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Knox's Stand

Page 4

by Jamie Begley

  “Damn, Knox.” Jewell lay against his chest, breathing hard. “I missed you.”

  Knox smiled, rolling her to his side. “You mean you missed my cock.” He lay on his side, pulling her to the curve of his body, grasping her breast and playing with her nipple.

  “You want me to leave so you can get some sleep?” Jewell offered.

  Jewell and Evie usually ended up sleeping most nights in either his or Rider’s bed.

  “No, stay. I’m only going to take a cat nap. When I wake up, I plan to fuck you again.”

  “Okay.” Knox dozed off with Jewel’s naked body close.

  When he woke up, he would wake her for another round; this one more intense because he wouldn’t be tired. Jewel knew, which was why she hadn’t wanted to leave.

  * * *

  Diamond let herself into her apartment. Taking off her heels at the doorway, her feet sunk into the plush white carpet as she dropped her briefcase onto the table beside the door. Sighing, she went into her living room and plopped down onto her leather couch. The soft material felt good against her skin.

  Thinking about Knox’s case, she put up her feet, relaxing as her mind played back the events that had led up to Samantha Bedford’s murder. Knox had said that she had driven by and seen his crashed bike. He was in a neighborhood that wasn’t well traveled, but it was used as a shortcut to a road that led out of town towards The Last Riders’ clubhouse. It explained why Knox was there, but why Sam?

  Standing up to get her briefcase, she returned to the couch and began going through the information she had already gathered on Samantha.

  That neighborhood had houses that were in the older part of town; cross-referencing her notes, she noticed Samantha’s grandmother, Mrs. Langley, lived not far from where Knox had crashed; her home was only a block away. Diamond got to her feet, fixing herself a quick meal which she ate while planning her next course of action. Making several phone calls, she sat up quite a few appointments for the next day.

  Finally with her plans in motion, she went to her bedroom. Gathering her nightclothes she went into the bathroom, filled up her tub with hot water and then sank into the deep warmth, letting her remaining tension evaporate. This was the perfect ending to her long day. Diamond had no doubt in her mind how Knox would be celebrating his release, the only question was with who and how many.

  Turning her thoughts away from him, she thought about stopping by her mother’s house in the next few days. It had been a while since she’d visited, and taking this case had caused her to think more and more about her family. Sex Piston would invariably show up at some time during the visit, though; no matter how hard Diamond tried to dodge her. It would always piss of Diamond because she was an irritant. She would consistently start an argument and her mother always took Sex Piston’s side, which never made for an easy visit.

  Sex Piston thought Diamond was a stuck-up bitch, and Diamond thought Sex Piston was a slut. From the time they were children, they had always fought. They were the complete opposites; where Diamond hated the biker lifestyle they had been raised in, Sex Piston loved the freedom and don’t-give-a-shit attitude that was so much a part of the Destructors that their father had been President over until he had recently stepped down.

  It disgusted Diamond that her sister took sex as casually as their father did. Sex Piston and her boyfriend, Ace, had continuously had an on-and-off relationship for years. They would break up when they had an itch to scratch with someone else then, when that lust-fest was over, they would end up back together. It was the same stunt their father would pull when they were growing up except he hadn’t broken up with their mother, he had simply cheated on her behind her back.

  At one time Diamond had worshiped her father as much as Sex Piston, if not more. She had loved both of her parents and was close to her mother, but her father had been her hero. No one could beat him; he was a strong, silent man, but when he took action, everyone watched themselves. She would run to him when he would come home from work; Diamond still remembered him lifting her from her feet and tossing her up in the air to be caught. Laughing, she would hug his thick neck. “I love you, Daddy,” she would say.

  That had come to an end the day she had been beaten up at school from someone mad at Sex Piston. Instead of walking the two blocks to her home as she was supposed to, she had run off before Sex Piston could appear and gone to her father’s clubhouse to cry on his shoulder.

  It had taken over an hour to walk there. She still remembered how tired she had been and how sore she was from the other girl’s fists when she had reached the clubhouse. A new probate was outside watching the door and she had known he wouldn’t let her in to see her father. Not wanting to embarrass him by showing up in front of his friends with a black eye, she had sneaked around back and climbed in through a window that was broken. She had heard her father telling someone to get it fixed, thankfully they hadn’t and Diamond managed to wiggle through.

  She had searched the house that had appeared mainly empty, but she had seen her father’s bike out front, therefore she knew he was there somewhere. Hearing sounds from the front room, Diamond went down the hallway and peeked around the corner. There she had found two other men in the room with her father as well as a woman lying on the pool table. One of the men was slamming his thing into her as another man sucked on her breasts. Her father had merely watched without touching the woman.

  Diamond turned away, embarrassed, yet she hesitated as the man who was having sex with the woman groaned and pulled out of her. That was when Diamond had gotten her first glance at a man’s penis, watching as he pulled something off it and threw it into a trashcan. With her eyes on the startling first look, she had missed her father unzipping his own jeans and placing a condom on. Diamond’s attention was drawn back when the woman moaned.

  “Can you handle another one?” The woman widened her legs as her father stepped between them. He plunged his penis into the withering woman who wrapped her legs around his waist and began moving with him.

  “Fuck me.” The woman arched into the mouth of the man still sucking on her breast.

  Diamond had sneaked back down the hallway and climbed back out the broken window and walked home.

  That evening, when her father had arrived home she had not rushed down the steps to greet him nor had she gone down to dinner. Her mother had come in to check on her and had consoled her about the beating, however Diamond found a huge barrier now in place between her mother and herself. She had been unable to meet her mother’s eyes and tell her what she had witnessed.

  Her father had come to her room as soon as her mother had told him about the fight at school. Diamond still remembered when he had reached out to touch her face. She had jerked away from this touch, stepping away. She had then pretended an interest in her homework until he had left.

  Diamond had never told any of her family about what she had seen, and the disillusionment had created a wedge between her and her father. After that, she’d no longer gone to the biker get-togethers unless forced by her parents, emotionally withdrawing to spend more and more time alone in her room.

  Sex Piston’s sexual antics brought out the revulsion she’d felt when she had found their dad with the other woman. It was a painful reminder and often made her act out towards her sister.

  Diamond would have long ago broken off contact with her family if not for her mother. She alone was the reason Diamond didn’t cut the final tie to her family, yet it was becoming harder to maintain a relationship with her as her mother was determined that her daughters get along. Diamond knew it was never going to happen.

  Getting out of the bathtub she dried herself off and dressed for bed. Diamond lay down on her bed, turning out her bedside lamp, then for some odd reason, missing her mother. Tomorrow, when she finished the interviews, she would stop by her mother’s house early enough that she should be able to avoid her father and Sex Piston.

  Chapter Five

  Early the next day, Mrs. Langley answ
ered her door when she heard Diamond’s knock.

  “Mrs. Langley, I’m Diamond Richards. Thank you for seeing me.”

  “Please come in. I’m anxious to be of any help I can.” The older woman’s face was grief-stricken. Samantha, Diamond had come to find out, was Mrs. Langley’s only relative. With her death, she no longer had any family left.

  The woman showed her into a formal living room that was very well taken care of with several family photos and expensive knick-knacks placed around the room.

  Sitting on the couch, she accepted the cup of coffee the woman had waiting for her.

  Diamond didn’t want to upset the woman further, but she needed answers. “I am sorry for your loss, but do you mind me asking if Sam had stopped by the day of her death?”

  Mrs. Langley nodded, placing her shaking cup back down on the ornate coffee table. “Yes, she came by for a few minutes then left. She didn’t stay thirty minutes.” Her voice cracked.

  “Did she come by for any particular reason?” Samantha carefully probed.

  “She needed some money.” Mrs. Langley answered, a tear running down her cheek.

  “Did you give it to her?”

  “Yes, but it wasn’t much. I’m not wealthy, but I have enough to live on. Sam wanted several thousand dollars. She was upset with me when I couldn’t give it to her.”

  “So she left when you told her no?” Diamond asked gently.

  “No, she asked me for some of my jewelry to sell.”

  “Did you give it to her?” Diamond disliked the woman she was investigating. The more she learned, the more her dislike grew. Seeing the woman in front of her, Diamond wished Samantha was alive so she could kick her ass.

  “Yes, I gave her two rings and a necklace. She took them and left. Do you think that the jewelry could have drawn the killer to her?” The thought had her hands shaking.

  “No, I’m sure it didn’t, Mrs. Langley.” Diamond felt angry with herself because it could be a false assurance, however she couldn’t help wanting to make her feel better.

  Diamond finished drinking her coffee and sat with the woman a few more minutes. She was about to leave, but then brought up a subject that she knew would further upset the woman. “I understand the sheriff is currently investigating the whereabouts of your great-grandchild?”

  “Yes, Samantha had the baby in Jamestown. From there, they can’t find a trace of the child. She tried to claim that Gavin James was the father, but I put a stop to that.”

  “Do you know who the father is?”

  “No, I can’t help you there. Samantha always kept that part of her life secret from me. She knew I wouldn’t approve.”

  “Thank you for your time, Mrs. Langley. I know this is a very difficult time for you,” Diamond apologized and meant it; the woman seemed really sweet and didn’t deserve the ungrateful granddaughter fate had given her.

  Mrs. Langley nodded and then showed Diamond to the door. She hated leaving the woman alone in her grief, but having no other option, she reached into her purse to find one of her cards, giving it to the woman.

  “Take my card. If you need anything I can help you with, please call, Mrs. Langley.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Richards.” Mrs. Langley managed a weak smile.

  “Call me Di,” Diamond said, waiting until Mrs. Langley nodded her head and then closed the door before she returned to her car. When the car started, Diamond put it in gear, then backed out of the driveway, thinking of Samantha. The sheriff hadn’t mentioned the jewels, which meant the only one who knew about them had to be the murderer. If she found the jewels, she would find Samantha’s murderer.

  * * *

  On the way back to her office, Diamond passed the diner as several bikers were going inside. She caught a quick glance at one of the men’s jackets. Coming to a sudden decision, she braked sharply and turned into the diner’s parking lot.

  Leaving her briefcase in the car, she grabbed her purse then braced herself to go inside the busy diner.

  Inside, she saw the men she was looking for sitting at a large table. Searching the group, she found the one she thought might be the leader.

  Diamond assumed her professional mantle as she strode forward confidently. As she approached, the men noticed her and quit talking to see if she would be brave enough to talk to them.

  “Hello. May I talk to you gentlemen for a few moments?” Diamond addressed her request to the man with the long blond hair. His moustache and beard covered a good portion of his face, but Diamond could still see he was an attractive man. He appeared to be in his late thirties; however the dead look in his eyes spoke of a man much older. For some reason Diamond couldn’t explain, she felt sympathy for this man who had been through something that had marked him to such an extent.

  “Sure, sweet thing. Will my lap do?” One of the men slid his chair back and motioned for Diamond to have a seat.

  Diamond moved to the side and pulled out an empty chair, sitting down. The waitress came to take her order, giving Diamond a worried glance. She ordered herself a glass of water; she couldn’t handle another cup of coffee. After the waitress left, Diamond faced the table of men who were staring at her with astonishment.

  “I was wondering if it would be possible to ask a few questions.” Diamond felt the atmosphere at the table change with her request.

  “Unless you want to ask me how long my dick is, then no,” the man who had offered her his lap to sit on said sharply.

  Ignoring him she asked the question to the man she now was sure was the leader.

  “It won’t take long.”

  “You a cop?” His eyes brushed over Diamond’s designer dress.

  “No, I’m a lawyer. I’m investigating the murder of Samantha Bedford.”

  Everyone’s face closed off and Diamond knew that they had been acquainted with the woman.

  “Then I’m going to repeat, the answer is no. Now get the fuck out of here,” he said.

  It took all her years of dealing with badass bikers to keep her seat as the waitress sat down her water and retreated with another worried glance.

  “I just need to talk to the three men that Sam was friends with in your club. Warrants have been taken out for their arrests since they missed their last court appearance and I know you won’t break a confidence and tell me where they are, but if you had a way to contact them, perhaps you could give them my number?” Diamond reached into her purse and pulled out her card, handing it to the blond biker.

  He took it from her and tore it into pieces.

  “I told you to fucking go. Next time, I won’t be so nice.” His glare went from detached interest to a threat that she had no doubt he would see carried out.

  Just after that, the door to the restaurant opened and several of The Last Riders entered. Diamond recognized Knox, Viper, Razor and Rider—the one that had all the tats—brought up the rear.

  They came to stand behind Diamond. “You having problems?” Viper asked Diamond.

  Before she could answer, the leader spoke. “She doesn’t have a problem, we do. We’ve asked her twice to leave, she’s ignored us both times.”

  “That true?” Viper turned to her.

  Diamond looked at Viper. “I need to find the men who were with Sam that day outside in the parking lot. They belong to the Blue Horsemen. You want me to clear Knox?” Diamond stared pointedly at Knox.

  The blond man leaned toward Diamond, losing his casual appearance. “I don’t know where the fuck they are, and I don’t know a damn thing about their families. They aren’t horsemen anymore and they weren’t when they pulled that stunt with Sam.”

  “Stud. I think she got your message,” Knox said, taking a step forward.

  “Good. Then maybe she’ll get her ass away from our table,” Stud snapped.

  “Ms. Richards. Let’s go,” Viper ordered.

  “Ms. Richards? When the hell did you become so polite?” The men around the table laughed at the sarcastic reply from the man who had offered her his

  “You laughing at Viper being polite, Bear?” Knox came back with his own smart-ass remark. The tension filled the restaurant this time as the men from the rival bike clubs began to escalate. Diamond rose to her feet.

  Ash looked at Knox. “No.”

  Diamond didn’t blame him from backing down; Knox looked furious.

  “I’m finished. Sorry for the interruption.” Diamond left the men and then left the diner without looking back, however she was brought to a stop outside when she was grabbed by her arm.

  “What in the hell were you thinking?” Knox angrily asked her.

  “I thought I might try to find out who killed Samantha. It’s what Viper hired me to do,” Diamond answered, jerking her arm out of his grasp.

  “I didn’t tell you to take on a motorcycle club. You should have called me or the sheriff who could have found out the information you needed,” Viper said as he came outside, hearing her answer to Knox’s question.

  “I didn’t need your help. I was safe. What where they going to do in a restaurant across from the sheriff’s office?”

  “Were you planning on staying in there? They would have followed you home.” Knox stared at her like she was stupid.

  “It doesn’t matter; it’s over.” Turning on her heels, she strode to her car.

  “It isn’t fucking over. You’re on their radar now. They’re going to watch and make sure that you don’t drag their club into being investigated,” Knox said, striding after her.

  “How do you know that?” Diamond snapped at the big lug following behind her with the rest of The Last Riders following.

  “Because it’s what we would do,” Knox answered, slamming his hand on her car door when she would have jerked it open.

  “Back off, Knox,” Viper stated calmly. Knox stepped away, removing his hand from her car door.

  Diamond swung around to face Viper and the rest of The Last Riders.


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