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The Billionaire's Assistant: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 14

by Sarah J. Brooks

  My eyes stayed glued to Alyssa, but she never motioned me over. It was probably a little too soon for that anyway. I would have to sit and be tortured for much longer.

  It was fascinating to watch someone from afar, though. I could tell by her expression when she was embarrassed, nervous, or happy. I also could tell that the longer she was in the club with her friends, the more comfortable she started to feel. After two drinks, the girls were all out on the dance floor with a swarm of willing men there to dance with them.

  I lost sight of Candice and had to get up and walk around the club so I could find a better angle. When I finally found her, I felt the heat buildup, and my fists clenched. I watched her dance with an extremely hot guy. His body was ripped, and I could see his muscles through the black T-shirt he had on.

  The fact that he was good looking wasn’t what bothered me. The thing that bothered me was the look I saw in Candice’s eyes. She appeared to be attracted to him. She wanted him just as bad as he wanted her. For a minute, I thought that this club idea was a very, very bad idea.

  But the longer they danced together, and the more he tried to talk to Candice, the more I could see that she was getting annoyed with him. He must have been saying something stupid because she rolled her eyes and then looked back at Alyssa and the other girls. She had a look like she wanted them to save her, but they just continued dancing and talking with the men they were dancing with.

  His hands moved down and grabbed her ass. I stood still and felt my body clench as I tried to control myself. I couldn’t watch this for another moment, but Alyssa still hadn’t told me to move in. I had to wait.

  The guy continued to grab Candice and pulled her forcefully toward him. At that movement, I had to stop him. I started to make my way onto the dance floor, and Alyssa was there and stopped me.

  “Wait, Josh, trust me.”

  “I’m not going to let her get assaulted by that guy.”

  “He’s a plant; he doing this because I told him to. Play along and wait.”

  I couldn’t stand this plan. The idea that Alyssa had a guy purposely grabbing and groping Candice was horrible, and I didn’t like it at all.

  “I’m just going to tell her I messed up.”

  “No!” Alyssa yelled at me. “Candice needs to see what kinds of guys are out there. She needs to decide on her own that she wants you and not any of these guys. Only then will you be able to apologize.”

  “Fine,” I said and walked away.

  I just wasn’t used to not being in charge. My whole life was me getting to be in charge of all the decisions. This was new territory, and I felt very uncomfortable. I could always buy my way into whatever I needed or wanted. It wasn’t that easy to get Candice to give me another chance.

  I walked back to the corner of the room and watched Candice like a hawk. I was going to make sure nothing bad happened to her. I was going to ensure she was safe, even if I couldn’t have her for myself.

  Chapter 4


  I saw Josh as he talked with Alyssa, and the two of them sure seemed to be up to something. I wasn’t about to let them trick me, and instead decided right then and there that I would trick both of them. I loved to pull pranks on people, and I had a great idea that neither of them would see coming.

  As I leaned in and wrapped my arms around my super-hot dance partner, I whispered my plan to him. He was crazy hot, but other than that he didn’t have much going on for him in the way of reasoning or understanding. I explained my plan to him once and then just grabbed his hand and pulled him behind me as we went up the stairs to the private room area.

  We stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and I wrapped my arms around him and pretended to kiss him. He got a little too much into it and leaned me down toward the ground and planted a juicy kiss on me.

  He grabbed my hand, and I walked behind him up the stairs. I could see Josh out of the corner of my eye and couldn’t help smiling. It had to be torture to watch me walking up the stairs with another man. I loved it. It was good for Josh to feel a little out of control for a change. I wasn’t really sure what he and Alyssa were up to, but by the look on his face, I assumed he and her had something up their sleeves.

  At the top of the stairs, we paused at one of the empty private rooms. It was still pretty early in the night, so most of the rooms were still open.

  I had never been upstairs to these rooms before. Alyssa had told me these rooms were for private lap dances, but I suspected there was something else that people did when they were alone in these rooms.

  “So do we get to play a little while we wait for your boyfriend to come rescue you?” The cute guy that had come with me asked.

  “No, just sit here and wait.”

  “Well, that’s no fun. He’s not going to kick my ass is he?”

  “No. I’ll make sure he doesn’t. Besides, you could totally take him.”

  “What did the jerk do that has you and your friend torturing him so much?” the cute guy asked.

  “Just regular jerkish guy stuff.”

  “You know guys aren’t all jerks.”

  “I know.”

  We continued to sit in silence as we waited for Josh to come charging into the room. Surely he wouldn’t be able to stand just waiting for us. That was if he really did want to get back together. I could only assume that was why he had been talking to Alyssa and why she had roped me into coming to the club.

  We waited and waited, but Josh never came upstairs. I started to think it was a bad plan to bring this guy up into the room. I should have talked to Alyssa and tried to figure out what was going on. It was too late now. I had to wait Josh out. I couldn’t give in first. I had to win.

  Then I heard a knock on the door to the room next to us. There was no answer, and I heard the door open and then shut again. The knock on our door came shortly after, and I jumped up to answer it.

  I had expected it to be Alyssa or Josh, but instead, it was some random guy.

  “How much longer?” he said as if there weren’t several other open rooms.

  “Um, I don’t know. Try a different room,” I said annoyed with him.

  I went to close the door, and a hand snuck in and held it open. I opened the door all the way, and slowly I saw Josh step in front of the doorway. He seemed bigger and stronger than I had remembered him looking.

  “Get out,” Josh said to the guy sitting on the couch.

  The funny thing was, that guy was more than happy to leave. I could tell the whole situation had started to make him feel very uncomfortable.

  “Sit down,” Josh commanded me.

  I listened and sat down on the black leather couch. I wasn’t usually the type that liked to be told what to do, but this situation was different. The look in his eyes told me he was serious and wanted to say something to me.

  “I’m going to apologize, and you’re going to accept. Is that alright with you?” Josh asked without actually asking.

  “Yes,” I said as I nodded my head.

  “I was scared of hurting you. I had feelings for you and didn’t want you to have those same feelings and get your heart broken. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry for pimping me out to one of your friends?” I laughed.

  “Yes,” Josh smiled a sly smile that told me he knew exactly what was going on.

  “You were a total jerk.”


  “I can’t fight with you if you agree to everything.” I started to laugh.

  Josh wasn’t about to argue with me, and I could tell his view of everything seemed much more relaxed. Josh was laid back and calm through the whole conversation. I could tell he had found some sort of inner peace with the idea that we would be getting back together; although I clearly had not made that decision yet.

  I watched Josh as he breathed in a few deep breaths and tried to calm himself. I could tell he had gotten very upset over me teasing another man. It would probably take him hours to finally calm down.

I stood up and lifted my head to meet his. I loved the taste of his lips. They drove me wild almost instantly. I wanted to keep kissing him all the rest of the evening. At that moment, nothing else mattered in the world.

  Our delicate lips moved in motion with one another, and I was able to finally feel at home with Josh. Everything about the moment felt perfect, except for that we were standing inside a new age brothel. The modern leather of the couch didn’t hide the fact that women and men were coming up to these rooms to play.

  There were chains, ropes, and handcuffs on a shelf in the corner. This was certainly way out of my league, and I needed to get out of there. I really didn’t care what people did with their sex life, but I needed mine to be sweet and in a bedroom. Or at least not in the middle of an S & M club. I started to feel a bit uncomfortable there.


  Every part of my body wanted Candice right there. I knew it would be too much for her, but the excitement of being in that room with her was beyond what I could control. She had obviously forgiven me by that kiss she laid on me. Now I wanted to have her. I needed to have her.

  My life was about excitement and pushing the edge; I needed a woman who was willing to give that life a try. I knew it would be hard to convince Candice, but I also knew that having a vibrant sex life was a necessary part to me being happy with a woman.

  I continued to kiss her and tried to release her discomfort. I could tell this whole night had been very overwhelming, and I just wanted to make her feel comfortable. I also wanted to grab a pair of those handcuffs, bend her over and fuck her until she screamed with pleasure. But I decided that would not be the best option. That certainly wouldn’t make her feel more comfortable in that room.

  Feeling the leather of her dress under my fingertips sent my body into overdrive. Her sweet innocence was totally contradicted by the way she looked at that moment. My brain and body kept trying to make sense of things.

  Candice looked like an experienced woman who was out for a fling or excitement. But I knew better. I knew that Candice was still sweet and innocent on the inside.

  “I’ve missed you,” I said as my lips delicately moved along her neck.

  “I missed you too.”

  Her hands moved under my shirt and ran up and down my chest. I wanted them to move lower; I wanted to feel her hands on my cock. The pulsing bulge needed to release, and she had just the skills to make it happen.

  “Let’s go on a date tomorrow,” I said as I grabbed her face and pulled her up to look at me. “A breakfast date.”

  Candice just laughed and nodded her head yes. Her laugh was infectious, and her blue eyes drew me into her world. Suddenly I realized that I didn’t want to bend her over and fuck her in this place. I wanted to see that smile again. I wanted to see those eyes light up again. Something in my brain totally switched, and I had a great idea.

  I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of that room, and we walked down the stairs.

  “Where are we going?” She giggled.

  “It’s a surprise.”

  As we exited the club, Jackson was waiting out front with the car. I hurried Candice into it and whispered to Jackson what I needed him to do. He looked at me very skeptically and then turned to walk toward the driver’s door.

  “Are you sure?” Jackson asked.

  “Yes, one hundred percent.”

  “Josh, where are we going? I look crazy in this outfit. We can’t just go somewhere else without me changing my clothes.”

  “You look beautiful and sexy as hell; we can go anywhere we want to go.”

  Candice just rolled her eyes. I could tell it was making her nervous that we had left the club, and she was still dressed like a black leather sex goddess. But to be honest, it turned me on so much I wanted to take her all around town and show her off. I would have taken her to my high school class reunion dressed like that. She looked like a supermodel.

  “Come here,” I said as I pulled her toward me.

  I reached to her ponytail and released her hair from it. As her long blonde locks tumbled down around her face, I couldn’t help smiling. She was so damn beautiful, and she was mine. I wasn’t going to mess it up. I was keeping her.

  Chapter 5


  Leaving the club felt so good. I had fun trying to pretend like I was a sex goddess, but the truth was that wasn’t me. I preferred being in Josh’s arms. I liked how comfortable he made me feel, and I wanted to see what was next for us.

  I didn’t need wedding bells or anything crazy like that. I just wanted to have him and be with him. I wanted to see what was ahead for us.

  As Jackson drove, I began to get more and more nervous about where he was taking us. Josh seemed to be pretty excited, so I knew he had something up his sleeve. It was neat to see him actually excited about something, that wasn’t normal for Josh.

  When we turned, and I saw the airport, I looked at Josh.

  “What are we doing?” I said as I leaned toward the window and watched us drive through the security gate.

  “I’m taking you someplace where you’ll feel more comfortable.”

  “What? Where? We have work on Monday,” I said in disbelieve as Jackson drove us up to one of the plane hangars.

  Josh didn’t answer me and instead jumped out of the vehicle and extended his hand to wait for me to get out as well. I didn’t have anything with me; I couldn’t go on a trip. I needed clothes and bathroom stuff. I needed to plan ahead. I wasn’t the type of person who could just hop on a plane and go somewhere.

  “Come on,” Josh said as he tugged on my hand. “You’re going to love this plane.”

  That was a lie!

  As we walked into the hangar, I expected to see a huge jet or something cool like that. Instead, I saw a very small jet that looked like it only fit six people in it. The inside was very nice with huge leather seats, but you couldn’t even stand in the thing.

  “Um, we can’t go on that. It’s too small. Who is going to fly it? Where are we going?” I asked as I nervously looked at Josh and then to Jackson.

  Jackson was almost in a hysterical laugh as he was enjoying the moment so much. He obviously thought it was funny how scared I was.

  “Just get in,” Josh said as he opened the passenger side door. “Put those headphones on.”

  It was after midnight, and I was dressed in a skin-tight leather dress. I didn’t look like a person who should be sitting in the front seat of an airplane. I felt like I was about to throw up from the excitement, and I was literally shaking from head to toe.

  But I did as he asked.

  I sat in the front seat for a minute as Josh talked to a man. The two of them walked around the plane and checked some things off on a list. I suspected the other man was the pilot. Then I watched as they shook hands, and Josh got into the front seat of the plane.

  “What are you doing?” I asked with total terror in my eyes.

  “I’m flying us to my new country estate. I want you to see it.”

  “Um, you’re flying?” I said as I started to shake even more. “Is that legal?”

  Josh just laughed and continued to play with all the buttons on the dashboard. Soon the plane started to move forward, and Josh drove us to the runway.

  I held on as tight as I could to the seat, and I closed my eyes. I wasn’t ready. I had never been in such a small plane and definitely never been on a plane when someone I knew was flying. I couldn’t stop shaking. My hands all the way down to my toes were literally jumping all around from anxiety.

  Josh reached over and gently placed his hand on my thigh. It could have been a seductive move, but it felt so much calmer than that. His touch instantly reduced my anxiety as I reached out and held onto his hand.

  I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. It was beautiful. The skyline was lit up, and we soared about it with ease. Josh looked like he knew exactly what he was doing, and I couldn’t help relaxing when I saw the calmness in his eyes.

  “Oh, I should giv
e you your hand back so you can fly this thing,” I joked.

  Josh just smiled, reached up with both hands and grabbed my face to kiss me. I kissed him and then pushed his hands back to the plane’s steering wheel.

  “Two hands there, buddy.”

  “You are so beautiful, Candice.”

  Josh didn’t say anything else. He just kept flying. His rugged jawline was defined by the moonlight, and I saw a new sense of calm in his eyes too. Something between us had changed. Something within Josh had changed. I wasn’t entirely sure what it was yet, but it was exciting.

  As we flew over the city, I looked down and took in all my favorite sights from around town. It was a totally different view and amazing to see from the night sky. We continued to fly for what seemed like hours but was probably only ninety minutes.

  “OK, get ready; we are going to land down there,” Josh said with a smile.

  I looked around on the ground, but I couldn’t see where he was talking about. Everything below us was just dark.

  “Um, there’s nothing down there. What do you mean?”

  “That’s a small airport there. See the red lights on the runway.”

  What! I looked down there, and I could only see a very small area that had lights. There was no way we could land there. No way at all.

  I looked over at Josh with a panicked expression, and he just smiled with his reassuring way. Something in the way he looked at me made me confident that he would do his best to always keep me safe. It was the way his eyes looked into mine. It was the way his soul seemed to be at ease right now.

  For the first time since I had met Josh, I felt like I was in the presence of the actual man. He wasn’t pretending to be someone. He wasn’t trying to run a company. He wasn’t trying to get laid. This man, the man I was sitting next to hundreds of feet in the air—this man was the most genuine version of Josh I had ever been next to.


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