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Burdened Souls: Can Love Save a Burdened Soul? (The Burned Souls Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Jessi McPherson

  “OK,” I said, crying.

  “Josilyn, I’m going to hang up now. I’m going call a friend on the police force. His name is Xiever Cabe. He will call you.”

  “Dillon, don’t hang up.”

  “I have to call him. Go in the house with Caleb. Please, Josilyn.”

  The line went dead. I quickly jumped up from my seat and sprinted for the house. Caleb was at the door as I arrived. The look on my face must have told him everything.

  “He’s here. I know it,” I manage to say.

  “Go sit in the living room, I’ll lock all the doors.”

  I sat on the couch shaking. The phone rang and I screamed.

  “It’s Dillon honey,” Caleb said, handing me the phone.

  “Josilyn,” he said quietly. “Baby, speak to me.”

  “I’m here.”

  “I called Xiever. Your lawyer had already contacted them. A twenty-four-hour security detail is coming over.”


  “I’m on a 2:00 a.m. flight tonight. I’ll be home around five thirty. Please don’t leave the house.”

  “I won’t. Please hurry home, Dillon.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Chapter 19

  Caleb held me as I shook on the couch trying to contain my sobs. “Dillon’s flight should be boarding soon. Why don’t we get comfortable in bed?”

  I could only nod. I could not calm my frazzled nerves. I knew Wade was out there watching me and plotting my death. I knew I had felt someone watching me earlier and I should have listened. I could only hope he hadn’t followed me home.

  The bed was lonely, even with Caleb and the pups lying next to me. I needed Dillon here. I wanted to be in his arms right now and hear him tell me I was safe. I should have gone with him to New York. I quietly slid out of bed to go sit by the window. It was quiet out but somewhere in the darkness he was waiting for me. I could feel his eyes on me. My phone buzzed in my hand.

  “You look as beautiful as ever, Josi,” Wade said.

  I jump from my seat and looked around.

  “Don’t wake him or I’ll kill him. Do you understand?”

  I hung up the phone and padded quietly out of the room, looking for somewhere to hide. I walked thru the house checking all the doors and the alarm. He couldn’t get inside. The officers were still sitting outside; I could see them in the car talking. My phone pinged again.

  “That was a mistake Josi. Here’s the deal. You are going to come to me. You will come or I will kill everyone you love. Starting with your new man. I know he’s not home right now.”

  I dialed Wade’s number. “Leave him alone, Wade,” I hissed. “How did you get my number?”

  “You have very chatty coworkers. A couple of drinks and a sob story about a lost sister and she gave up everything.”

  “What do you want, Wade?”

  “Watch your tone. I want what is mine. You.”

  “The police will find you. I’m not going to come out to you. You’re crazy.”

  “Oh Josi, I know you better than that. You’ll come because you’ll want to keep your friends safe.”

  “You can’t touch them. They know who you are.”

  “Oh honey, you underestimate my capabilities. Someone will slip up and that’s all I will need.”

  I knew he was right. I couldn’t keep them locked away and I wouldn’t let him hurt them. I thought about Dillon and how amazing my time with him has been. I couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to Caleb, leaving Trevor alone to mourn him. I took a deep breath knowing this was what I had to do to get this to end.

  “Fine, Wade. Just don’t hurt anyone. Please.”

  “That’s my girl. Come out into the backyard. Your guards will be making a round back here in ten minutes. You have five to get back here.”

  I found a piece of paper and quickly scribbled a note.

  Caleb I’m sorry. I just wanted to keep everyone safe. Love Josi

  I slowly walked toward the one man I feared. I knew he was going to kill me, but at least everyone else would be safe. The police would find Wade eventually, and he’d go back to jail. My fingers trembled as I reached for the lock. I paused for a second and texted Dillon.

  “I’m sorry. I will always love you.”

  I slipped through the gate and Wade’s hands were around my neck as soon as I walked out.

  “It’ll be easier this way,” he said, sticking a needle into my neck.


  I woke up in a dark, musty-smelling room. White cloth hung from pillars and I could hear water dripping somewhere close. My head throbbed and my vision was still blurry, but it was returning. I twisted my wrist and discovered he had my hands bound to a post.

  “Well, it took longer than I thought for you to wake up,” he hissed, moving out from the shadows.

  “You have me, Wade,” I growled. “Just kill me and get it over with.”

  “Josi, I don’t want to kill you. I want you alive, for now.”

  “I’ll never submit,” I said, straightening my back. “I will fight you if you release me. I will fight no matter what.”

  “I have no intentions of releasing you,” he confessed. “I plan to break you slowly and painfully if need be. When I’m done with you, you’ll be begging for my forgiveness.”

  “I’d rather die.”

  “Then you will!” he screamed, jumping to slap me across the face.

  I felt a slow trickle of blood on my lip.

  “I will never love you again. I have true love. You are nothing but a monster who takes pleasure in hurting people. That’s not love.”

  I held in a scream as he slid a knife down my arm. Slowly he back away.

  “I know what you’re trying to do. It won’t work. That little cut is nothing compared to what I plan to do to you. I remember you liking the pain. You craved it.”

  I sat there trying to contemplate my next move. I gave up the only man I’ve ever truly loved. He would never forgive me for leaving. Tears sprung forth and I couldn’t contain them.

  “Tears won’t work either, Josi,” Wade growled.

  “These aren’t for you,” I hissed. I needed to work him up. I tried to remember what pushed his buttons before. My memory sparked and a grin spread across my face. Slowly I twisted my hands in the rope. The burn was instant so I twisted harder. After several minutes, the blood slowly began to trickle down my arm and I used it to try and slide one hand out. I held back a scream as my thumb dislocated and my hand slid free. He was far enough away to not hear me, I just hoped he didn’t look this way. I quickly used my free hand to free the other, and jumped to my feet to sprint away.

  Wade was on me after a few steps and quickly threw a belt around my neck. He turned me around and increased the pressure.

  “That was stupid, Josi,” he said, coming close to my ear. “You will be punished.”

  He walked me back to a post and tied me facing it. I felt a rope being tied around my ankles. My vision was blurry from the lack of oxygen. His hands slid up my waist and I cringed. He quickly ripped the shirt from my back and released the belt.

  “Do you remember the rules, Josi?” he asked.

  I spit at him and he smacked me.

  “You’re making this fun,” he laughed.

  I knew what was coming. I had felt this pain before. The first strike bit into my skin but I held my scream. He didn’t deserve the pleasure. He moved closer as I felt his hot breath on my neck.

  “You will scream,” he whispered, tracing a finger on the welt I’m sure was forming. The next was harder and I could feel the blood trickle.

  I tried to keep my mind on something else. I heard him moan behind me. I quickly cleared my head and recovered. I wanted this over now.

  “You can do better.” I laughed as he ran a finger across the lashes and brought his finger to his mouth.

  “I love it even more when you fight me.”

  I tried to fight the urge to scream, but after a while
it was as though my back was on fire. My legs finally gave out and I was hanging by my arms. I was on the verge of passing out and the sobs rolled out uncontrollably. He was winning. I was breaking, but only in body. My mind was still on the man I loved.

  “You’ll never be as good as Dillon. You are weak,” I whispered with a smile.

  He tugged at my head, revealing my neck. “We will see about that.”

  He slid his hands around my waist to undo my pants. I found what little strength I had to fight him. I would not let him take me again. As he neared me, I spent the little energy I had left and threw my head backward connecting with his nose. The audible sound of it breaking made me smile.

  “You bitch,” he growled then smacked my head into the concrete pillar. Everything went black.


  I could hear mumbled voices, but couldn’t find the source in the darkness. My eyelids were heavy and I could feel death trying to pull me under. Something warm and tasting of rust trickled into my mouth. I buckled as something sharp poked into my neck. Sleep found me as Wade stood over me smiling.

  “He’ll be too late.”

  I ran hard and fast but Wade was right there taunting me. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I tried so hard to wake up with no success. I just wanted to hear Dillon’s voice one more time. To touch my lips to his.

  I could faintly hear a commotion around me. Yelling and screaming ensued but I couldn’t open my eyes. I couldn’t tell if I was dreaming or not. I was suddenly jerked backward. I could feel the concrete floor cutting through my skin. I knew I was being dragged to my death, so I gave in to the darkness.


  “We have tracked the car,” Xavier said as he approached the house. “She’s about an hour away in an abandoned warehouse district.”

  “Great, let’s get moving,” I demanded.

  “Dillon, I think you should wait here. We don’t know his intentions and you may not like what you find,” he recommended.

  I walked up and glared into his eyes, “I’m going either with you or on my own, but I’m going.”

  He put his hands up in surrender. “OK. Get in, but please let us handle this.”

  It was the longest hour of my life. I couldn’t imagine the things he was probably doing to her. “Can we drive any faster?” I growled.

  “We are driving as fast as we can in these conditions,” Xavier said.

  The rain was pouring and I couldn’t help but feel sadness seeping into me. Was someone trying to tell me she was already gone? No, I knew better. She was a fighter. She won’t go easy which means we have at least a little time.

  We finally entered a cluster of buildings, but we had to wait for the dogs to hit on the right one. I paced waiting to hear from the other officers. On my third lap around the cars, I could hear the barking and we all moved. Slowly, we crept into the building listening for signs of life.

  “You bitch,” we heard being yelled from overhead.

  My heart stopped in those three seconds as we breached the door. What am I walking into? Would she be alive? Could she be dying? I wasn’t ready to give her up yet.

  About the Author

  I live in Iowa but grew up a military brat, traveling all around with my family. I found writing at a young age and never stopped. I am the mother of two amazing teenagers and the wife of a very loving and supportive husband.

  I really do love to write saucy romances with a little twist. I write stories that make you feel everything you’ve ever wanted in life. These aren’t your typical Cinderella stories.




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