Our Darkest Path (Our Darkest Series Book 2)

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Our Darkest Path (Our Darkest Series Book 2) Page 23

by Sarah Bailey

  “It’s okay. I know, but do you have to leave yet?”

  I shook my head.

  “No, I can stay a little longer.”

  “Will you hold me for a while?”

  I kissed her cheek.

  “Of course, I will.”

  She gave me a smile before setting her head back on the pillow. Getting to be close to her like this was everything to me. I’d never turn that opportunity down.

  “Mum wants to know if you’ll come to dinner on Friday.”

  Not everyone would be there since we mostly only came together once a month on Sundays now. I’d told my parents about seeing Meredith again. Mum had been pestering me ever since.

  “Friday? Sure, I can do that.”

  “It’ll just be my parents. Hope that’s okay.”

  Duke was going to be out. He seemed high strung right now. I wondered what the fuck was going on with him. I had asked Xav, but he didn’t seem to know either.

  “Yeah, it’ll be nice to see them.”

  “I’ll let her know when I get back.”

  We fell silent after that, content to just be with each other. Mum would be ecstatic to have Meredith for dinner. In fact, the whole family would love it if we got back together. They adored Meredith, treating her like she was one of the family. Perhaps I could ask Meredith if she’d actually told her brother we were in contact again. I didn’t want things going downhill like they had done last time.

  I didn’t need Jonah to approve of me, but I did need him to stay out of my relationship with Meredith. I would not allow him to interfere a second time. As far as I was concerned, Meredith was mine and it was going to stay that way whether or not he liked it.

  Chapter Thirty Three

  I eyed AJ as I lowered the car I’d been working on down. He stood in the open doorway of the garage talking to a man who looked a little shifty to me. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I couldn’t imagine it was anything good considering the guy wasn’t a customer. AJ had no shame. I swear he was growing more audacious by the day. And when I saw them exchange something, I knew he was up to no good.

  He said goodbye to the man and walked towards the staff room, passing me on the way.

  “You do realise if they find out what you’re doing, you won’t be around much longer,” I muttered.

  AJ stopped and turned to me, his eyes dark.

  “I’m not doing anything.”

  “Yeah, okay, AJ. Whatever you say.”

  He took a step towards me as his fist clenched into a ball at his side.

  “Listen here, Cole, I’m not doing shit and if I find out you’ve said a word to the boss, you won’t like the consequences.”

  I almost scoffed but knew better than to antagonise him.

  “If I can see what you’re doing, don’t doubt someone else will have noticed. You’re skating on thin ice. I’m just warning you to be careful since I don’t want to get dragged into your shit.”

  It’s not like I would tell anyone. No way I wanted any trouble with the Russian mafia. Especially not since my grandfather wasn’t in the country. He and Lily had decided to visit all the countries they’d missed out on when they’d been young. They were doing a worldwide tour. So yeah, I didn’t want to rock the boat.

  “Goody-two-shoes doesn’t want to run with the big players?”

  I wasn’t going to rise to the bait.


  “Granddaddy not around to bail you out if things go wrong?”

  I walked away towards the bench to grab a couple of things I needed to finish the work on the car. It pissed me off him knowing I’d got my apprenticeship because of my grandfather. The work I did here was on my own fucking merit. I had to stay calm and not get riled up by AJ and his bullshit. I had a few months left until I got my qualifications and finished up my apprenticeship. Then I could move onto somewhere else. Whilst it would’ve been nice to continue working here since I got on with everyone else, the threat of AJ and the fact it was run by people in the mafia made me wary. I didn’t want to get involved with that side of things or put anyone I knew in jeopardy.

  “None of your business.”

  “You know, if you’d come out with us, I could show you the high life.”

  I rolled my eyes, but my back was to him so he couldn’t see.

  “If I wanted to live the high life, I wouldn’t be working here.”

  I’d be working with my parents at the casino if I wanted that. It’s not as if I ever had to worry about money since we’d all been set up with trust funds, but I wanted to make it on my own. Rely on myself for everything I needed. Mum had instilled that in us. She never wanted us to grow up with a sense of entitlement. The world didn’t owe me anything.

  Don’t get me wrong, I appreciated the privileges I was afforded by them, but I’d never let it go to my head. I wasn’t better than anyone else just because I came from money. If anything, my parents’ dark past put a dampener on that idea.

  “Huh… well, if you’re not going to play nice, then don’t expect me to do you any favours.”

  “As if I’d ever ask you for anything,” I said under my breath.

  I watched him stroll away to the staff room out of the corner of my eye. I’d made a mistake thinking he was a decent bloke. The guy had changed his tune when I kept refusing to go out with him and the boys. I really had more important things to be doing. Like getting Meredith back. That was my top priority.

  I smiled to myself as I finished up with the car. She was coming over tonight. I couldn’t wait since she’d agreed to stay over. Having her to myself all night would be heaven.

  She’d told me her friend, Rhys, was still sceptical about me and whether I’d end up hurting her again. Meredith suspected he’d had his heart broken and that’s why he was perpetually single as well as being wary of me. It’s not like I could blame him. However, my breakup with Meredith wasn’t simple nor did I hold all the fault. The timing and circumstances weren’t on our side.

  If I could avoid hurting Meredith, I’d do it in a heartbeat. I wanted to look after her. Treat her like the queen she was. My little queen who ruled over my heart. I wasn’t sure when I’d tell her, but it wasn’t going to be now. Not when I wasn’t sure if she would take me back or not. I didn’t want that to be a deciding factor. Meredith had to want to be with me of her own volition.

  When I was done with the car, I got one of the others to make sure it was all good before taking the keys along to reception and handing them off to Jim who ran the office. I was about to walk towards the staff room since it was clocking off time when Demetri, my boss, stuck his head around the office door.


  I turned, raising an eyebrow.



  I followed him in, shutting the door behind me. Demetri walked over to his desk and sat behind it. He was a big guy with dark hair and a monobrow. I respected him since he’d always been good to me. Also as he was mafia, I wasn’t going to be anything but polite and courteous towards him. I valued my life far too much.

  “Take a seat.”

  I did as he told me, wondering what on earth he had to speak to me about.

  “Your apprenticeship is coming to an end soon.” He leant forward, resting his elbows on his desk. “The men tell me you are doing good work.”

  “I do try.”

  “Yes, yes, we all see your work ethic.” He waved a hand at me. “This is not what I wished to speak to you of.”

  I rubbed my thigh.


  “Viktor speaks very highly of you. Very proud man.”

  I glanced away, wondering what my grandfather had to do with any of this. It’s not as if I didn’t know he was proud of me, but the way Demetri said it made me uncomfortable. Something about this conversation didn’t sit right with me. Demetri and Viktor knew each other, yes, but they weren’t close or anything. So why was he acti
ng like Viktor was some kind of wonderful man who could do no wrong?

  This feels… wrong.

  “You are very capable, Cole, very capable. And you know what we do here.”

  I tried not to let my suspicions show as I gave him a smile. Demetri wasn’t usually so free with compliments unless he wanted something.

  “I… do.”

  “Cole, I want you to know you can come to me if you see anything that is… how should I say… not quite right.”

  A part of me wanted to straight-up tell him about the shit AJ was doing, but the other half didn’t want to get involved with any of it.

  “I do know that.”

  Demetri nodded his head.

  “Good. Good. Of course, you do. But if you do see something, you will tell me, yes?”

  “Um yeah, sure.”

  I didn’t think not agreeing with him would do me any favours.

  “Otherwise I will not know what to think of your… loyalties.”

  The threatening undercurrent of his tone set me on edge. Did he know something was going on? Did he suspect I was involved? Hell, I would never do anything like that under his nose.

  “I haven’t seen anything. I try to stay out of trouble, you know, for my mum and all that. She doesn’t like it and I want to keep her happy.”

  He gave me a bright smile.

  “Ah yes, a strong woman, your mother.”

  That was an understatement. Mum was a force to be reckoned with. I was sure Viktor had told him about my parents and their relationship. It was common knowledge. They weren’t celebrities by any means, but in the criminal underworld, they were notorious for what they’d done to Frank Russo. Not to mention them owning the Syndicate and it catering to a highly exclusive clientele. The rich and powerful elite.

  “Yeah, she is.”

  Demetri leant back.

  “Tell me, Cole, do you have a woman?”

  I did not want Meredith involved in any of this shit. I wasn’t about to tell anyone here about her. That part of my life had nothing to do with my career.

  “No. Too young to be tied down, you know how it is.”

  He laughed.

  “Oh yes, I remember those days. Well, let me give you a piece of advice for when you do find yourself shackled to one. Keep her happy. Better for you that way. Women can make trouble for you. Too much trouble.”

  I gave him a half-smile. Didn’t I know it? Meredith could be a handful at times, but I wasn’t fazed by it. I liked that about her. She didn’t take anyone else’s shit and wasn’t afraid to speak her own mind.

  “I’ll certainly try.”

  He slapped his hands down on the desk, making me jolt.

  “Well, I’m sure I’ve kept you long enough. Have a good weekend… and make sure to keep it wrapped up if you’re out on the prowl, yes? Wouldn’t want to have any unexpected arrivals.”

  I let out a pained laugh as if that was funny when it wasn’t. As if I’d ever put myself in a position to knock a girl up.

  “Yeah, wouldn’t want that.”

  I stood up.

  “Well, yes, my children are my life, but I was not wanting them, you understand. Very young we were. Too young.”

  Now I knew why he’d said it. He didn’t want me getting into the same situation he found himself in.

  “Don’t worry, Demetri, I’m always careful. You have a good weekend too and say hello to Magda for me.”

  He waved me away, giving me another smile and I left his office, feeling unnerved by our conversation. If I didn’t tell him about AJ, would I end up in the shit? That concerned me, but not enough for me to go back and dob AJ in. It wasn’t any of my business.

  Stay out of trouble, remember? Just get your apprenticeship done, get your qualifications and then you can get out of here.

  I kept that mantra up whilst I got myself ready to go home. I was not going to get dragged into other people’s drama. AJ could do himself in as far as I was concerned. The guy didn’t need me to interfere.

  I shoved it from my mind when I straddled my motorbike. It was time I got home and had a shower before Meredith arrived. Tonight I was going to enjoy our time together even if we did have to endure dinner with my parents. Afterwards, I’d have her all to myself. And that’s what I was most looking forward to. Time alone with Meredith so I could ravage her all over again.

  Chapter Thirty Four

  I’d been looking forward to seeing Cole since Monday. We’d been texting each other, but that wasn’t the same as being next to him. Not even Rhys lecturing me over it had stopped my excitement. I swear he was far too concerned about me getting back together with Cole than he should be. Whatever had happened to him clouded his judgement. Cole had done nothing but show me he wanted to make things right.

  I rang the doorbell as I waited on the steps of his parents’ house having come straight from uni. As I was staying over I had my overnight bag with me. I was looking forward to a repeat of Monday night when Cole had fucked me with ruthless abandon. I couldn’t deny him taking charge had turned me on to the point of pain. I needed it again. Him saying dirty things in my ear whilst he pounded my pussy.

  The door was pulled open to reveal a rather casually dressed Quinn in a white polo and navy chinos. He cocked his head to the side as he took me in. Considering every time I’d seen him two years ago, he was always wearing a shirt, to see him in something less formal was a turn up for the books.

  “Hello, Meredith.”


  He stepped back, allowing me in and shutting the door behind me.

  “How have you been?” he asked as I hung my coat up in the hall cupboard.

  Cole’s family had always told me to make myself at home. I didn’t think that had changed.

  “Okay thanks, you?”

  “Well enough.”

  I nodded and followed him into the living room. I’d been closest to Cole’s mum, but I liked all his parents as they treated me like I was family.

  “Cole’s still in the shower.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  Xav was sat watching TV, but he perked up when Quinn and I entered, giving me a grin.

  “Well, hello again.”

  “Hey, Xav.”

  I dropped my bag down by the side of the sofa and sat down. Next thing I knew, he’d wrapped an arm around my shoulder and gave me a hug. He gave the best hugs in the world, not that I would tell Cole. It reminded me of the bear hugs my dad used to give me. I supposed that’s why I loved coming around here so much. Cole was lucky to have four fathers who loved him, supported him and made sure he could want for nothing.

  “We’ve missed you around here.”

  I bit my lip as he let me go. I’d missed them too. Cole’s family was so welcoming and close-knit. Knowing what they’d done in the past and what they’d been through didn’t bother me. They weren’t bad people. Not really. Just had hard lives and made sure they secured their future. Having got to know them when Cole and I were together, I couldn’t see them as anything other than a family who’d do anything for each other.

  “Yeah, me too… what we watching?”

  “Xav’s obsessed with some new detective show,” Quinn said as he sat down in an armchair and waved at the TV.

  “You say that like you aren’t in here watching it with me every time I put it on,” Xav said, grinning, which only made Quinn scowl at him.

  “That’s beside the point.”

  “It is the point if you’re ashamed of liking the same TV show as me.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Hmm, yes because you just had to go make a point of it being something I’m obsessed with as opposed to you asking me when I’m watching it again on a daily basis. You’re not fooling anyone, Quinn.”

  “Shut up, Xav.”

  Xav nudged me with his shoulder, nodding his head towards Quinn with a sly smile on his face. I shook my head and sat back. The two of them had an odd love
-hate relationship. Cole told me it’d always been like this.

  “Nothing’s changed then,” I murmured.

  “Nah, never will. Some days I wonder why I still hang out with this guy, but then I remember it’s almost been fifty years so he can’t be that bad.”

  I snorted, watching Quinn glare at Xav some more.

  “You have no choice in the matter.”

  Xav raised an eyebrow.


  “If you want to tell Ash why you’re leaving our quintet then, by all means, go ahead. Don’t expect me to give you any sympathy when she has a go at you.”

  “Damn, Quinn, that’s cold.” Xav leant over to me. “Don’t worry, he doesn’t mean it. He wouldn’t know what to do without me winding him up all the time.”

  “I’d have a fucking less stressful life.”

  “Aw, no need to put on a brave face. I know you’d miss me.”

  Quinn put his finger up at Xav.

  “I’d ask if you two are giving each other shit again, but I think I already know the answer,” Eric said as he walked in. He leant over the back of the sofa when he reached me and planted a kiss on my forehead. “It’s nice to see you, Meredith.”

  “You too,” I replied, grinning up at him as he straightened.

  I’d always liked Raphi’s dad. He was the sweetest one out of the lot of them and took an interest in what I was doing. Not that the others didn’t, but he always made a point to engage me in conversation and find out how I was doing with schoolwork.

  He came around and sat next to Xav who wrapped an arm around him.

  “Who’s doing dinner?” I asked.

  “Ash and Rory,” Eric replied with a shrug, leaning into Xav’s hold.

  I stared at him for a long moment.

  “Rory is helping make dinner?”

  Eric grinned.

  “He’s turning over a new leaf.”

  The whole time I’d known Cole’s dad, he’d actively avoided getting involved with making meals for their family.

  “I thought you said nothing had changed,” I replied, directing my comment at Xav.

  He winked at me.

  “Well, nothing between me and Quinn. Rory’s been trying lots of new things since you were last here. He said now the kids are grown up, he wants to start doing things for himself.”


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