Page 26
Grant, Cary, 169
Green, Robert, 245
Greyson, Bruce, 39
Greyson Scale, 39
Griffiths, Roland, 152
Grof, Stanislav, 172, 180
Guardian (newspaper), 236–37
“Gym and Tonic: A Profile of 100 Steroid Users” (Evans), 190
gyrocopters, 102
gyroplanes, 102, 104
Haldane, J.B.S., 87
Halothane, 39
Hansen, James, 119
Harman, Denham, 191
Harris, Bernard, 54
Hartrick, Michael, 8–9
Hatch, Orrin, 214
Hawking, Stephen, 135
Hayabusa (space probe), 146–47
Hayes, Ollie, 224
headaches, cluster, 162, 164
healing, spontaneous, 164–65
body mass changes and, 55–56
longevity and evolution and, 52–56
mosquito-borne illnesses and, 131–40
sperm banks and, 252–57
health care
anti-aging medicine, 183–200
genetically targeted, 224–25, 240–41
psychedelic drugs in, 155–82
rights of embryos/fetuses in, 208–10
stem cells in, 201–18
health care costs, 19–20
coal burning and, 112
for visual prosthesis, 70
hedonic principle, 33
Heinlein, Robert A., 87, 148
helium-3, 151
Hermes gene, 137, 138
Herr, Hugh, 7–10, 12–15, 16–20
Herwitt, Allison, 210
Hessel, Andrew, 57, 59, 219–246
Hinman, Frank, Jr., 249–50
hippocampus, artificial, 26
HIV, sperm donation and, 261
Hoffa, Jimmy, 248
Hofmann, Albert, 168
Hoglund, Tom, 74
Homo evolutus, 58–59
Homo sapiens, 49, 59
Hong, Sok Chul, 54
Hood, Leroy, 216
hormones. See steroids
Howell, David, 180–82
Howell, Mara, 157–61, 164–67, 170–71, 174–76, 178–79, 180–82
Howell, Marilyn, 157, 159–61, 164–65, 170–71, 178–79, 180–82
human condition, 29
Human Connectome Project, 28
Human Genome Project, 57, 228
human growth hormone (HGH), 199
Humayun, Mark, 76
Huxley, Aldous, 45, 168–69
Huxley, Laura, 173, 181–82
hydroforming, 85–95
Hyperion Power Generation, 121
hypoxia, 38, 43
IBM, 28, 223
ibogaine, 161–62
iGEM. See International Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM)
Inception (film), 27
incest, 257–60
India, thorium in, 121
Infertility Network UK, 255
insecticides, 133, 134
Institute for Cancer Stem Cell Biology and Medicine, 216–17
Integral Fast Reactors (IFR), 118–19
International Cryogenics, 255
International Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM), 234–35
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), xvii
In the President’s Secret Service (Kessler), 238
Intoxication: The Universal Drive for Mind-Altering Substances (Siegel), 167
iPhone, 226
iridium, 150
Iron Man. See Rozelle, David
iWalk, 19
Jacob, Francis, 53
Jacobs-Lorena, Marcelo, 138–39
Jacobson, Cecil, 258
Jaeger, William, 257
James, Anthony, 137, 138
James, William, 168
Janiger, Oscar, 169
asteroid mining missions by, 146–47
nuclear power in, 117, 122–23
Jekot, Walter, 195, 196, 197
Jennings, Ken, 223
Jeopardy (TV show), 223
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 149
John of God, 159
Johns Hopkins University, 162
Johnson, Brittany, 254
Johnson, Diane, 254
Johnson, Ronald, 254
Johnson Space Center, 148–49
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 176
The Journey of a Parisian in the 21st Century (Béliard), 87
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), 229
Juiced (Canseco), 187–88
jumping genes, 136–37, 138–40
Jupiter, mining, 151
Kamen, Dean, 18
Kanada, 109
Kargel, Jeffrey, 144, 149
Kass, Leon, 214–15, 217
Keasling, Jay, 231
Kelly, Kevin, xvi–xviii
Kesey, Ken, 169
Kessler, Ronald, 238
ketamine, 39, 162
Kievenaar, Butch, 7, 15
Killer 6. See Rozelle, David
Kissimmee River, 85–84
Kittinger, Joe, 127
Kleinman, Mark, 174
Kohl, Herbert, 195
Komlos, John, 55–56
Kowboy 6. See Rozelle, David
Kramer, Ryan, 255–56
Kramer, Wendy, 256, 257–58, 259
Kroo, Ilan, 105
Kurtz, Ron, 164–65
Kurzweil, Ray, 28
Lake Okeechobee, 87–90
Land, Richard, 260
landscape ecology, 93
Laqueur, Ernst, 192
“The Last Question” (Asimov), 27
Law Reform Commission of New South Wales, Australia, 259
Lawrence Livermore Laboratories, 121
Leary, Timothy, 163, 169, 170
Legal Muscle (Collins), 193–94
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 258
Lewis, John, 151
Lewis and Clark expedition, 149
creating, xv, 131–42, 230–33
defining, 209
synthetic biology and, 219–46
Life Sciences Project, 58
Life Under a Cloud (Winkler), 110
Lilly, John, 172
Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTR), 119–20
Litvinenko, Alexander, 238–39
Liu, Edison, 211–12
longevity, 52–56
Lorenz, Jerry, 93–94, 95
Lovelock, James, 111
Lovenox, 170–71
Lovins, Amory, 113
LSD, 161, 162, 163, 167, 171–72
in alcoholism treatment, 169
current research on, 171–72
early research on, 168, 169
in end-of-life care, 178–79, 181–82
in mind-body medicine, 164–65
synthesis of, 168
Luke Arm, 18
M400 Skycar, 100
malaria, 133
insecticides and, 134
life cycle of, 135–36
mutations in, 138–40
prevalence of, 134
relationship of with mosquitos, 135–36
synthetic biology on, 231
Malaria Foundation International, 134
The Male Hormone (de Kruif), 193
Manreza Symposium, 144
marijuana, 175, 178–79
Martensson, Bertil, 27
Martin, George M., 27
Mattes, Jane, 253
Maxey, Kirk, 256
Mazzoti, Frank, 91
McCarthy, Tim, 19
McCay, Clive, 191
McClintock, Barbara, 136
McConkey, Shane, 130
McKenna, Terrance, 163
McKibben, Bill, 111
McMahon, Vince, 188
MDMA, 160–61, 162, 163–64
current research on, 172–74, 176–77
in end-of-life care, 170–71, 174–76, 178–79, 180–82
for PTSD, 176–77
Merck, 160
mercury, 83, 89
Merzlock, Crystal, 37–38
mescaline, 168–69
metabiological evolution, 55
metabolism, 190–92
methadone, 170
Metzner, Ralph, 168
Meyer, John, 49–50
Microbe Hunters (de Kruif), 204
microneurochemical sensors, 26
Millennium Seed Bank, 248
mind-body medicine, 164–65
mind uploading, xv, 23–31
playback after, 30–31
science fiction on, 27–28
storage required for, 26–27
Mining the Sky (Lewis), 151
MIT, 229
International Genetically Engineered Machines competition, 234–35
Media Lab, 14
Mithoefer, Michael, 176–77
Moller, Paul, 100
Molnar, Dezso, xii, 97–105, 247
monks, unitary being of, 45–47
Mooney, Michael, 197
Moore, Gordon, 225–26
Moore’s Law, 28, 57, 225–27
Morse, Melvin, 37–40, 42–43
mortality and immortality, xv–xvi
downloadable consciousness and, xv, 23–31
fear of death and, xv–xvi, 28–29
interim solution to, 27
near-death experiences and belief in, 42–43
science fiction on, 27–28
mosquitos, 131–40
containment of transgenic, 139–40
drug resistance of, 134
illnesses carried by, 133
mutations in, 138–40
transgenic, 135, 139–40
motorcycles, flying, 100–103
Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), 162–67, 177
Multiplex Automated Genome Engineering (MAGE), 232
Muscle Media, 197
Myhrvold, Nathan, 121
mystical experiences. See extreme states
NASA, xii, 146, 150, 151
National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, 210
National Audubon Society, 93
National Cancer Institute, 212
National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), 188
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 28, 228
National Outdoor Leadership School, 158
National Resource Defense Council, 113
National Science Foundation, 245–46
Natural History (Pliny), 133
natural selection, 53–54. See also evolution
Nature Review Genetics, 56
near-death experiences, 37–45
brain changes after, 43–45
Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) Shoemaker, 146
nervous system
incorporation of implants in, 25–26
of mystical experiences, 45–48
near-death experiences and, 43–45
of vision implants, 64–65
Nevulis, Rick, 88, 89
Newberg, Andrew, 45–47
Newman, Jana, 91
Nicholson, Jack, 169
99Virions, 222
nitrous oxide, 168
Nixon, Richard, 170
Nolan, Christopher, 27
Normann, Dick, 74–75
Northwest Andrology, 257
nuclear energy, 107–23
breeder reactors in, 117–18
cost of licensing, 111
disasters in, 110, 116, 117, 119, 122–23
early history of, 109–10
economics of, 112–13
environmental impact of, 113–14
fast reactors for, 116–19
fuel recycling for, 115–16
Integral Fast Reactors, 118
Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors, 119–20
reactor types for, 114, 116–23
reconsideration of, 110–15
renewables vs., 111–12
safety of, 111–12, 116–17, 118, 121, 122–23
Small Scale Nuclear Reactors, 119, 121
traveling wave reactors, 121
waste from, 114–15, 119
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 122
nuclear weapons, 115, 119
nuns, oneness with the universe of, 45–47
NuScale Power, 121
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 120
Obama, Barack
on asteroid exploration, 149
DNA of protected, 224
on nuclear energy, 111, 122
threats against, 238
obesity, 56
O’Brochta, David, 137
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 162, 163
Oculus Rift, 30
Ohme, Chloe, 259
oil resources, 111, 113, 148
Oncos Therapeutics, 225
optic nerve, in near-death experiences, 41–42
organized crime, 235–36
Ortiz, Deborah, 212
Osmond, Humphry, 169
Ossur, 15
out-of-body experiences. See extreme states
Pacala, Stephen, 114
Page, Larry, 145
paranormal, 36. See also extreme states
Parke, David and Company, 168
Parkinson’s disease, 206
parthenogenesis, 208
Pasteur, Louis, 204
Patient Alpha. See vision: artificial implants for
pectus excavatum, 164
Pedersen, Roger, 211
penetration testing, 243–44
Penfield, Wilder, 43, 46
Persinger, Michael, 47
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 27
peyote, 168
P gene, 136
pheromone bombs, 241
phone phreakers, 235
phosphenes, 64–65
phosphorus, 150
phosphorus pollution, 90–91
pilots, out-of-body experiences in, 40–42, 46–47
Planetary Resources Inc. (PRI), 145
platinum-group metals, 150
Pliny the Elder, 133
Pohl, Frederik, 27
polio genome, 233
pollution, 81, 83, 89, 90–91
from burning coal, 112
climate change and, 113–14
flying cars and, 101
from nuclear energy, 114–16
Ponce de León, 185
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
after brushes with death, 43–45
psychedelic drugs for treatment of, 162, 163–64, 176–77
Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Power (Cravens), 112
Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, 232–33
president of the United States, 219–46
biosensing technologies and, 242–43
ease of acquiring DNA from, 239–40
efforts to protect DNA of, 222
open-sourcing DNA of, 243–46
threats to, 238–40
President’s Council on Bioethics, 214, 217
“Preventing a Brave New World or Why We Should Ban Human Cloning Now” (Kass), 214–15
Price-Anderson Act, 110
Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer (Lilly), 172
prosthetics, 3–21
aesthetics of, 13
ankle, 16–21
arm, 18
bionic, 13–15
with embodied intelligence, 14
exoskeleton, 20
functionality of, 13–15
health care costs and, 19–20
history of, 11
knee, 14–15, 20
pain from, 16
research funding for, 11–12
retinal, 74–76
psilocybin, 162, 175
psychedelic drugs, 155–82
in addiction treatment, 169
in alcoholism treatment, 169
animal use of, 167
current research on, 171�
�74, 176–77, 180
early research into, 168–70
empathodelics and, 160
in end-of-life care, 157–61, 164–67, 170–71, 180–82
legislation against, 169–70, 173
MDMA, 160–61
mind-body medicine and, 164–65
mushrooms, 167–68, 169
research on, 161–64
risks of, 160–61
in spiritual traditions, 167–68
punctuated equilibrium, 49, 54, 56
PUREX (Plutonium Uranium Extraction), 115–16
Raelians, 217
Raikhel, Alexander, 139
rate-of-living theory, 191
Reagan, Ronald, 12, 116, 210, 240
Realms of the Unconscious: Observations from LSD Research (Grof), 172
Red Bull Stratos Project, 127–29
red team exercises, 243–44
Registry of Standard Biological Parts, 234
Reiss, Spencer, 111
Rejuven, 193
epilepsy associated with, 43–44
ethics of space travel and, 143–44
fear of death and, 29
psychedelic drugs in, 167–68, 173
on sperm banks and incest, 259–60
stem cell research and, 207, 208–10, 217
on vision as proof of God, 74
REM sleep, near-death experiences and, 44–45
renewable energy, 112–13, 114
Retinal Prosthesis Lab, 76
Rheo Knee, 15
Riccio, Jim, 113, 122
Rig Veda, 168
Riverwoods Field Laboratory, 86
Roe v. Wade, 208
Rosenau, William, 233–34
Ross, Ronald, 134
Ross, Stephen, 169
Rossin, Dave, 118
Rothenberg, Ron, 185–87, 192, 197–98
Rothman, Cappy, 247, 249–63
Rothman, Norman “Roughneck,” 249
Rozelle, David, 5–7, 10–12, 15–19, 20–21
Rubin, Gerald, 136–37
Rutan, Burt, 151
Salk, Jonas, 55
Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, 168
Saskatchewan Study, 169
Satava, Richard, 15
Schmidt, Eric, 145
Schwartz, Peter, 11
science fiction
on asteroid mining, 145, 147–48
on mind uploading, 27–28
terraforming in, 87
Sears, Derek, 150
Seattle Study, 39–40
self, boundaries of, 46–47
Selfridge, Tom, 66–67
Senate Bill 212, 215
serotonin, 42
Shaw, George Bernard, 3
Shell, 148
Siegel, Ronald, 167
Simak, Paul, 145
Single Mothers by Choice, 253
The Singularity Is Near (Kurzweil), 28
The Six Million Dollar Man (TV show), 11
ski-BASE, 130
Skycar, 100
skydiving, 35–36, 125–30
Skygrabber, 235
slavery, financial profitability of, 51–53
smallpox, 236–37
Small Scale Nuclear Reactors, 119, 121
Socolow, Robert, 114
Solazyme, 231–32
Sorenson, Kirk, 120
Soul Catcher, 25–27, 28, 30–31
sound barrier, xii, 101
Southern Baptist Church, 260