Alexander I: Tsar of War and Peace
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death of (1819), 1
Cato Street conspiracy, London (1820), 1
Cattaro, ceded by Russia to France (1807), 1
Caucasus, Russians in, 1, 2
Caulaincourt, General Armand de: with Napoleon at Tilsit, 1;
Ambassador in St Petersburg, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8;
on Grand Duchess Catherine, 1;
on Queen Louise, 1;
and Grand Duchess Anna as bride for Napoleon, 1;
loses his privileged position in St Petersburg, 1, 2;
recalled, 1, 2;
with Napoleon at Vilna (1812), 1;
declines to undertake mission to A from Moscow, 1;
with Napoleon on journey to Paris, 1;
sent to arrange armistice (1813), 1;
at Prague Conference, 1;
as Foreign Minister, conveys Napoleon’s offer to negotiate peace (1814), 1;
has alternate interviews with A and Napoleon, 1;
conveys Napoleon’s offer to abdicate, 1, 2, 3
censorship: by Tsar Paul, 1, 2;
by Carlsbad Decrees, 1;
in Russia (1819) 1, (1820) 2, (1823) 3
Chanpagny, J.-B. de, French Foreign Minister, 1, 2, 3
Charles, Archduke, 1, 2;
as possible commander for Allied forces, 1;
as possible husband for Grand Duchess Catherine, 1, 2, 3
Charlotte, Princess, daughter of Prince Regent, 1, 2, 3
Chatillon, peace negotiations at (1814), 1
Chaumont, Treaty of, between Austria, Britain, Prussia and Russia (1814), 1
Chernyshev, General, attached to Russian Embassy in Paris, 1, 2;
reports on movements of French troops are sold to, 1
Chichagov, Admiral, 1;
commanding in Moldavia, 1, 2n;
advances on Minsk (1812), 1, 2
Christian, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst, father of Catherine the Great, 1
civil service, new regulations for advancement in, (1809), 1
Clarence, Duke of (later William IV of Britain), 1;
proposes to Grand Duchess Catherine, 1
Clarkson, Thomas, has interview with A, 1
Clausewitz, Col. Karl von, 1, 2
Coalitions against France: Second (1799), 1, 2, 3;
Third (1805), 1, 2, 3;
Prussia and Third, 1, 2
passim Fourth (1813), 1
Colditz, action at (1813), 1
comet of 1811, 1
Congress System, 1
Constantine, Grand Duke (brother of A), 1, 2, 3, 4;
at death of Empress Catherine, 1;
and Tsar Paul’s military forces, 1, 2;
married to Anna of Saxe-Coburg, 1, 2;
allowed to join army in Italy, 1;
on Tsar Paul’s “war on common sense”, 1;
at Mikhailovsky Palace, 1;
amorous vagaries of, 1, 2;
at Austerlitz, 1, 2, 3;
sent on mission to Berlin, 1;
jealous of A, 1;
at Tilsit, 1, 2;
Empress Elizabeth on, 1;
unpopular, 1, 2;
at church ceremonies, 1, 2;
pens bad advice to A, 1;
in advance to Paris, 1, 2, 3;
commands Polish Military Commission, Warsaw, 1, 2, 3, 4;
renounces succession, 1, 2;
marriage annulled;
makes morganatic marriage, 1;
informed of A’s illness, 1;
at A’s death, proclaims Nicholas as Tsar, 1
Constantinople, Russian and Napoleonic dreams of, 1, 2
constitutionalism: indistinguishable from Jacobinism to Tsar Paul, 1;
A’s avowed faith in, 1;
A’s experiments with, in Poland, alarm Metternich, 1;
German states linked by marriage with A committed to projects of, 1;
prospects of, in Russia, 1;
in Italy, 1;
in Spain, 1;
A apologetic for sympathy with, 1
“Continental System”, Napoleon’s, 1, 2, 3, 4;
economic ills produced by, 1, 2, 3;
A takes Russia out of 1
Copenhagen, British naval action at (1801), 1
Corfu: Russians in (1804), 1, 2;
ceded to France (1807), 1;
British protectorate over (1815), 1
Council of State: Permanent, established by A, 1, 2, 3;
proposals for new, 1, 2;
A takes advice on new, 1;
new, at work, 1, 2;
disappearance of, 1
Cracow: surrendered by Austria to Russia (1809), 1;
becomes Free City (1815), 1
Crimea: Empress Catherine visits, 1;
A visits, 1, 2
Crimean fever, 1
Cruickshank, George, ridicules A, 1
Czartoryska, Princess Isabella, 1
Czartoryski, Prince Adam: confidant and mentor of A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
circle round, 1, 2;
and Grand Duchess (Empress) Elizabeth, 1, 2, 3, 4;
member of Secret Committee, 1, 2;
on A’s coronation, 1;
and Prussia, 1;
as Deputy Foreign Minister, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
growing influence of, 1, 2;
and Grand Design, 1, 2, 3;
schemes of, for restoration of Poland, 1, 2;
with A on Austerlitz campaign (1805), 1, 2, 3, 4;
on A, 1, 2;
favours forward policy in Balkans, 1;
resigns, 1;
disapproved by aristocrats as a Pole, 1;
consulted by A on Poland, 1, 2;
in London, 1, 2;
at Vienna as spokesman of Russian Poles, 1, 2;
and Congress Poland, 1, 2, 3
Czartoryski, Prince Constantine, 1, 2, 3
Czartow, Galicia: annexed to Russia (1809), 1;
returned to Austria (1815), 1
Czernowitz, A meets Francis II at (1823), 1
Danubian Principalities (Moldavia and Wallachia): Turkish pro-French action in, leads to war with Russia (1806), 1, 2, 3;
Russian annexation of, recognized at Erfurt, 1;
A offers to restore to Austria, in return for Polish lands, 1;
left under Turkish rule by Treaty of Bucharest (1812), 1n;
A against Capodistrias’s scheme for Russian control of, 1;
Ypsilanti leads revolt against Turkey in (1812), 1
Davout, Marshal: commands French 3rd Corps at Austerlitz, 1, 2;
commands army in Germany, 1, 2, 3;
in 1812 campaign, 1, 2, 3;
in retreat, 1
Decembrist Rising (1825), 1
Denmark: in League of Armed Neutrality, 1;
British naval actions against (1801) 1, (1807) 2;
in Tilsit settlement, 1
Diebitsch, General: commander under Wittgenstein, 1;
military aide-de-camp to A, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Dimsdale, Dr Thomas, inoculates A against smallpox, 1
disarmament, A’s proposals for, 1, 2
Docturov, General, Russian commander, 1
Dolgoruky, Prince Peter: leads opposition to Czartoryski, 1;
as envoy to Berlin (1805), 1, 2;
with A at Olmütz, 1, 2;
as envoy to Napoleon, 1;
and battle of Austelitz, 1, 2, 3;
sent to Berlin again, 1, 2
Dorpat, University of, 1
Dover: A visits, 1, 2
Dresden: Napoleon in (1812), 1;
liberated (1813), 1;
Napoleon returns to, 1, 2;
battle of, 1, 2
Drissa, on R. Dvina: defensive encampment built at, 1, 2;
A at 1, 2
Duroc, General: emissary from Napoleon to Bennigsen, 1, 2;
at Tilsit, 1
dynastic principle: Napoleon and, 1;
and throne of France, 1, 2
education: project for system of, 1;
Ministry of, 1;
need for reform of, 1;
Golitsyn as Minister for (1817), 1
Elba: as place of exile for Napoleon, 1;
Napoleon escapes from, 1
Elena of Württemberg, married to Grand Duke Michael, 1, 2;
in Russian social history, 1n;
and death of A’s daughter, 1, 2
Elizabeth Alexievna (Louise of Baden), Grand Duchess and then Enpress (wife of A), 1;
and death of Empress Catherine, 1;
birth and death of daughter of, 1;
and Czartoryski, 1, 2, 3, 4;
and murder of Tsar Paul, 1;
her family visit Russia, 1n;
at coronation, 1;
and Prussia, 1;
relations between A and, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
and Grand Duchess Catherine, 1;
appearance and dress, 1;
after Austerlitz, 1, 2, 3;
birth and death of second daughter (‘Lisinka’), 1, 2;
after Tilsit, 1;
comments on reforms, 1;
and Queen Louise, 1;
and marriage of Grand Duchess Catherine, 1;
takes holiday by sea (1810), 1;
at church ceremonies, 1, 2;
on departure of A for war, 1;
during 1812 campaign, 1, 2, 3;
war charities of, 1;
Mme de Stael on, 1;
visits her mother in Baden (1814), 1, 2;
in Vienna for Congress, 1, 2;
interested in Julie von Krüdener, 1;
in Munich with her sister, 1;
in St Petersburg with A, 1, 2;
at Moscow, 1;
at Karlsruhe (1818), 1;
and death of Grand Duchess Catherine, 1;
on A’s travels, 1, 2,
and difficulties caused by his absence, 1;
and Semeonovsky mutiny, 1;
attends A in illness, 1;
and death of A’s daughter by Maria Naryshkin, 1;
illness of, 1;
recommended to go to Taganrog for winter, 1;
travels after A, 1;
at Taganrog, 1;
during A’s illness, 1, 2, 3, 4;
and death, 1;
remains in Taganrog until spring, 1;
death of, 1
Enghien, Duc d’, kidnapping and execution of (1804), 1, 2
Erfurt: Napoleon and A meet at (1808), 1;
Treaty of, 1;
Napoleon offers principality of, to Duke Peter of Oldenburg, 1n
Esterhazy, Marie, daughter of Metternich, 1
Eylau, battle of (1807), 1
Fain, Baron, secretary to Napoleon, 1
Ferdinand VII of Spain, 1
finance: Speransky and, 1, 2;
decrees on, 1
Finland: Russia conquers, 1, 2;
annexation of, recognized at Erfurt, 1,
and by Peace of Friedrichsham, 1n;
Norway offered to Sweden as compensation for loss of, 1, 2;
A visits (1819), 1
Fontainebleau: Decrees of, on blockade against British goods (1810), 1;
Treaty of (1814), 1
Fouché, Joseph, in French government (1815), 1
Fox, Charles James, 1, 2
France: treaty between Russia and (1801), 1, 2;
Treaty of Amiens between Britain and (1802), 1;
A breaks off relations with (1804), 1;
Austria at war with (1805), 1,
defeated by, 1, 2;
treaty between Russia and, not ratified (1806), 1;
treaties between Russia and (1807), 1;
secret treaty between Russia and (1808), 1;
Austria makes preventive war against (1809) 1, 2, 3;
Rhine as “natural frontier” of, 1;
campaign in (1814), 1;
question of future government of, 1;
generous peace settlement with (1814), 1, 2;
position of, at Vienna, 1, 2, 3, 4;
defeated at Waterloo (1815), 1, 2;
peace settlement with, 1;
at Congress of Aix, 1;
end of army occupation, 1n;
suggested intervention in Spain by, 1,
is authorized, 1;
see also Napoleon
Francis II, Emperor of Austria (Holy Roman Emperor to 1806), 1;
in 1805 campaign, 1, 2;
and battle of Austerlitz, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
A confides anti-French scheme to (1811), 1;
in 1813–14 campaign, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
leaves Paris after peace treaty, 1;
and Congress of Vienna, 1;
visits Hungary with A and Frederick William, 1, 2;
in 1815 campaign, 1, 2;
and Holy Alliance, 1, 2;
and Balkans, 1;
meets A at Czernowitz, 1
Frankfurt entry of Allies into (1813), 1
Frederick II of Prussia (the Great), 1;
A and Frederick William at tomb of, 1
Frederick Augustus of Saxony: comes down on Napoleon’s side, 1;
Talleyrand defends, 1;
and Vienna settlement, 1
Frederick William III of Prussia: A visits in Memel (1801), 1;
and 3rd Coalition, 1, 2, 3, 4;
allows Russian troops to cross his territory, 1;
meets A in Berlin (1805), 1;
after Austerlitz, 1, 2;
Napoleon sees correspondence between A and, 1;
A visits in Memel (1807), 1;
in background at Tilsit, 1, 2, 3;
A reduces Napoleon’s demands on, 1, 2;
A visits at Königsberg (1808), 1;
entertained in St Petersburg (1810), 1;
A confides anti-French scheme to (1811), 1;
meets Napoleon at Dresden (1812), 1;
A offers alliance to (1813), 1;
A joins at Breslau, 1;
in 1813–14 campaign, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
in Paris, 1, 2;
in Britain, 1, 2;
enters Vienna with A, 1;
visits Hungary with Francis II and A, 1, 2;
instructs Hardenberg not to negotiate on Poland and Saxony, 1;
leaves Vienna, 1;
in 1815 campaign, 1;
and Holy Alliance, 1, 2;
A entertains (1818), 1;
abandons vestiges of liberalism, 1;
at Troppau Congress, 1
Frederika, Princess of Baden (sister of Empress Elizabeth), 1, 2
Friedland, battle of (1807), 1, 2, 3
Friends, Society of: A and, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
A asks for farming specialists from, 1
Galicia: A expects Austria to cede, 1;
A plans to incorporate in Poland, 1, 2;
retained by Austria (1815), 1
Gatchina: Grand Duke Paul’s estate at, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Gentz, Friedrich von: secretary to Congress of Vienna, 1;
on A at Aix, 1
George III of Britain: mental illness of, 1, 2, 3;
letter to A from, 1
George, Prince of Holstein-Oldenburg, 1;
marries Grand Duchess Catherine, 1;
Governor-General of Tver and other provinces, 1, 2;
advice to A from, 1, 2;
dies of fever (1812), 1
George, Prince of Wales (later George IV): Novosiltsov and, 1;
A writes to, 1;
ill feeling between A and (1813), 1n, 2, 3, 4;
entertains A on royal yacht, 1;
A exchanges letters with (1815), 1
Germany: France, and Russian interest in states of, 1, 2, 3, 4;
proposals for confederation of, 1, 2;
A and Napoleon discuss, 1;
Napoleon incorporates coasts of, into France (1810), 1, 2;
collapse of Napoleon’s hold on (1813), 1;
question of future of, 1;
Teplitz Treaties and, 1;
confederation of, agreed on, (at Chaumont) 1,
(at Vienna) 1, 2, 3;
Jewish com
munities in, 1, 2n;
A sympathizes with smaller states in, 1
Goethe, J. W. von, A meets, 1
Gogol. N. V., The Government Inspector by, 1
Golitsyn, Prince Alexei: army commander, 1;
in suite of Empress Elixabeth, 1n;
old friend of A, 1, 2, 3;
“devotional secretary” to A, 1, 2, 3, 4;
Minister of Spiritual Affairs and Education (1817), 1;
shares A’s interest in Society of Friends, 1;
blames A for his relations with Maria Naryshkin 1;
as messenger between A and Julie von Krüdener, 1;
presses A for declaration on succession, 1;
impressed by monk Photius, 1;
enemies force resignation of, 1, 2
Golitsyn, Princess Anna: A visits, in Crimea, 1
Golovina, Countess Varvara, 1
government: reform of administrative system of (1802), 1, 2
grain exports, 1, 2
Grand Design of A and Czartoryski (1804), 1
Greeks: Russia and fate of, 1;
rebel against Turkey (1821), 1;
A’s dilemma over, 1;
deputation of not allowed to meet A at Verona, 1;
Ibrahim Pasha leads army against, 1
Gregorius, Patriarch, executed by Turks (1821), 1
Grellet, Stephen, of Society of Friends, 1;
in Russia, 1, 2
Grey, Lord, on A, 1
Grimm, Melchior, friend of Rousseau, 1, 2, 3;
Empress Catherine’s letters to, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Grudzinska, Joanna, morganatic wife of Grand Duke Constantine, 1
Guards regiments, 1;
palace revolutions staged by, 1, 2, 3;
and murder of Tsar Paul, 1;
at coronation of A, 1;
at Austerlitz, 1;
mutiny of Semeonovsky Regiment of, 1
Hager, Baron, Austrian chief of police, 1;
for reports of spies to, see spies
Hamburg: occupied by Russians (1813), 1;
to be reconstituted as Free City, 1
Hanover: in military plans (1805), 1, 2;
proposed cession to Prussia of, 1, 2, 3
Hardenberg, Prince Karl August von: Prussian representative at Teplitz, 1;
wants European settlement (1814), 1;
in Vienna, 1, 2, 3;
at Troppau Congress, 1
Harrowby, Lord, British Foreign Secretary (1804), 1
Haugwitz, Count, Prussian envoy to Napoleon after Austerlitz, 1, 2
Heidelberg, A at (1815), 1
Heilbronn: A at (1815), 1;
meets Julie von Krüdener at, 1
Helen Pavlovna, Grand Duchess (sister of A), wife of Prince of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 1
Herder, J. G. von, A meets, 1
Hermitage, St Petersburg: A gives New Year ball at, 1;
removal to safety of art treasures of (1812), 1, 2;
collection at, includes gifts to A from Napoleon, 1
Hessler, Pauline, nurse to A, 1