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Our Darkest Path (Our Darkest Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Sarah Bailey

  The rest of the meal passed without further outbursts. It seemed Ash’s warning to her mother had stuck. Rory had asked me a few questions about my plans for the future, particularly about where I’d applied for university. I was hoping to attend one in London as I didn’t want to leave the city, unlike Jonah.

  Cole’s parents and grandparents retired to the living room, leaving us kids in the dining room to clear up. I helped Cole take the dishes into the kitchen.

  “You not running off screaming over our crazy family yet?” Duke asked, winking at me as he walked by with some serving dishes.

  “You’re not that bad.”

  Duke’s eyebrow raised.

  “Don’t let this one escape, Cole. If she can put up with our family, she’s a keeper.”

  Cole looked at me.

  “I know she is.”

  I shuffled on my feet, feeling a little embarrassed by Cole’s assertion in front of his siblings. Aurora came through and looked between me, Duke and Cole.

  “You giving her the ‘don’t fuck with my little brother’ talk?”

  “Nah, I was leaving that for you, Rora,” Duke said, bending down to put stuff in the dishwasher.

  “You don’t need to give me that talk,” I said, eying their sister.

  Aurora popped the plates she was carrying on the counter as Raphi came through.


  I crossed my arms over my chest. I wasn’t afraid of Aurora Knox.

  “No. I don’t intend to hurt your brother… also, our relationship is no one else’s business but our own.”

  Duke straightened and chuckled whilst Aurora’s dark eyebrows shot up. Raphi dropped some more plates on the counter and nudged me with his shoulder.

  “Careful, Mer, you’ll be getting the full force of Rora’s wrath in a minute.”

  Cole watched us silently, his eyes betraying his admiration for me standing up to his sister.

  I dared Aurora with my eyes to say something else, but she merely smiled.

  “Don’t fuck it up with this one, Cole.”

  And with that, she left the room.

  “Well, I’ll be damned,” Raphi said.

  “That means Rora approves,” Duke put in as he continued to stack the dishwasher.

  Cole came around and took my hand, pulling me towards the door.

  “Hey, you’re meant to be helping us clean up,” Raphi called after us as Cole dragged me into the hallway.

  “I’m sure you and Duke can manage,” Cole threw over his shoulder.

  The way his eyes roamed across me spoke volumes. Cole couldn’t wait any longer to kiss me. And to be quite honest… neither could I.

  Chapter Twenty One

  I tugged Meredith into my room, shutting the door before I turned the lock. My mouth descended on hers, my hands tangling in her hair the next minute. No doubt I wanted my girlfriend on my bed and writhing beneath me.

  My parents probably expected us back in the living room after cleaning up the kitchen. I couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted Meredith. She’d held her own today. It’d made me fall so much harder for her. Even Grandma’s remarks no longer seemed important in light of the way my girl had looked at me and how my dad’s eyes told me he approved of her.

  “Cole,” she moaned against my mouth, her hands fisting my t-shirt.

  Since we’d shared intimacies on Tuesday, all I could think about was being inside her for the first time. I wouldn’t put pressure on her. My beautiful girl could take all the time she needed. Didn’t stop me growing hard from our kiss. And when she noticed, her hand uncurled from my t-shirt and slipped between us. I grunted when her hand brushed over me.


  “I want you.”

  I pulled back, looking at her for signs she didn’t mean it.

  “Want me how?”

  Her face flushed but she didn’t look away.


  “Tell me what you want.”

  I backed her away towards the bed, my fingers digging into her scalp.

  “You… all of you…”

  I smiled, wondering why she couldn’t bring herself to say the words. My heart hammered in my chest as I pressed her down on my covers.

  “Aren’t we supposed to be back with your family?”

  My hand drifted under her skirt, brushing up her inner thighs. Meredith squirmed, her green eyes darkening with heat.

  “Maybe,” I murmured, leaning down to kiss the skin above her breasts where her pretty pale green top rode low.

  “Then we can’t… you know.”

  “I don’t know, Meredith, why don’t you enlighten me?”

  Her hands curled around my shoulders as my fingers brushed over her underwear.

  “Have sex,” she whimpered.

  “Is that what you want?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  I tugged her underwear down her legs, not caring about my family whatsoever. Why the fuck would I when the girl of my dreams had admitted she wanted us to sleep together finally?

  “Then I’m going to give it to you, little queen.”


  I cut her off with my mouth on hers. No more waiting. No more excuses. We were going to do this. My cock throbbed at the thought of being inside her. My fingers went to her clit, stroking along the little bud. She pushed her hips up against me, making it very clear what she wanted.

  “That’s it. Let me make you feel good.”

  “Please,” she breathed.

  I slid two fingers inside her tight heat, adoring how wet she felt already. How I fucking wished I could feel her around me. Encasing me completely. I couldn’t stop myself thrusting against her hip, grinding my cock into her to gain the friction I craved. Her nails dug into my shoulders through my t-shirt as she moaned my name.

  “I want to be inside you,” I whispered in her ear. “Do you want that? Do you want me to give it to you?”

  “Yes,” she panted. “Cole, please.”

  Pulling away, I scrambled to strip her down. I needed to feel her body against mine without barriers. My clothes came next, chucked off the side of my bed haphazardly in our desperation to be as close as possible. I reached over to my bedside table and pulled open the drawer, fishing out a condom. I almost grimaced, remembering how I’d had Xav knocking at my door and giving me a knowing smile before he handed over four boxes to me two days ago. He told me to use them wisely, and if I needed more or anything else, I only had to ask. I didn’t know what to say to that. I’d muttered my thanks and stowed them away. My parents could be so embarrassing sometimes.

  Ripping open the foil, I rolled it on, watching Meredith whose cheeks were flushed. I hoped I wouldn’t mess this up either by hurting her or coming too quickly. Though the latter might happen with it being my first time and me being so fucking pent up.

  I shifted over her, taking in the nervousness in her expression. Reaching up, I stroked her cheek.

  “Are you sure you want to?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I don’t want to wait.”

  I kissed her, wanting to reassure her I’d be careful and gentle. She opened her legs wider, allowing me to settle between them. Wrapping a hand around my cock, I released her mouth, looking down so I could see what the fuck I was doing. The moment the tip of my cock met her soft, warm little pussy, I held back from groaning. I pressed forward, meeting some resistance until I slid into her. Meredith let out a high-pitched squeak, making me go still. I looked at her, finding her eyes wide as her hands gripped my shoulders.

  “Are you okay?”

  I tried not to move despite how tightly she gripped me. Fuck, it felt heavenly already and I’d only got a couple of inches inside her. Nothing could compare or prepare me for how warm she was. How the sensations almost blinded me with pleasure.

  “I… I’m okay.”

  I searched her eyes, trying to find the truth in them.

“Am I hurting you?”

  “No, it’s just… uncomfortable.”

  I leant closer, resting my forehead against hers as I cupped her face with my free hand.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Her lips curved upwards.

  “It’s okay, Cole, I wasn’t expecting it to be magical the first time.”

  “Can I move?”

  She nodded. I watched her face scrunch up a little as I pushed deeper, but she didn’t tell me to stop. Concentrating on going slow and trying not to hurt her helped me stave off the need to come, which kept threatening to consume me whole. When I’d hit halfway, I pulled back before starting to thrust inside her.

  “Is this okay?”

  I couldn’t help asking. Even if she’d told me she didn’t expect it to be amazing, I still wanted her to feel good.

  “Uhuh,” she breathed out. “Don’t stop.”

  Her nails dug into my skin, but she moved with me, encouraging me to delve deeper inside her. I gritted my teeth, trying to hold back from my urge to hammer into her. I’d promised myself I’d be gentle and make sure she was enjoying herself.

  Fuck. Fuck. She feels fucking amazing. Shit!

  “Cole,” she moaned. “More… please.”

  “That feel good, little queen?” I ground out.

  “Yes, yes… god, yes. Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

  As if there was any chance of me stopping. Not when it felt this fucking good to be inside the girl I’d coveted since I was eleven years old. My thrust grew deeper and more erratic as the overwhelming need to spill inside her pounded in my veins.

  “Fuck, you feel so fucking good,” I groaned, burying my face in her neck and kissing her flushed skin.

  She chanted my name as I drove into her, knowing I was on a one-way train to bliss and I couldn’t fucking get off. All of it hit me hard, making me impale her completely as I erupted.

  “Fuck, Meredith.”

  Wave after wave washed over me as my cock pulsed deep inside her tight pussy. Hell, nothing felt like this. Nothing at all.

  I panted against her skin when it ended, not being able to move. Meredith stroked her hand down my back, kissing the top of my head.

  “You okay?” she whispered.

  “I should be asking you that.”

  She laughed.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You sure? Not uncomfortable still?”

  She stroked my hair.

  “No, not at all… it felt great.”

  I raised my head, staring down at the beautiful girl who I’d given my firsts to.

  “I think the term you’re looking for is fucking amazing.”

  She grinned and shook her head.

  “If you say so.”

  I cocked my head to the side, realising I needed to make sure my girl had her pleasure too. Pulling out of her, I got up to dispose of the condom before crawling over her again. I ran my fingers down the centre of her chest, leaning down to take a nipple in my mouth. She gasped, staring at me with wide eyes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Making you come.”

  Her lips parted, but no sound came out. My hand travelled lower, between her legs. My fingers met her clit, stroking it in the exact way she’d told me to last time. Meredith moaned and bucked, writhing against me within minutes.

  “Cole,” she panted. “Fuck.”

  “You going to come for me, little queen?”

  “Yes, god, yes, don’t stop!”

  I stroked her faster, adoring the way she mewled and cried out my name as her body trembled with her release. Watching her come apart was the most fucking magical experience. No doubt about it, Meredith was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen in my life. No one else would match up to her in my eyes. The way her strawberry blonde hair lay across my covers and the spark of happiness in her green eyes. All of it made my heart fucking ache with the need to be as close to her as possible.

  I leant down and kissed her when she was spent, removing my fingers from her clit and stroking her side instead.

  “Cole,” she whispered against my lips. “You mean the world to me… I hope you know that.”

  “I do now.” I kissed her again. “And you mean everything to me too.”

  She meant more than she’d ever know. Meredith still had no idea how long I’d waited for her. It didn’t seem relevant anyway. I wanted to stay in the here and now with her. We did need to get back to my family, but I could afford a few more minutes wrapped up in her like this. Kissing her soft lips in the afterglow of our first time together.

  Life had taught me to savour each moment because you have no fucking clue when it might all fall apart. I was going to try my damned hardest not to mess this up with her. Especially now we’d cemented our relationship with each other.

  I pulled back and stared down at her.

  “I’m never letting you go, Meredith. You’re mine forever.”

  Her eyes shone with happiness.

  “You’re mine too, Cole Carter. Always.”

  Chapter Twenty Two

  I equal parts dreaded and longed for the day my brother came home. I missed Jonah like nothing else, but I also didn’t want him to find out about my relationship with Cole, who had no idea what I’d promised my brother. Something I sorely regretted. I should have been honest and open with the both of them.

  Cole and I’s relationship had been blissful since we’d finally slept together. I’d spent the night at his last weekend, something his parents hadn’t minded me doing. I swear they knew Cole and I were having sex, but no one had made a comment about it. Raphi avoided anything to do with that side of my relationship with Cole. I could hardly blame him. Cole was his little brother.

  I’d told Cole about Jonah coming home and wanting to spend time with him, which he understood. My reluctance to introduce them properly showed, but Cole hadn’t pushed me. He was sweet that way. Never asking too much from me. Allowing everything to be on my terms. Sometimes I wondered if he really was this easy-going or if he was holding back. There was a certain darkness in Cole, which I had yet to see in its entirety.

  As soon as I heard the front door open, I stormed down the stairs and right into my brother’s arms. He’d barely had time to get in the house.

  “Well, hello to you too.”

  “I missed you,” I whispered into his chest.

  He let out a chuckle.

  “You sure? You’ve barely spoken to me in weeks.”

  I’d been lax in calling him, all my spare time being occupied by my boyfriend and studying. Exams would be happening soon. I couldn’t afford to fuck up if I wanted to get into the right university.

  “You know I hate being without you.”

  I pulled away in time to see him smile.

  “And I suppose it is coming up to exam season.”

  Something which stressed me out no end but having Cole in my life made everything easier. I could rely on him in ways I’d never experienced before. He gave me solace, comfort and understanding.

  I took Jonah’s suitcase and rolled it towards the bottom of the stairs before traipsing into the kitchen to make us both a drink.

  “Where’s Mum and Grandma?” he asked as he followed me in.

  “Grandma is with Leonard and Mum is out with the girls, so you’re stuck with me tonight.”

  “Oh no, what a chore.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him, opening the fridge and grabbing some tonic water. Jonah sat at the kitchen table whilst I mixed us up two gin and tonics with lime slices. I handed him his drink as I set mine on the table.

  “You hungry?”

  “A little. All I’ve had is shitty train food since breakfast.”

  “We can’t have that. Hold on, let me see what we have.”

  I searched through the cupboards before deciding on chicken alfredo. Jonah leant his hands on his chin as he watched me.

  “How’s Robin and Damie
n?” I asked, setting some water on to boil for the pasta.

  “You’re actually calling them by their names?”

  I stuck my finger up at him whilst I prepared the ingredients for the sauce.

  “Would you rather I continued calling them the player and the straitlaced one?”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “They’re fine. Although, I had to persuade Robin that coming home with me for half-term was not a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  “He’s been going on about wanting to meet you now you’ve turned eighteen.”

  “Ugh, gross. He’s probably ridden with STIs.”

  Jonah snorted.

  “Well, you say that… he did actually catch one recently.”

  I whipped my head around.

  “No way! You’re not serious? What one?”


  I scoffed and turned back to the chopping board.

  “Grim. I bet he had to shave his pubes.”

  “You know, I didn’t ask. He’s been moping around the flat ever since.”

  “And Damien? He caught anything he shouldn’t?”

  I popped a pan on the stove to start the sauce, turning the hob on in the process.

  “No. He rarely leaves his room. I doubt he even knows what girls look like.”

  I grinned. One day I might meet his flatmates. Jonah had told me a lot about them, even though he didn’t spend a ton of time with Robin and Damien.

  We chatted a little more about his studies whilst I finished making dinner. I sat at the table after I’d plated up and tucked in. When I realised Jonah hadn’t started, I looked up with a mouthful of pasta.

  “How are things really, Mer?”

  I chewed and swallowed, not sure how to answer that.

  “They’re good.”

  He raised an eyebrow. I looked down at my plate and twirled some pasta around my fork.

  “You’re going to ask what’s going on with me,” I muttered.

  “Something clearly is considering you’ve been cagey since my last visit.”

  One way or another, Jonah would make me admit the truth. We didn’t keep big secrets from each other. At least, I thought we didn’t. Jonah’s reluctance to tell me what really happened with Raphi was exactly the same as me not wanting to tell him about Cole.


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