Twisted Up in You

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Twisted Up in You Page 8

by Dawn Martens

  My slender fingers work on his zipper as he leans down over me on the bed, resting on his elbows. “Fuck, Cori. You make me crazy.”

  “I see,” I tease, taking his hard length between my palms and wrapping my fingers around the head of his cock. His lips feather kisses across my stomach, and my stomach flutters in excitement. His fingers tug my shorts off, exposing my pussy to his greedy tongue.

  With my hands in his hair and his mouth working my clit, I moan loudly, arching my back up off the bed. His hands grip my hips to hold me still. His tongue flicks against my clit before he sucks it hard, his teeth grazing my tender skin.

  This time, with him, it’s different. It’s more intimate as he gets to know my body in ways I never thought he would.


  I wake around four in the morning, over heated, a firm body wrapped snuggly to me. I then remember where I’m at—with Cori. Fuck, she was amazing. After a shitty day, I usually go to the dive bar downtown and hook up with whomever I can to bang out my issues. Tonight, I chose Cori.

  My dick already got a taste of her before, and tonight, my dick didn’t want anyone but her. I don’t want anyone but her. So instead of going to the bar, or even straight to my apartment, I went right to Cori.

  I move gently away from her and out of the bed. Grabbing my clothes, I leave her room. I don’t want to hurt Cori, not ever, but I also know that, when she wakes up, she might regret last night, and I do not want that look in my brain. I care about her more than I’ve ever cared about anyone. I always knew that, when I found the right woman, I would never let her go. I knew I’d hold on to her, have a family, all of it. But, Cori… There is something lurking inside her, and I just hope I’m strong enough to stand by her when she finally explodes.

  As I’m walking down the hallway, the condo door bursts open, and I see Melissa barely walking through it, mumbling about someone named Dray. She stumbles, falling to her knees. I rush over to help her up, and she looks at me, confused.

  “Hey, Blakey poo. Finally get some outta my sister?” she slurs as I hold her tight while closing the front door.

  “Come on, Melly. Let’s get you into bed,” I say gently.

  “My sister loves you, you know. Has ever since she met you, but you are such a player,” Melissa slurs again. “She can’t be with you, though, because of how dirty she is, and you are so clean and amazing.” I have no idea what she even means by that.

  I get her into her room, and the second she hits the bed, she passes out. Running a hand over my face, I walk out, closing her door, and go to the couch in the living room and sit, contemplating on whether or not I should just leave. But if I do that, she might hate me for real. I lie down and grab my cell, turning it on. I notice a few texts from the Angels and see they invited me to the clubhouse tomorrow for a BBQ.

  Both Melissa and Cori will be there. That, at least, will give me more time with her. I’ll be able to see the girls in their ‘home’ and get to know Cori better, the Cori she truly is and not the girl I’ve come to know.

  It takes me about an hour, my brain going into overdrive, before I finally fall asleep on the couch.

  Chapter 15


  I wake up and stretch out in the bed. I instantly remember last night, Blake coming over and making love to me. God, it was amazing. I roll over to watch Blake sleep, but he’s not there. Feeling his spot on the bed, it’s cold.

  I should have known. So fucking stupid. I throw the blankets back and get out of bed, checking the time. Shit, Melly and I will be totally late now. Angel and the guys invited us out this weekend for a family thing at their compound, and I’ve been looking forward to it. I will finally meet Angel’s wife and his children, and I’ll get to see Lilly again. I’ve only met her a few times, but she was pretty great.

  Reaper always scared me, though I’m not really sure why. I only ever got bits and pieces to his story, something about his wife running away from him or something like that. So this weekend will be nice to catch up, since these guys are practically family.

  I grab my Sons of Anarchy robe and head out of my room to wake up Melissa so we can hurry up and get ready to leave. As I walk down the hall, I hear someone in the kitchen. I frown, because I know Melissa, and unless I remind her the night before, she is never up this early.

  “Cori, where is your coffee maker?” Blake is here. Holy shit. Why didn’t he leave?

  I’m stunned for a moment before I finally answer him when I step into the kitchen. “Uh, we don’t have one.”

  He closes my cupboard and turns around, glaring at me. “Why don’t you have a coffee maker?”

  I roll my eyes and throw him some attitude. “Because coffee is disgusting, of course. Both Melly and I hate it, so why would we have one?”

  Amusement floods Blake’s face. It’s like he is loving the real me, the me that is sassy and all attitude. It’s weird.

  “You’re gonna have to go, so you can get coffee when you leave,” I tell him.

  “Why would I go?” he asks, voice edging in the danger zone.

  “Because Melissa and I have a family thing, and we’re already going to be late,” I convey to him, leaving the kitchen to go back toward Melissa’s room.

  “It’s at the Angels compound, isn’t it?” Blake asks, following me. Why is he following me? “Because, if so, we can just drive down there together.” That stops me in my tracks.

  I’m not surprised he would be invited, but I was hoping he wouldn’t be. Yay, lovely, just great. Should be fun. Ugh.

  I continue to Melly’s door and walk in without knocking. I look at her passed out on her bed, not even under her covers, and she’s still in last night’s clothes. “Great. Hungover Melly,” I mutter. She never gets hung over. It’s only happened once, and it was bad. And by the looks of this, it’s bad. Her hair is sticking out in every direction. One foot hangs from the bed, and her head is turned in an awkward angle. That is gonna hurt when she wakes.

  “Why don’t you go get ready so you aren’t even later? I’ll help get Melissa up and going,” Blake says, touching me on the shoulder. Well, that’s, uh, sweet. Damn it. Why can’t I shake him?

  “Um, sure. Okay.” I walk away and go to my room, take a quick shower, and blow dry my hair. If I didn’t have to blow dry, I could have been ready a long ass time ago, but nope, my hair is so damn thick and would look extremely bad if I dried it naturally.

  I grab a pair of my black yoga capris and a simple t-shirt and put them on quickly, checking the time. Crap, we are so, so, so late. I rush out of my room to see how Blake made out with Melissa and see that she’s ready to go. I wish I could get ready as fast as she can. Of course, she has super thin blonde hair, so she doesn’t need to do much to it.

  “Ready?” I ask, grabbing my Old Navy hoodie off the back of the kitchen chair and shrugging it on.

  “Yup,” Melissa mumbles.

  Blake just grins and shakes his head at Melissa.

  “I haven’t seen you hungover in years. What the heck did you do last night?”

  She puts a hand up. “Don’t, okay. Not right now. I’ll talk to you later,” she says, pleading with me.

  I grimace and nod.


  We all climb into my car and head off toward Airdrie. Getting Melissa up was brutal. She kept dry heaving, but finally, I was able to force some leftover pizza into her that I found in the fridge, and she seemed to be somewhat okay after that. Still looks miserable, but she’s not so green anymore.

  The drive is quiet and somewhat awkward. I can feel Cori vibrating with the need to talk to Melissa about what is bugging her so much. However, she knows Melissa will shut that down right now. I flip on the radio and try to find a good station, when Cori slaps my hand away and puts what she likes on.

  I groan when the tunes of Maroon 5 come through the speakers. “You like this?” I ask.

  Cori smiles at me. “Duh, Adam Levine is so hot. God, if I could meet him in person, I’d end up in jail
because I’d lick him all over.” She bites her lip, and her eyes roll back. What the hell?

  “Well, it’s a good thing you never will then. That tongue of yours is only for me,” I say, grinding my teeth together. I know I’m being irrationally jealous, but right now, I don’t care.

  I hear Melissa snort. When I look in the rear-view mirror, she is looking at Cori, amused.

  “Someone has a jealous streak,” Melissa says with a giggle.

  “Damn right I do,” I state.

  About ten minutes outside of Airdrie, Cori turns in her seat to look at Melissa, her eyes lit right up. “I can’t wait to see everyone,” she says excitedly.

  “Gah, yes! I can’t wait to see Lilly, Eden, and Moira again,” Melissa replies back.

  “Yeah, deffo. I only wish I could have met Hilary, too. Sucks the way she passed,” Cori says, sounding a bit sad. She turns to me and tells me, “We moved in with the guys when Mason was still married to Hilary, and when she finally came back to town, I was in university, and Melly was still living at the clubhouse, going to school. Though, she said she never got the chance to meet her.” Finally, she’s opening up to me a bit.

  “Yeah, but from what Lilly used to say about Hilary and Reaper’s marriage, it wasn’t good. They obviously weren’t right for each other,” Melissa points out.

  “I’m glad I didn’t know the Reaper he was before. I might not have liked him much.” Cori pauses and then grins. “I can’t wait to see T-bags, though,” Cori says.

  Melissa bursts out laughing. “I can’t believe that name stuck.”

  I’m obviously missing something.

  “I know, right. But it was well deserved, and I won’t ever let him forget how he got it, either,” Cori alludes, snorting.

  The girls continue chatting back and forth about the members of the club, laughing and giggling. I stay out of it, mostly because I love hearing Cori so carefree and laughing.

  I see the turn off for the compound, so I interrupt the girls. “We’re almost there, ladies.” Both girls immediately squeal.

  Chapter 16


  The second Blake stops his car, I bolt from it and run inside the clubhouse, searching almost frantically for Momma B. During my time here, she was so damn amazing and even cuddled me after a horrible nightmare. But then I remember that she’s gone. She betrayed the club and paid for what she did. Every time in the past six years that I’ve been to visit, I always forget. I don’t know why I do, but I do. It sucks. I deflate until I hear him.

  “Who ya lookin’ for, Rin?” I smirk slightly, hearing T-bags’ voice.

  “Just your balls,” I shoot back at him before turning around to face him. I have always thought he was hot. A little on the skinny side, he dresses like an emo, but the tattoos and piercings he’s decorated his skin with make him extremely hot. I’ve always been a sucker for heavily tatted men.

  I came up with the nickname T-bags when I was just eighteen. He was really drunk one night, as was another guy who I think they called Breaks, and I walked into the bathroom to see T-bags’ balls on Breaks’ forehead while he was taking a piss. Breaks was passed out, lying with his head on the toilet—gross—and T-bags didn’t even realize he was there.

  The name stuck after that. He also has called me Rin since he met me. Not sure why, since my nickname has always been Cori.

  I squeal and he scoops me up, hugging me tight. “Missed you around here,” he says quietly in my ear.

  I pull back. “Yeah.” I haven’t visited in about nine months. He moves away from me, grabbing a beautiful dark-headed pixie around the waist that was walking past us, and brings her in close.

  “Rin, this is Tori,” T-bags says proudly.

  Tori blushes and sticks out her hand. “Rin? Nice to meet you,” she says quietly.

  “You too, but everyone calls me Cori. This loser here is the only one to call me Rin,” I boast, smiling back at her. I look back to T-bags.

  “Cori!” I hear Angel shout across the room. He looks happy, his face filled with joy, carrying two children in his arms. Two more are attached to his legs, and someone that looks nothing like him is on his back. I shake my head. It’s like he and Eden are trying to become the next Duggar family.

  “Nice brood you got there,” I compliment him.

  “Wanna hold one?”

  “Oh, hell no,” I protest, taking a step back.

  “Oh, come on. You can’t still be freaked out about kids,” T-bags quips, sounding amused.

  Before I know it, he swings his youngest son, Harley, my way, and I catch him, because duh, if I didn’t, he’d get hurt. The second he lands in my arms, he makes a weird noise and I look at him.

  “Oh, shit!” Angel says suddenly.

  And then it happens. The little shit pukes all over me—my hair, my shirt, everywhere. I try to hold back, but the second Angel takes Harley out of my arms, I start gagging. Next thing I know, I’m hunched over and puke is spewing outta me.

  This is why I don’t like kids.


  I watch Cori run from my car into the clubhouse, looking happier than I have ever seen her. What I wouldn’t give for her to light up like that for me.

  “Blake?” I hear Melissa say from the back seat. I’m shocked she’s still there instead of running behind Cori, since she grew up with these guys as well.

  “Yeah?” I say, looking back at her.

  “Do you really care about my sister?” she asks quietly.

  I narrow my eyes at her. “Of course I do.”

  She bites her bottom lip. “Like, actually, and not just doing this thing because you now know what she’s really like?”

  I clench my jaw, calming myself down before I lash out at her. “I’ve liked Cori for years, even when I thought she was this shy, sweet, good person. Her revealing her true self just meant I could make my move. A move I’ve been trying not to make because I didn’t think Cori would go for that shit.”

  With that, Melissa lights up and gives me a huge as fuck grin. “That’s so awesome.” She bounces out of my car and heads inside. She must not remember what she said to me last night.

  I get out and follow her in but stop suddenly, watching Melissa go stiff, and stop in the doorway. I look over her and see Cori hunched over, puking. I go to her swiftly.

  She empties her stomach on the floor, and when she’s done, after I growl at Angel, I walk her down the hall and into the bathroom to clean her up.

  “I never want kids. This is just wrong,” Cori blubbers, sobbing slightly.

  I chuckle slightly. “Just get cleaned up. I’ll go see about getting you some clothes while you take a shower. You reek.” Cori’s head snaps up to me, and she glares.

  I leave the bathroom and spot Melissa, tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. “Go see if you can find her some clothes, and she needs a shower.” Melissa, still laughing, nods and takes off.

  “Sorry about that. It’s probably all of the candy that Moira keeps sneaking him,” Angel confirms, his mouth twitching, trying not to laugh. “I wish I was here to see the whole show in action,” I admit, chuckling, thinking of my puke-covered woman.

  “It was like something out of The Exorcist, man,” Trevor speaks up. “I can’t believe she still does that, the whole gag and puke thing, if she sees puke,” he says, then burst out laughing. Angel and I following.

  “Tori went to go get a few cleaning supplies so the mess can get cleaned up,” Angel says when he calms down.

  “She’s gonna be so mad when she comes back out here and sees us laughing,” I tell the guys, so we can try to get a lock on it.

  “The girls can’t wait to see her again. They haven’t shut up about it, actually,” Angel says when the laughing dies down.

  “Yeah, she was chatting in the car on the way here about them.”

  The clubhouse is quiet, but outside, you can hear kids laughing, squealing, and some even crying. It’s not until a really loud scream cry that Angel moves fast.
r />   “Shit! That’s Hilary.” He runs off and out the doors.

  Not long after, Cori and Melissa come out of the bathroom, arms looped in each other’s, and Cori gives me a glare. Melissa is still trying hard not to laugh.

  “Keep the kids away from me, and today will be awesome,” Cori announces as she walks out to the yard.

  Chapter 17


  In the bathroom, I manage to get a shower and clean all the disgusting stuff off me, and I do it without actually puking again. I just gag, a lot. Melissa comes in with some clean clothes and chats with me as I’m finishing up about how cute Angel’s kids are. Bitch. We both walk out of the bathroom, arms linked, and I glare at Blake, because I can still see the stupid smile on his face from when he was laughing at me.

  We walk out to the yard, Blake following behind us. “Corinne!” I hear yelled. I look to the picnic tables and see Lilly running toward me. My face hurts from smiling so huge. I run and meet her half way.

  “Oh, God, I missed you! How are you, sweetie?” she asks me.

  “I’m good, Lilly. You?”

  She smiles brightly. “I’m amazing.”

  “I’m glad.” I smile at her. I fill with joy at that, because she and Zippo were crazy together, but now she’s happy, married to him, and her light is shining so bright, I feel blinded.

  “You have to meet the others,” she says, pulling me along, her wild curls blowing with the gentle breeze.

  “Melissa!” I shout behind me, and she follows. Melly might not be as close to everyone as I am, but I think it’s because she’s looking for someone. “Who you looking for?” I whisper as Lilly drags me along.


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