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Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

Page 11

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  “How many people have you killed?” The king asked.

  “If I told you, you would have nightmares for the rest of your life.”

  Skylar knew the mage wouldn’t tell, likely losing count long ago. “Enough said. And if you are as skilled as I have been told, you would be better as an ally than a foe. Regarding the dock, I have begun plans to see it destroyed. It will take three weeks at the earliest unfortunately. Our primary concern is those wanting to knock on our doorstep. They must be purged first.”

  “I don’t disagree, Skylar. Do what you must. I will do the same. Now is there anything else pressing or may I complete my arrangement?”

  In answer, Skylar opened his large hand and held it out. Cage pulled out the final letter and watched as it floated from his hand to the king’s, proving himself to be a mage. Skylar knew his friend’s seal and broke the wax. He and the eagle began reading a rather long letter. For some reason, Cage stayed to see what is so important. A smile spread across the king’s face. He stopped for a moment and gestured for a servant. A middle age man stopped near the general to wait. “Go tell my second oldest son, Prince Sek I require his presence immediately.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” The servant nearby left.

  Skylar continued reading and slowly his kind features turned into confusion. Cage noticed a glance in his direction and didn’t like it. He held still and calm and watched every minute change in the king to know something isn’t right.

  Skylar sat the paper down and slowly became impassive. “Castle defenses activate, level ten, isolate the one in my vicinity who is named Cage.”

  The slight constant tingle of magic grew immensely in an instant. The ruby upon Skylar’s crown flashed for a moment.

  Before Cage could blink a yellow barrier domed itself around him. It sizzled and crackled with the sound of electricity. It was just large enough to stand and stretch his limbs outward, but not to lay flat. Corbin stepped back, drawing his sword and moving to stand between his king and the isolated mage. A grin grew as Cage looked to Skylar to ask “And what is this supposed to be?”

  “Your prison. Did you think Tate would allow anyone to strike him without consequence?” Skylar replied dryly. “You are trapped in one of my castle’s many defenses that have never been broken. No one has ever escaped that isolating barrier. You can try of course. A loyal sorcerer in the first class is on the way to take you to prison. It would be best if you left quietly.”

  Cage’s grin grew more. “When I get out I’m going to kill you and that double-crossing Tate.” Cage walked to the crackling yellow barrier and touched it. Pain shot throughout his body and the unsuspecting surprise and pain dropped him. To the astonishment of Skylar and Corbin he stood right back up, still grinning. He found that touching the dome created a pain without harming the body. Cage learned that much as he used magic to quickly search for physical damage. Because of the intense, skin crawling tingle it was hard to tell the usual way. Remembering the pain and ready for it, Cage took his most lethal stance, crouching low with arms fully extended like swords and became a blur of motion and struck the barrier. Feeling constant pain from paralysis for years gave him great tolerance against what the barrier exerted. His strikes hit with the force of a sledgehammer and were so fast it created a thump in the room louder than the barrier that explained what will happen when he gets out. They just pissed the wrong man off.

  Skylar stood and backed away, his eagle looked with wide eyes with Corbin as the general said “My King, how is he not unconscious? He is beating against the barrier as if he feels nothing.”

  “My friend, he feels it alright. That man must be so used to pain it doesn’t slow him down…” Then they watched as the attack continued.

  Cage stopped after a minute and stood, sensing the barrier not even weaken. He saw the wary look from the two large men and his smile made them more afraid. Finding his attacks ineffective he changed tactics and created a black cone shaped object the size of a bead and fired it, but not before making his own clear barrier within the yellow, creating it strong enough to block anything. He fired the magic bullet and was glad he made the barrier as it turned the magic around and launched it back. It slammed against his barrier and he felt a sharp drain in his mana. Cage learned whatever he might throw at it would turn it back on the owner. He had to think differently and forget the enemy barrier as its flashy design didn’t serve a purpose… or does it? He wondered. He made a small barrier and wanted it to inflict unbearable pain. He didn’t see it, but knew it had been made and touched it to feel exactly what he did earlier. The magic only made the nerves send false pain to the brain to simulate agony. There was another meaning for the barrier beyond reflecting magic, resisting physical blows, causing pain and not allowing spells to be created outside the dome. The crackle of electricity also acted as a distraction.

  He knew there wasn’t a way to break the barrier for the whole castle’s power turned upon him. He figured there to be only a single way to pass the barrier and looked down. The idea made sense. The confining barrier neglected only one aspect. The ground.

  Cage’s anger at being attacked found an outlet. He wanted out and would make his own way. An idea sprung in his mind and he acted on it. Blackness swirled around his open palms as he put them side by side and aimed down. The magic took shape into an open cylinder with sharp teeth all along the bottom. He added threads all along the outside wall as it began to spin and the air hummed from the revolutions. Cage then slammed the conjuring into the stone floor.

  “Impossible!” Skylar chuckled and only Corbin heard him. “The whole castle has been reinforced with magic. It is impossible to eat or chip any of it…” His eyes widened as a plume of dust shot into the isolated dome the very moment the magic touched the floor.

  The magic had much resistance to counter, but Cage’s magical drill tore deeper, cutting through the stone. The castle’s magic resisted, but it couldn’t stop Cage at all, just slow him down. He covered his mouth and nose with his shirt and kept his eyes closed due to the dirt filling the confined space. He could feel the floor over approximately three feet deep. The moment the magical drill ate its way through, the whole open center dropped straight down and landed loudly on the room beneath this one. Some kind of automatic castle repair function activated and began to seal the breach, Cage knew he had only a few seconds to react before it closed completely.

  Skylar knew as soon as he heard the floor beneath have an impact that Cage was about to flee and swiftly said “Castle defense, seal hole in king’s private hall.”

  Cage went to jump down and landed on an invisible barrier while the stone mended itself. He then heard Skylar’s voice command “Castle Defenses, deactivate level ten barrier on the man in my vicinity who is named Cage.”

  The electrical yellow barrier instantly vanished, allowing dust to spread out. Cage turned and sat his focused eyes on the king and stopped, wondering why the barrier dropped. When the floor sealed seamlessly he felt the tingle of magic abate to almost nothing. That brief pause gave King Skylar the opportunity to say “Stand down, Corbin. Guards, servants, wait outside until Cage leaves on his own. And tell my son to wait outside till my business is done.” As the general sheathed his sword the king said “Cage, you passed an impossible test.” When the door shut he said to the castle “Privacy, Level Ten!” There was a tingle as the room wouldn’t allow any form of eavesdropping.

  “If you if you think my warning to be a game, your life is forfeit. You have one minute to explain your actions before I kill you. Starting now.” Cage crouched and readied himself for anything.

  “Very well.” The king said casually and walked back to sit in his throne. “Are you aware of the Great Prophet?”

  This confused Cage more than he expected. He remembered that name alright. He cursed Meeka and blessed Brooke as children. Angrily and evenly he said “Only in story. What does he have to do with why you attacked me without reason?”

  “Oh but I did have a reaso
n, Cage. Besides it was a test you are the first to ever pass in six thousand years since this castle was created. If my sorcerer arrived before you could escape I would have let you go free as you still will so long as you do not kill me. Might I have an extension beyond that one minute limit, I’m afraid the explanation will take longer than that?” Cage nodded and moved to a chair and sat, ready to strike if need be. The general stood near the throne and gazed at the empty room. “Before I explain why I used the castle defenses against you I must go back twenty years.

  “My old friend Tate was visited by the Great Prophet not long before he disappeared forever. Eleia, the late queen of Vlara which the letter I read said you met, told me that he wasn’t going to live past the night he visited them. He spoke a prophecy and it went like this:

  “As darkness threatens to consume all life a warrior shall arise to reclaim what is rightfully his from what was lost. On his back is a burden few ever experienced and even fewer have survived, but unlike all others, despair will never rule him and barriers cannot hold him back forever.

  “The warrior will become Death Incarnate and any who are foolish to stand in his way will rue such an unfortunate day. Whether he is hope or despair it cannot be foretold, but he will be known for being bold.

  “Life and death will be his domain to command, but beware should you see him grin.”

  Cage listened closely and remained silent, not revealing any change in his body language. These two men looking right at him were adept at reading people. They could spot any discrepancy or advantage easily. Cage had been trained extensively in the same practice and knew what not to do. Inside his head was a maelstrom of thoughts. He didn’t understand the darkness claiming all life, but reclaiming what had been lost made him think of walking again. His burden of being alone forever as a paraplegic had been remedied with healing and the love for Meeka and Brooke. Death Incarnate also made his heart drum. He was called Lord Death by the spirits and Brooke mentioned the Utala’s ancient name being reapers. Cage didn’t believe in coincidences and he began to believe something was going on that he didn’t understand quite yet. He smiled inside for he is known for boldness. Life and death his domain? He found it hard to believe, but the descriptions were quite meaningful and specific. The last part struck loudest in his mind ‘beware should you see him grin.’ Sensing enough time passed he asked “And you think I’m the one from prophecy?”

  “After seeing your last demonstration I do not have doubts.” King Skylar admitted aloud and clearly. “Only a man used to the burden of pain could remain conscious after touching the barrier and you attacked it without stopping. You can see the dead and I’ve never seen a man grin when he is attacked or hurt. Another qualification for the prophecy. Lastly, you are an unknown warrior who fights without effort. When you threatened me, a king, like an average individual I knew then that my life or death would come from your own judgment. I have faced many in battle and love every moment of combat, but I believe none like it as you do.

  “To my reason for testing you wasn’t my idea. Tate said he made a deal to not harm you or take your land, but he had a suspicion that you were the one meant to hear that prophecy. I do not understand why the Great Prophet didn’t come to you and say it. He must have had a plan, but I believe absolutely that you are the one the prophecy speaks of. King Tate didn’t want to infringe on the bargain you two struck so he had me administer a test to repay a debt I owed him back when we were kids. If you did not escape my castle’s strongest barrier you would not have been the one. He wrote that I must apologize and hopes you will not kill him for what he asked of me. You, Cage, nearly escaped the inescapable. I acted to anger you saying how you breaking his nose and would pay for it. I too wanted to see if he was right. If he wanted me to use my castle to kill you I could have. He just wanted me to hold you with the spell, nothing more, and see if you could escape. I too must apologize as well for the unjust treatment. As compensation to repay you for my inhospitable actions I would listen to an offer of your choosing.”

  Cage went silent after hearing the reason. He was angry for what had been done, but if positions were reversed he would have probably done likewise. If Skylar and Tate wanted him dead they would have had the opportunity when they confined him. As a test it was very effective to learn. He then wondered what he needed. “Very well. In exchange for your life I want two pieces of information, a map of the Laqura Empire like what the Magical Council sell and your word to never detain me in such a way ever again. Any further breach will not end well.”

  Skylar didn’t take long to consider. “Then you shall have it. You have my word. What information do you require?”

  “I want to know what else is written in Tate’s letter.”

  “Fair enough. He has accepted a union of our lands. Princess Amy of Vlara has agreed to marry my second eldest son Sek as soon as we drive the invaders off our land. The reason Tate chose you is because if someone were to gain possession they could use it to their advantage. They could set a trap and ambush our children, making either of we kings lose the will to fight or anger us into doing something foolish. As the second heir he will not be the first successor, but his love for the princess will bind our people and allow him to rule good and just people. Also the reason of your coming to me as a test could have likely been to make others want to kill you or use you to their advantages.”

  The giant of a king went quiet, waiting for the next question. “The last thing I need is to understand why the Laqura Empire and Emroc are at war?”

  The king expected something different. “The initial cause is uncertain, my land didn’t start it and has been this way before I was born. They started their most recent campaign back in the fall months and began taking prisoners as slaves. Empress Vika has not given a reason for her actions. She just did it on a whim it seems this time. Some believe her mage priests told her something. She was never a nice woman to begin with and allowed slavery to thrive. Her empire is unlike ours. She and all mages think themselves above all others and anyone without magic are servants or slaves. Laqura Empire holds more mages than Emroc and Vlara combined, but hasn’t set them all to war thankfully. They couldn’t do so without our own mages finding a way to inflict irreparable damage to her land. Also they breed mages, not allowing mages to breed or fall in love with non-mages, just to keep their strength superior. But non-mages have a great use in war and she cannot risk her greater mage numbers since our non-mage population is far greater than hers. Unfortunately, slavery gives her added numbers. Many have tried to stop her and all died. I think age has made her mad. She has ruled her Laqura Empire for four thousand years and has attacked Emroc in the past, but not like this.”

  “Four thousand years?” Cage asked in astonishment.

  Skylar nodded. “She is the strongest first class sorceress of all her people. She is as powerful as a dragon. Many mages live long, but the first and second class sorcerers and sorceresses can seem to live indefinitely. They are well known to not die a natural death. Only accidents, deadly spells or a mage battle kills them. I am a third class wizard and will live approximately three hundred years if all goes well. When I die, my two sons and three daughters will live longer since each are third class sorcerers. They take after my queen who is not here today. Just know, not everyone you meet can be aged by looks. For all I’m aware you can be in your twenties or thousands.” The eagle nodded in confirmation.

  He explained he’s only twenty eight. Cage stood and said “Remember your vow. I need that map before I leave.”

  Skylar relaxed, realizing he didn’t need to defend himself. “General, see he gets the map and that he leaves without being bothered.”

  “Sir!” He saluted and also said “I’ll also finish preparations to depart in two days. I’ll also need the other captains to continue as they have.”

  “Very well. Oh and Cage?” The tall man looked back. “I hope to work with you one day, preferably if you aren’t out to kill me.”

ep your word and you will never need to worry.”

  Skylar dropped the castle’s silencing spell and the lightning storm loudly told them it started pouring. Cage pulled the door open to find dozens waiting. Prince Sek was the spitting image of his father in every way except a corn snake wrapped around his neck like a necklace. Another mage stood near and Corbin said “Your services are no longer needed. The dispute was a misunderstanding. The king wishes to apologize.” The mage in a red robe inclined his head and walked away. “This way, Cage.”

  He received a map he needed and it worked like it did with the first one bought back in Kote from Jom the chandler, seeing more detail the closer one looks. Afterwards he, the general and captains left the castle in a heavy downpour. Cage enjoyed it as the rain washed off all the dust he made earlier trying to escape. He separated from the soldiers and headed for the Blazing Trail.

  In the inn Cage stood dripping wet from head to toe. Thankfully he wasn’t the only one as it seemed no one invented the umbrella here. Keegan noticed Cage immediately and moved closer. “Sir, Do you require a hot bath? Maybe a complementary clothes drying?”

  “Nah it’s raining cats and dogs out there and they bathed me quite well. I wouldn’t mind seeing how you are to dry my clothes in this weather.”

  “I do not mind, but you wouldn’t be comfortable naked while they dry. Go change and I’ll show you.”

  “Sounds like a deal.” Cage was handed a key and his brow drew. “Hasn’t Brooke returned?”

  “No, sir.” Keegan replied as he shut the front door. Thunder boomed again. “I believe she has found shelter from this storm. It would not surprise me she was forced to do so. It looks like it will last a few hours yet.”

  This news didn’t sit well with Cage, but he knew her well enough that she could take care of herself. A breeze blew through the room and chilled him enough to return to their room and change clothes faster. He wrung them out from opening the window. Afterwards Cage returned to the dining hall and caught Keegan’s eye as the man poured two glasses of whiskey for two patrons. Keegan spoke to a worker and gestured for Cage to follow him behind the bar and through the kitchen. It smelled wonderful of hickory, fresh bread and spices. Before heading through another door Cage said “I didn’t realize just how hungry I was till that smell hit me.”


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