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The Crimean War

Page 68

by Figes, Orlando

  Gallipoli, first landing of Allied force

  Ganja khanate (Elizavetopol)

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe: conquest of Naples Polish uprising (1861) and Redshirts

  Gaskell, Elizabeth, North and South

  Gaza, riots and attacks on Christians

  Gazi Muhammed (son of Imam Shamil)

  Georgia British gun-running campaign against Muslims debated at Paris Peace Congress (1856) Imam Shamil’s attacks Palmerston’s plans for proposed attack by Indian Army see also Caucasus

  Germans, new settlers in the Crimea

  Germany: Czartoryski’s plan for 1848 revolutions source of mercenary soldiers Three Emperors’ League (1873) united by Bismarck Verney’s plan

  Ghazi Muhammad, Imam

  Ghica, Alexander, Prince of Wallachia

  Giffard, Captain Henry Wells RN

  Gilbert, John Her Majesty the Queen Inspecting the Wounded Coldstream Guards …

  Gilbert, Michel (French officer)

  Ginka, Gen V. A., supply system reforms

  Giray dynasty (Crimean Khanate)

  Giubbenet, Khristian (professor of surgery)

  Giurgevo, Turkish atrocity

  Gladstone, William Ewart campaigns for intervention in the Balkans problems with defence of Muslims resignation (1855)

  Gleichen, Admiral Victor, Count Gleichen

  Golden Horde

  Golev, General (Russian infantry), in the Redan

  Gorchakov, Prince Alexander becomes Foreign Minister Black Sea clauses of Paris Treaty annulled objects to Piedmont based revolution realpolitik Serpent Island incident and other claims support for Serbs uncertain about Central Asia expansion warns Serbia not to interfere in Balkan revolts

  Gorchakov, General Mikhail: Danubian front raises siege of Silistria response to refugee problem withdrawal from Bucharest soldiers song siege of Sevastopol at Inkerman fearful of Austrian invasion secret memorandum on National Resistance major offensive ordered by Tsar attacks French and Sardinians at Chernaia river evacuation of Sevastopol orders destruction of Sevastopol state commemoration of

  Gordon, Lt (later Gen) Charles

  Gosse, Sir Edmund, recalls impact of war news

  Gowing, Sgt Timothy (7th Royal Fuslrs)


  Grach, Colonel, Silistria forts

  Graham, Sir James (First Lord of the Admiralty): naval strategy resignation

  Grantham, Thomas Robinson, 2nd Baron Grantham (British Foreign Secretary)

  Great Britain: attitudes towards soldiers (other ranks) pre and post War backs independent Greece bravery medals instituted for other ranks (1857) cabinet decisions over war aims Caucasus attack considered class divisions, possible end to conflicting views about invasion of the Crimea Congress of Berlin consulates in Belgrade, Braila and Iai creation of buffer states Cyprus Convention day of fasting and prayer (1854) decides to attack Crimea and Sevastopol Don Pacifico affair (1850) effect of Bulgarian atrocities English national identity in aftermath of war extension of franchise fears of Napoleonic revival in France fears regarding the ‘Russian threat’ Foreign Enlistment Bill (1855) Foreign Office experts warn against use of Muslim forces against Christians free press and public opinion government brought down by press and public criticism (1855) middle class ideals and professionalism negotiations with Austria not ready for peace after Sevastopol and Kars Paris Peace Congress (1856) peace initiative (1853) in Persia protest at Russian invasion of Turkestan public support for Hungarians reaction to fall of Sevastopol reaction to Franco-Austrian peace ultimatum reaction to Sinope news reactions to the death of the Tsar reasons for war relations with Ottoman Empire relations with the United States repudiates San Stefano Treaty response to Russo-Turkish war (1878) Romanian exiles Romanian revolution and (1848) Russian foreign policy and and Russian plans for Greece (1820s) Russian rivalry in Asia secret gun-running to the Caucasus seeks recognition for Victor Emmanuel sympathy for the Polish cause Triple Alliance (1856) Tsar Nicholas I visit to London (1844) ultimatum to Tsar Nicholas (1854) unhappy with Crimean Peace war memorials the ‘war party’ see also Anglo-French alliance; British Army; Crimean War; Palmerston; Royal Navy; Russophobia

  The Great Exhibition (London 1851)

  The Great Game

  Greece: autonomy recognized by Ottomans Catherine the Great and military alliance with Serbia Russian partition plans (1852) war dead Western powers unwilling to help

  Greek independence: Russia’s part in see also Nationalism

  ‘Greek-Slavonic Legion’: in the Russian army

  Greeks: nationalism new settlers in the Crimea in Odessa in Thessaly and Epirus

  Gregory XVI, Pope

  Griffith, Lt (23rd (Royal Welsh) Fuslrs), storming the Redan

  Grimm, Baron Friedrich, Catherine the Great and

  Guizot, François

  gunboat diplomacy: British French

  Gurowski, Adam, Count, Russland und die Zivilisation

  Hagia Sophia mosque (Constantinople) Byzantine mozaics discovered significance for Russia

  Hall, Dr John (Principal medical officer), cautions against chloroform use

  Harrowby, Dudley Ryder, 1st Earl

  Hatt-i Hümayun decree (1856) drafted by Stratford Canning and Thouvenal violent opposition to

  Hatt-i Sharif (1839)

  Hauterive, Alexandre’

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, English Notebooks

  Henri Quatre (French battleship), lost in hurricane (1854)

  Herald (newspaper)

  Herat (Afghanistan)

  Herbé, Capt Jean-Jules: abandoned horses and mules assault on the Malakhov Bastion letter from hospital letters home wounded at Chernaia river

  Herbert, Elizabeth, Baroness (wife of Sidney Herbert)

  Herbert, General George, Earl of Pembroke

  Herbert, Pvt Harry (5th Dragoons)

  Herbert, Sidney (Secretary of State for War) bronze statue added to Guards’ Memorial

  Herzegovina pan-Slav movement and promised to Austria-Hungary revolts by Christians

  Herzen, Alexander, publishes ‘Tolstoy’s’ song

  Heytesbury, William à Court, 1st Baron Heytesbury

  Higginson, Capt (later Gen) George (Grenadier Gds), at Inkerman

  Holy Alliance (Russia, Austria & Prussia)

  Holy Land: an extension of Holy Russia French dispute with Russia pilgrims rivalry between Catholic and Orthodox Christians Tsar Nicholas I and

  Holy Places: commencement of war and Paris Peace Congress (1856) and religious rights for Catholics religious rights for Orthodox Christians

  Hornby, Lady Emily

  Howlett, Robert, photographs of wounded soldiers

  Hübner, Joseph Alexander, Baron

  Hudson, Sir James

  Hughes, Thomas: Tom Brown at Oxford Tom Brown’s Schooldays

  Hungarian army, Polish officers

  Hungarians, in Kars

  Hungary, 1848 – 49 revolution

  Hyde, Pvt Edward, at Inkerman

  Hyder Pasha Hospital

  Iai: Fratja meetings (1848) Treaty of (1792)

  Ibrahim Pasha (son of Mehmet Ali), in Syria

  Ignat’ev, Nikolai: Eastern Question solution encourages Serbs to expect Russian help pan-Slavism of San Stefano Treaty strategic memorandum on Central Asia and India Tsar’s envoy in Constantinople

  Illustrated London News (journal)

  l’Impartial (newspaper)

  India, perceived Russian threat

  India, Great Britain and Russia (pamphlet)

  Indian Army see British Indian Army

  Indian Mutiny (1857)

  Induno, Gerolamo, Crimean War paintings


  Inkerman, reserve hospital

  Inkerman, battle of (1854) arguments over whom to blame for defeat Sandbag Battery a ‘soldiers battle’ see also Mount Inkerman (Little Inkerman)

  Inkerman Heights

  Innokentii, Orthodox Archbishop: allied invasion a holy war Christianizing the Crimea

Ireland, lives lost

  Islam: executions of Muslims who become Christians Islamic fundamentalists in Shamil’s movement Mehmet Ali’s Islamist aspirations opposition to Tanzimat reforms Western romantic ideas of see also Muslims

  Istomin, Admiral Vladimir, commemoration

  Italians, in Kars

  Italy Czartoryski’s plan for little to commemorate Crimea Napoleon III’s plans Palmerston’s plans for Risorgimento unification union of Lombardy and Sardinia


  Japy, Frederic (3rd Zouave Regt), letter home

  Jemaleddin (son of Imam Shamil), exchanged for Georgian princesses

  Jerusalem: Easter 1846 riot fights between Greeks and Armenians Franciscan printing press (Austrian) religious rivalries Russian Ecclesiastical Mission

  jihad: called for against Russians (1853) declared by Ottomans after Navarino (1827) General Yusuf’s incentive

  jingoism, in Britain

  Jomini, Antoine-Henri, Baron

  Joseph II, Emperor of Austria

  Journal des débats

  Kacha, river, Russian dressing stations

  Kadikoi (British base) traders and sutlers

  Kalafat, Omer Pasha crosses the Danube

  Kalamita Bay

  Kamchatka Lunette (Sevastopol) see Mamelon

  Kamiesh, French supply base

  Kangaroo (troop transort): carries supplies to Shamil used for cholera victims

  Kapodistrias, Ioannis

  Kars: cession of demanded by Stalin relieving force under Omer Pasha relieving force under Selim Pasha Russian bargaining card at Paris (1856) Russian siege

  Kaufman, Konstantin P., Governor-General of Turkestan

  Kazan (Mongol khanate)

  Kaznacheev, Nikolai Ivanovich, governor of Evpatoria

  Kerch: allied raid aborted (April 1855) allied raid (May 1855)

  Khanum, Fatima Khanum

  Kharkov, Sevastopol wounded

  Kherson (new city)

  Khersoneses (ancient Greek city) Church of St Vladimir desecrated by French

  Khiva khanate

  Khlopotina, Elizaveta (nurse)

  Khomyakov, Alexei (Slavophile poet)

  Khrulev, Lt-Gen Stepan: Evpatoria attack fails (1855) suicidal attack suggestion

  Khrushchev, Nikita, transfers Crimea to Ukraine

  Kiev, defence of

  Kievan Rus’

  Kinglake, Alexander on declaring war embarcation for Crimea

  Kingscote, Capt. (later Maj & Col Sir) Nigel (Scots Fuslr Gds & ADC): letters from Varna outraged by other officers letters

  Kingsley, Charles: Two Years Ago Westward Ho!

  Kingsley, Henry, Ravenshoe

  Kiriakov, Lt-Gen V. I. (17th Division): at Alma at Inkerman

  Kiselev, Gen Pavel (Minister of State Domains)

  Klemm, Teofil (Russian soldier)

  Kokand khanate

  Kondratov, Ivan (Russian infantryman), dines on French and British food

  Korda, Sir Alexander, Lady Hamilton (film)

  Kornilov, Admiral Vladimir defence of Sevastopol death of commemoration

  Koshka, Pyotr (seaman) raids allied trenches

  Kossuth, Lajos

  Kostaki Musurus (Turkish ambassador in London)

  Kozhukov, Stepan (Russian artillery), At Balaklava

  Krasinski, Valerian, Count

  Krasovsky, Lt (ADC to Gorchakov), ‘time to start’ message

  Kronstadt (Russian naval base)

  Krüdener, Baroness Barbara Juliane von

  Kuban, Slavic settlers

  Kuchuk Kainarji, Treaty of (1774)

  Kulali, military hospital (British)

  La Valette, Charles, Marquis de, provocative behaviour towards Ottomans

  Lacour, Edmond de (French ambassador the the Porte)

  Lamartine, Alphonse de

  Lambert, Gen Karl, Polish uprising (1863)

  Lamennais, Félicité de

  Latas, Mihailo see Omer Pasha

  Lawson, George (army surgeon): at Alma letters home

  Layard, Sir Henry

  Lebanon, riots and attacks on Christians

  Lemprière, Capt Audley (77th Foot)

  Lenin, Vladimir Iliich

  Leopold I, King of Belgium

  Lieven, Princess Dorothea von

  Lipkin, Capt Nikolai (Russian navy), letters from Sevastopol

  Liprandi, Lt-Gen Pavel (12th Inf Div): at Balaklava at Inkerman Chernaia river battle

  lithographs: images from the war Her Majesty the Queen Inspecting the Wounded Coldstream Guards … (Gilbert) see also photography

  Loizillon, Henri (army engineer): inside the Mamelon worried about continuing war writes of dead friends writes of rumours

  Lombardy, transferred to France and to Piedmont

  Lombardy-Venetia, Italo-Austrian contention

  London, Treaty of (1827) see also Convention of London

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, translation of verse by Jorge Manrique

  Longworth, John: British government agent in the Caucasus rejects support for Shamil movement warns Britain to oppose Ottomans in Caucasus

  Louis Napoleon, President of France (later Napoleon III): asserts French interests in Europe coup d’état (1851) courts Catholic opinion see also Napoleon III, Emperor of France

  Louis-Napoleon, French Prince Imperial, birth of

  Lucan, Lt-Gen George Bingham, 3rd earl failure to take opportunities at Balaklava Charge of the Light Brigade letters to Raglan tents unfit for habitation recalled

  Lyde, Revd. Samuel, focus of Muslim riot

  Lyons, Rear Admiral Sir Edward, Sevastopol invasion fleet

  Macintosh, Maj-Gen Alexander, Journal of the Crimea

  Mackenzie Heights, reserve hospital

  Mackenzie’s Farm

  MacMahon, Gen Patrice de, taking of the Malakhov Bastion

  Magna Carta, influence on Ottoman parliament

  Mahmud II, Sultan: appeals for help against Mehmet Ali of Egypt continues Selim’s [Westernizing] reforms declares jihad after Navarino

  Mahmud Pasha, grand admiral Turkish navy

  Mahmud Bek (governor of Nablus)

  Malakhov Bastion (Sevastopol) assault (June 6, 1855) battle (June 18, 1855) taken by the French (Sept. 1855) remembered in France

  Malmesbury, James Howard Harris, 3rd Earl, complains of La Valette

  Mamelon (Sevastopol)

  Manchester Times (newspaper)

  Mandt Dr Martin Wilhelm von, physician to Tsar Nicholas I

  Manrique, Jorge

  Maria Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess

  Maria Fedorovna, Empress [Dowager], Ypsilantis and

  Mariupol see Kerch, allied raid (1855)

  La Marmora, General Alfonso (Piedmont-Sardinia)

  Maronite Christians, massacred by Druzes and Muslims (1860)

  Marsh, Catherine, Memorials of Captain Hedley Vicars, Ninety-Seventh Regiment

  Martineau, Harriet

  Marx, Karl: the Anglo-French ‘anticlimax’ on Anglo-Turkish trade campaigns against Russia comment on the Russian army

  Mayran, General, leads Malakhov assault

  Mazzini, Giuseppe

  McClellan, George B., US General

  medals: Nakhimov Medal Victoria Cross

  medical supplies, left at Varna by British

  medical treatment: American help for Russians British hospitals conditions for British troops in the field French hospitals French standards drop nurses and nursing Russian hospitals shell shock/combat stress at Sinope triage see also anaesthetics; cholera, Scutari military hospital


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