Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga)

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Familiar's Ancient Throne (Book 2 of the Death Incarnate Saga) Page 45

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Water began to collect above his hand in a undulating sphere the size of a beach ball. It continued to gather as he said “Someone, please go get me a barrel or something to hold water in.” He heard scrambling of feet as he gathered fresh, clean, distilled water. Cage let it continue to grow till it reached near the height of five feet, when it became a struggle to maintain.

  By that time, someone said for him to turn around and he did. Several feet away stood three watertight oak barrels and a tub with which to usually do laundry. The gathered people stepped back as he guided the large and heavy water around and altered the spell to act like a water hose and fill all four containers with pure water simultaneously till all that remained was an amount equivalent to seven cupfuls balls of floating water. Nearly everyone came close to watch magic, some for the very first time. Cage said “Go ahead and drink up everyone. I’ll make some more tomorrow.”

  He returned the others and watched as Brooke rummaged in their packs to withdraw all of their cups and bowls. While she removed them he noticed that all of the sailboats were all within a half a mile of each other and their ship led the fleet. Cage then distributed the water he kept for all of them and grabbed the largest bowl to approach the sitting Daku. He held it out. “Thirsty?”

  “I thank you.” The lion sized Familiar carefully took the bowl from Cage’s hand and many chose to watch as his dexterous hand/paw lifted the bowl of water and poured half down his parted beak, swallowed and did it again. The corners of his mouth turned upward and his blue eyes shimmered. “That is the bet drink I’ve had in months.” Daku returned the metal bowl.

  Cage eventually sat down and softened the hard bread before eating the bland rations, but he wasn’t bothered till his hunger curbed. He realized his portions were larger than anyone else’s and asked “Low rations?”

  Brooke nodded. “Yes, there isn’t much.”

  His black eyes roamed to the shore. “What else have I missed? Is Granny asleep? We both did a lot earlier.”

  “She woke about an hour ago and flew on a board of light, saying she is going to check on the other ships and heal the injured.” Lanna said. “She said she was telling everyone the plan to sail to Emroc and to let this ship lead since it is the most fortified or something like that. While you slept, Chief, the priestess informed all of us on what you two have done for our sakes. Is it really true that you blocked wyvern fire? What about making a bad spirit good again?”

  “Yes to both and for each one I overexerted myself because of my weakness. And if not for my new partner, our people wouldn’t have survived a second encounter from such a frightening beast. You should thank him too. Your boy might not have lived if not for him.”

  “She already has.” Daku said as he scooted closer to Cage’s left. “And I am glad to have unknowingly helped and got a meal for my troubles.”

  A lull in the conversation allowed Cage to really look at everyone and saw many had bones showing from lack of food. Smiles were usually forced to make others not worry, but the weakness in everyone was quite clear. These people were barely holding onto hope and usually cheerful children were subdued after all their experiences. It made Cage come to a decision.

  His standing up had others doing the same. For those that didn’t have their attention on them he whistled. All aboard looked. “Someone get me a long, thin, sturdy rope and one of those harpoons. I’m going to go fishing and will need your help. Tie one end of the rope to the harpoon and make sure the line won’t tangle.” Several got up to follow the order the man who gave them their freedom asked. Cage turned around to ask “Daku, can I get you to fly over to shore and collect some wood, dry preferably. We’ll need some to cook the fish.”

  “How much?” the Familiar asked as he stood up.

  “Two of your current armfuls that can be carried should do.”

  “Will do.” Daku leapt beautifully off the bow of the ship while extending his wings. He flew leisurely towards the west where land waited. His pure white coloring drew attention like a large diamond in the sunlight. His graceful and masculine lines made him an awe inspiring sight to behold.

  Cage returned his sights to the ship saying “Someone go get the ship’s mess prepped and ready. The rest of you, sharpen your knives and get ready for a filling meal.” This gained many smiles.

  “Love, what are you doing?” Brooke asked.

  “If you look closely at the water you can see this whole area teeming with fish. I’m going to give all of them a filling meal. Since fish is a rare treat for the people on the plains, I will give them a feast.” He went to walk towards the aft when there came a golden archway and a moment later Megdline and Frill stepped out. She leaned heavily on her staff. “Hey Granny, how are the other’s doing?”

  “There were more wounded than I suspected. Some had deep wounds that would have killed if they were beaten just one more time. I also told everyone we’ll guide them back home. They want to meet you and give thanks. But they too have bare minimum supplies… I see you’ve gathered water from the ocean. Thought you might. I didn’t have the strength to do it, especially after healing the wounded. It has been a long time since I’ve used so much inner strength. I need to conserve what I’ve stored for later…” Her grey eyes caught Daku flying away. “Where is he heading?”

  “Firewood.” Cage simply stated. “I’m going fishing. You better get off your feet, Granny. I’ll take over for a few hours.” She nodded and Cage dropped to sit on his heels to look Frill in the eye and noticed his fur clean of all blood. “And you, how are you feeling? If I didn’t believe Granny saying you couldn’t die I would have sworn you would be after what happened. Any lingering effects?”

  Frill shook his head. “None, but this is the fourth time I’ve been hurt that badly because of a fight. I don’t count having an unaware dragon stomp me flat as a defeat. Let me tell you, that hurt. Never stand in a dragon’s path. But I am whole again. No pain lingers. If you find a fish, get me a fat one’s liver.”

  Cage smiled and gave Frill a pat before walking over to the group tying the rope to a harpoon. Children stared openly as he passed for he was the tallest on the ship, easily. Adults smiled and he hears a few ‘Thank you for saving us.’ and other grateful comments. He nodded and returned smiles. They were wary and didn’t come within reach because of his abilities, but they knew he is their savior from a life of servitude and certain death. One young man barely in his twenties offered the six foot long harpoon with a firmly secured rope tied around a ring at the base. “Just to be sure, tie the other end to the aft of the ship.” He found their confusion and realized they didn’t understand. “The back. The back of the boat. If I get something you all cannot bring in you’ll need something to fall back on.”

  He walked with a group of fifteen with Brooke and the others following. Two men tied the end around a secure post and gasped as Cage gripped the harpoon and ran to the railing, planted a foot on it and yelled “Yahoo!” while doing a powerful back flip and spearing himself headfirst into the cool Jamma Ocean. He resurfaced feeling revitalized and laughed at the rapidly filling aft with heads staring at him. They all thought he was going to fish from the deck. Where is the fun in that? He thought as the boat kept slowly sailing away. Someone with the right idea, threw the remaining rope overboard and its length verses the speed of the boat was quickly estimated he had less than a minute before being dragged.

  Air filled his lungs a moment before he submerged himself. The rich blue water revealed another world filled with life. The sea floor was hard to see from the depths, but large fish, sharks and all manner of aquatic wildlife flew everywhere. A pod of curious dolphins began clicking while they danced around the stranger. Cage smiled, but knew his time grew short. He spotted a marlin and a large school of tuna swimming without concern and knew there was just enough rope and time. Magic went into the barbed harpoon and he threw it at the tuna. Its speed rocketed towards the target, bubbles trailing in its sharp wake with line. The harpoon speared the tu
na through the neck perfectly, but then Cage turned the harpoon without slowing it down in the slightest and managed to stab through the gills of the marlin a half second before the line snapped taught, dragging the catch. Cage went for the surface and conjured the gliding spell beneath his feet. He surged out of the water and looked to be standing on its surface. He yelled to the ship “BRING IT IN! I’LL HEL P THE OTHERS!”

  He skated to the next boat who eagerly awaited his approach. Someone lowered a rope ladder and Cage climbed it. He pulled himself on deck to be warmly greeted by pats on the back, especially by another Chieftain by the look of his green bead at the end of his row. The man smiled to ask “You are the Utala chief that fought to rescue us?” Cage nodded. “I am chief of the Bamana tribe. I wish to thank you openly, Brother.” The man was large and scarred all over, a testament to surviving a hard life, but he remained youthful an strong. The Bamana chief offered an open hand in greeting and Cage was glad Brooke taught him customs of a chief greeting another in friendship and Cage pressed his open palm against the other chief’s offered hand. The man asked “Magic Man, why did you go swim when you showed us you walk on foul tasting water?”

  “I hear you are short on food. I’m here to fix that problem. Find another harpoon and tie it to a long rope and I’ll let you all eat properly…” The other chief nodded for some of his people to see it done. “And how much water do you have? My strength is limited right now, but if you cannot wait till tomorrow I make some fresh for everyone.”

  “No, we have two day’s worth on this boat. Is there anything you need to repay our life debt?” the chieftain asked.

  “Not at the moment. But since you all are going to have a fill of fish, do you have any fruit or vegetables aboard? I cannot eat meat and hardtack isn’t the best food there is.”

  “I believe there is a sack of apples in a room where food is prepared. If you get us fish you can have the fruit.”

  “Then give me a minute to rest and one to eat meanwhile.” Cage sat down right there without any further warning and heard the other chief snap his fingers.

  “Is it also true that the Utala are leaving the plains for good? That magic woman who healed us said this. Is it true?”

  “Yes, my tribe have all left the plains. That land will be up for grabs, but I hope that the villages share it and not act like greedy children over a toy. If I hear anything about a war among the tribes over a piece of land I’ll return and spank everyone’s ass just like a spoiled child.” Cage warned calmly.

  “Surely you would not care what happens if you’ve left the land?”

  “I do not give a damn about the land. Losing lives over it will piss me off.”

  “I understand now. Well you can have peace that the Bamana will honor the warning. Whatever remains of the other tribes I will take upon myself to work with the other villages and seek a solution. I do not want to anger a man who could fight a city to free us.” The other chief smiled and Cage saw sincerity in it.

  Not a minute later Cage looked up as a person arrived with an armful of apples and gave him one. The first bite was rich and juicy. By the time he was half finished he looked up when someone gasped and all the men backed away. Cage stood to watch Daku flying in their direction and gracefully landed beside his partner. He opened his beak to say “You worried your mate who told me to do this.” His long, articulating white tail whipped around to lightly smack Cage’s backside. Daku laughed. “Your female can be mean. She said if I didn’t she’d pluck my feathers.”

  “Sounds like her.” Cage laughed. He turned to the frightened others and asked “Do you have enough spare wood to cook the fish?”

  “Yes.” A woman said.

  “Good. Tie the other end of the rope to the af… I mean the end of the boat. When it pulls tight, reel in your next meal.” Cage picked up the shorter and stockier harpoon and the bag of apples. “Hey Daku, can you take this back to our ship? These are mine.” Daku nodded and took the bag before flying off. Cage moved and went for another swim, harpooning one huge tuna within range.

  As night began to approach Cage returned to the lead ship and climbed on deck. Daku and Brooke were the first to greet him. She said “You scared me. I must admit though, those fish were hard to pull in. Especially that one with the long lance on its face. It took nearly every adult to pull the pair in. Look at what it has done.” She stepped away so he could see smiling faces on everyone, especially the children. Each one had a full belly with enough remaining for two more days. The smiles were hopeful, something he aimed for with his intentions.

  Before he could witness anything else, every child aboard rushed to him and hugged his legs or his waist. Their excited voices mingled together as their full bellies rekindled their spirits. The adults laughed with Cage as he struggled from the abundant affection while using restraint to not knock them back. His eyes met Brooke’s smug expression and knew this is her doing. He didn’t even say a word, for having children smile again wasn’t worth making a scene. Eventually the young ones quieted and went back to their families.

  Cage decompressed with his own group and half hears all the questions Megdline and Frill had for Daku. Because his diamonds were practically empty he widened the draw they took from him to take nearly everything constantly regenerating. It made for a much slower recovery, but having nothing to fall back on would be a problem. He spoke for a few more hours with Zatal, Moril and Lanna and smiled as he got an answer to why Meeka was taken and forced to sit with the dog Familiar and was glad she kissed the fool appraiser before he raped her. She did as he once told her might happen and it did come to pass.

  Yawning for the tenth time, Cage said “We better get some sleep, all of us.”

  “I am not tired, Chief.” Zatal said and stood. “I will keep watch while all of you sleep. If I see anything I will wake you.”

  Cage nodded and found Brooke unrolling the fur right there on the deck. She said “Come sisters, there is plenty of room for us all.”

  “A fur! I almost forgot how good one feels.” Lanna said as she rubbed her hands across the soft bedding of treated hide. Cage got up and laid down on the edge. Sean climbed in and Brooke sandwiched the boy between them. The two female warriors groaned with pleasure as they both climbed atop it and lay down.

  “May I join in the nest as well?” Daku asked, looking down at all of them.

  “Sure. Get smaller first.” Cage said.

  The griffin smiled before shrinking right before their very eyes. From the size of a large lion, the Familiar became as small as a newborn kitten that fit in the palm of Cage’s hand. The voice was quieter, but retained the same powerful quality. “How is this? My smallest form is half this size.”

  “You are small enough, My Friend.” Cage reached over and picked Daku up and transferred him atop his own chest. The weight was less than a pound and even tiny, the griffin gave off comforting warmth. Daku found it a good place and curled himself in a ball with his head pointed in his human’s direction before falling deep asleep. Cage didn’t last much longer and went out like a light.

  Chapter 14

  Biological clocks can be reliable if a strict routine is maintained and Cage had always been able to wake at dawn. Even without birds chirping or the scurrying of animals, he found his eyes opening to a whole new day. Warmth and a cool sea breeze welcomed him upon this calm morning. To his right lay Sean’s head clutched between his mother’s large bosom, his small back to her front acted like some long pillow. The two seemed at peace. Moril lay with an arm draped over her priestess’s hip while Lanna lay sprawled out and looked rather comical as she snored. To his left lay Megdline and Frill snuggled together on her bedroll. But upon his chest remained Daku, sleeping soundly. Cage smiled and he looked upon his bare chest before slowly and lightly petting his Familiar. Daku, in a deep and quiet slumber, seemed to enjoy the petting and purred lightly like every cat he ever knew. The sound was calming and the vibrations tickled slightly.

  My Familiar? He asked
internally. So much happened yesterday it is difficult to organize in a linear way, but I will never forget seeing you and feeling unequivocally accepted that first time I tried summoning. You might be male, but I’ve never seen a being more beautiful than you… except maybe Brooke and Meeka. But you are alone and I know exactly how you feel. Even among my own kind I can’t truly fit in. Many look at me as they do you, when they learn more about me that is. Cage smiled while feeling the softness of his newest friend. But it feels like I’ve known you my whole life yet I really know squat…

  Daku’s eyed fluttered as the delicate caress along his spine gently roused him. Those sharp blue eyes, no matter their current size, were mystifying, teasing and commanding. They were the eyes of a leader who’s seen many years all alone. They softened as he smiled and his human partner returned it. “I like waking not alone.” Daku’s soft words seemed to be near what Cage actually thought.

  “Same here.” Cage replied and watched as his Familiar uncoiled himself. Daku at first stretched like a cat, with his hind end sticking up and arms stretched, nails biting into Cage’s chest rather uncomfortably. Then the pearly wings also stretched before sitting on his haunches. He then looked around.

  Only a dozen stood and remained awake, obviously seasick, but each were looking at the brightening horizon. Many of the freed villagers slept right on the deck because there were bad memories of being shackled below when nearly all of them were transported to Bepop. Most of the sailors were likely sleeping below, under heavy guard. It was a good reversal, teaching some who didn’t realize how terrifying being a slave is. A few seagulls flew with the ships, looking for scraps. Clear sky overhead was welcome for it hadn’t rained nor had the looks it would for many hours to come. Fresh air from the east invigorated the body.

  Since Daku also seemed to be one who wake’s quickly and permanently, Cage cupped his hand meaningfully and Daku understood. The Familiar climbed up on the hand and held still as Cage extracted himself off the fur, not making any noise or rousing his son or mate. In a fluid motion, Cage stood and transferred Daku to his left shoulder while slowly walking over towards Zatal as the warrior stood guard over the helmsman. It was slow moving as he had to navigate around sleeping bodies scattered all over the ship’s deck. While he walked Daku commented “It has been a very long time since anyone carried me. I prefer to fly, but this is quaint.”


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