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Survivor (The Soul Mates Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Victoria Johns

  “Good plan. If nothing else it would really annoy me if they were inaccurate,” I replied much to his surprise and he chuckled, handing me a take away coffee and some cheese subs that he’s also picked up.

  My mind was capable of doing multiple tasks, so I paid attention to the books and stories, looked at the scenery we passed, listen to and answered Sam’s queries, but mainly I was focused on what would be waiting for us when we got to Hawkstown. I’d pegged Ross as having a really lonely lifestyle and couldn’t grasp his friendship with this Jonas, I was stunned as to how he had someone in a small town that he’d managed to drag into both of our lives and my drama. “What’s this Jonas like?”

  “Never met him. Heard stories about him from Ross. Both ex-military which means they’ve had to trust each other under circumstances probably more dire than this. Know he was part of a case that Ross worked a while back.”

  “What does he do now?”

  “No idea for sure, but I get the idea he’s still part of some kind of service. He must be to have the kind of intel he’s been feedin’ my boy,” he surmised.

  “What if it’s too populated and I can’t…”


  “Yeah,” I answered on a sigh.

  “We have to trust that where we’re heading is a safe place and besides it’s probably safer for you there, than it is back at mine.”

  “I’d not thought of that.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be staying long enough to make sure it’s all ok. Then I’ll be back on the road.” Sam told me this like I knew it was inevitable.

  “What! You’re going to leave me there?”

  “Have to. Need to head home and see if they come back to look for Ross. Both of us disappearin’ will ring some alarm bells Mouse.”

  “I never thought of that.”

  “I didn’t expect you too,” he confirmed as he pulled into another motel. “Last night at one of the state’s finest roach motels, let’s get some rest.”

  Ross called and confirmed I would be arriving in Hawkstown ahead of him and Jonas was on point at his house to meet me, other than his wife no one knew I was coming. He told me he’d been delayed making sure things wherever he was, were still safe.

  I took ages getting to sleep and knew it was down to nervous excitement. I was going to be relying on strangers for a while but more importantly, I was going to be seeing Ross again. I could feel that missing part of me reshaping, my heart knew it wouldn’t be long now.

  I’d been reading sci-fi on the road, Game of Thrones. Even though parts of it were violent and more medieval than I’d expected, it was good to move my brain through an entire world I could conjure up in my imagination. At nights when I was alone in my motel room I read the erotic fiction Sam had grabbed for me. It set my pulse racing and my heart pounding, all of the sex scenes were gritty and descriptive. I learned more in a few nights reading, than I had in years and the endless sexual possibilities both intrigued me and shocked me. The part I really enjoyed was how easy it was for my imagination to insert myself and Ross into the scenes and situations. The nights alone had been filled with longing and desire.

  Yes. I was definitely excited to see Ross.

  Hawkstown arrived on our landscape soon enough and was nothing more than a mid country town like any other. An average main street containing a standard bank, generic shops, a coffee shop and high school. The only main difference between that and Rockton was the population, this place just seemed that little bit busier.

  We breezed through with Sam following directions from the Sat Nav to the address I gave him. We landed at a farm track and pottered down it until we came to a really beautiful farm house. “Looking for the Drakeson place,” Sam asked a guy on a horse.

  “Yeah, next place along. Back up the main drive, out onto the road and take the next driveway on the right. You’ll feel like you’re driving in a circle back towards here because you are.”

  Sam nodded and turned us around after thanking the man and it wasn’t long before we hit the right driveway, “No post box or sign,” he mumbled to himself. After we cleared the trees a new build style ranch house appeared in view.

  “Wow,” was my only comment.

  Sam started chuckling beside me, “And that’s coming from the millionaire princess who probably has a family house bigger than Rockton town.”

  He wasn’t wrong, I’d lived in grandeur, I knew what it was to live like a princess, especially a Disney princess and like all those apparent perfect girls their lives involved evil and baddies. Yeah, the irony of Sam’s description was not lost on me.

  Looking at the Drakeson home I felt the shroud of love and protection it gave the family that lived here. It was this vibe that made it wow because it was a home. The yard at the side was enclosed, but I could see a love swing facing an epic child’s play set, complete with army flags, swings and a slide. The child that lived here was lucky enough to have their very own fort to play in.

  “Stay here, I’ll go and knock, although I imagine he knows we’re here.” Sam nodded in the direction of the discreet cameras attached to each side of the house.

  “Sure,” I replied, rubbing my hands on my thighs. My palms were sweaty, I was going to see Ross again soon. The last time I felt this much trepidation was when I was a young girl and it was approaching my birthday. I soon got over that excitement, fake parties with guests I didn’t know and presents fit for someone of my wealth and stature sucked the real fun out of them pretty quickly.

  The front door opened and Sam extended a hand inside. After a minute or two of chat he motioned for me to get out and join him. By the time I got to him I was teetering like a cat on a hot tin roof, “Oh my,” were the words that slipped out from between my lips when I clapped eyes on the guy the other side of the door.

  He was as tall as Ross, not as wide, but still he looked like one half of a WWE tag team. He was strikingly handsome, the kind of stop you in your tracks handsome. “You must be Cara,” his voice rumbled as he stuck his hand out to meet me.

  “Uh…” I couldn’t form words, I’d thought Ross was a one off. Clearly our armed forces bred machines that kept us safe during their formative years, but then they graduated to become hot guys capable of disintegrating your panties during the latter part of their manhood.

  “Ross hasn’t hit town yet. You need to hang here.”


  “Shit Mouse, get a grip. Boy put the coffee on.” It was then that I started to chuckle. Boy. Sam just called this gigantic lump of muscle, boy. “Excuse her Jonas, it’s been a long few days and I think cabin fever is setting in.”

  Jonas wasn’t fussed, he took us in his stride and my behavior didn’t seem to faze him. I assumed my reaction to him was just the standard he got every time he met someone new.

  Moving through the house, it became clear that this was a complete family home, toys and kiddy paraphernalia ruled. “Excuse the mess. Dalton is not a fan of housework. Coffee with her crew, yes. Shopping for our girls, definitely. Clearing up, never seems to be a high priority on her to do list.”

  “Girls?” I asked as he filled the coffee machine with water.

  “Twin monsters. A and B. I’ve seen some messy shit over the years and managed some sticky situations but that is nothing compared with fatherin’ twin girls.” The way he said that, with a smile, was so endearing that I knew this was his world and his reason for being. Just then, a door slammed and two adorable toddler sized girls rushed forward. When I say adorable I mean, one was clean and pretty and the other was wild eyed and ready to throw down at a moment’s notice. “Talk of the devils,” he mumbled.

  “Daddy,” they both squealed, heading in his direction. Each girl latched onto a leg as he leant down to cuddle them both.

  Beautiful, it was all just so beautiful to see.

  “Sorry I’m late. Barbara had trouble disengaging that one from the tool shed.” I turned around towards the voice and saw the most fresh faced looking blonde. Her h
air was naturally curly, she had boobs twice the size of mine and an ass that looked real and feminine encased in kick ass Jeans. She wore a T-shirt that said We’re gladiators, where’s the Scandal? on the front and old battered cowboys boots. “You must be Cara, nice to meet you. I’m Dolly.” She reached out a hand to me and I shook it with pleasure.

  It was then that I heard the dark, gravelly voice mutter, “Babe,” and she forgot about the rest of us and made her way over to him. The look on his face told me it wasn’t just the twins that were his reason for being, she was it for him. This woman was his world and in return, I saw the same glow sent back in his direction.

  Dolly moved to him and he kissed her so gently that it was the tenderest thing I’d ever laid my eyes on. I’d never seen my mother and father like this. All the people in my life didn’t show natural affection, just PDA on command and usually in an attempt to assert power and control. I looked away quickly, feeling like I was intruding on something personal and caught Sam watching me. He smiled and raised his eyebrows in a gesture I wasn’t sure I understood.

  One of the girls broke free and with a look of amusement on her face, Dolly watched the tiny commando drag a chair and a box to the counter top, place them together so she had enough reach to get to the cupboard for the cookie jar.

  “Jesus B, haven’t you had enough at Granny’s?” Jonas groaned, but the child who was apparently busy in a tool shed not too long ago, was undeterred in her efforts, so to save her risking injury he gave her a cookie from the jar, along with a hair ruffle and scalp kiss full of pride.

  “Guess who she takes after?” Dolly said smiling which caused Sam to burst out in a fit of laughter.

  “Babe how about you take Cara to Jo’s in town for coffee, you’ll be OK there,” he said to her, although I think this was for my benefit. “I need to talk to Ross’s dad, it’ll save time if I do it before he gets here.”

  “Sure,” she told him grabbing her purse, it didn’t seem like she needed to be told twice she could have a break.

  It took me a moment to gather myself together, I wasn’t used to being able to go out for coffee and my nervousness about people was still at the very front of my thinking. Public places had become the enemy for me. “Go Mouse, you’ll be good,” Sam whispered, sensing my unease.

  Dolly kissed her man again, then kissed her girls in turn.

  “I’ll call when Ross gets here, stay at Jo’s OK babe?” A look passed between them, she knew his tone and understood that this instruction was important.

  And before I knew it, I was walking out the door with a stranger who was one of the friendliest people I’d ever met.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Dolly chatted a million miles an hour yet she never asked me a thing. Weirdly she never asked about Ross, whether we were together or how we had got together, she was not what I’d been led to believe about women. My father always said that it was safer to keep some distance, because women gossiped, I think this was also a problem for my mom. She lived a life where she also had no escape.

  Jonas seemed convinced that we’d both be safe at the coffee shop we were heading to and if all else failed, I remembered Sam’s advice, we were in a public place and I intended to stay there.

  “I’ve lived most of my life in Hawkstown, they placed me here when I was officially described as ‘at risk’ and that’s how I ended up with the most loving family ever. I love this place and I really hope you do, whilst you’re here anyway. My girlfriends, Neely and Lottie, are coming to meet us for coffee. Flo is still in school, she’s a teacher so you can meet her another time. I haven’t told them anything so don’t worry, I’ll just make it up as I go along.”

  “Appreciated, thank you.”

  “I mean, I’m going to have to anyway because I don’t actually know anything. Just that you’re a friend of Ross’s and Jonas is helping you out. So whatever I say, just try and keep up,” she told me, like I was going to struggle. The thing that I was struggling with was the ‘friend’ comment, it bothered me more than I let on, but what really grated was that this was how Ross had described me to Jonas. If that was true… well I couldn’t think about that, time to act for Dolly and her friends.

  We parked across the street from a seriously cool looking place called Mudjoe’s. It was the sort of café you’d see featured in a rough guide book for tourists, like a hidden secret you made every effort to seek out even if you were only passing through. The smell of fresh roasted coffee beans slammed into me like a steam train, it was like a nectar of the Gods. Being in a public place was still nerve racking, but being in one without Sam or Ross reminded me that I’d been missing out on the normal things in life. Not that I had much of a life before to begin with, it’s hard to make friends when firstly you’re not allowed out of the house without a body guard and secondly everyone knows who you and your infamous family are, but still, a girl can dream.

  “Girls, I’d like you to meet Cara. Jo,” Dolly shouted, “Two Colombians and a selection of baked goodies please.” A woman behind the counter waved in agreement and I was left looking like plain Jane super brain whilst Pocahontas and Rapunzel were giving me a thorough once over from a table we were heading towards. “Cara is passing through with her dad Sam, he’s at the house with Jonas going over some business.”

  Damn, this girl could improvise. She looked at me to remind me to play along with the story she was weaving.

  Piece of cake.

  “Cara, this is Neely and this is Lottie.”

  “Hi,” I said shyly, sitting down very quickly. I was so overwhelmed by their beauty, clothing and general all about model like looks, that I was more than happy to hide half of my drab self beneath a table.

  A memory swarmed my mind, I remember looking as put together as these two once. My clothing and accessories were so sharp I could have been on a magazine shoot, daily. My hair and makeup was nothing less than star quality. Now I looked like I’d been lost in the wilderness for years. My figure was athletic at best and the clothes I wore were functional, if a little on the big side. I’d lost a few more pounds with my increase in training whilst Ross was away.

  “Do I know you from somewhere?” Lottie asked me, desperately trying to solve the puzzle herself.

  “No. I don’t think so.” I began to flip my mental resources, scanning my internal hard drive to understand whether we’d ever been at the same place or function. I came back with nothing, so I was confident when I continued to deny it. “I’ve never been here, so I doubt you do.”

  “Uh… I’m sure it’ll come to me eventually,” she said dismissing it for now.

  Neely was quiet, the doorbell sounding distracted her though, “Incoming brothers,” she murmured to Dolly and two attractive looking preppy types wandered over. What on earth did they put in the water around here, was I the only ugly one in town?

  “Cara, these are my twin brothers, Jack and Jake. Boys, this is Cara.”

  “Pleasure to meet such a beautiful newcomer,” replied one of them.

  Whilst the other one shouted, “Dibs!” really quickly.

  “Fuck Jack, seriously. You’re not even going to say hi and introduce yourself before you lay claim down?”

  “Snooze you lose dickstick,” was the chuckled and inappropriate reply given.

  “Settle down guys, she isn’t an object for you to fight over,” Dolly butted in and I got the impression she did this a lot with them.

  “You in town long honey?”


  “I’d love to show you around, give you the guided tour?”

  “It’s that line still working for you Jack?” asked Lottie, clearly amused.

  At this point I still hadn’t got a word in, I’m convinced I’ve been placed in some parallel universe where this kind of behavior is considered normal. Then I remembered I didn’t really know what normal was, this could actually be how friends and siblings really are and I wouldn’t have a clue.

  “There is no denying that the o
ldies are the goodies,” Jack, I now realized, said.

  “True. It has been used a lot and all of the locals are very used to it,” sniggered Jake.

  “Oh. My. God,” Neely said bewildered.

  We all looked at her wondering what was the matter, saying “What?” in unison.

  “I think my past has just strolled into town to shake the foundations of my life. Look over there, right now and tell me if I’m seeing things. If I’m not, Chris is going to hunt down his ass and kill him.”

  We all looked across the road where she was pointing, Lottie too gasped in shock, whilst I was doing everything humanly possible to stay in one piece and not melt into a puddle of goo right there.

  Ross, he was here and he was advancing down the street with purpose, looking every inch the supreme human being I knew he was. The stories my brain had worked through, most especially the erotic ones, had only been kind to his memory. The reality was much, much more.

  His thigh muscles were barely contained in his jeans and I knew from firsthand experience why, they were powerful. Ross’s large, but skillfully gentle hands were swinging by his side, but best of all was the determination on his face. It was clear he had a purpose and I was hoping and praying that his purpose was me.

  I’d started to tune out all the speculation from people around me about why he was in town, even the other customers seemed to be asking the same question, until Neely said, “He knows I’m fucking married.”

  Like all bad episodes of rubbish timing, my mind pieced together words from past conversation. She was the one he nearly gave it all up for. Neely was the girl from his past. This native American stunner was the one who so very nearly claimed his heart.

  The inadequacy I felt before, when I first met Dolly’s friends was nothing compared to what was festering within me now. Inadequate did not cover it, I was so meager and pitiful in comparison that they hadn’t invented a word to describe just how shameful this situation was.


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