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Our Darkest Path (Our Darkest Series Book 2)

Page 37

by Sarah Bailey

  “Trust me, I have no intention of giving him any shit. I love him too much.”

  Xav turned to Rory.

  “Sometimes I wonder how we ever ended up with relatively normal kids.”

  Rory snorted.

  “I don’t think I’d call our kids normal, especially not Cole.”

  Xav looked thoughtful for a moment.

  “No, you’re right. They’re all as fucked up as we are.”

  I shook my head and put my hand on the door handle.

  “I happen to love your fucked up family,” I told them as I opened the door. “So don’t change a thing, hey?”

  All I heard was Xav’s laughter as I jumped out of the car and shut the door. I adored their family even if they were just about the most unorthodox family I’d ever met in my life. I waved at them as they pulled away. Then I turned and opened my front door before going up to the first floor and unlocking the door to my flat.

  I slumped down on the sofa once I’d slid out of my coat, feeling the weight of everything sitting on my shoulders. Who knew when Cole would be done. He hadn’t exactly said how long it would take for him and his grandfather to deal with Demetri and his men. It seemed so crazy that this guy would go to the lengths he did to get back at Viktor. Then again, his moral code was completely different to mine.

  I glanced down at my hands again, finding a couple of spots of blood on them. It made me think about what Cole had done. I got up and went over to the kitchen sink, scrubbing away the evidence with soap after I’d placed my engagement ring on the side. It had thankfully not got anything on it. My hands trembled thinking about how easily the knife had pierced through AJ’s thigh when I’d plunged it into him. It’s not that I felt remorse for it, but I’d never imagined I’d have to stab a man.

  You did this for Cole. You did it to protect both of you. Remember, AJ was going to kill you and Cole. You made sure that didn’t happen.

  The door to the flat opened. I turned at the noise finding Jonah bustling in looking around with wild eyes. When they landed on me, they softened immediately.

  “You’re okay.”

  I smiled, shutting off the tap and turning around to lean against the counter, sliding my engagement ring back on. My finger had felt bereft without it.

  “Did you really think I wouldn’t be?”

  He closed the door and dumped his bag on the ground before walking over to me.

  “Well, when you tell me you’ve hatched some reckless plan to get the mafia off your fiancé’s back, what am I supposed to think?”

  I’d told Jonah the morning after Cole proposed about everything. He’d known the proposal was coming so I’d been wrapped up in his arms and swung around the room. I’d already agreed to have him and Rhys as my men of honour instead of having bridesmaids, not that the latter knew about it yet.

  “You’re supposed to trust Cole, that’s what.”

  “Hmm, yes, trust the reckless younger brother, that always goes well.”

  I grinned, putting a hand on Jonah’s waist and pulling him in for a hug.

  “You did give him your blessing to marry me.”

  “Maybe I should have revoked that.”


  He chuckled, nuzzling my hair.

  “You know very well I’m happy you two are finally tying the knot. You’ve been in love with that boy for far too long for it not to happen.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Yeah, well, what can I say? He’s everything I never knew I needed. You know, he said that to me right before we kissed for the first time.”

  “Sounds like Cole.”

  I snorted. Cole was one of a kind. His cockiness had been tempered a little over the past five years, but he was still the same person I’d fallen in love with all those years ago. Still the one I wanted for life.

  My phone started ringing. I pulled away from Jonah and tugged it out of my pocket, glancing down at the caller. He looked down too.

  “You going to tell him?”

  I shrugged and bit my lip.

  “I should… it doesn’t feel right to keep it from him.”

  Jonah reached up and squeezed my shoulder.

  “He’s changed, you know, since he met Aaron. He’ll understand.”

  Then my brother ambled off towards his bedroom whilst I answered the video call to Rhys and Aaron. Their faces filled the screen making me smile wide because even though they hadn’t been gone long, I missed both of them. Rhys might be my best friend, but I’d got to know Aaron over the months they’d been together. And I could say I loved him just as much.

  “Well, hello boys, what the fuck is the time there?”

  Rhys grinned.

  “Like two in the morning.”

  “And why are you two still awake?”

  They looked at each other for a moment, giving me a pretty good idea of why they were up.

  “You don’t want to know.”

  I made a face. These two really didn’t need to keep making up for lost time, but apparently, there was no stopping them.

  “How’s the trip? Still all loved up?”

  Aaron kissed Rhys cheek before moving away, leaving Rhys and me to talk.

  “Amazing and yes, we are. This one has been spoiling me the whole time. I can’t deal with him.”

  I laughed, shaking my head as I walked over to the sofa and sat down, still holding the phone up.

  “Well, you did marry the guy.”

  “I did, didn’t I?” He had a stupid smile on his face. “He is a little bit perfect.”

  “Ugh, you two make me want to hurl, but you also totally deserve it. I’m glad you’re having a nice time.”

  “Aw, Mer, you going soft on me?”

  I snorted and shook my head.


  He leant back against the headboard of the bed, cocking his head to the side.

  “How are you? I miss you, by the way.”

  My heart got all tight.

  “But you’re on your honeymoon with the love of your life.”

  He shrugged.

  “Yeah, but A isn’t you… you’re like your very own brand of crazy and I love you for that.”

  I looked away, aware I had things to say to Rhys which I wasn’t sure he was going to like. It’s not like I felt right about doing it over the phone either. But with him being away, I didn’t have any other choice.

  “I have to talk to you about something.”

  I didn’t dare look at him.

  “What is it? You sound serious, Mer.”

  I sighed and decided to just bite the bullet. Raising my left hand, I wiggled it in front of the phone. I peeked at him the next moment, finding Rhys had moved his phone closer and was staring at the screen intently.

  “Is that… is that an engagement ring?”

  “Maybe,” I all but whispered.

  “How… what… who the hell did you…” He blinked. “Meredith, I know I said I love your crazy, but this… please tell me you’ve not lost your mind.”

  I smiled at him. Perhaps I had. Love made you do stupid things sometimes, but there was nothing stupid about me and Cole. Nothing at all. We were meant to be.

  “I haven’t.”

  “Who is it? I mean I’ve not even been away for a week and suddenly you’re getting married.”

  I shrugged and gave him a look.

  “I think you know who it is, Rhys. There’s only ever been one person I’ve loved, who I still love.”

  It took a moment, a long moment for him to realise what I was saying. What I meant. Then he looked away. I didn’t know how to take his expression because it wasn’t good but it wasn’t bad either.

  “What madness is Mer getting up to now?” came Aaron’s voice from somewhere off-camera. “You look… pensive.”

  “She’s getting married,” Rhys said with a note of resignation in his voice.

  Aaron appeared in the screen
a moment later, blue-grey eyes wide as he sat down on the bed next to Rhys.

  “Married? Wait, what?”

  I showed him the engagement ring which he cooed over for a moment before he looked at Rhys. He rubbed Rhys’ shoulder, frowning at him. I knew what Rhys was thinking. How I was an idiot for letting Cole back in my life and that I shouldn’t marry him. How he couldn’t believe I would allow this after everything Cole put me through. The nights I cried myself to sleep in his arms. The days I’d mope around when I didn’t have uni because I didn’t know who I was any longer. Because I couldn’t stand the thought of living without the boy who’d made my world go around. Those dark days where nothing seemed to make me feel better.

  But if Rhys thought about it, he’d know why I’d said yes to Cole despite all of that. The heartache. The pain. The agony. He’d know why.

  Rhys let out a sigh and looked at the camera again.

  “You know, I had a feeling one day he’d come back. I just wasn’t sure how you’d feel when he did.” Rhys looked at Aaron who was still frowning, but it was in confusion. “If this one hadn’t come back into my life, maybe I’d feel differently. Maybe I would tell you this was wrong and that he’ll only hurt you all over again.” He reached out to his husband and took his hand, placing a kiss on it. “But I’ve learnt a few things from this guy about forgiveness and letting go of the past.” He looked at the camera again. “The only thing I have to ask you is if you’re happy… are you?”

  I felt tears pricking at my eyes. Hearing him accept it on some level made my heart hurt in a good way.

  “Yeah, Rhys, I’m happy. I love him. I always have.”

  “Then I’m happy… and when A and I get back, we’re taking you to dinner to celebrate.”

  “We are?” Aaron said, looking at him. “I don’t even know who this guy is she’s marrying.”

  “Yeah, we are, and I’ll tell you when we get off the phone. It’s a long story, but for now, we’re going to say congratulations to this one since she’s all loved up and shit.”

  Aaron grinned and turned to the camera, winking at me.

  “Congrats, Mer.”

  “Thank you, boys. Now, get some fucking sleep. Can’t have you coming home saying you’re exhausted from your honeymoon.”

  “Okay, bossy boots, we’re going. Love you,” Rhys said, grinning.

  “Love you too, fuckface.”

  He rolled his eyes and then the screen went blank as he cut the call. My hand with the phone still clasped in it dropped on the sofa. I rested my head back, staring up at the ceiling. My best friend had sort of just given me his blessing. It meant the world to me.

  Now I had to wait for the love of my life to finish securing our future. And hope everything had gone to plan.

  Chapter Fifty Six

  I awoke to my arm being shaken gently. When I opened my eyes, I realised I’d fallen asleep on the sofa. The owner of the hand on my arm knelt on the floor in front of me. A beautiful man with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes who stared at me with a softness in his expression that made my heart thump.

  “Little queen,” he murmured. “I’m here.”

  Jonah must have let him in the flat. Who knew how long I’d been asleep. I reached out and stroked Cole’s face, giving him a smile. The love of my life was here and that meant everything was okay. He’d come back to me like he said he would.



  I nodded. Cole rose to his feet and reached down, picking me up off the sofa. I didn’t have it in me to object as he carried me away into my bedroom. I found myself stripped out of my clothes, a t-shirt tugged over my head and I was soon tucked under the covers. Cole leant down, kissed my cheek and stroked my hair back from my face.

  “I just need to take a shower, okay?”

  “Mmm, okay.”

  I snuggled deep into the covers, listening to him walk away. Knowing he was there settled me and I drifted off again.

  A damp body wrapped itself around me, dragging me back out of my dreamland. His breath hit the back of my neck, warming me from the inside out.


  “I didn’t mean to wake you,” he whispered, kissing my neck as his hand drifted under my t-shirt.

  I shifted deeper into his embrace, loving the way he fit around my body as he held me close. This was the man I would spend forever with. No one else had even matched up to Cole Carter in my eyes. It didn’t matter how many dates I’d gone on or how many people I spent the night with, I still couldn’t shake Cole from my mind or my memories. He seared himself onto my heart and the bond between us was unbreakable. No one else but him would do for me.

  My soulmate.

  “S’okay. Is it over?”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  His voice sounded hesitant. I turned my head towards him.

  “You don’t sound so sure about that.”

  The room was dark so I couldn’t see his expression.

  “I’m nervous… about how you feel… about what I did.”

  His hand slid up my stomach to my ribcage, his fingertips stroking down my skin. I couldn’t help the stirring it gave me despite the seriousness of his tone.

  “I don’t know how I feel… wait, no, that’s a lie.” I placed my hand over his. “I love you, Cole, that hasn’t changed. I understand why. You needed closure and it’s the only way either of us could ever be truly safe. I’m not going to say I like what you did, but my love for you doesn’t come with conditions. I’m tired of the world trying to rip us apart and knock us off our intended path. This is just another one of those things and I won’t let it get in the way of us. You are it for me.”

  Cole leant over and kissed my cheek.

  “Thank you, little queen. I love you too.”

  I smiled. No matter what, I couldn’t allow shit to get in the way of us. Did it go against what I thought of as right and wrong? A little bit but being without Cole had taught me a fair few things about life. I was tired of living in a world where he and I didn’t exist together. Tired of acting like my morality hadn’t changed or that we lived our lives always sticking to the straight and narrow. I’d been through enough already to see sometimes you just had to accept the way things turn out. You don’t always get to decide other people’s fates, but you can decide your own. And my decisions had led me back to Cole.

  So what if he’d killed someone out of a sense of justice and revenge? I couldn’t say a fucking thing when I knew Cole had gone through a whole load of shit just to survive the past five years. His morals might be skewed but he loved fiercely and protected those around him. That’s the reason I would let this shit go. Deep down, Cole was a good person.

  “Are you okay about it?”

  He let out a sigh, raising his hand ever higher until he cupped my breast.

  “I wouldn’t say I enjoyed it or that it’s something I’d ever do again. It’s not easy for me knowing I’m responsible for taking someone’s life. Maybe I have a twisted sense of justice, but I don’t regret it.”

  “Considering who your parents are, I’d say having a twisted sense of justice is normal.”

  He snorted, his fingertips stroking my nipple and making me shift against him, wanting more.

  “I wish it hadn’t come to this, but if I hadn’t ended it like that, he would have come after us again and again. That’s just how it works with them. I don’t want to live in their world any longer, little queen. I want to be in our one.”

  “And what does our world look like?”

  His stroking grew more insistent, distracting the fuck out of me. No question about it, I wanted Cole inside me, but we needed to finish our conversation.

  “You and me, married with our own home.”

  His hand left my breast and drifted down, tugging at my underwear. I shifted to allow him to take it off me, realising he hadn’t got dressed after his shower when his hard cock pressed against my bare behind.

bsp; “What else?”

  “Well, it’s not as if I did nothing whilst I was away and being a qualified mechanic had its perks. I’ll work something out. It’s what I’ve always wanted to do.”

  “You’ll find something in no time, I’m sure.”

  “Mmm, well, there’s a garage which no longer has an owner and certain individuals may have agreed to sell it to me in exchange for dealing with their little problem.”

  I arched against him, letting out a little pant as he pressed himself between my legs, sinking his cock inside me.

  “Is that so?”


  “Does it come with any conditions?”

  “No, Grandpa made sure it didn’t.”

  He pulled back and thrust inside me again. I moaned in response, clutching his arm as he wrapped it around me.

  “Then that’s fucking amazing.”

  “I hope it means we’ll be set for life, little queen. I don’t want to live off my parent’s money, even though it’s paying for the garage.”

  Cole had always wanted to do things off his own back. It’s something I loved about him. It’s not like he didn’t know when to ask for help, but if he could do it himself, he would.

  “I’m sure we’ll be fine. I make enough so we’ll survive. I need to speak to Jonah about you living with us while we decide what we want to do next.”

  Cole stilled.

  “You’d want that?”

  I turned my head.

  “Of course, I want that. Do you think I want to be without the man I’m going to marry every night?”

  “I wasn’t going to assume.”

  He started to move again and I thrust back against him, wanting more. Wanting it all.

  “Assume away, Cole Carter. I love you and I’m never letting you go again, that means you’re staying even if my brother gets pissy about it.”

  He snorted and kissed my neck before trailing his tongue along it. I panted, clutching his arm harder.

  “I think someone is a little desperate for a hard pounding,” he whispered.

  My only response was to moan. Cole shifted, tugging his arm back so he could grip my hip with his hand. He thrust harder, our skin slapping together as he gave it to me. I reached around with my arm, tangling my hand in his hair, pulling him closer. Cole’s mouth latched onto my neck, kissing and sucking the skin. It drove me crazy.


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