Kissed Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 3)

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Kissed Cyborg (Bound by Her Book 3) Page 16

by Nellie C. Lind

  That voice.

  It sounded familiar.

  “I need you, more than ever. I understand that now. Please, don’t leave me.”


  She was so near. He felt her breath against his ear, as she whispered her words, and yet, she was so far away.

  Silver was unable to reach her, unable to let her know he heard her. The darkness he swam around in had a tight grip on him.

  “Your mission has succeeded, do you know that? I’ve given in as well. Now, come back to me.”

  His heart made a flip.

  Did it mean she … loved him?

  “I think I’ve felt like this for a while, but it wasn’t until you got hurt that I understood my feelings. The thought of losing you hurt like nothing I’ve ever experienced. It was my stubbornness that kept me from seeing the truth.”

  Something touched his arm, something tiny and gentle.

  Her hand?

  “I’ll tell you all about it. Just come back to me.”

  Her voice faded, and for a long time all he knew was silence and darkness.

  Silver opened his dry and tired eyes. He stared at the familiar ceiling and inhaled the just as familiar scents from the infirmary in the Fighters’ headquarters.

  He was home.

  How had he gotten here?

  The last thing he remembered was lying on Faye’s knees in the van as they rushed back.

  Everything hurt. His muscles ached, but at least he was alive. The bed he lay on was comfortable and soft. He even felt fresh, as if he’d been cleaned.

  Silver blinked and turned his head, meeting the gaze of a smiling Blaze, but the smile didn’t reach the Fighter’s sad eyes. He searched for Faye, but she wasn’t there.

  Blaze was the only one in the room.

  Someone lay on the bed next to him.

  “Welcome back,” the medic cyborg said and approached. “How’re you feeling?”

  A groan left his lips when he tried to speak. “Bruised, but fine. Where’s Faye? Is she all right?”

  He nodded. “She’s fine, but worries about you. She’s been glued to your side since you got back, so I sent her away a few hours ago to get some rest. She looked completely drained.”

  Silver frowned, but his heart sang from joy. Maybe all the things he’d heard while he was out had been real. “She was by my side?”

  “Yes. She refused to leave you. She even helped me piece you together.”

  He placed his hand on his bandaged chest, remembering when he’d been shot. Agony still echoed in his mind, along with the terrified look in Faye’s eyes when she realized what’d happened.

  “You’ve been kept in a coma for three days, so we could heal you,” Blaze said. “Thanks to some of the medicine you and Faye got, we were able to speed up the process, by programming your cells to work ten times faster. It would’ve been a painful experience if you’d been awake.”

  Silver nodded, not really caring about the healing. All he had in his mind was Faye.

  He needed to go to her.

  He grunted as he tried to sit. His body was stiff. Obviously, he had some healing left to do, but this, he could live with. A little bit of pain wouldn’t stop him from going to Faye.

  His gaze locked on the bed next to him and he froze.


  His leader lay still, slowly breathing, connected to machines that made beeping sounds.

  A cold chill went through him and the memories flushed through him.

  Nightmare had been shot in the head, but they’d managed to get him into the van before he himself had been shot.

  Heaven and four other Fighters had been left behind.

  Silver clenched his fists and pressed his lips together. “What’s wrong with him?”

  The sadness in Blaze’s eyes intensified.

  Now he understood why.

  “We’re keeping him in a coma. He’s healing well, but we have no idea how this is going to end.”

  His chest tightened. He didn’t want to think about what would happen if Nightmare died. “What about Heaven and the others?”

  Blaze remained silent for a moment. “I’ve no idea. We tried to track them with Celise’s program, but they’re gone. No trace what so ever. They haven’t been brought to MedAct.”

  Silver tried to calm his nerves. “We have to find them.”

  “We’re doing everything we can.”

  That meant Heaven and the others were lost, and the chances of finding them were slim.

  He stood. “Thank you for saving me.”

  The medic gave him a nod. “Of course.”

  “I need to go to Faye.”

  The way to her former room was longer than he remembered. Silver wanted to run, but his muscles objected. It would take a few more days before he was himself again, but the ache wouldn’t stop him from holding and kissing her.

  All the things he’d heard. They’d been real, right?

  A string of hope carried him further, moving closer to his beloved bound one with each step he took.

  The memory of Claire swept through his mind, making him slow.


  She, with the beautiful smile and always a kind word to everyone. She, who’d loved life, and hadn’t deserved the ending she’d gotten, but the funny thing was, he’d barely thought of her since Faye had come into his life.

  Only one year ago, he’d been oblivious to all this. He’d still been with Claire, but now, his life was so different.

  The ache in his chest, the need for a bound one wasn’t there anymore. Instead, it’d been replaced with love and desire.

  The bond wasn’t demanding a bound one anymore.

  It demanded nearness, sweet words, and wild nights between the sheets.

  He smiled. His life had changed. At first, Silver had cursed his fate, but now, he embraced it.

  If Faye had done the same, they could be happy together.

  He was tired of all the pain, all the misery. He wanted to be happy again, and he’d do everything in his power to get that.

  His hope intensified.

  Silver stopped in front Faye’s room, and put his hand on the handle. He closed his eyes. “Please, let everything I heard be true.”

  Slowly, he pushed the handle down, and entered the room with silent steps.

  She lay on the bed, asleep, with streaks from tears on her cheeks. She was hugging the pillow and her knees were pulled up to her stomach.

  Air got stuck in his throat.

  She’d been crying.

  For him?

  His hands trembled as he reached for her. The need to be near Faye intensified to overwhelming levels, making it difficult to breathe.

  He’d be her protector, he’d be her lover, and friend. He’d be anything she wanted him to be.

  As long as she was alive, he’d be there.

  He’d be the cyborg a bound one deserved.

  Silver wasn’t against the bond anymore. He’d embraced it completely. Even more than before, when he’d told her.

  He was truly bound to Faye now.

  There was no other way to go, and he didn’t mind. Despite the bad things with the bond, it did bring him happiness once he chose to accept it.

  Silver knelt in front of the bed and leaned over her, studying her sleeping face, drowning in her beauty. He could stay like this forever, just admiring what was his.

  On paper, he was the one who belonged to her, but he didn’t give a damn about it. In his eyes, she was just as much his as he was hers.

  An image of Claire appeared in his mind again, and he tensed. Why was he thinking of Claire all of a sudden?

  He’d missed her painfully every day since her sudden death, but once Faye had initiated a new bond, his focus had been on her. Claire had been pushed back somewhere into his subconsciousness.

  He sighed.

  The bond was a fickle thing, but Claire no longer mattered. What mattered was here and now. Claire was long gone, and Faye was here.

; His bound one was here.

  That was all he needed.

  With a gentle smile, Silver leaned down and placed a slow kiss on her cheek. Feeling her warm soft skin against his lips made his heart jump. The bond demanded more.

  He had to wrap his arms around her and love her all night long but resisted the urge. Silver needed to know what he’d heard had been real first.

  His idea of not having sex with her as long as she didn’t love him had come back to bite him many times, but somehow, he’d managed to stay strong. If he’d given in it would’ve left an empty feeling in his chest.

  Faye stirred, and he sat on the bed, waiting for her to fully wake up.

  She yawned, and smacked her lips, as if her mouth was dry.

  Silver chuckled, not expecting to find such a thing cute, but he did. “At least, you don’t snore.”

  Her eyes shot open and she gasped when she locked eyes with him. “Oh, my God! You’re awake.” She sat up so fast and wrapped her arms around him, he barely had a chance to react.

  He groaned when discomfort surged through his body, but his smile didn’t fade. Instead, her eagerness spiked his excitement.

  Maybe, her words had been real after all.

  “Easy. I’m still achy all over.”

  She instantly pulled back. “So sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “I know.” Silver put his hand against her cheek, looking deep into her eyes, drying away the traces of her tears. “You don’t have to cry anymore. I’m fine and alive.”

  Faye flashed a wide smile, but more tears ran down her cheeks.

  He chuckled and shook his head. “I guess you’ll never listen to me.”

  “I thought I was going to lose you.”

  He leaned closer. “Oh, really? So, you’re admitting you missed me, you can’t live without me.”

  She frowned. “I see your personality is back at its peak.”

  Silver hovered over her, sealing her in between his arms as she lay down. “Of course. Did you expect me to change just because I’ve been shot in the chest?” He expected a cocky remark back, but she remained silent instead, just meeting his gaze, as if admiring the view.

  Then she reached for his face. “No. I love you just the way you are.”

  He froze. His heart beat so hard it almost hurt. “What?”

  “Did you lose your hearing somewhere along the way? I said I love you just the way you are.” Faye grinned.

  He was unable to come up with anything cocky to say. “So, everything I heard while I was sleeping was real. I thought I’d dreamt it.”

  Her eyes widened. “You heard me?”

  Silver nodded. “You said my mission had been successful; you’d given in, you understand your feelings. I wanted to find out if those words had been a dream or not from the moment I woke up.”

  She blushed, and a gentle smile played on her lips. “You didn’t imagine anything.”

  Silver blinked. He’d half-expected her words to be his imagination, and that he’d find a Faye who still didn’t want anything to do with him.

  Instead, she looked at him as if he was her greatest treasure.

  It was a look that pulled him in and he was unable to stop himself.

  He pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. Somehow, he still half-expected to be pushed away. Maybe in the back of his mind, he waited to see the old Faye, but when she wrapped her arms around him with sweet caresses, his entire body ignited.

  Goosebumps awakened on his skin, and he inhaled deeply as a bolt of desire shot through him. The desire sparked into a fire when she unbuttoned his shirt.

  Their gazes met.

  “Don’t expect me to wait anymore,” Faye said as her hands explored his chest. “I’ll only stop if you’re in too much pain.”

  Silver grinned and threw his shirt to the floor. “A few bruises won’t stop me.”

  “Good. Start stripping.”

  He chuckled, but did as she wanted. He stood, and without breaking eye contact, he removed his pants and underwear.

  Her big eyes that were filled with curiosity and anticipation drove him.

  She wanted him.

  She actually wanted him.

  About time.

  Silver was just about to climb under the covers when Faye sat on the edge of the bed. He stilled but didn’t miss how her passionate gaze lingered on his body, taking in every inch of him, eating him up with the passion in her eyes.

  His breath got stuck in his throat.

  Claire had never looked at him the way Faye did now. He’d never seen this kind of hunger in his former bound one’s eyes. It was something new, and it made blood rush to his shaft.

  There was no doubt or shyness in Faye’s gaze. She knew what she wanted and what she needed.

  His grin widened. Even if he hadn’t believed it at first, he believed it now.

  Faye was the right one for him.

  They would, without a doubt, argue and disagree all the time, but they’d just as passionately love and cherish each other.

  She crooked a finger at him. “Come closer, big boy.”

  Silver had no plans to disobey, and when her small fingers wrapped around his erection with a firm grip, he couldn’t stop his hiss.

  The sound seemed to please her, and as she wrapped her lips around him, she let out a satisfied moan of her own.

  His entire body jerked from the sudden and intense feeling that shot through him. He trembled, and his knees weakened. It’d been such a long time since he’d felt something that incredible.

  He couldn’t recall it being this amazing. The way she swirled her tongue around his tip, and the way her hands caressed and teased him sent his whole world into a spin.

  Faye took her time, licking and sucking him until he barely could take it anymore. Only then did she let him go and stood. She dried her mouth with a grin. “I’m far from done with you. Lay down.”

  Silver was on the bed within a second and watched her throw off her clothes.

  She was apparently in a hurry, but when he reached for her, she slapped his hand. He frowned.

  Her wicked grin widened as she straddled him. “You can touch me all you want later. Tonight’s my turn.”

  Silver was about to object, but when she went for his throat and showered him with sweet kisses, all he could do was groan. He’d thought about their first real time many times.

  He’d imagined candle lights, calm music, and making love for hours. Never had he imagined Faye would be the one in control, and it would be fast and hard, but that was exactly where this was heading.

  She was all over him, sweeping him further and further away, making him lose his mind, and making the bond sing in his chest.

  He enjoyed and thrived in every kiss, caress, and nip.

  She was gentle. Silver doubted she didn’t see all his bruises, but she was also in a hurry, and he didn’t care anymore that his fantasies of how he’d wanted this to go down were shattered.

  He enjoyed this a thousand times more.

  Faye grabbed his arousal and placed herself over it.

  He tensed, anticipation singing within him as he waited for that amazing feeling.

  When she finally sank down on him, surrounding him with the sensation of her warm flesh, he couldn’t hold back his gasp, and he arched his back.

  Faye was more than ready for him. She didn’t even give herself time to adapt to his size, maybe she didn’t need to.

  Instead, she took him on a wild ride, and all he could do was tag along, surrendering to her demanding desire.

  Silver closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her. Enjoying every sensation her body took him through. The sounds from their lovemaking filled the room.

  Every groan, every gasp, and moan spiked his desire further. The crash from the bed’s headboard banging against the wall faded into the distance when she kissed him.

  If she continued like this, Silver wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer. Her relentless ride took him to levels he coul
dn’t recall ever experiencing.

  He’d been living with his broken bond ever since Claire died, and that’d filled him with a frustration so deep it’d been difficult to think sometimes, and the desire for a new bound one had almost driven him crazy. Now, when she rode him as if there was no tomorrow, he wouldn’t last.

  Faye tensed around him, squeezing him like a glove, and shouting out her orgasm.

  That was it.

  With no possibility of stopping it, he felt himself coming. His body went taut, like a board beneath her and shook violently as he filled her. It seemed to go on forever, blowing his mind from the intensity, and once he’d finally collapsed from exhaustion, Silver could barely lift a muscle.

  She collapsed on top of him, panting.

  He stared at the ceiling, breathing just as heavily as she, but he’d never felt this satisfied in his entire life. “You sure know how to make a cyborg happy.”

  Faye raised her head and grinned. Her cheeks were flushed, but a deep satisfaction lingered in her gaze. “I sure do.” She lay down by his side.

  Silver wrapped his arms around her as she placed her head on his chest. “There definitely is nothing wrong with your self-esteem.”

  “Of course not, and don’t ever expect it to be.”

  He could only smile. “I don’t.” He took a deep breath. “I guess this means you’re keeping me.”

  She raised her head and frowned. “Were you expecting me to run away?”

  Silver remained silent for a moment. “For a long time, you didn’t show any interest, not even after I gave in to the bond. I wasn’t sure what to think.”

  “And yet, you never gave up on making me fall in love with you.” Faye touched his chest, avoiding the place where he’d been shot. “Honestly, I think I fell in love with you early on, I just refused to see it or accept it since you hated what I’d done to you.”

  He caressed her arm lazily. “I did, but not anymore. Giving in to the bond was the best thing I’ve ever done.”

  A smile spread on her lips. “Really?”

  “Really.” He rolled to his side and captured her gaze. “I love you. Even if those feelings were forced upon me because of the bond, they’re here to stay. Even if accepting them took some time, I’m fine with it now, and I intend to live my life like the cyborg you deserve, but just don’t expect my personality to change. I’ll still drive you crazy every other day.”


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