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Building Bridges (Sater's Creek Book 4)

Page 5

by Megs Pritchard

  “Well, first, there was the cake. Would you like to know what the cake was shaped as?” Elias nodded, but he didn’t really want to know. “A dick with two very large nuts below it, complete with pubes. Would you like to know what else they gave us?” Wes smiled so sweetly that Elias took a step back and swallowed hard. “A box. And do you know what was inside that box? A large assortment of toys. Sex toys. They took a trip to the sex shop and had ordered from Amazon. And from various other sex websites. And next to that box was another box. And inside that box were lots and lots of lube and attached to each box was a note telling us what Reece’s parents thought of them all.” Wes turned to face Elias with his hands on his hips. “Because Reece’s parents had tried them all. Six were included. And they had rated them in terms of effectiveness with recommendations of which we should try first.”

  “That’s not good?” Elias mumbled, glancing at Tucker, who had his head in his hands, his shoulders shaking as he tried not to laugh.

  “That fucker is laughing behind me, isn’t he?”

  “Erm, no?” Why had he decided to come to see Tucker today? And where were Rory and Keegan when he needed them to save him?

  “Don’t lie,” Wes muttered, his eyes narrowing. “I’ve known him almost all my life, so I know he’s laughing.”

  Wes glanced over his shoulder, his eyes narrowing at Tucker, who lost his fight and threw his head back, laughter bursting free. Wes slowly turned on the spot, and Elias took the chance to take another step back, knowing Wes was about to erupt.

  “Have you finished yet?” Wes asked sweetly.

  Tucker shook his hand at Wes. “Give me another minute.”

  “Another minute?” Wes waved his hand at Tucker. “Please, take all the time you need.”

  Tucker realized he was in some form of danger from Wes and took several deep breaths, managing to get his laughter under control. “Now, Wes, you know it was funny.”

  “Yes, Tuck, it would have been funny if my parents and the rest of my family weren’t in there as well. They weren’t amused.”

  Wes’s comment caused Tucker to laugh again. “Oh man, your parents were there as well. I forgot about that.”

  “I wonder why,” Wes muttered dryly. “Was it because you were too busy laughing, as you sat on the floor where you collapsed from laughing. I recall even Reece tried to get you to stop, but not Tucker. It was simply too much for you, wasn’t it? Right up your street.”

  “Come on, Wes. You know what Reese’s parents are like. As soon as they knew he was moving in with you, they would have planned something. Did you think they wouldn’t give you a present? And you know how open their house is when it comes to sex. I’ve been there when they’ve turned up with sex toys for Brad and Reece. I’ve been there when they’ve discussed different flavors of lube and anal beads. Seriously, what made you think they wouldn’t want to extend that to you? You’re marrying their son. You are becoming part of their family; that means you get to deal with all the shit we’ve had to deal with. You’ve been really lucky that somehow, you’ve managed to avoid it, but now those days are over.” Tucker rocked on his feet, a grin on his face.

  “They asked for the spare key, just in case we ever needed them to do anything for us,” Wes muttered.

  Tucker chuckled. “Or they can have access to your house and leave lots of presents around for you. Imagine walking in one day, and there is a twelve-inch neon-pink dildo in the middle of your kitchen table.” Tucker’s eyes widened, smiling gleefully. “Imagine if they’d tried it out.”

  “I think I threw up a little in my mouth,” Elias admitted. No, he wouldn’t go there. He wasn’t thinking about parents and sex toys. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.

  “Thank you, Tucker, not like I needed that image in my mind after seeing those gifts.” Wes crossed his arms over his chest again and muttered, “And would you like to know what gift they left in the bedroom?”

  Elias slowly shook his head. He really didn’t need to know. “No?”

  Wes glanced between Elias and Tucker, one eyebrow arched. “A starter BDSM kit with a wonderful note.” A small smile graced his lips, and Elias winced. This wasn’t good. “The note read, for when your sex life gets boring and a bit predictable, try this kit out. Spanking is amazing!” He dropped his head into his hands, shaking it slowly. When he lifted it, he said, “They spank each other. These are his parents. As if I need to know that. As if I need to know that at any point in my life. I could have happily lived out the rest of my life in complete ignorance and be happy.” Tucker was bent over, howling with laughter, tears streaming down his face, and Wes muttered, “Thank you for your support, Tucker.” He touched his chest. “I feel it all the way in here.”

  “How did they get into your house, Wes?” Bax asked as he walked into the room. He jabbed a thumb over his shoulder and added, “I heard what you said from there. I’m so glad our parents are really boring. This is the kind of life you can have now that you live with Reece and are planning to marry him. His parents giving you sex tips on buying new toys and shit.”

  “Thank you for that, Bax.” Wes glared at him. “It’s good to have you back living in Sater’s Creek. I have so missed your charm and wit and positive personality.”

  “And I’ve really missed your sarcasm, Wes… Not!” Bax opened his arms and grinned widely. “Come here, Wes, and give your friend a hug.”

  Wes rolled his eyes but walked over and let himself be enveloped in Bax’s arms. “Okay, you big lug, I have missed you.” Stepping back, Wes looked up. “You here to stay now? For real? No shitting me?”

  Elias grinned at Bax and answered, “Yeah, we’re here to stay. Like I told you before. We both have our own places, but Bax’s needs a lot of work, so he’s living with me until it’s complete. We have our business set up here too. Sater’s Creek is home.”

  And for Elias, there was that more personal reason—Lachlan. He’d never forgotten him, and now that he’d had the chance to see him and speak to him, he knew he had to do more. He still had the image of him burned into his mind. The image of him walking away, jeans encasing an ass he wanted to grab.

  He needed Lachlan to forgive him first, and that was a huge challenge.

  “Rory’s taken Keegs to his parents. Ro’s are much better than mine.”

  “I heard they hadn’t taken your relationship well,” Bax said.

  “Yeah, well, we can’t all have great parents like Brad and Reece.”

  “That depends on your definition,” Wes mused. With a heavy sigh, he added, “No, you’re right. They are great.”

  Elias smiled. “Mine don’t talk about my sexuality. Sometimes it’s like the elephant in the room. We get on well if that stays away.” He shrugged. “They support us if I keep quiet about it.”

  “Did you know they’d be like that? Is that why you kept quiet?” Wes asked.

  Elias looked at Bax, who shrugged in return. “They never said anything too bad, you know, but we knew they didn’t agree with it.”

  “Is that why you treated Lachlan like shit?” Tucker asked. “You made his life hell in high school.”

  Elias winced and rubbed the back of his head. “I guess, yeah. He was free and able to be true to who he was. He knew his parents would support him, and I was jealous.”

  “Rory hates you for what you did to Lachlan.”

  “Shit, Tuck.” Elias sighed heavily and closed his eyes. What a mess, but one he’d caused.

  “You only have one small problem, don’t you, Eli?” Tucker said. “And that would be Lachlan. Rory is Lachlan’s brother, so you have to know I’m aware of what happened in high school and exactly how you treated Lach.”

  “Yeah, I figured as much, and I’ve seen him and apologized. Like I told him, I was an idiot back then, lying to myself and everyone else, and he was out there in the open. I was jealous, so I took it out on him.” Elias shrugged and muttered, “Not that he accepted my apology.” He grimaced when he heard Bax chuckle next to him. “No, he di
dn’t take it at all.”

  “No, he punched you in the face instead.” Bax chuckled, shaking his head. “What was it you said to me? Oh yeah, the man can punch.”

  Tucker chuckled and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Good for him. You deserved it.”

  “No doubt I did, and that’s why I apologized.” Looking at Bax, he added, “But we’re here to stay, and I hope that whatever happened in the past can stay there and we can all move forward. We’re bound to run into each other, so at least we can try to be civil to each other.”

  “Doesn’t help Lachlan is good looking either,” Wes mused. “Not my type, not now that I have Reece, but I can appreciate a good-looking man.”

  “Yeah, he has filled out nicely.”

  Tucker barked out a laugh. “I knew it! You got the hots for our Lachlan.”

  Elias rolled his eyes and shook his head slowly. “It’s like Wes said, I can appreciate a good-looking man, and Lachlan is one.”

  “Not that I like listening to you three talk about good-looking men, but is someone gonna tell me what happened while we’ve been gone. Chase is married; he has a kid. Brad’s with an English guy who moved over here, and the English guy is Chase’s half brother.” Baxter threw his hands in the air. “You move away for a few years, and you come back to all this. So, tell me what’s happened. Catch me up with what’s been going on.”

  “Grab yourself a beer.” Tucker pointed toward the fridge. “Wes and I will tell you everything.”


  “DO YOU WANT to talk about it?” Rory asked quietly as Keegan played with his train set or more like banged them together, making crashing sounds. Kian looked up and arched a brow, then smiled at something Keegan said.

  Rory and Keegan had come over to visit, and they all sat in the living room, playing with Keegan. It was nice to hear Keegan’s laughter echo through the house again. Lachlan had missed it.

  “Elias?” Lachlan shrugged. “He’s back.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me it was that bad? He’s what, four years older than us?”

  “Yeah. His oldest brother was in the same year as Tucker.”

  “Tucker got on well with Bax in high school, but he doesn’t really know Elias that well. He never had a problem with him, though, from what he’s told me.”

  “I can’t stand him. I hated going to school because of him. Do you know what it was like, waking up every day knowing that someone in school can make your life hell because you liked men? I lived that every single fucking day because of him, and you know what made it worse?”

  “He’s attractive?” Kian murmured.

  “Yes!” Lachlan snapped. “He’s attractive. Why did he have to leave and come back and be so good looking? I mean, have you seen how he fills out those jeans he wears? It’s not fair.” Lachlan slumped back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest, a pout on his face. “No, he couldn’t come back and look like a pile of shit, could he? No, he had to come back looking hot as fuck.”

  “Lachlan, Keegan is here,” Rory warned in a low hiss.

  Lachlan winced. “Sorry, Ro. I won’t swear again.”

  “No.” Rory sighed. “I understand why you feel so angry and frustrated. It must be difficult knowing he’s back here for good and that you’re going to see him from time to time.”

  “Look, there’s not much we can do about it now, and like Ro said, he’s here to stay.” Kian lifted his hand when Lachlan went to interrupt him. “He’s bought a house, set up his business, and is making a life for himself here. You said yourself he’s tried to apologize to you. I was there.” Kian shrugged. “It just takes some people longer to grow than others.”

  “So what? I’m supposed to forget about it all? It’s not that easy, not after what he did.”

  “I know it’s not, but we’re not children anymore, are we?” Rory said as he passed a train to Keegan. “You’re going to run into him at some point. Why don’t you just try to be civil.”

  “Ro’s got a point, Lach,” Flynn said as he walked into the room. “None of us are kids anymore, and we all had to deal with some shit in high school.” He lifted his hand up when Lach opened his mouth. “I’m not saying what you experienced was easy or what we experienced was hard. You by far, had it worse than any of us because you were so open about your sexuality, and people felt they could bully you because of it. At the end of the day, it’s your decision, and we will stand by you because we’re family, but I think it’s time to move on. Like Ro said, you’re going to see him at some point in Sater’s Creek. What are you going to do? Cross the road so you don’t have to speak to him? What if we’re in the bar? Are you going to leave because he’s there? The past is the past, and nothing you say or do can change it, but how you act now will speak volumes about who you are now. Let it go, Lach.”

  “When did you get so smart?” Lachlan crouched. “You got anything to add to this, Kian?”

  “No, not really. You punched him, and it was a good one too. I was impressed. Next time, though, Ro might not be the officer who attends, and you could end up in the slammer.” Kian leaned forward and rubbed his jaw. “Sit down and talk to him. He knows he messed up. He made a point of coming over to you to apologize, so give him some credit for that. Speak to him, and if you still don’t like him…” Kian waved his hand in the air.

  Lachlan mimicked the move. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I don’t know really; I haven’t thought that far ahead.”

  Rory and Flynn chuckled as Kian said, “If you really can’t be friends with him, Lach, just be civil. Say hello, nod, and walk on.” Kian nodded as if he agreed with his own comment.

  “Yeah, that might be the way to do it.” Lachlan rubbed a hand over his face. “I can do that unless it’s just the two of us, and then I can flip him off, telling him how I really feel, and walk away.”

  “Nice, Lach, real mature.” Rory shook his head.

  “Well, less of Lach and his problems. Tell me all about you and Tucker.” Flynn sat next to Lachlan, who sighed but smiled as he watched Rory.

  Rory smiled, and Lachlan enjoyed seeing the happy look on his face. Rory and Tucker may not have the most conventional start to their relationship, but it was clear to everyone how much Rory and Keegan loved Tucker and that he felt the same way about them. Rory was Papa, Tucker was Daddy, and watching Tucker with Keegan, you would never know he wasn’t Keegan’s biological father. It was clear to anyone with eyes that Tucker adored Keegan, and Keegan felt the same way about Tucker.

  “It’s great. I’ve never been happier.” Rory ducked his head as the others all awwed him. “Oh, shut up,” he said, laughing.

  “Daddy has friends over today,” Keegan said from where he was playing. “Uncle Wes and a new friend. I like Uncle Wes. He makes nice cakes. Uncle Reece lets me ride in his sheriff’s car.” In a loud whisper, Keegan added, “Papa won’t let me in his, not after I was bad in it.”

  “I wouldn’t say doing an exorcist in my car was bad, Keegan. I had to have it professionally cleaned to remove all traces of vomit, and even after that, it still stank.”

  “I was very poorly, Papa. Uncle Wes makes really nice cakes, and I couldn’t stop eating them.” Keegan had the saddest look on his face, and Lachlan pursed his lips to stop from laughing.

  “Papa has had a word with Uncle Wes and how many cakes he gives you,” Rory told Keegan.

  “But, Papa, they’re so nice.” Keegan sulked, his little face pulling down. Lachlan hid a smile behind his hand. He always gave in to that look on Keegan’s face and didn’t know how Rory coped.

  “Yes, I know how nice they are, but I only had one. You, Keegan, had four. I told you, you could have one, and you ate the other three when I wasn’t looking. So next time Uncle Wes brings cakes around, how many are you going to have?”

  “One,” Keegan said, holding up a finger. “Only one, even if I want more.”

  “Well, if you’re really good, we can see if Uncle Wes
will let you take one home with you that you could eat later.”

  Keegan fist-pumped the air, shouting, “Yes!”

  Lachlan lost the battle and burst out laughing, Kian and Flynn following. Rory glowered at the three of them and then shook his head, chuckling too. “How do I win when he’s so adorable?”

  Seamus came in and said, “Dinner’s ready, boys.”

  Keegan jumped up and shouted yes again and ran out of the room as fast as his legs could take him, Rory quickly following behind, calling his name, and telling him to slow down. Seamus chuckled and watched, shaking his head slowly as he sauntered behind them.

  Lachlan’s mind turned toward Elias. Sighing, he rested his head against the back of the chair and closed his eyes. His brothers were right, of course. He wouldn’t be able to avoid Elias in Sater’s Creek, and it reminded him of what Wes went through when Reece had returned from New York.

  He didn’t want to go down that route, the avoiding and stilted conversations. No, he would accept the apology and be pleasant when he needed to be. Other than that, he wasn’t doing anything else. He didn’t need to be friends with him, even if he wouldn’t have minded jumping into bed with him. With a body like that and hands big enough to hold a man, Lachlan was sure Elias would know what to do.

  Maybe he should make Elias work for it first. Fuck. He didn’t really know what he would do.

  “Lachlan! Your lunch is getting cold,” Imogen shouted.

  “Coming, Ma,” Lachlan shouted back. Time to put thoughts of Elias out of his mind… for now.


  STEPPING OUT OF the grocery store, Elias looked up and saw Lachlan. Making a hasty decision, he quickly jogged to catch up to him, shouting, “Lachlan!”

  Lachlan stopped, his body tense, and even from where he was, Elias could almost see the anger radiating from him. Lachlan slowly turned and waited for him to catch up. When Elias reached him, he slowed down and stood in front of him, a small smile on his face. “I thought we should talk and clear the air.”


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