Twisted Up in You

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Twisted Up in You Page 7

by Dawn Martens

  Blake finally moves off me and zips himself back up. I don’t move, still laying on the couch he threw me on. Shit. I can’t believe I just had sex with him. But fuck, it was amazing, so heated and passionate. God, the way he felt inside me was unlike anything I have ever felt before. It was everything I have ever imagined and then some.

  “Tonight, seven, we’re going out. You try to hide from me, you’ll be sorry when I finally catch up with you,” he tells me, placing a soft kiss on my lips before walking out of the room.

  “Fucking hell,” I murmur through swollen lips. I sit up, fixing my undies and skirt.

  The door opens to the lunch room, and in walks the new girl from the second floor, a Malibu Barbie type. Great. These types of chicks are such bitches. Short blonde hair and a dazzling smile greets me.

  “Hey,” she says happily.

  I look up and see she is genuinely smiling at me.

  “Uh, hey,” I say, hoping I don’t look like I just fucked in here.

  “Blake seems to really like you,” she states, smiling.

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “Why’re you giving him such a hard time?”

  “I’m not,” I retort.

  She stares at me for a while longer. “Word around the office is that you’ve had a thing for him for years, and more word around the office is that he’s wanted you for just as long.”

  “Most likely not,” I tell her, standing up to check myself in the mirror.

  “When Blake wants something, he gets it. Trust me.”

  “Look, I’m sorry, but I don’t know you,” I tell her, trying not to be mean. I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but I’m not giving her information on this Blake stuff.

  She shrugs. “I don’t know you either, but if you need someone to talk to, I’m here.” She gives me a small smile. “He’s a good friend, a nice guy. I think you should give him a chance.”

  I clench my jaw and take in her figure. “Did you sleep with him?” I ask, suddenly feeling jealous.

  She bursts out in laughter. “No. I don’t screw around where I work. He’s a great looking guy, sweet on the inside, but I wouldn’t go there. Not my type,” she says with a wink.

  “What’s your name?” I ask her.

  “Marcy. And you are Cori.”

  I nod.

  “A bunch of us are going out this weekend for some food, drinks, maybe a little dancing. You should come with us,” she offers.

  “Yeah, that sounds good. Mind if I bring a friend?” I ask.

  Her eyes narrow. “What kind of friend.” Wow, she is overly protective of Blake.

  “My sister Melissa,” I say, trying to hide my smirk.

  She grins. “Perfect.”

  She walks to the fridge in the staff room and pulls out her lunch.

  “Uh, so… Yeah, I should get back to work. Later,” I say as I walk out of the room, back to my desk.

  I should feel really weirded out that Blake and I totally just fucked like animals in there, but damn, he does fuck well.


  Walking away after I had Cori had me feeling both proud and angry at the same time. Angry because I know I still haven’t gotten through to her, but proud because I was able to get that out of her. At least I know she wants me, even if she is trying to convince herself she doesn’t. I should have taken her when I wanted her the first time I met her.

  It’s not long before there is a knock on my door. “Come in.”

  Marcy, one of the new nurses that works on floor two comes in.

  “Hey there,” she says, smiling.

  “Hey, what’s up?” She’s a beautiful woman, but she doesn’t swing my way. Trust me, I’ve tried. First day I met her at the university we attended, I used all the lines I could think of, but she kept laughing in my face. That pissed me off, so I tried kissing her. Afterwards, she laughed even harder and told me to follow her. I did and ended up just outside her dorm, where she yelled at another woman and smiled huge. When the woman got close, she pulled her in for a long lingering kiss and then looked at me, smiling, letting me know that was why my shit didn’t work on her.

  “Had a chat with your woman just now,” she informs me, grinning.

  “And?” I ask, arching a brow.

  “I’m going to help you get the girl because, honestly, watching you fuck your way through all the women in town, and repeatedly with that horrible wench Stacy, is getting on my nerves,” she says, taking a seat at the edge of my desk.

  I roll my eyes at her. “I really don’t need your help.”

  “Sure you do. It’s going to take a lot more than your force screwing on the couch in the staff lunch room to get her to be with you,” she utters, chuckling.

  “How’d you know about that?” I ask. I didn’t think Cori was that loud.

  “Once everyone came running out, fearing for their safety because they said you were extremely pissed, carrying a woman over your shoulder, I put my ear to the door and heard it all. That woman is hot. I swear, if she was even a little bit gay, I’d be fighting you for her,” she teases, winking.

  “You’ve already stolen three of my dates before. Keep away from Cori. Don’t you have some poor child to prick with a needle?”

  She laughs as she hops off my desk. “I invited her out Friday night for some fun. You should, oh, I don’t know, randomly show up,” she says, winking as she shuts my door behind her.

  I hired Marcy after she finished her nursing degree. I met her through some mutual friends and told her the minute she was done schooling to come work in my building.

  Instead of forcing Cori to be with me, I’m going to give her a little break. Maybe pushing her the way I did today was wrong of me. I’ll give her a few days to come to terms with an ‘us’, but after that, I’m moving in and nothing will stop me.

  Chapter 13


  The rest of the week goes by pretty fast, and I’m almost disappointed when Blake doesn’t try anything else with me. I actually haven’t even seen him since he screwed me on that couch. Hell, the bastard didn’t even follow through with his plan to take me out the other night.

  I shouldn’t be surprised. Once an asshole, always an asshole. I check the time when I notice most of the staff leaving.

  “Hey, Cori, it’s Friday. Let’s go,” Marcy calls out as she walks toward the desk.

  “It’s only three,” I say, confused.

  She shrugs and grins at me. “Yes, but it’s Friday. We are going to close up early today.”

  Well then. Wicked. I grab my purse and clock out, following behind her. “Do you have a car?” she asks me.


  “Mind if I catch a ride? I walked here today because I didn’t want to chance you bailing on me,” she says, winking.

  I burst out laughing. “Yeah, come on. We’ll go to my place and get ready while we wait for Melissa, and then we can head out.”

  “Perfect!” she says happily.

  We make it to my condo, just talking about randomly weird shit. I also found out she loves women, which makes any jealous thoughts I had about her and Blake disappear. She even told me about a time she stole Blake’s date to some party right from under him. I thought that was awesome. Apparently, Marcy got one look at Blake’s date, got her drunk, and took advantage of her in the coat closet. Blake walked in, fuming about how it wasn’t fair, but then later laughed it off, saying he was glad his date ditched him for a pussy instead of a dick.

  After getting into my place, I shut the door behind her, and she makes herself comfortable on my couch.

  “Melly should be here. Be right back,” I tell her and make my way down the hall to Melissa’s room.

  “Cori, is that you?” Melissa asks, opening her door.

  I smile. “Hey, got a friend out in the living room. She invited us out tonight.”

  When we get out to the living room, Marcy smiles brightly. “Hey there, you must be the sister.”

  “Sure am, but I’m also the best-friend,
” Melissa says just as happily.

  “Awesome. Now sit here. Got a question. Why don’t you tell me why your girl here won’t give Blake a chance?” Marcy asks.

  Melly raises a brow. “Because she is stubborn.”

  I sigh and sit on the chair by the couch.

  “I can tell,” Marcy says, giggling.

  “Look, okay, I’ve liked him for years. Wanted him for years. But he’s never once noticed me. I was always like a sister to him. I’ve arranged his dates for years and everything.”

  “Yes, and you also always acted shy and reserved around him. Plus, with the baggy clothes...” Melly points out.

  “That shouldn’t matter, Melly! So what? One company party, he sees me in form-fitting clothes, attached at the vagina with Mark Saylor, and bam, he wants me? That doesn’t fly with me. I’m sorry, but no. It will take an awful lot for him to convince me he actually wants me for me, not just because he sees this different side of me,” I tell the room.

  “Look, I’ve known Blake since we were in university together, where he tried to hook up with me. He would never purposely set out to hurt you. He’s always upfront with the women he’s with. They’ve always just been a little, uh, psycho, afterwards,” Marcy says, leaning in.

  I shake my head. “Not doing it.” I look to Melissa, and she looks at me with sad eyes. “You know what growing up was like. You know what I went through. What our mother constantly says when she shows her face around us. This situation with Blake is exactly like that,” I tell her.

  She hangs her head down.

  “Um, I’m kind of lost here. What’s this about your mother?” Marcy asks. I totally forgot she was here for a moment.

  “Well, she wasn’t a good person,” I say, shrugging.

  Marcy clasps my hands and squeezes. “Tell me. I’m here. Maybe getting an outside ear will help.”

  I look to Melissa, and she nods. “Maybe it will be good.”

  Sighing, I start our story. Marcy cries a few times, gets angry, and by the end of it, vows to kill our mother and the foster family that had us. By the end of it, she leaves our condo, giving us both hugs, saying we have to hang out soon, saying now that she’s heard all of this, she’s not really up for going out.

  Melissa and I both decide we still need to get out, so we get dressed and head off.


  Just as I’m about to close up my office for the day, Adam comes in, looking jumpy. “What’s up, man?” I ask him.

  “Zippo just called me. They have something they need us on. Local kid was reported to have had bruises on her arms and back. Girl’s only ten years old. Zippo says the girl lives with her mom, and her mom is a known addict,” Adam explains.

  I frown and clench my fists. I fucking hate when kids get hurt. “What does he need us to do?”

  “Needs you to do a surprise visit. Angel and Reaper are both waiting just down the street. They follow in behind you, assess everything, and if it’s what we all think, you take the kid out of there.”

  I rub my face. “Why can’t you do this?”

  “I still haven’t finished going over the police report for that Zambini case. Been working on that shit now for a week straight. Once I finish, I can let the police know what I think and then call in Angel and his boys on that one, too.”

  I nod. “Okay, man, cool. I’ll head out now.” He hands me the address and leaves my office. I get up from my chair, grab my sweater, and head out.

  Twenty minutes later, I pull up beside Angel and Reaper and roll down my window. “Hey, guys. I got here as fast as I could. Wasn’t able to get a call in to the station, though. Any of you do that?”

  “Yeah, called about half an hour ago. They are on standby if we need ‘em, but since we’re here, we won’t.” I nod and roll my window back up. I drive down the street and pull into the driveway.

  Lights are on and music is blaring. I step out of the car and look to the guys, who are getting off their bikes. “She having a party?” I ask them.

  “Yeah. And the kid is in there, too,” Reaper reports, pissed. “Called in for back up when we saw that shit. Got a bunch of members scattered around the area, waiting for the signal, in case shit gets bad.”

  I nod, go to the front door, and knock. The door opens, and a seriously strung out woman answers. Her hair is greasy and stringy, appearing not to have been washed for days, maybe longer. Her shirt has holes in it and is covered in stains from old food. “What ya want? You a cop?” Smoke hits me in my face. The smell is so strong it nearly knocks the breath out of me.

  I shake my head and sigh. “Child protective services, ma’am. Need to step in and have a chat.” Her face pales.

  Then she steps back from the door and screams into the room. “Fucking CPS is here! Shut that shit down and get out! Delia, get fucking out here now!” Everything immediately quiets down, and a little girl who looks scared shitless comes down the stairs slowly. She is so tiny and frail. Her eyes have dark circles under them; her ribs are poking out of her t-shirt.

  “You fucking brat! You open your fucking mouth? Who’d you fucking talk to, you little bitch?”

  “Ma’am, need to you stop talking to her that way,” I inform her.

  “Fuck you, man! She’s my fucking brat. I can talk to her how I want.” I go to reply again, but Reaper moves, and he moves fast, leaning into her face. I watch her shrink from his glare.

  “Never fucking talk to her like that again. Do you fucking get me?” Reaper growls.

  “Oh, shit. There’s bikers. This will not go well,” some scrawny guy peeking around the corner says.

  I almost smirk but catch myself. In these situations, I have to remain calm. I can’t have the children see me any other way than professional.

  I look back to Reaper and then the woman, who now looks scared shitless. “Blake, do your thing. We’ll keep Ms. Renee here,” Angel tells me as he walks over to the little girl. He crouches down and smiles at her gently. I’m not sure what he says to her, but she starts sobbing and throws her arms around Angel’s neck, hugging him tight.

  At that, I move, walk around the house, spotting beer, vodka, and dirty dishes all over the kitchen. Living room is much of the same, with the added overfilled ashtray. I pull out my binder, flip it open to a clean page, and jot down my findings. So far, everything looks unsafe.

  As I’m finishing up what I found in the living room and kitchen, I turn and spot white powder and a huge amount of marijuana on the desk by the computer. That right there is enough for me to remove the child, but before I do that, I inspect the rest of the house. Everything is the same.

  When I reach the kid’s room, I get pissed. “Angel!” I shout.

  I hear his feet come up the stairs, and he finds me in the room. “What the fuck?” he growls, seeing the state of the bedroom.

  The only thing in here is two outfits and a blanket. Nothing else. “Get the kid out of here. Have Reaper escort Ms. Renee to the police station. I’m going to grab my camera, and then I’ll be there shortly. Take Delia with you,” I instruct him.

  “Yeah, T-bags has the SUV. I’ll switch with him. He can ride my bike. Not sure how it’s gonna work with Ms. Renee, though. Reaper won’t have her on his bike.”

  “Call Drew. He’ll send someone for the mother. Reaper can follow. I’ll get in touch with some people and hopefully put Delia in a good home.”

  “Sounds good. There are times I really wish Reaper was his old self, because honestly, I want that woman to pay, and I mean more than just getting a fucking cushy jail cell,” Angel grounds out.

  We walk out of the room and down the stairs. Ms. Renee is completely losing it—yelling, screaming, putting up a fight. Reaper has her somewhat controlled, with her hands cuffed and his hands on her shoulders, keeping her pinned in her seat. I look around for Delia and see her sitting on the filthy couch, arms around her knees.

  I walk to her and crouch down. “Hey, sweetheart,” I say quietly, approaching her with caution.

bsp; “Hi,” she whispers.

  “Do you mind if I talk with you for a little bit? Or do you want Angel instead?” I’m not surprised when she says she wants Angel. So I stand back up and smile down at her, nodding to Angel. “She wants you, man. You can talk to her once you get her to your compound. Just fax me everything.”

  “Sure thing,” he says with a nod and goes to gather Delia up in his arms, carrying her out of the house.

  “Bring that little bitch back here! You can’t take my daughter!” Ms. Renee screams.

  “Ma’am, you need to calm down and shut up. The police will be here soon. You’ll be booked and locked up for a long ass time. One thing to know is you will never see your child again.” That, of course, doesn’t calm her down, and she thrashes wildly, trying to get out of her cuffs and seat. Minutes later, two cops come in and take her to their car.

  I pat Reaper on the shoulder and nod at him. Sometimes, this job fuckin’ sucks.

  Chapter 14


  I came home early tonight. Normally, I’m at the club till closing, but I just wasn’t feeling it. Melissa got extremely drunk, and I don’t know if she’s realized it or not, but she went home with Monster tonight. I’m sure I’ll hear her rant about it when she wakes up. Thinking about it has me laughing to myself. I don’t get why she fights it. Yeah, Monster is a giant player, but I also know he wants Melissa, has for a long time. I know he’d treat her right.

  As I finish changing into my fuzzy pink jammies, a knock comes at my door. Frowning, I go to it. Who the heck would be knocking at ten at night?

  I should have checked the peephole, but nope, I didn’t do that. The second I open the door, Blake comes in, shoving me aside, slamming my door, and pins me to the wall. Before I know it, he’s kissing me.

  I pull away, breathing heavy. “What are you doing?”

  “I need you. I need you to erase my night,” he declares, breathing heavy. I don’t get a chance to respond before he’s kissing me again.

  I know it is a bad idea, but my body has other ideas. I tear at his clothes and lead him to my bed. His mouth is hot and needy, taking what it wants as he nips and sucks on my lips. Strong hands cup my rear, caressing the round globes of my ass cheeks. We fall into my dresser, knocking over a picture. Blake doesn’t even pause in his attack as I pull my shirt over my head. Greedily, his mouth finds its way down my body, latching onto a nipple and biting it gently.


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