Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 44

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Brooke looked back to barely see her mate’s thick brown hair and the tips of his black feet sticking out where the wing didn’t cover. It has been a hard day, but for the first time in it, she smiled. Seeing her man safe and resting beneath the white wing of a creature she never even heard of Brooke turned around to the other women. “Calm yourselves, Sisters. Yes, that really is the man who beat me for mating rights and became chief of the Utala. No, he did not use magic, nor did I come near to defeating him. He has a pair of faint scars over his left nipple from Meeka and myself. We had to draw his blood before he could mate us. And yes, the last we checked our people are safe.”

  “What of my son and mates? Why aren’t they here?” Lanna demanded hotly.

  Brooke laid a hand on her sister’s shoulder. “Calm yourself, Lanna. Your son and mates are all well. Do you remember our original plan?”

  “You mean going to Chief’s island?” Lanna asked.

  Brooke nodded. “Yes. Cage spoke with Elder Metak and they concluded with the other elders that taking more than the chief and myself would do more harm than good. And look” Brooke gestured to all aboard and even to the other six sailboats heading south. “my mate’s plan succeeded. Almost everyone has been saved because we didn’t take so many. If we had, we likely would have failed. And that magic woman is Megdline, the mage our chief told us about in his story. And that…” She pointed to the griffin looking happily beneath his wing. “is Daku, our chief’s Familiar.” Daku looked up and straight at her, showing his hearing greater than that of a human. He winked playfully before looking everywhere else. “Apparently he has been following us.” She met her tribal sister’s eyes. “But you should also know that after that mage attacked us when we were buying time for the tribe to get inside the cave… That after we collapsed the front, Cage found Hammit and Quitte had gotten away and were proceeding as planned, but Allai died from the explosion that scattered us.”

  “No.” Lanna’s jaw dropped. “Not Allai… He was right beside me when the trees exploded… our sisters must be devastated.”

  “Yes.” Brooke admitted. “The whole tribe mourned for his loss, But there was also new life. Sister Jada had her first baby.”

  “She did?!” Lanna asked excitedly. “Was it a boy or girl?”

  “It is a beautiful baby girl. Her labor was hard and not going well. Apparently the cord to mother and child wrapped around her neck, but the chief came and fixed the problem to deliver her himself.” Brooke proudly stated.

  “Truly?” The warrior woman asked skeptically. “That isn’t allowed…”

  “I know and he didn’t listen to me. I almost attacked him to get him to leave, but if it were not for his intervention and caring for his people over tradition, two lives might have been lost. He even healed Jada’s flower from the birth so we could move that day. We were hard pressed to leave for the day before a wyvern attacked and the chief saved all of us again.”

  “Tell me everything.” Lanna said after being speechless, she knew her priestess didn’t exaggerate stories because she isn’t allowed. Other women not of her village, but plains people nonetheless were just as intrigued in a story.

  At that moment Moril and those that followed her reappeared on deck. She looked around to approach her chief, but could not find him. The magic woman had a line of children before her with many hurt mothers and young girls. There were quick blue lights covering skin and when it disappeared, pink skin is all that remained. She looked and noticed her priestess raise a hand and went in that direction. Moril smiled as she noticed Brooke’s other hand occupied by a young boy holding it. “So you must be the new child of our tribe the priestess had us stop for. Greetings, I am Moril a warrior of our people.”

  “Hello, I’m Sean… are you feeling better? I saw Dad heal you. You still have on much blood, are you still bleeding?” The conversations stopped for a moment with his mother and the other fierce looking women.

  “I am much better than I’ve been in a long time. No, the chief has healed me of all wounds and made me beautiful again.” Moril held still as Sean reached up and touched the hole in her ear.

  “But you still bleed?” he showed the drops of fresh blood.

  “Yes, but I did that myself. A slave told me to do that if I do not want to keep that earring’s hole. It will heal on its own. The scar will remind me of my hate for this cursed land. I did it after the chief healed me and want to heal naturally. You do not need to worry, Child. I am glad to be one of the first to meet you and welcome you into the tribe.” Moril stood up again and smiled. “Rena always talked about wanting a brother. She will be very happy.”

  “I’m very much looking forward to her expression. He will make a fine man one day. He is quick to learn how to use his knife. Cage is teaching him.” The surrogate mother boasted. “I am glad to see you well. I was worried you might die from those wounds.”

  Moril shook her head. “I must admit, those stupid men knew well how to inflict pain without killing too many. Today’s beating was nothing to what they did the very next morning we were imprisoned. That was hard, even for me. I haven’t cried from pain since giving birth to my three children, but they made me do it six different times. I’m glad to be gone.”

  “I’m sorry we could not come sooner.” Brooke retorted with a heavy heart.

  “All that matters is you did come.” Moril stated firmly and embraced her fellow sister and Brooke happily gave a quick kiss as is her duty in welcoming a member back after an extended absence. Moril smiled then said “It seems that there is a large box of dry meat of some kind below and hard bread, enough for six days if we eat lightly. Everyone will be hungry, but we will live. The problem is water. There is only two barrels which will last no more till to tomorrow night. Is that water drinkable?” She pointed to the ocean.

  “Not in the slightest.” Brooke stated quickly and could still taste salt from her last encounter. “But do not worry, Cage and Megdline’s magic will likely clean the water for us, if not… um…” She turned around and spoke in the same tone though there was thirty feet between and the sea breeze continuously buzzed in their ears. “Daku, is it alright to ask you, if in the event that Cage and Megdline cannot clean the seawater that you can find us fresh water we can use… and maybe if it isn’t too much, if we run low on food that you can hunt us a deer or something?”

  Daku smiled and nodded, alright with helping these humans since they were also under his protection. A little meat wouldn’t be difficult to supply.

  “Just what manner of creature is that?” Another woman asked.

  Sean gladly explained. “He is a griffin. The last of his kind and my dad is his partner, also the only one of his kind.”

  “Is not the chief also human?” Lanna asked, unsure after such a statement.

  “Yes, Sister, but of a different kind.” Brooke explained in a way her sisters would understand. “His tribe were called warlocks and were a warring tribe much like our own except that even their common fighters were stronger than first class sorcerers and had the power to fight dragons on equal terms.” Lanna, Moril and all that heard such a claim stared dumbfounded. “And I’ve just learned that nearly all had a griffin like Daku. If you can understand just how powerful that is, you can imagine what many more would be like. Because they posed such a danger his ancestors were thrown to another world, one without magic… Cage is the first to come back and be the only warlock in existence.” Brooke stopped as Megdline approached.

  “Everyone has been healed and I must rest. Wake me if there is trouble.” She yawned and went below deck with Frill following behind.

  The people on deck were cheering, smiling and crying after being healed and realized they were free again. Before they got ahead of themselves Brooke caught Zatal’s eye and he quickly rushed over. She said “Gather our brothers and sisters, but do not let the outsiders hear what I must say. Keep them guarded at all times, but be sure to tell our neighboring cousins that my words must not reach those cruel exc
uses of men.”

  “Yes, priestess.” Zatal rushed to all tribal peoples to inform them that Priestess Brooke of the Utala must speak to them all. He placed the sailors under heavy guard while the others moved closer to hear what she had to say.

  Brooke moved to the center of the boat and became completely surrounded by other tribes. “I know that many of you fear and despise the Utala.” She watched as some nodded and smiled at their openness. “But it was the Utala chieftain who is to be thanked, but say nothing to him for he doesn’t like praise. He abhors slavery and would like to see every slaver slaughtered. Just smile, that is his reward he will not refuse. Do not approach until he recovers for he is exhausted from using so much magic. That goes for the magic woman, Megdline, too. Let me remind you that outsiders are not to hear of what I’m about to say.” Many grew more serious, hearing her tone. “Some of you know that the Utala have legends that state we are the reapers, the weapons sharpened through hardship on the plains. Since our people first moved to the plains, not one tribe has been a serious threat. It has happened at long last that our new chief is the life taker.” The older adults became still and fearful. “He is Death in the living. He has made a bad spirit good, something never to have happened before. I did not see the bad spirit, but Megdline explained all she had seen, but I did hear everything. He commanded the spirit like the chief of your tribe does for his people.

  “We, Utala, have left the plains, likely for good, so figure out which tribe will take our most fertile ground. Even our buffalo herds, if any remain after the Laqura Empire swept through our lands like locusts. Our new home lays elsewhere. Our past is washed clean like the rains since the chief and I freed you this day. I know wars will start for whoever wishes to take Utala grounds, but I must ask for the empire to be banished for good and that when a day comes and the Utala march as one for war, as our legends say, do not stand in our path for our enemy will likely lay elsewhere. It will not be healthy if you block our way.

  “Fight together as we have in the past, when invaders come in great numbers. King Skylar seems to have driven the empire back so you will have to figure out what to do next. The plains were only taken because we were not united nor did anyone summon us to war. We cannot allow it to happen again. Rebuild, but remember from now on that our long awaited leader has arisen to claim the Utala and prepare for some unknown enemy. The legend even my people thought childish has come true. Remember, The Utala are no longer plains people, but we will always be tribal people. Fear not my clan anymore and I hope many do not die needlessly for our territory, but I will pray that the spirits watch over them.” Brooke then held up a finger for a last message. “If you wonder what is to come in our near future then let me ease your worry. I, Cage, Megdline and their Familiars are going to remain with these boats till you reach the safety of Emroc. Then we are going to leave and retrieve mine and Cage’s mate, Meeka.

  “Rest your weary minds and relax, you are free peoples again.” That got a loud cheer, but an irritated chirp from the newfound Familiar silenced them and everyone remembered Cage slept and none wanted to gain the wrath of the griffin.

  When everyone scattered into their individual tribes to discuss what they learned, Brooke was approached by her three people aboard. Zatal seem to be the only one capable of speech. “Priestess, is everything you said true?”

  “Every word. Our people’s destiny found our true leader and a new home, but there is more I will only tell you.” The three leaned in closer as Sean looked down at the water and saw fish. “It has been determined that I, Cage and likely Meeka will be extremely long lived. The far-seer’s blessing went further than we knew.”

  “But then you cannot be priestess after fifty years has passed. That goes for our chief too.” Moril pointed out.

  “I know this, but there is more I must tell. When Cage returned to this world, something made it so his seed cannot conceive a child within any woman, me included. It is impossible for me to bare him a child.” Brooke explained.

  Lanna and Moril went wide eyed. The ladder said “I am so sorry, Priestess. I do not wish such a burden on anyone, especially you since you love babies greatly. To not bare one with the mate who won you, must hurt terribly.”

  “It does.” Brooke rubbed her taut belly, wishing she could carry another baby for the man she loves. “But not all is lost. Because Cage’s seed cannot make me birth many beautiful babies, I will raise those who need me and my loves. Sean is my son now and he brings joy though his life has been difficult. Cage also is willing to raise children he didn’t conceive… Just like Rena.” She smiled at her son’s playful eyes staring down at the splashing water. “He chose to be my son and I became his doting mother.” She turned back around. “Tell me what you know and have gone through… and about what happened to my loving woman. Anything will help.”

  The four of them moved closer to Daku before sitting down. He just watched and listened to the three humans speak of what they suffered to Brooke while Sean went over to talk with the other children. The griffin shook his head at hearing such needless cruelty, but so many young species are like this. Not a word slipped his notice. About twenty minutes lapsed when the one called Lanna spoke last. “And while I recovered from my lashing, I overheard the stupid men saying that Meeka and the others were taken to a place called Eeroan where the slaves will be judged to be usable or a hindrance… if their gift cannot be used. The hindrances are sent to Iron Mine to live out the remainder of their short lives doing backbreaking labor. The only good news I’ve heard is that it takes no less than fifteen days to sell any platinum slaves from the time they are taken and processed in some way. Many lesser slaves are sold from Bepop to work the mine, but one such as our sister takes longer because those very rich lords get to choose first.”

  “Then we have a bare minimum of fifteen days from today.” Brooke considered to herself.

  “But this time you will be bringing us along.” Zatal clearly told. “I do not like our chief and priestess intentionally coming to save us with such great risk. I do understand why you chose to hunt for us with small numbers, to avoid detection, but it is said in Eeroan the danger is greater. The slavers liked to taunt and gloat by saying we savages all deserve to be taken to the mine. And the worst fate are those sold to mages who are training in dark and evil ways. None ever leave alive, nor even looking anything like a human after their experiments. It is said they enjoy using the best specimens… whatever that means, but I do not like how it sounds. The stories haunt me still and if even one is true then you and Chief will need us warriors. Besides, we need to be together and return to our people and families. I could not face our people if you and Chief left and got killed and we could have prevented it from ever happening. I’ve seen you both bleed. You might be long lived, but you can die the same as us. And if you and Chief order us to remain, I will disobey and follow, even if it means exile. You are our priestess, and in a foreign land not our own. We are going to accompany you.”

  Brooke let him speak before smiling. “I wasn’t going to suggest it. You three are superb hunters of man and beast alike. I already decided that when we go to steal my woman back that Moril and Lanna will come with me to save her while you stay with my man, Zatal. So be at peace and prepare for war for it’ll likely be similar to that if Bepop is any indication.” She saw excited smiles at killing more stupid people on each of their faces. “Now it is time to explain all that occurred on our end.” Brooke retold the story from start to finish, making her brother and sisters stare in open shock at their journey, omitting certain parts she wasn’t permitted to reveal. When they heard Cage’s prophecy left by the far-seer, they found their voices muted. Every leg of the story held their attention and the three flushed almost scarlet beneath their copper skin when she explained how Lord Doyle raped her without right and grinned as they heard her revenge. From time to time they all watched Daku nod to further help them believe all is truth.

  “Wake now, Cage.” He heard as his w
arm pillow moved and blinding light stabbed the eyes as Daku lifted his wing. Cage sat up and looked around to find many sat or stood all on deck. Brooke and his three rescued people sat nearby and turned in his direction as the griffin roused his partner. Judging from the shadows and place of the sun he accused “Daku, that was more than an hour.”

  “Yes, but you obviously needed the rest and it was actually your mate’s decision to let you rest an extra two hours.” The Familiar informed. “Do you feel better?”

  “Yes, but I’m really hungry. My mana is still recovering after using so much.”

  “I already considered that.” Brooke said as she and the others came closer. She carried a loaded plate of hardtack. “We do not have much aboard, but if you can clean us some water, it will soften… our water capacity is quite limited and none of us could risk using it so frivolously.” She sat the plate down.

  “Then it looks like I need to get to work.” Cage stated and stood while stretching. He groaned as his sore muscles stretched and the joints moved. His movement caught the attention of all on board and conversations ended. He noticed how many smiles of gratitude appeared and he nodded their casual attempts of thanks. Sean came over quickly from where many children quietly talked, seeing his dad awake and standing. Cage ruffled the boy’s short brown hair as he walked to the rail. He extended a hand and focused towards the water and sent a spell to extract pure, unsalted water without any foreign matter or unwanted agents.


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