Warhost of Vastmark
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pronounced: el-deer
root meaning: eldir – to ponder, to consider, to weigh
ELIE – name of a newlywed woman in Merior. Short for Elidie, which is a common southcoast girl’s name.
pronounced: ellie (long form, el-ed-ee)
root meaning: eledie – night-singing bird
ELKFOREST – wood located in Ghent, Havish; home of Machiel, steward and caithdein of the realm.
ELSHIAN – Athlien Paravian bard and instrument maker. Crafted the lyranthe that is held in trust by Athera’s Masterbard.
pronounced: el-shee-an
root meaning: e’alshian – small wonder, or miracle
ELSSINE – city located on the coast of Alland, Shand, famed for stone quarries used for ships’ ballast.
pronounced: el-seen
root meaning: elssien – small pit
ELTAIR BAY – large bay off Cildein Ocean and east coast of Rathain; where River Severnir was diverted following the Mistwraith’s conquest.
pronounced: el-tay-er
root meaning: al’tieri – of steel/a shortening of original Paravian name, dascen al’tieri – which meant ‘ocean of steel’ referring to the colour of the waves
ERDANE – old Paravian city, later taken over by Men. Seat of old Princes of Camris until Desh-thiere’s conquest and rebellion.
pronounced: er-day-na with the last syllable almost subliminal
root meaning: er’deinia – long walls
ERLIEN s’TALEYN – High Earl of Alland; caithdein of Shand, chieftain of the forest clansmen of Selkwood.
pronounced: er-lee-an stall-ay-en
root meaning: aierlyan – bear; tal – branch; an —one/first ‘of first one branch’
ETARRA – trade city built across the Mathorn Pass by townsfolk after the revolt that cast down Ithamon and the High Kings of Rathain. Nest of corruption and intrigue, and policy maker for the North,
pronounced: ee-tar-ah
root meaning: e’ – prefix for small; taria – knots
FAERY-TOES – a brown gelding Dakar won dicing with mercenaries.
FALGAIRE – coastal city on Instrell Bay, located in Arae-thura, Rathain, famed for its crystal and glassworks,
pronounced: fall-gair, to rhyme with ‘air’
root meaning: fal’mier – to sparkle or glitter
FALLOWMERE – northeastern principality of Rathain.
pronounced: fal-oh-meer
root meaning: fal’ei’miere – literally, tree self-reflection, colloquialism for ‘place of perfect trees’
FARL ROCKS – standing stones located in Daon Ramon Barrens, Rathain; site of a rendezvous between Jieret Red-beard and Caolle. These markers once channelled the earthforces for the Paravian dances at solstice and equinox.
pronounced: far(l)
root meaning: ffael – dark
FARSEE – coastal harbour on the Bay of Eltair, located in East Halla, Melhalla.
pronounced: far-see
root meaning: faersi – sheltered/muffled
FATE’S WHEEL – see Daelion’s Wheel.
FELLOWSHIP OF SEVEN – sorcerers sworn to uphold the Law of the Major Balance, and to foster enlightened thought in Athera. Originators of the compact with the Paravian races that allowed Men to settle in Athera.
FEYLIND – daughter of Jinesse; twin sister of Fiark; inhabitant of Merior.
pronounced: fay-lind
root meaning: faelind’an – outspoken one/noisy one
FIARK – son of Jinesse; twin brother of Feylind; inhabitant of Merior.
pronounced: fee-ark
root meaning: fyerk – to throw or toss
FIRST AGE – marked by the arrival of the Paravian Races as Ath’s gift to heal the marring of creation by the great drakes.
FORTHMARK – city in Vastmark, Shand. Once the site of a hostel of Ath’s Brotherhood. By Third Age 5320, the site was abandoned and taken over by the Koriani Order as a healer’s hospice.
root meaning not from the Paravian
GANISH – trade city located south of Methlas Lake in Orvandir, Shand.
pronounced: rhymes with ‘mannish’
root meaning: gianish – a halfway point, a stopping place
GARTH’S POND – small brackish pond in Merior by the Sea, on the Scimlade peninsula off Alland, Shand.
pronounced: garth to rhyme with ‘hearth’
root meaning not from the Paravian
GHARMAG – one of the senior captains in Etarra’s garrison.
pronounced: gar-mag
root meaning not from the Paravian
GHEDAIR – Vastmark shepherd boy who stands off an attack by wyverns.
pronounced: sounds like ‘dead air’
root meaning: ghediar – to persist
GHENT – mountainous principality in Kingdom of Hav-ish; where Prince Eldir was raised in hiding.
pronounced: gent, hard ‘g’
root meaning: ghent – harsh
GNUDSOG – Etarra’s field-captain of the garrison under Lord Commander Diegan; acting first officer in the battle of Strakewood Forest; died in the flooding at the River Tal Quorin.
pronounced: nud-sog to rhyme with ‘wood log’
root meaning: gianud – tough; sog – ugly
GREAT WAYSTONE – amethyst crystal, spherical in shape, once the grand power focus of the Koriani Order; reputed to be lost since the uprising.
GREAT WEST ROAD – trade route which crosses Tysan from Karfael on the west coast, to Castle Point on Instrell Bay.
GUNDRIG – a mercenary in Alestron’s field army, best known for his womanizing,
pronounced: gun-drig
root meaning: giunud-erig – a coarse suitor
HALDUIN s’ILESSED – founder of the line that became High Kings of Tysan since Third Age Year One. The attribute he passed on, by means of the Fellowship’s geas, was justice.
pronounced: hal-dwin
root meaning: hal – white; duinne – hand
HALLIRON MASTERBARD – native of Innish, Shand. Masterbard of Athera during the Third Age, inherited the accolade from his teacher Murchiel in the year 5597. Son of Al’Duin. Husband of Deartha. Arithon’s master and mentor.
pronounced: hal-eer-on
root meaning: hal – white; lyron – singer
HALTHA – Senior enchantress of the Koriani Order; assigned to keep watch on Avenor at the time of the city’s restoration.
prounounced: hal-the
root meaning: halthien – white aged
HALWYTHWOOD – forest located in Araethura, Rathain.
pronounced: hall-with-wood
root meaning: hal – white; wythe – vista
HANSHIRE – port city on Westland Sea, coast of Korias, Tysan; reigning official Lord Mayor Garde; opposed to royal rule at the time of Avenor’s restoration.
pronounced: han-sheer
root meaning: hansh – sand; era – place
HARRADENE – Lord Commander of Etarra’s army at the time of the muster at Werpoint.
pronounced: har-a-deen
root meaning: harradien – large mule
HAVENS – an inlet on the northeastern shore of Vastmark, Shand.
HAVISH – one of the Five High Kingdoms of Athera, as defined by the charters of the Fellowship of Seven. Ruled by Eldir s’Lornmein. Sigil: gold hawk on red field.
pronounced: hav-ish
root meaning: havieshe – hawk
HAVISTOCK – southeast principality of Kingdom of Havish.
pronounced: hav-i-stock
root meaning: haviesha – hawk; tiok – roost
HAVRITA – fashionable dressmaker in Jaelot.
pronounced: have-reet-ah
root meaning: havieita – tailor
HIGHSCARP – city on the coast of the Bay of Eltair, located in Daon Ramon, Rathain.
ILITHARIS PARAVIANS – centaurs, one of three semi-mortal old races; disappeared at the time of the Mist-wraith’s conquest. They were the guardians of the earth’s mys
pronounced: i-li-thar-is
root meaning: i’lith’earis – the keeper/preserver of mystery
IMARN ADAER – enclave of Paravian gem cutters in the city of Mearth, who dispersed in the times of the Curse which destroyed the inhabitants. The secrets of their trade were lost with them. Surviving works include the crown jewels of the Five High Kingdoms of Athera, cut as focus stones which attune to the heir of the royal lines,
pronounced: i-marn-a-day-er
root meaning: imarn – crystal; e’daer – to cut smaller
INNISH – city located on the south coast of Shand at the delta of the River Ippash. Birthplace of Halliron Masterbard. Formerly known as ‘the Jewel of Shand’, this was the site of the high king’s winter court, prior to the time of the uprising,
pronounced: in-ish
root meaning: inniesh – a jewel with a pastel tint
INSTRELL BAY – body of water off the Gulf of Stormwell, that separates principality of Atainia, Tysan, from Deshir, Rathain.
pronounced: in-strell
root meaning: arin’streal – strong wind
IPPASH DELTA – river which originates in the southern spur of the Kelhorns and flows into the South Sea by the city of Innish, south coast, Shand.
pronounced: ip-ash
root meaning: ipeish – crescent
ISAER – city located at the crossroads of the Great West Road in Atainia, Tysan. Also a power focus, built during the First Age, in Atainia, Tysan, to source the defence-works at the Paravian keep of the same name.
pronounced: i-say-er
root meaning: i’saer – the circle
ISHLIR – coastal city located in Orvandir, Shand.
pronounced: ish-lear
root meaning: ieshlier – sheltered place
ITHAMON – Second Age Paravian stronghold, and a Third Age ruin; built on a fifth lane power node in Daon Ramon Barrens, Rathain, and inhabited until the year of the uprising. Site of the Compass Point Towers, or Sun Towers. Became the seat of the high kings of Rathain during the Third Age and in year 5638 was the site where Princes Lysaer s’Ilessid and Arithon s’Ffalenn battled the Mistwraith to confinement.
pronounced: ith-a-mon
root meaning: itha – five; mon – needle, spire
ITHILT – peninsula bordering Minderl Bay, located in kingdom of Rathain.
pronounced: ith-ilt sounds like ‘with ill’
root meaning: ith – five; ealt – a narrows
ITHISH – city located at the edge of the principality of Vastmark, on the south coast of Shand. Where the Vastmark wool factors ship fleeces.
pronounced: ith-ish
root meaning: ithish – fleece or fluffy
IVEL – blind splicer hired by Arithon in his shipyard at Merior.
pronounced: ee-vell
root meaning: iavel – scathing
IYAT – energy sprite native to Athera, not visible to the eye, manifests in a poltergeist fashion by taking temporary possession of objects. Feeds upon natural energy sources: fire, breaking waves, lightning.
pronounced: ee-at
root meaning: iyat – to break
JAELOT – city located on the coast of the Bay of Eltair at the southern border of the Kingdom of Rathain. Once a Second Age power site, with a focus circle. Now a merchant city with a reputation for extreme snobbery and bad taste.
pronounced: jay-lot
root meaning: jielot – affectation
JIERET s’VALERIENT – earl of the North, clan chief of Deshir; caithdein of Rathain, sworn liegeman of Prince Arithon s’Ffalenn. Also son and heir of Lord Steiven. Blood pacted to Arithon by sorcerer’s oath prior to battle of Strakewood Forest. Came to be known by headhunters as Jieret Red-beard.
pronounced: jeer-et
root meaning: jieret – thorn
JILIETH – girl from a Vastmark shepherd tribe.
pronounced: jill-ee-eth
root meaning: jierlieth – to be stubborn enough to cause pain; a thorn of worry
JINESSE – widow of a fisherman, mother of the twins Fiark and Feylind, and an inhabitant of Merior by the Sea.
pronounced: gin-ess
root meaning: jienesse – to be washed out or pale; a wisp
KALESH – one of the towns at the head of the inlet to Alestron’s harbour, located in East Halla, Melhalla, and traditionally the enemy of the reigning s’Brydion duke.
pronounced: cal-esh
root meaning: caille’esh – stubborn hold
KARFAEL – trader town on the coast of the Westland Sea, in Tysan. Built by townsmen as a trade port after the fall of the High Kings of Tysan. Prior to Desh-thiere’s conquest, the site was kept clear of buildings to allow the second lane forces to flow untrammelled across the focus site at Avenor.
pronounced: kar-fay-el
root meaning: kar’i’ffael – literal translation ‘twist the dark’/colloquialism for ‘intrigue’
KARMAK – plain located in the northern portion of the principality of Camris, Tysan. Site of numerous First Age battles where Paravian forces opposed Khadrim packs that bred in volcanic sites in the northern Tornir Peaks.
pronounced: kar-mack
root meaning: karmak – wolf
KARTHAN – kingdom in splinter world Dascen Elur, through West Gate, ruled by the pirate kings, s’Ffalenn descendants of the prince sent into exile at the time of the Mistwraith’s conquest.
pronounced: karth-an
root meaning: kar’eth’an – one who raids/pirate
KARTH-EELS – creatures descended from stock aberrated by the methurien, or hate-wraiths, of Mirthlvain Swamp. Amphibious, fanged, venomed spines, webbed feet.
pronounced: car-th eels
root meaning: kar’eth – to raid
KELDMAR s’BRYDION – younger brother of Duke Bransian of Alestron; older brother of Parrien and Mearn.
pronounced: keld-mar
root meaning: kiel’d’maeran – one without pity
KELHORN MOUNTAINS – a range of shale scarps in Vastmark, Shand.
pronounced: kell-horn
root meaning: kielwhern – toothed, jagged
KHADRIM – drake-spawned creatures, flying, fire-breathing reptiles that were the scourge of the Second Age. By the Third Age, they had been driven back and confined in the Sorcerers’ Preserve in the volcanic peaks in north Tysan.
pronounced: kaa-drim
root meaning: khadrim – dragon
KHARADMON – Sorcerer of the Fellowship of Seven; discorporate since rise of Khadrim and Seardluin levelled Paravian city at Ithamon in Second Age 3651. It was by Kharadmon’s intervention that the survivors of the attack were sent to safety by means of transfer from the fifth lane power focus. Currently sent to the worlds cut off beyond South Gate to explore the Mistwraith’s origin.
pronounced: kah-rad-mun
root meaning: kar’riad en mon – phrase translates to mean ‘twisted thread on the needle’ or colloquialism for ‘a knot in the works’
KHETIENN – name for a brigantine owned by Arithon; also a small spotted wildcat, native to Daon Ramon Barrens, that became the s’Ffalenn royal sigil.
pronounced: key-et-ee-en
root meaning: kietienn – small leopard
KIELING TOWER – one of the four Compass Points or Sun Towers standing at Ithamon, Daon Ramon Barrens, Rathain. The warding virtue that binds its stones is compassion.
pronounced: kee-el-ing
root meaning: kiel’ien – root for pity, with suffix added translates to ‘compassion’
KITTIWAKE TAVERN – sailors’ dive located in the city of Ship’s Port, Melhalla.
KORIANI – possessive form of the word ‘Koriathain’, see entry.
pronounced: kor-ee-ah-nee
KORIAS – southwestern principality of Tysan.
pronounced: kor-ee-as
root meaning: cor – ship, vessel; i’esh – nest, haven
KORIATHAIN – order of enchantresses ruled by a circle of
seniors, under the power of one Prime Enchantress. They draw their talent from the orphaned children they raise, or from daughters dedicated to service by their parents. Initiation rite involves a vow of consent that ties the spirit to a power crystal keyed to the Prime’s control.
pronounced: kor-ee-ah-thain (thain rhymes with ‘main’)
root meaning: koriath – order; ain. – belonging to
LANSHIRE – northwestern principality of Havish. Name taken from wastes at Scarpdale, site of First Age battles with Seardluin that seared the soil to a slag waste.
pronounced: lahn-sheer-e (last ‘e’ is nearly subliminal)
root meaning: lan’hansh’era – place of hot sands
LAW OF THE MAJOR BALANCE – founding order of the powers of the Fellowship of Seven, as written by the Paravians. The primary tenet is that no force of nature should be used without consent, or against the will of another living being.
LEINTHAL ANITHAEL – great Paravian navigator who was first to circumnavigate Athera.
pronounced: lee-in-thall an-ith-ee-el
root meaning: lienthal – direction; anithael – to seek
LITHMERE – principality located in the Kingdom of Havish.
pronounced: lith-mere to rhyme with ‘with here’
root meaning: lithmiere – compound word with the meaning ‘to preserve intact, or to keep whole’, as in maintain a state of perfection
LIRENDA – First Senior Enchantress to the Prime, Kori-ani Order; Morriel’s intended successor,
pronounced: leer-end-ah
root meaning: lyron – singer; di-ia – a dissonance (the hyphen denotes a glottal stop)
LOS MAR – coastal city in Carithwyr, Havish. Once a fishing village; grew into a caravan crossing after the Mistwraith’s invasion. Known for its scholars,
pronounced: loss-mar
root meaning: liosmar – letters, written records
LUHAINE – Sorcerer of the Fellowship of Seven – discor-porate since the fall of Telmandir. Luhaine’s body was pulled down by the mob while he was in ward trance, covering the escape of the royal heir to Havish.
pronounced: loo-hay-ne
root meaning: luirhainon – defender
LYRANTHE – instrument played by the bards of Athera. Strung with fourteen strings, tuned to seven tones (doubled). Two courses are ‘drone strings’ set to octaves. Five are melody strings, the lower three courses being octaves, the upper two, in unison.
pronounced: leer-anth-e (last ‘e’ being nearly subliminal)