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Ambriel: Paranormal Romance

Page 14

by Hannah Davenport

  “This is the one we seek.” I heard one of them say.

  “Yes. Go tell Ornias that we have the girl.” One of them turned and left. That left three here with me.

  I didn’t understand how Nanya could do this. I knew she didn’t like me, but this was a death sentence in the worst way. What if they tortured me first or forced me to help them with whatever plan they had in mind? She wasn’t thinking about her people, this was cruel and vicious. I closed my eyes and tried to feel Mikal, but I could only feel my overwhelming panic and fear.

  A creature larger than the others came in and looked at me with victorious red eyes. “Finally, we have her.” He grinned which made him look even more menacing. “We need your blood.” He drew a large knife as he slowly advanced toward me with a vicious grin showing off his sharp teeth. I watched it from a distance as he descended on me and pushed the knife deep inside my chest. I tried to ignore the scene in front of me. Des told me that I could gather information so I walked around looking for an escape route.

  Walking over to the window, I could see I was on the second floor with a trash dumpster underneath the window. How cliché.

  Shaking myself from the premonition, I thought about my training and tried to summon another one. Damien taught me how to think about what I would do and then I could see the outcome. Closing my eyes, I knew I didn’t have much time.

  The demon creature advanced slowly toward me. As he neared I drew my knife and stabbed him

  as hard as I could. Without taking anytime to notice how hurt he was, I ran for the window and jumped. The fall hurt but I survived. As fast as I could, I climbed out of the dumpster and ran for my life.

  I opened my eyes just to see the large Santiarn walk in. I had seen this look twice before. He advanced slowly toward me with a vicious grin. As soon as he neared, I stabbed him as hard as I could in the chest and ran for the window. With my heart pounding with fear, I never slowed down as I hurled my body through the broken window landing with a thud in the half-filled dumpster.

  Jumping to my feet, I grabbed the top and pulled my body over the edge. With a less than graceful landing, I took off in a dead run away from the building.

  I didn’t recognize anything. What I assumed was an industrial park was actually a couple of buildings on the outskirts of town. With my thin nightgown barely covering my body, I sprinted down the road hoping to run in to other people.

  After a short time, I had to stop and catch my breath. I looked over my shoulder for the first time and spotted two of them gaining on me. My adrenalin surged once again and I took off running.

  When I spotted a car coming, I moved to the middle of the street and waved my hands like a lunatic.

  When the car slowed down, I didn’t care who was driving, I jumped in and we took off.

  With my heavy breathing, I almost missed the question from the older woman driving the car.

  “Are you okay?” She asked as concern laced her voice.

  “I am now!” I heaved out. My body wasn’t in shape for this type of activity. “Thank you for picking me up.” The poor child! I wonder if I should call the police. I instinctively put up my wall for now.

  “Is there anywhere I can take you?” She asked as she drove at a normal pace.

  “I need clothes, and I need to know where we are.” My breathing had almost slowed to a normal level as I tried to catch my breath.

  She looked at me with worried eyes before making a sharp left. “I was heading home after a working a midnight shift at the hospital. I have some clothes that would probably fit you. As for where we are, we’re right outside Phoenix.”

  So I was a long way away from anywhere I knew. When I saw Nanya again, I was going to kill the bitch!


  As I walked to the head of the table in the battle room, every warrior bowed his head. Looking around, I asked, “Where’s Nanya?”

  “Commander, I’ll send someone after her. I’m sure she has a good reason for not being here,” Avis said. I nodded my okay.

  “Yesterday was a great success. Ambriel could understand the words of the Santiarns as well as know which human he possessed. Things are fin…” Fear washed over me causing my spine to stiffen.

  “What is it Commander?” Lukke asked with concern.

  “It’s Ambriel. She is terrified!” I got several looks of surprise but that was unimportant. I raced from the battle room and headed towards my quarters with Lukke, Avis, and Damien right behind me. Before I made it to our rooms, the feeling had disappeared. When I tried to feel her, there was just an empty space where the other half of me should be.

  I looked around but nothing looked out of place. I knew she didn’t take off on her own; she was terrified before she disappeared.

  “Commander?” Avis asked with a question in his eyes.

  I turned and found them standing behind me. “I want to know who’s responsible! Summon Arron!” Lukke nodded and then immediately left. I knew that my eyes were glowing with rage. My eyes made contact with each male and I said the words aloud for the first time to these warriors.

  “Ambriel is my true mate.” I registered their surprise but they remained silent.

  Lukke returned moments later with Arron following behind him.

  “Arron, did you let anyone in here?” I asked with a quiet, deadly voice.

  His eyes widened in fear as he said, “No Commander.”

  “Did you see anyone in this area this morning?”

  “No Commander.”

  I turned to Lukke and ordered, “Gather everyone in the battle room!”

  When everyone left, I paced the room. Never had I felt so out of control. I had to find her before it was too late. As I continued pacing, everything Des had said came back like a tornado. I died nineteen years ago, he said. Yes, we were true mates. I would close my eyes and use my heart to find her. I stopped dead in my tracks. Could it be that simple? I couldn’t feel her earlier even though I found her once before at her friend’s grave. Maybe my own emotions were getting in the way.

  I took out my transport crystal, and then closed my eyes. I released all my fear and anger and concentrated on Ambriel. I felt the warmth as the magic opened up the portal. I stepped through just in time to see her surrounded by two Santiarns.


  I don’t know why but riding in a car with this lady made me feel safe. I was in the Human realm and without my protection necklace. They could find me anywhere now. As soon as we arrived at her house, two of them appeared. I took off running once again. I could see a wooded area up ahead and ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I darted in between trees, cutting my feet on rocks and branches as I went.

  I hid behind a huge tree and with my hands on my knees; I tried to catch my breath. I dropped my head and closed my eyes. All I could think about was Mikal. Everything had been going so good before and now I was once again running for my life. So many times I had tried to get away from him and now I just wanted to run into his loving arms, the arms that made me feel so safe.

  As I raised my head, I was startled to see two Santiarns surrounding me. They held victory in their red eyes. “We have you now,” the one on the left said.

  “Ornias will be most pleased to finally get his hands on you, especially after what you did.” This came from the one on the right.

  “Don’t think you’ll die a quick death,” the one on the left said with a gleam in his eye.

  I closed my eyes knowing this was it. They would finally have me. When nothing happened, I opened them to see Mikal standing there with his sword drawn. One of the Santiarns was headless and the other was slowly backing away in retreat until he just disappeared.

  I stood frozen looking at Mikal as relief and happiness flooded my body, and then I hurled myself into his open arms. He hugged me tight as I whispered, “Thank you! It seems as if you’re always saving me.”

  “I’ll always save you. I love you, Ambriel,” he said before his lips took mine in a passionate kiss.<
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  I could feel how scared he was at the thought of losing me, relief that he found me, and happiness that I was back in his arms. Breaking the kiss, I looked into his beautiful turquoise eyes and said, “I love you too, Mikal.”

  He pressed his forehead to mine and said, “Let’s go home.” Joy filled my heart when he said the word home. I did have a home and it was with him.

  “I’m ready.”

  We walked through the portal and were back in our rooms. I immediately put on something warmer than my nightgown. I had felt so exposed and just needed to feel more comfortable. “Let’s go to the battle room. Everyone is waiting.” He grabbed my hand and led me out. My feet hurt as I walked but I didn’t say anything. Our emotions were running high right now.

  As we entered the battle room, I spotted Nanya as she stood at attention. My eyes locked with hers and I could tell she was scared, not of me but at the fact that Mikal had found me.

  As everyone present stood at attention, Mikal said, “This is Ambriel, Des’s daughter. She is half Cusas and part witch.” All eyes locked on me. “She is also my true mate.” Everyone’s eyes grew wide with wonder as Nanya’s filled with even more hate. “You will show her the same respect you show me.”

  I opened my mind and heard mostly thoughts of amazement and the hope that they too would find their own true mate one day. The exception was Nanya, who was still thinking of ways to get rid of me.

  I slowly walked her direction as my eyes glowed blue. I walked unafraid because I had seen what would happen. I didn’t try to prevent this event from happening. She had handed me over to the Santiarns without worrying about what they might do to me.

  As I slowly walked toward her, Nanya drew her sword and screamed as she ran toward me. I just stood there as Lukke automatically drew his knife and forcefully shoved it into her neck. Nanya fell lifeless to the ground.

  I turned to Mikal and said, “She was the one who took me to them.” I wasn’t the scared little girl anymore. I now had somewhere I belonged with a job that needed to be done. I would help Mikal protect the Human realm.


  I looked at Nanya’s lifeless body and felt a little saddened. She had been a friend, a great warrior and now she lay dead as the enemy. Looking around at everyone else I said, “I know many Cusas will have problems with our mating, but if any of you have a problem, let it be known now.” I scanned the faces in the room and I could feel Ambriel reading their thoughts. Together we would lead our people.

  Back in our rooms, I took Ambriel to the bathroom and washed her feet as I picked pieces of bark from them. “You should have told me that you were hurt.”

  “It wasn’t that important. I was just glad to be home.”

  Once they were cleaned, I looked into her beautiful blue eyes. “I love you so much. I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to you.”

  “I feel the same way. I love you so much, Mikal.”

  I took her lips with mine as I picked her up and carried her to the bed. After one hundred years, I felt happy and complete. It didn’t matter what anyone thought, I’d protect her with my life…always.


  Back in the Santiarn realm, Ornias paced in his throne room. The little human had gotten away and now allied herself with the enemy. Not only had she gotten away, she had almost killed him in the process. He had been too arrogant thinking she was weak. Now he had a new purpose, he would not only use her to gain entrance into the Cusasleon realm but she would pay for stabbing him in the chest. No one would hurt him and live. He had his soldiers gather any information they could find on the little human and they would start with the one named Sarah.

  The End!

  Ambriel’s Quest now available!

  (The story continues)

  Thank you for reading “Ambriel.” Click the e-mail below if you wish to be notified when Book 2 becomes available in the Kindle store.

  Check out other books by Hannah Davenport.

  The Kiser Series: Contemporary Romance

  Trying to Survive (Book 1) Free

  Finding Megan (Book 2)

  The Azziarin Series: Paranormal Romance

  Jakke (Book 1)

  Dazz (Book 2)

  Kollin (Book 3) coming soon

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