezralon’s life.”

  “Time will tell.” Humphrey sighed. “Stubborn old unicorn, believing he could take on so many of those nasty things. What was he thinking?”

  “Those fiends could definitely bite.” Michael held out his wounded arms. Most of their clothing had tears and bloody claw slashes throughout and their exposed flesh was covered in a series of gruesome bite marks. “I only wish I could have saved George.”

  “He was doing everything in his power to save you.”

  “I know. I know.” The king bowed his head.

  They were both silent for some time thinking of the brave heroics George demonstrated up until his life was taken. “When should we tell them?”

  “Let them sleep a bit longer. No reason for us to ruin this moment.”

  “They are certainly champions.”

  “For any of us to have come out alive—after facing that, we all are champions, but we could not have done it without them.”

  A couple of hours later, Michael and Humphrey helped carry a wounded Darién up the steps. Aleyna led the way with the torches. The whole castle was in darkness as nightfall had long ascended. They brought him all the way into the front room, to rest with Ezralon.

  The unicorn had been in and out of consciousness all night, but had woken up shortly after they set Darién onto a makeshift bed of beaten comforters upon the ground.

  “You made it, young prince.” Ezralon snorted in acceptance.

  “It looks like you pulled through as well, old man.” Darién smiled.

  “Barely.” He coughed a bit and then said, “I am sorry to lose your friend though. He was an incredible ally.”

  “Yes, they told me.” Darién inhaled slowly. “It harms me to have lost him, but I know in the end there he would have had it no other way.”

  “The remarkable thing about you all is how fearlessly you came into this—knowing it was not your battle, yet refusing to leave until it was won.”

  “Believe me, it was not done fearlessly. There were many fears involved, especially on my part—at least, that is, until I saw her.” He looked across the room where Aleyna was helping Michael and Humphrey clean up the mess.

  “Love at first sight?”

  “Indubitably,” he whispered.

  “She certainly has that way about her, the ability to capture loyalty wherever she goes.”

  “You who have protected her the longest.”

  “Aye, I have, but she is worth it. She is worth it all.”

  Darién grinned a sad lopsided grin thinking of all that was lost and the great mess left behind, yet so very grateful to have her in his life. “I find that after our greatest trials and fears have been faced, then come the most magnificent and glorious of blessings.”

  “Enjoy yours lad, enjoy every moment. She has waited a very long time for you.”

  “As I have her. It is time to allow this new chapter to begin.”

  The next day, Humphrey and Michael prepared a mourning wreath in honor of George’s heroics and bravery. The group spent some time reflecting on his adventurous verve and good heart. They laugh much, wept more, and were all truly humbled by his presence and effervescent zest for life. That example alone would live with them all the rest of their days.

  All were somber, all were exhausted and in shock over the reality of what they had been witness to—the great evil and carnage Villeria was willing to execute.

  The whole day was spent as a down, quiet, thoughtful day. Bandages were redressed, wounds cared for and lives and whispers not quite willing to become awake again.

  However, by the third day after the battle, the men were just sparked enough to find their sense of humor again and Darién and Aleyna had many quiet moments together to plan for the future. Ezralon was still not improving as well as any of them had hoped and many times one or the other would wonder if he would make it through the evening to see the following day. Darién spent the most of his time humoring the great beast when Ezralon was awake, attempting to keep his spirits up and keep him going.

  It was during one of these moments when Aleyna walked toward them both. “Have you asked Ezralon yet?”

  “Asked me what?”

  Darién chuckled. “What are you doing in a couple of months from now?”

  “Well, if I am alive—which is still yet to be seen—I will most likely—“

  “What?” Aleyna interrupted. “You must be alive. I do not want to hear any of this silly talk again. I need you to be alive, because if you are not, then who will be there for me at my wedding? You are the only family I have left.”

  The unicorn smiled. His horn shone brilliantly for a moment and then he chuckled. “If it is what you wish, I would not miss such an event for all the world.”

  “Thank you.” She leant down and placed a kiss on his left cheek. “Thank you for all you have done for me. Thank you.”

  There would be time later to explain all of her mission and the council and eternities to her later as of now, Ezralon’s eyes twinkled as he beheld the beautiful girl and said quite simply. “I love you, my little one, now go and be happy—it is time for you to truly live in the world and see it as it should be. There is so much you will teach us all, so much you will continue to learn, but mostly, my dear queen, you will be awake to experience it all.”


  TWO MONTHS LATER, ALEYNA knew what it was like to be truly awake and happy as she stood across from her stalwart prince and married him within her family’s ancient chapel. Over the course of several days, Ezralon slowly began to use his magical gifts to create and rebuild her kingdom into the glorious vision she had always believed it was. Thus releasing the final curse and allowing those trapped servants to go beyond the veil to their own new adventures in the afterlife.

  Many of them waited until after the wedding to do so, and frankly Darién still had not fully recovered from his aversion of phantoms when they began to pop around more frequently and much more visibly than he would have hoped.

  They came to wish the happy couple well on their grand day and many tears were shed from Aleyna herself to see them all for the last time, but I do believe Darién was quite relieved when the last ones came to thank their queen and bid their adieus.

  Margie sniffled and hugged her mistress tight as she exclaimed, “I love you, my little queen. Be safe. Enjoy every moment of life—and cook as much as you’d like to!”

  Tears glistened as Aleyna hugged her back. “Oh, I will. You know no one will ever keep me out of that kitchen, not now—not ever. Thank you. Thank you for being the mother I needed at such a time. I will love you forever and remember you always.”

  “Aye, you do that. Always remember, my queen, for I will be forever watching out from above.”


  “Godspeed. And may you enjoy this life, it is yours now—you have chosen well and it will be worth the trials to have such a man by your side.” She leaned over and brought Darién in for a hug too. “She has waited a long time for you. Be good to her, or you won’t see the last of me!”

  Darién laughed albeit a little nervously. “Yes, Ma’am, I will.”

  Aleyna wiped her eyes as she watched the dear woman disappear on a twinkle. She would have loved to have seen her own mother, father and brothers just once more, but Ezralon explained earlier, to do so would be impossible. They were already released from the curse they signed at their deaths. She would see them again in the afterlife and he pro
mised they were anxiously waiting for her.

  There was however, one ghostly guest they were not expecting as he approached.


  Darién rushed forward and squeezed him tight, marveling at how solid he felt beneath his arms. This was one spirit he would gladly face any day.

  George hugged back as good as he got and exclaimed, “So, you finally tied the knot! We all thought it would be impossible to behold, the day you would be finally married—but here you are!” He pulled back and smiled at the prince.

  “How are you? We miss you so very much.” Aleyna stepped forward and clasped George’s hand. “Thank you for all—”

  Darién and Aleyna gasped in unison. Before their eyes George began to transform in front of them, becoming more solid by the second.

  “What?” he asked. “What are you two so stunned about? You look as though I have died or something.”

  “The enchantment!” Aleyna hissed, then called over her shoulder, not daring to release George’s hand. “Ezralon! Michael! Humphrey! Come quickly!”

  “Enchantment?” George seemed a bit bewildered. “Is something wrong?”

  Darién shook his head. “I cannot believe I can see him as well. He must not be truly gone, he must be asleep somewhere.”

  “I am most surely not gone. I am right here. Nor am I asleep. What are you blathering on about?”

  Michael approached with his lovely queen. “I cannot believe what I am seeing. Is it really you, George?”

  “Well, well, well…” Ezralon sounded as shocked as the rest of them as he joined the group. “It looks as though my enchantment at the beginning of the battle did more than Villeria thought it would—more than I thought it would.”

  “What enchantment? What battle?”

  “George!” Humphrey exclaimed as he joined the group. “You are alive!” He rushed forward and hugged his friend.

  “Alive? Of course I am alive!”

  Michael shook his head in amazement. “You definitely were not yesterday.”

  “What is happening with him?” asked Humphrey as he wiped a tear from his eye.

  “He is not fully awake yet, we believe he is under the same enchantment Aleyna was,” Ezralon explained.

  “Will someone please clarify what is going on here?”

  Ezralon turned to the queen. “Why don’t you kiss the man and put him out of his misery.”

  “Kiss him?” she asked. “Would it work as easily as that?” She would gladly kiss him a hundred times over if it brought their brave hero back them.

  “Well, it would seem, since it is you who is bringing him back to life as you connect, it must be you to do it. You are more powerful than you realize. There is a reason why Villeria wanted you in the first place.”

  “I am quite relieved it is Aleyna who is powerful and not me then!” Darién grinned.

  “Kiss me? Kiss me where?”

  Ezralon looked at the queen. “Since you are not bound to him, and he was only bound to your curse, one would assume it should be sufficient to kiss him anywhere really.”

  “On the cheek?” she asked.

  “If you wish.”

  “Yes, hurry!” Darién smiled.

  “Whoa, wait!” George stepped back, releasing his hold and turning into his ghouly form again. “I do not understand all that is happening at this moment. However, I love being kissed by a pretty girl as much as the next man, but on your wedding day? Now? Darién I am ashamed of you being so eager to see your bride kiss another man!”

  They all laughed.

  “You do not remember anything do you?” asked Darién. “Come, my friend, trust me. I will explain it all later—until then, may I present my glorious bride to you. She has the most magical kiss, a kiss I believe you will enjoy very, very much. And just this once, I am more than eager to share her with you.”

  George blushed and stammered as Aleyna walked forward. “Please do not be quite so bashful, it is only a small kiss on the cheek my dear Lord.” She caught his hand up again and pulled him toward her.

  Amazed and bewildered, George hesitantly allowed himself to be brought into her embrace.

  The small queen stood upon tiptoe and raising her lips, placed a soft kiss upon his cheek. Instantly he transformed back into his old self. The group cheered and began chattering all at once.

  It took some time to reintroduce all that had happened the last few months, but George eventually learned to accept it all, especially once his memories began flooding back.

  Sometime later after the wedding guests had all gone and the newly hired staff were cleaning up the remnants, the little group clustered into the front room. All of them were eagerly soaking up George and enjoying the beautiful goodness and joy they felt at being reunited once again. But, after an hour or so even George’s awakening was not enough to diminish the fact that a certain couple had recently wed.

  When it became apparent the newlyweds were eagerly awaiting their room upstairs, Michael glanced at his charming queen and while squeezing her hand announced, “My dear, what do you say we allow these two to enjoy the rest of their evening alone?”

  “Yes,” exclaimed Humphrey, “We are taking up their whole night.”

  Aleyna blushed and squirmed.

  Thankfully, George caused the awkwardness to diminish and the group to chuckle when he added his felicitations and said, “My Queen, may you enjoy the first of many nights of wedded bliss. And hopefully you bring forth many, many wonderful children between the two of you—and that you actually find the time to sleep once more!”

  And they did. Have many children, that is—however, once the eight children came, it was witnessed by more than one, that the poor sleeping queen never fully slept again.

  At least, she did not seem to mind overly much—since one rarely saw her without a glowing smile, or heard her tinkling laughter.

  After all, she did live happily ever after, now that she was wholly and truly awake to her glorious reality.

  The End

  A sneak peek at the next fairy tale in the Jenni James Faerie Tale Collection



  HIS ROYAL MAJESTY FREDERICO Baldrich Layton’s little legs ran fast—faster than they had ever traveled before. Soon he would be at the meadow, the pretty one with the magic pond. If he could just get there before Nurse Landon did, he knew he could collect the strange small rocks and stuff them into his pockets before she would ever know.

  She did not let him bring the stones back yesterday when they had played at the magic pond. It was now or never, while she was sipping her tea and talking to the Reverend Townesend, now was the time to dash to the pond and bring back those stones.

  He could hardly wait to show his baby brother. Marcus was only three, but he sure did love rocks as much as Frederico did, especially strange rocks.

  Frederico rounded the corner past the old willow tree and skidded to a halt, glancing back through the hanging branches he saw Nurse Landon all the way across the field still talking with the Reverend.

  “Good!” She had not even noticed he was missing yet. Without another thought he rushed past the blackberry bushes over to the pond, to the special spot where he was told to set the stones down. “They are still here!” Quickly he collected all six of the odd shiny black and blue striped stones and stuffed them into his coat pocket. Then just as he was about to rush back to Nurse Landon he heard a shuffling in the bushes.

  Turning toward the sound, he was surprised to see a crooked old lady step out of them.

  “Do you live in there?” he asked before remembering it was not polite to speak until spoken to.

  “No, I do not,” snapped the old woman and glanced around. “Where do you live, young man? And how old are you? You do not look old enough to be scampering about alone.”

  Prince Frederico stood to his full height, his little chest puffed out like he had seen his father the king do many times and said, “I am five, nearly six and I liv
e in the castle over there.” He pointed to the large fortress.

  “Do you?” the old woman seemed very interested. “Whose castle is it?”

  “My father, King Albert, of course.”

  The old woman’s eyes snapped to his and she looked long and hard at the young boy before asking, “Are you certain King Albert lives there?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Are you his heir, then?”

  “Yes, I am!” he stated proudly.

  She surprised him by spitting on the ground, some of the spittle landed upon his shiny kid leather boots. Frederico backed a few paces away.

  “Well, it is a sad day indeed, because you seem like a nice hardy lad—however, your family is pure evil and I will not stand to have this land ruined, when just twenty years ago your grandfather ruled as kindness and a perfect example to all. Therefore, I am sorry to say, but they must be taught a lesson, and it will be through you I choose to do it.”

  “Through me?” asked Frederico not quite certain of what she was speaking of.

  “Yes, boy. Come here quickly, before they find you missing and come after their little jewel.”


  “Come lad. Now.” She held her hand out and grasped his tiny fingers pulling him sharply behind the bush she had come from. Before he even knew what was happening, she mumbled several incoherent words over him and watched satisfied as his face contorted with pain. “It is for your own good, my boy, for the good of us all, you will see.”

  And that was that.

  She shoved him out from under the bushes and disappeared in a poof of smoke.

  Confused the young prince was scared as he attempted to head back to his nurse. He was hurting too. His fingers were all twisted and bent and his body was too. One foot would not even move anymore. All he wanted most was to return home and feel better again.

  As quick as his crippled body could take him, dragging his unusable foot the whole way, he burst into the garden and interrupted tea time with the Reverend.

  Nurse Landon screamed and shattered her cup upon the table as she jumped up to get away from him.


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